//------------------------------// // 9-The Castle // Story: My little Sunspot // by LSTS Connor //------------------------------// 9-The Castle It was finally time for me to leave. Those few more days were finally over and today was the day for me to leave this godforsaken room. After several days of being stuck in one single room, I was in a dire need for a change of scenery. Also, I have developed a whole new respect for anyone who has had to ever deal with being unable to walk. Not being able to use the bathroom without some assistance was quite embarrassing. I’m pretty sure the fur covering my face now has a permanent red tint due to how humiliating it was. During that experience, another important thing became known. I did not have a cutie mark on my hip. The only thing there was an orange patch of fur that was shaped like an ink splotch similar to Nightmare Moon’s or Luna’s. But let's move on from that and head on over to the interesting bits such as finally being discharged from this hospital. The day started out like any other day in this room after Celestia’s visit: face down, squished into a book that was as comfortable as it was exciting to read. That book made this short stay a thousand times more bearable than if I were left to my own devices. I would have continued to snooze in said position, nuzzling this book if it hadn’t been for the door to my room being abruptly opened, followed by the voice of one extremely cheerful solar princess. “Good morning, my little pony!” Now let me make one thing clear. I may be in the body of the Solar Empress known as Daybreaker but I was the dictionary definition of ‘not a morning person’ also considering the fact that it was 6 am and the sun had just risen, I was barely conscious. So with as much energy as I could muster, I raised my head up from the book and tried to respond. “Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” That was all I was able to get out before I face-planted back into the book asleep again, only to jolt up again due to hitting the book with more force than expected. Now with a sore nose and looking thoroughly like I had been dragged through a hedge, Celestia threw the curtains wide open, illuminating the room while also unintentionally blinding me for several seconds as my draconic eyes adjusted to the light. With any future plans of getting some more sleep thrown out of the window, I began my process of waking up fully, no matter how much I wanted to just pass out. So stretching myself out and giving off a yawn, I looked towards Celestia who just grabbed the wheelchair from the corner of the room and brought it over to my bedside. Next thing I know I’m floating through the air covered in a golden aura right onto said wheelchair. “Let's go get you some breakfast. I’m sure you must be quite hungry.” Said Celestia as she began wheeling me out of the room. While leaving, the first thing that came to mind was: ‘Wait, this isn't a hospital’ then after several seconds of processing, another thing hit me: ‘Why does this look strangely familiar?’. As my brain was finishing it's starting up process and began to connect the dots. Seeing the guards standing in front of the door only confirmed what I had been thinking. I was in Canterlot, Canterlot Castle specifically, which actually explained a lot. As for the past few days, the only ponies that ever entered my room were Celestia and Scarlet. Now with my brain fully rebooted and no longer fuzzy, I fully grasped the situation I was most likely being wheeled towards. I was in Canterlot castle where the pony that almost killed me lived and worked. Yeah, being that close to certain death all this time and not even knowing it until this point was not what this morning needed. And now there I was, being pushed to Celestia knows where (because she most likely did as I highly doubt she needed me for her morning stroll through the castle) in the one place in all of Equestria where miss ‘Crippled a child’ lives and could run into her at any point during this trip towards wherever Celestia was bringing me to have some breakfast. I needed to slow things down right now! “Ok, ok, wait, slow down,” I say putting my hands up, turning my head to face Celestia. She took on a quizzical expression and brought us to a standstill. “Is something wrong?” asked Celestia concerned while moving in front of the wheelchair and getting down to my level. “A-p-ttt pfff...Yes!” I sputtered out unable to comprehend how Celestia didn't think it was a good idea not to tell me that we were in the one place I didn't want to be anywhere near. “First why didn't you tell me we were in your castle where your sister—who tried to kill me might I add—also lives!? I would very much like to get as far away as possible from her!” I say in a mixture of anger and fear. Because of Luna’s actions in the first place, I am stuck in this wheelchair and unable to even feel my own legs. I did not want to be in the same timezone as her let alone the same castle. Seeing my reaction, Celestia sighed. “I understand that you are afraid of my sister. I would be too if she did the same to me. But there is no need to worry about Luna hurting you from now on. I have made sure of that.” Hearing that response did calm me down a little but I was still quite worked up. No matter how much Celestia would try to get me to calm down I just still couldn’t get over the fact that Luna could have just decided to come finish the job. But eventually, after quite a bit of reassurance from the solar princess that Luna wasn't going to hurt me anymore, we continued towards breakfast. Now that all of that was mostly out of the way I was able to truly appreciate the beauty that was Canterlot castle. This castle really was something else, almost every other surface was made of gold. And here I thought that the old castle in the everfree forest was the best-looking thing I had ever seen, well turns out I was off by a factor of a thousand. This castle was seriously beautiful, I am about 90% sure that a single wall of this castle is worth more than my house back home and that was just a random corridor. If the throne room or dining room were built just like this… Then I might very well faint from sheer beauty overload. That of course would never happen as I am not that easily overwhelmed by beauty, unlike some ponies. *cough* Rarity *cough* *Ahem* Sorry about that back to the story now where were we again….Ah yes, so back to me being wheeled towards the promised breakfast after being reassured by Celestia. The trip was fairly short and we soon arrived in front of a door that I guessed either led to the dining room or the kitchen. But considering the fact that the door was massive and partially built out of gold, my money was on the former. The door was surrounded by a golden aura as it was swung open revealing an incredibly long table in the center of the room, confirming that this was in fact the dining room. And woah let me tell you, this is truly an awe-inspiring dining room. With ceilings as high as small buildings with walls that seemed to radiate the feeling of royalty. The walls contained beautiful murals of different landscapes and constellations. Hanging from the ceiling was a single chandelier that seemed to glow with a golden hue. As we entered the room fully another thing entered my field of vision. Hanging just above the door we entered through was the flag of Equestria. This room really was something else. Next thing I know Celestia has brought me over to the table in the center of the room where a place seemed to have been set for me. Celestia then took a seat at the end of the table right next to me as her horn lit up slightly. The sound of the door opening came as several servants entered the room. One of the servants was pushing a cart which was absolutely filled to the brim with food into the room. The staff acted quite wary about me and seemed scared to approach me, but after a quick word from Celestia they then began to distribute the food across the table and my god the food looked divine. There was everything from sandwiches to salads even some pancakes as well. The table was quickly set by the staff and as soon as I saw Celestia start to dig in I began as well. I went and took one of the pancakes and took a bit out of it. The flavor that exploded in my mouth was equivalent to that of a nuke going off in my mouth. Now I’ve had some good food back home and I still think that the beef my mother cooked every Sunday is the best thing since sliced bread but these pancakes were simply divine. Eating those pancakes did bring up an important question though: ‘Could I still eat meat?’ I mean I had fangs that clearly weren't there for show, I figured that out the hard way when biting my lips drew blood. So could I still eat meat? Would that even be allowed in this herbivorous society? How will I get my protein if all I can eat is plants? Ok, forget that last one, eggs do still exist in Equestria. I was literally eating pancakes right at that very moment. I would have to ask about that because this body clearly had a reason for these small fangs and I don't want to end back up in the hospital because of a protein deficiency. Other than that, breakfast was a relatively quiet affair. The most dominant sound being the sound of silver cutlery impacting plates. With intermittent small talk about whether the food was good. I think I nodded a little too hard in response to the question because the result of that became known in the form of a small headache. Overall it was a nice and quiet breakfast… Until roughly half an hour in. It started with the sound of a door being opened. And being the curious little idiot I was I foolishly turned my head to look. And consequently met my gaze with one extremely tired lunar princess who did NOT look happy to see me so late in her day. Just as my heart began to skyrocket and my breathing began to quicken my surroundings began to flash between the dining room and the library back in Ponyville. I couldn’t deal with this I couldn’t even bear to look at her without my mind picturing her back in Twilight’s library looking at me with murder in her eyes. I shut my eyes tightly and turned away trying to regain control over my body and mind. Luckily however I wasn’t alone. “*Ahem* Good morning Luna,” Said Celestia with a smile trying to ease the sudden tension in the room. Luna only grunted in confirmation using her horn to levitate a banana towards her before grabbing it out of the air and leaving, shutting the door behind her. Celestia sighed sadly at Luna’s behavior before glancing over towards me just as I got my breathing back under control. “I-Is s-she g-gone?” I barely managed to stutter out. My heart was still racing a mile a minute but was beginning to slow down as I began to take breaths. Celestia noticed the distress I was in and took on a concerned facial expression while reaching out to hold my hand. She didn't say anything but nothing needed to be said. The small comfort of Celestia holding my hand was enough to calm me. After a short while, I spoke up. “Thank you. I-I’m alright now” A small smile crept back onto my face. Celestia smiled back warmly while holding onto my hand a few moments longer. Afterward breakfast had continued in silence, however, it didn't last for that much more as my appetite had disappeared due to my...I think the best way to describe it would be ‘Episode’? Anyway, as we were finishing, Celestia spoke up. “Now that breakfast is out of the way I have some good news.” Began Celestia with a grin, grabbing my attention. “Two days from now, Twilight and her assistant Spike will be coming here to organize this year’s Summer Sun celebration as well as to come and visit you,” She said, now sporting a rather large smile. To say I wasn't smiling as well would be a lie but this news brought up mixed feelings. For one I was happy to get to see Spike again as he was the only one to not act with hostility when we first met but this confirmed where I was in the timeline. This was Twilight's first Summer Sun celebration which meant one thing. Plunder vines. So, knowing that that big of an event was soon about to go down, significantly reduced my enthusiasm for experiencing these next few days. Considering me as the Daybreaker, possessing magic very similar to that of Celesta's, an abduction was highly probable. I mean Twilight still fixes it, but what if this world doesn't follow the show exactly. We already have anthro ponies. What's to say that this time Twilight won’t fix everything, so yeah, tit for tat: get to see Spike again but have to possibly deal with the end of Equestria. Great, just...flippin...Great! Ugh, I swear that Discord was messing with me back then. You ranggggggggg? No...No I did not. Now, can you please leave? I'm in the middle of something right now. Oh, you're no fun! Also no I was not messing with you back then but it certainly was entertaining to watch! Oh goddammit, Discord we maybe “friends” but leave right now, before so help me god, I will tell Fluttershy about a certain incident involving a certain bunny, hmmmmm?! Y-you wouldn't... wait... no….no, you would, ehhh... Toodles! Ha! You should have seen his face, absolutely priceless! Anyway, where were we... ah yes. So after hearing that news I was quite conflicted but otherwise still quite happy about seeing Spike again and a small smile began to form on my face. Noticing my reaction, Celestia’s smile seemed to widen a little as well. “Now that you are no longer required to stay in the medical wing of the castle, would you like to see your new room?” I saw no reason not to but I needed to be sure of something. Celestia must have anticipated my next question and answered it before I could even get the first word out. “Don’t worry, your room isn’t anywhere near Luna’s wing of the castle.” So with my unasked question answered and with literally better to do, we were on our way through the castle and towards my new living quarters for the time being. The trip was relatively short but that was mostly because I kept getting lost in the sights. I mean seriously, these hallways were so heavily decorated it could impress a blind person/pony with its beauty. Really got to give props to the staff and maids that keep the castle so impossibly clean. Throughout my entire stay, I have yet to see even a speck of dust or anything remotely dirty. Eventually, we stopped in front of one of the many identical doors lining the walls. It wasn't anything intricate, it was just a simple wooden door leading to my new room. Well, I mean as intricate a simple wooden door can be in a royal castle. The door was still engraved with some elaborate patterns, making it fit in with its surroundings. The door was momentarily surrounded by Celestia's golden aura as it began to open revealing my new home for the time being. Well, technically this castle is my home for now but it contains Luna, my room doesn't. And for once, throughout my entire stay here, my jaw did not hit the floor when I got my first glimpse of my room. The room was surprisingly simple and not very ‘over the top’ as it were. It was maybe a little bit bigger than the medical room I had been in for the past few days. The first thing I saw before entering the room fully were the windows directly across from the doorway allowing me to get a glimpse of the morning sun, as it was still quite early in the day. When I was fully moved into the room a lot more things became known. The walls, for one, were painted a warm orange making me raise an eyebrow at Celestia’s grin. Pulling my eyes away from the walls, the next thing that caught my attention was the bookshelf to my left which was absolutely filled to the brim with books of every color and type. In the center of the room was my new bed with—of course—an orange quilt and a single large pillow with Celestia’s cutie mark emblazoned on it. Seems like the myths of Trollestia’s existence were true and she went to town on my room. Other than that, the room contained all the essentials: nightstand, desk with a chair against the wall with those windows I was talking about earlier, and the entrance to the bathroom directly to the right of the door to my room. Honestly, seeing this room and not having my nonexistent socks knocked off was a breath of fresh air. Not too posh, not too minimalistic the perfect combination for someone like me as I have never liked to have too much. I’m always fine with enough plus a bit on top so this room was perfect. “This is where you will be staying for the time being. I hope this room is to your liking” Said Celestia with the cheekiest grin I had ever seen in my life plastered across her face. “Uh-huh…” I said, glancing at the cutie mark emblazoned pillow. “It’s nice” Shortly afterward Celestia’s horn began to glow slightly which seemed to bring a sigh from the solar princess. “Duty calls as it seems, so this is where we will have to say goodbye for now.” Said Celestia with a sad smile dominating her features. “No, no, that's completely understandable, you are the princess after all and do have a country to run,” I responded with a smile. “But, uh, quick question...What about Luna?” I asked pensively. “There’s no need to worry about her for the meantime. She sleeps through the day as dream watching is quite tiring.” Celestia answered making her way towards the door. Just as she was about to leave she turned back around to face me and said one final thing before leaving. “In case you need anything just ask the guards outside.” And thus with a smile, Celestia left the room closing the door behind her leaving me to my own devices for the time being. The first thing I did was get a good look at the books contained in the bookshelf. There was a little bit of everything in there, from history to science-fiction. But nothing that I could see really grabbed my attention as the higher shelves were out of my reach due to my condition. So I just grabbed the nearest book about history and brought myself over towards the desk. Moving the chair out of the way took some effort but shortly thereafter I was sitting there happily reading about some random part of Equestrian history. It must have been some part of history that was incredibly boring as otherwise, I would be remembering it right now. Needless to say, I got bored quickly and started to look for something else to do. Moving myself over towards the window I was finally able to get a nice overlook of Equestria. The view was...well let me just say I was left thoroughly breathless. Back home I was never one to go out in nature. Y’know hiking and the like just wasn’t my thing so being able to see such a fantastic view really was something else. But I couldn’t just sit there admiring the view till sunset and my eyes began to wander. Specifically, they began to wander towards the castle gardens just below me. At this point, I haven't been outside in several days and could use some fresh air. And no, an open window does not count in my book as enough fresh air. So with my mind made up to go get some fresh air I made my way towards the door. Opening said door I was met with two alabaster-white unicorn guards wearing golden armor standing on either side. They didn't seem to acknowledge my existence until I decided to speak up. “Um excUse me?” I said my voice squeaking adorably (I still have no idea why the hell my voice decided then to crack must have been the work of a certain god of chaos, no matter how much he denies it). Now that got the attention of the guards. Ok, I was expecting several things but getting glomped by one of the canterlot guards famous for their stoicism was not one of them. Luckily however it was just one of them the other just seemed to shake his head disapprovingly. “Oh aren't you just the cutest thing!” was what was said by the guard currently hugging me so tightly that oxygen was starting to become a rare commodity. “Ack!...can’t...breathe” And just as my face started to gain a hint of blue I was saved by the other guards pulling his partner off of me. “That’s enough Sky. Let her breathe.” Said the now identified male guard in a tone that offered no argument. Looking down at the now blue-tinted alicorn in her arms the guard named sky yelped and quickly let go of me letting me finally taste that sweet sweet oxygen. “Oh, I’m so so sorry. But the way your voice squeaked I just couldn’t help myself. Ain’t that right Brightburn?” Said Sky smiling looking towards her now named partner. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I swear if you weren't fresh out of basic I would have you sent right back to the academy” At that response, her smile seemed to falter a little and was about to respond but I beat her to it. “No *cough* no it’s fine, better reaction than I expected to be honest. I mean you have seen my face right?” I ask, gesturing towards my head. ”The whole draconian eyes, small fangs I was thinking more along the lines of threatening me not, uhh, hugging me. So, uh, thank you... for that” I say with a small smile “Also you really don’t have to be all serious with me” “Oh thank Celestia!” Said the newbie visibly relaxing as if some invisible weight were lifted of her shoulders. Brightburn didn’t seem to visibly react, still wearing the stoic guard look. “The name’s Sky Rose but my friends just call me Sky. Also, there is really no reason to worry about your appearance. You look just like the Thestrals in Luna’s night-guard. ” Said Sky holding out her hand. I, of course, shook it. “Jolyne, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” What? who said I couldn’t be polite. “And this is my superior, Brightburn,” she said nodding her head towards the still stoic guard. I mean seriously, he was so still I honestly thought he was just a statue. Brightburn just grunted in acknowledgment. “Hello, nice to meet you.” No reaction ...Aaaaand cue the awkward silence. Luckily however it didn’t last long as the silence was broken by Sky clearing her throat. *Ahem* “Now that that’s out of the way what can we help you with?” Asked Sky, bringing my brain back to the reason as to why I was out here in the first place. “Oh, yeah. Well, I was looking to get some fresh air so is it possible for us to go to the castle gardens. And maybe just get a tour of the castle?” I ask nervously. Sky then looked over towards her superior who seemed to think it over. Brightburn in turn simply nodded after several seconds gesturing for Sky to grab me and to follow him. Well, she didn't grab me perse but the wheelchair began to glow a light blue as well as her horn as they began to lead the way towards the castle gardens. The trip was, as per usual, relatively short with my attention completely focused on everything Sky was saying. Sky had taken the opportunity to make herself my impromptu tour guide and was just telling me random facts about the Canterlot while also pointing out any and all important landmarks in this massive castle. Eventually though, we had made our way through the castle with minimal difficulties with most of the maids we ran into moving out of the way seemingly scared to approach me. Again, I couldn’t really blame them but there were a few maids who put on a sympathetic expression when seeing my condition. Some of them even smiled and waved. It must be like what Sky said earlier with me looking like a thestral and were thus used to seeing somepony with said features. But soon we had finally arrived at one of the many entrances to the castle gardens outside. As we entered through the door I was finally able to get a deep breath of some fresh air. Ah, even thinking back on it now, it still feels just as refreshing as it was in reality. And that's not even including the lovely smell of flowers that also permeated throughout the gardens. We then went on a small stroll following the various paths into the garden itself. Our walk was a quiet one all of just enjoying the relaxing scenery. From arches made of flowers to patches containing massive sunflowers. This garden just radiated a feeling of peace and tranquility. I don’t know how long we were out there but as with all good things it had to come to an end. And that came in the form of a stomach rumble. I blushed whilst Sky giggled slightly. Brightburn didn’t seem to react visibly. “I think it’s time for us to go find you some lunch” Began Sky with a cheerful smile present on her face. With a blush still present on my face I nodded. Sky looked over towards Brightburn who nodded in turn as we began to make our way back into the castle. The trip through the castle didn't take very long other than a small delay when we reached some stairs because of my wheelchair but our trip went smoothly thereafter. Said problem, however, was quickly solved through the power of Telekinetic-Magic-Of-Convenience™. God, I really had to get that ring off soon as I truly wanted to get some use out of my horn as right then it was more of a nuisance than anything else. Because when trying to fall asleep it kept poking different objects which seriously felt weird. It felt kinda like having your entire skeletal structure vibrate. Ugh, this gives me shivers just thinking about it and no matter how much I try, I still get this weird feeling while going to sleep! But the ability to use magic is still a worthwhile trade no matter how annoying this horn can be. Soon though, we had arrived back at the familiar doors of the dining room from this morning. I could already faintly smell the freshly cooked food sitting on the table through the door. My stomach growled once again in anticipation as the door was pulled open. Celestia was already sitting at the table, with her motherly smile once her eyes found me as I was brought towards the already set table. What followed next was one of if not the best salad I had ever eaten in my life. I swear if it weren't for the manners my parents jackhammered into my soul I would have been moaning in bliss. But other than that nothing really interesting happened. Celestia and I did have a nice conversation about what has happened throughout our day so far. I have already told you about mine but Celestia’s… Man, I do not envy her. Apparently, the nobles were throwing a ‘hissy fit’ (her words not mine) and it's made her day as well as her entire week up until this point incredibly frustrating. I now know what those nobles were complaining about, but back then all I did was be glad I didn't have to deal with the nobility of Equestria. Once lunch was eaten and cleaned away I decided to head back to my room and do some more reading. More precisely if there are any books about magic I'll be reading those to get at least an idea about how magic worked here. I mean, what's so bad about learning magical theory instead of actually practicing magic? That was my line of logic anyway, being able to at least see how magic works without actually using it. Plus it could give me a bit of a head start whenever Celestia decides to remove the ring on my horn. So with a small goodbye Sky, Brightburn, and I were on our way back towards my room. After a few minutes, we had arrived back in front of my room. Brightburn stood next to the door all professional whilst Sky brought me inside. Just as she was about to head back to her post I quickly grabbed her attention and sheepishly asked to see if there were any books about magic on the higher shelves as I couldn't reach them from my wheelchair. Sky laughed slightly before scanning through the bookshelf looking for anything magic related. After several seconds of searching a frown appeared on Sky’s face. “Ah, sorry kiddo but I don't see anything here about magic.” Said Sky looking over the shelf a second time before sighing. “Nope, nothing.” “Oh… Well, is there anything else interesting up there? Maybe a Daring Doo book?” I ask hopefully. Unfortunately, all my plans for the afternoon out the metaphorical window and there I was looking forward to learning a little magic. Sky then took one last look before smiling whilst grabbing a book from the highest shelf. She then tossed it onto my lap allowing me to see which book she had grabbed for me. It was ‘Daring Doo and the Marked Thief of Marapore’, another classic in the daring do series in my opinion. “Thank you,” I say with a smile. Sky smiled as well before making her way back to her post closing the door behind her leaving me alone in the room. I then made my way back towards the desk, the book from this morning still sitting there. I positioned my wheelchair across from the window and began reading for hours on end and before I knew it the sun was beginning to set outside and there came knocking at my door. “Yes?” I call out in a yawn rubbing my eyes. My gaze was still focused on the book in front of me. “I’ve come to inform you that dinner is being served and Princesses wanted to see if you were attending or not” ‘Wait ‘Princesses’? As in Celestia and Luna? Nope nope Noppitty nope nope nope!’ Was basically my thought process after hearing that from the maid sent to get me. “Um is it ok if I skip dinner? I’m not really hungry” I say apologetically. In reality, I was in fact quite hungry but no matter what, I did not want to see Luna right now or ever. I could barely even look at her this morning before having an ‘Episode’. The maid simply smiled before nodding and leaving me to my own devices once again. I then went back to my book for roughly half an hour longer before the Sun was replaced with the Moon in the sky signaling to me that it was time to call it a night. So, after some effort to make myself ready for bed in the bathroom, I wheeled myself over to the bed and again with a little bit of effort, I climbed onto it and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.