The Heart of a Derpy Ditzy

by Derpybrony890

A True True Friend Is a Friend In Deed

I closed my eyes and breathed in a calming breath of air... to which I groaned heavily and angrily along with certain amounts of screaming involved. I needed to get that out for a long while. Soon my pupils were glued to the starry night, as a cool winter breeze wafted over my wings. It had been only a couple of weeks, and I was alone for now. I could see Shadow Heart with Whooves all the time. And each time he looked more indignant. One time I had felt that he was going to completely blow and commit some crime! It wasn’t good for him, or me. Exams are almost here and I am trying my best just to pay attention and not think of what that monster is doing to my friend. And also trying not to spit acid at my jealousy. I knew Doctor would never like Shadow Heart, even a little bit, as he had kept telling me every moment that we had to just say one sentence for each other, but yet there was that nagging pain (small, but enough) that made me think my nightmare would come true and that he would start thinking she was better than she seemed. And it terrified me.

The stars twinkled and I sighed. I was on the hill that I loved so much, ever since I came here with Doctor, I had come here every time I needed to think. things at the house aren’t too different, Daydream and I talk some more but not usually. I had noticed that she was getting a bit bigger. And she needed to eat more. Not to mention that she was angry at almost everything at one point, then sad another. I began to grow suspicious, I tried to think of the symptoms but stopped as the first thought that came to my head. Why would Daydream EVER do something like that. she may not be so bright, but she does at least have very little common sense.

I soon stopped my thinking of her and just cleaned my brain from those thoughts, if she didn’t say anything then it may not be important. I didn’t budge. All that was on my mind was Shadow Heart's abomination of a plan, I knew that it was hopeless to fight with her, but there was a growing part of me that wanted to punch her muzzle till it bled out! I breathed in, no, you can't think like this, Doctor said that he had it all under control, and I believe him. Besides, it has only been about two weeks, I’m sure this will last one more and then Shadow Heart will be with another stallion that fits her needs better.

I didn’t believe that for every syllable.


As the end of the fourth week came, my anxiety grew enormous. I know Whooves said that he would see me again sometime, but so far I have only seen him briefly after school before Shadow Heart came up and literallyshoved me out of the way. My heart ached for him. While he may not have been seeing me that often, I was looking at him, and every time, my heart grew more and more disappointing. Every time, he had a look that meant he wished that this continuous nightmare would end already. And they were also having a lot of fights that I could hear (in fact I almost wondered if he was doing that on purpose), it wasn’t until one conversation I heard in the empty halls that I almost stood up for him.

“Why do you always have to see them,” Shadow Heart said in resentment.

“Because they are my friends and I have a right to see them,” Whooves answered in full vexation.

“Well while you keep seeing them, you spend less time with me, and that was the deal wasn’t it! You spend more time with me, and I won’t tell daddy what he thought he saw.”

“So what do you have to ruin my friend's lives now!”

“I am not ruining them, I am making them better. Any life who hasn’t known me is not a life worth living.”

“the opposite of that is more accurate,” Whooves said through his teeth.

“I think they are getting in the way, you clearly know how to get away from me, with your smarty tart brain and all that, so here is what I propose, you see them only when I say, and spend more time with me, and I will keep my mouth shut. does that sound fair,” Shadow Heart said with a maniacal smile.

I was red with anger, I wanted to march right up to her pretty little lying face and yell such harsh words. I was so peeved! I took a step, only to be stopped by another being.

“Don’t try it, believe me, I would too if I could, but I know that it would just cause her to be irritable and make it worse for him.”

I jumped with fright as I heard the voice and looked at by me and saw a light cream coated stallion with large glasses and an orange mane that looked frazzled. I could tell he was a nerd, but that didn’t matter to me, all I knew was that he was eavesdropping as I was, and seemed to care about Doctor as much as me, so he must be a friend of Whooves. And I was happy to finally be meeting one.

“Why does she have to be like this, what did he do to deserve this? I wish I could just take her to a pit of fire and see her burn with a smile on my face!” I said as if acid was coming out of my mouth.

“You must be Ditzy then, a good pleasure to be met with your acquaintance. My name is Atom.”

“Oh, uh, hi… Atom, how did you know who I am?”

“Are you kidding me? Half the time I hear Turner talk it is always about how ‘brilliant’ you are, he also said a few of the things that are going on between you two,”

I began to blush he talks about me? Does that mean… maybe not, he may just want me to make a few more friends. “Something is going on?”

“Yeah, he told me about a few problems at home, and now with this going on… you must have a lot on your mind.” Atom said with a sympathetic face.

I smiled, I knew that the nerds weren’t mean, they just didn’t socialize with many ponies other than their kind. I wonder if they accept dorks to be their kind? I had thought for the first time. I noticed that with my talking I hadn’t even realized that Shadow Heart and Whooves were gone. I was about to go as well before I realized that his friend had stayed there.

“you know, you and he have a lot in common,”

I turned to face him, “Really? How so?”

“Well for one, you two seem to be smart, I am almost surprised that you haven’t been told this, we all seem to agree.”


“Yeah me and my friends, hasn’t he told you about us?”

“A bit, but not much, I guess he may be worried that I wouldn’t like you and we would get into a lot of fights, though that is strictly erroneous, I believe that if anypony is like him, then they must be special,” I said with a bit of red in my cheeks before I realized that I had mentioned my crush in front of a stranger that knew him completely.

He eyed me wondrously, “Well you certainly know your vocabulary. Sorry for the eyeing, it just amazes me that you know such high words. No offense.” he said backing up just in case I might strike. I only laughed.

“None took, I have heard worse things than what you aforementioned, most are not convenient to your understandings of intellectual mocking,” I said cheekily. I knew it was bragging, but I get to brag a bit in my life once in a while, don’t I?

Atom stared at me with more surprising faces. I could see a sparkle in his eyes, and without the glasses, I could see that he had on green eyes. They were very bright and brought out a lot in his coat, but they were nothing like the gorgeous blue Doctor Whooves had.

“Hey, I didn’t surprise you too much did I?” I said waving a hoof to his face. He still had a glimmer in his eyes, I was beginning to get worried. I thought about just moving away slowly but Atom soon recovered before I got the chance.

“Wow, you are just… wow! Why hasn’t anypony else talked about you?”

I blushed at his compliment, not many ponies I know in this school talk to me. And usually, when they do it is a rude comment or a pass by. I haven’t carried this much conversation since I had met Whooves.

“Thank you for the compliment, and I would love to talk more, but I think I might be late for class if I stay here, but I do hope to see you again, you seem like a nice pony to hang out with,” I said backing up, I felt like I had made a friend, sure it was Doctor's friends, but still, it was nice to see that sompony else could see how "brilliant" I was.

“Well it is almost lunchtime, my friends would love to hear you talk some more, why not join us?”

I stopped and stared, it wasn’t that I was uncomfortable sitting with other ponies at lunch, but it was that I didn’t want Doctor Whooves to feel left out. I knew where he was sitting all the time. And before this whole debacle, he asked me to join him and his friends, but most days I spend my lunch in the library, it was the second safest place that I could go to. And yet, here was a colt who could tell that I was more than I seem to be and wanted me to sit with him and his friends all just to see what it was like to have a conversation with a mare. The more I thought, the better the offer sounded.

“That sounds wonderful, where do you guys meet at?” I asked, just to make sure that it wasn’t just the lunchroom.

“Well we don’t necessarily meet in the lunch area,” knew it! “we actually meet somewhere else instead,”

“and that is…”


The door opened and I was greeted by a dark room with illuminated lighting. I could see neon shades of lamps that were chemically combined, it all made sense for a science lab, and I could see two other ponies playing around with an alchemy set.

“hey Bio, Kindle, I got somepony here that you may want to meet,”

I was brought up to two stallions who looked at me with confusion, almost as confused as I was.

“H-hello,” I said through my embarrassment. I hated to be in the bright white spotlight.

One of the colts came up to my face. It was dark, so I couldn’t see what his real coat looked like, but I could tell that it was some dark shade of blue. I could also see that he was a pegasus like me, and his eyes were the brightest purple. So bright I almost thought that they were glow- no… they are glowing! I was getting really uncomfortable. Finally, he backed up and nodded. I was stunned.

The other came up with a bright smile. He was a yellow orangish type of pony (he seemed a lot like the blue colt), and he was also a unicorn. With blue eyes like the doctors, only they were much brighter, and like the first stallion's, and they also glowed as well. They both looked at me, I was on the verge of just screaming and getting out of there, but Atom stopped me.

“Don’t worry, they are just seeing if you aren’t a threat,”

“A threat to what exactly?” I asked the two stallions.

“Don’t you see all around you? Millions of trillions of glass beakers and tubes are filled with chemicals that could burn you at the stake! And with your eye condition, we need to know that you won’t bump into anything.” The colt with the purple eyes said.

“oh don’t worry about that, my structure may look a little clumsy, but I assure that my limbs are better suited. I may not be able to see much of where I am going, but that doesn’t mean that I bump into everything. I promise to be careful though. Does that make your stress go away?” I said trying to see if I can talk my way out of this.

“Well you seem like a mare who keeps her word,” the bright blue-eyed one said, still eyeing me skeptically, “but be sure to stay away from the red bottles. Those are special.”

And they both went back to their alchemy set leaving me in a scramble. I had a lot of weird first impressions, but that had to be the weirdest. No wonder these guys don’t come to lunch. They must freak everypony out! I thought.

“Well that happened,” I said getting rid of the scene that had just occurred, “mind telling me what has these two so occupied?”

“Well they both are trying to work on a new elixir that could make something walk on water,” Atom said.

“oh, almost like potions?” I asked, thinking of Zecora. When I had always come to her hut, she always had something in that pot of hers, and every time it was something amazing.

“Well sort of, but they don’t like their work to be called ‘potions’ they say that there is a difference, but I can't see it.”

I looked at the two stallions, they were both hard at work combining elements and watching the colors change. I looked at their eyes. Did they do that to themselves? I wonder if I can get them to make that for me? It would be cool.

“So what exactly are all of your stories? I mean, you wanted me to come here to meet all of you, so tell me about yourself,” I said as the bright-eyed stallions worked, they seemed to be too busy to answer some of my questions, so that left Atom.

“Well, I knew these guys the minute that they came to this school, I hadn’t had any friends back then, and the only love of my life was molecular structure.”

I stared interested, “oh, you mean like molecules and evolution?”

“Yeah a bit like that, it always amazes me that such big components could be combined by the smallest thing in the universe. And when taken apart it brings new components and structure with the same type of atom!”

“you sound like you want to be some type of pony who always stares at a microscope,” I said in playful laughter.

“Well yes, but that is just me. I have a nice mom and dad, two annoying younger brothers, and a pet dog named scruffy.”

I nodded and looked again at the two stallions, not really looking at their work, but their eyes, “And what about those two?” I finally asked.

“Well, they are… interesting ponies. They are brothers, two beings connected. They both share the same interest. And have related cutie marks. One of a beaker filled with chemicals, and the other a tube with the same chemical. They both have some differences, but mostly they have the same ideas. However, how they get them, is mostly from being neglected. I won't say anything, but they don't exactly have the family that you or I do..." I began to understand why they were so cautious of me, perhaps it did have something to do with my eyes being crossed... or it could be that somepony else is always trying to get rid of them, so they must become fully cautious to anypony that looks or even breaths near the chemicals that they create.

"Oh, so then... what do they want to do exactly? Why do they make all of these incredible things?"

"They both want to make the world better. They try to create life, demise it, or even change it a little bit. I met them when they were trying to make something so that ponies could breathe underwater. And it works! For only about a minute, but still! I had never seen anything like it. We got to talking and soon became friends. now we come here. See what new things that the two can make, and see how to better society.”

I stared shocked. “So, it that why their eyes look kind of like…” I finally asked as I pointed softly.

“Yeah, it was just another experiment, but it went wrong so now their eyes will always glow in the dark. But nothing big happened. They just didn’t put something in or didn’t stir it right. If you stay for a bit it is almost like they aren’t even glowing. I haven’t noticed since you stated it out just now, but they are mocked for it. I believe it to be cool. But others disagree. I guess they just are different in a world of normal ponies,”

“Sounds like a familiar story,” I muttered through my breath. “So why exactly did you bring me here?”

“Well, since Time-Turner is out…” I still wasn’t used to hearing Doctor's name like that, “We wanted to finally get the chance to meet you,” Atom said with a smile that the others drew out. They only did so for a little while before going back to their work.

“Okay? But why? I know that Doc- I mean… Turner, thinks that we are good friends and all, but it still raises a conjecture about why he would think I wouldn’t raise an interest in you?” I said letting my brain rack for a few minutes before I realized that the stallions were eyeing me with interest.

“What?” I asked

“you were right Atom, she really does know more than we thought, and she can think up a few things fast as well,” the colt with the blue eyes said with a very bright smile, probably the brightest smile I had seen him make all day.

I tried to hide my blushing from the compliment, “Oh, I don’t know about that. I mean, yes I do think about a few things quite fast, but mostly I try and stay away from the attention.

“Why?” they all said in unison.

I sighed, they may not understand, but at least they are interested, “Because that just isn’t who I am, I hate to be the center of attention, and when I am, I get all clammy and my eyes cross more than usual. I usually just like to see instead of say, at least then ponies wouldn’t comment or disregard what I have to say.” I said with my head down. I had only met these ponies for a short time, and yet I feel as if they are my new best friends. it is strange when you find ponies who are a lot like you. And I was glad that they had found me.

“Well don’t worry about that, the rest of us are the same as that, we usually stay away from normal conversations because no pony else can understand our scholarly intelligence. Of course, that is just frivolous, we can meet their understanding, we just choose to be better than that." A part of me wondered if they were talking about me, but I put that aside. Why would they invite me here, in this lab for only nerds, just to make fun of me? My eyes hurt after a while and I realized that this was lunchtime and I had no lunch. I was trying to scavenge anything that I could eat. Even a muffin, but no such luck. I guess I forgot to pack something. Scatterbrained as usual. I thought as I sighed. Soon, however, an apple was produced by me and my left eye looked up to see that the unicorn stallion produced an apple. I didn’t know precisely why, but I wasn’t about to refuse.

I took the apple and munched on it softly, almost wishing it was a muffin instead, but still appreciate the offer. After reaching a part of the core, I realized that the colts were stopping with their works and all were looking at me. I began to blush as I saw them all smile at how (and I only say this through observation) ‘cute’ I look. This is probably the first time they have ever seen a female do anything near them.

I finished the apple and tried my best to look at the clock. My eyes "derping" up again as I was brought up as an attention grabber. I saw that it was a minute until the bell rang, and my departure to these weirdos. Nothing offensive of course.

“Well it is almost time for my next class so I think that I will go now,” I said heading out to the door.

“Are you sure you can't stay?” the unicorn stallion (Kindle I think?) said with pleading eyes. I have seen those before, but I just didn’t know where, however, I went out the door and began to push aside that thought. No good in conjuring up ideas, I thought.

“No, sorry… I just really don’t want to be late for class, I do hope you can understand,” I said, hoping that they would let me go.

“Oh we understand, we need to get there ourselves don’t we,” Atom said looking at the blue-eyed unicorn with a bit of aggravation. I decided then and there would be a good time to exit the building.

I was about to close the door when I overheard a conversation they were having, one that might concern me.

“She’s really cute isn’t she,” on of the colts (my only assumption could be who was eyeing me before with pleading eyes.

“Don’t even think about it Kindle, you know she is Turners’ mare,” another said with a sigh. This brought to my attention. His mare? Why am I his mare? And why do they sound sad about it? Who? What? Why!? My brain kept turning cogs on what I was thinking before I heard one speak again.

“Yeah, but they aren’t necessarily dating yet are they?” I may not have seen it, but I could tell that the colt was smirking.

“Even so, you don’t want him to think we stole her after he has tried so hard,”

“but she's so nice! And smart, and beautiful, and we have the same problems going on with our eyes! Who would call that a coincidence.”

“I would! You know she likes him too!”

“Still, she does think that Time doesn’t want us to meet her because she may not like us,” I heard another voice (pegasus colt, Bio-something)

“That’s just it Bioluminescent-“ (a bit strange but okay) “he isn’t afraid that she won't like us, he is afraid she will.”

“you mean he doesn’t want her to like us better than him?” Kindle said in the conversation.

“Yes! Haven’t you figured it out yet? Time Turner doesn’t want us to meet her, (which we already have) because he doesn’t want us to see how incredibly amazing she is, (which we have already seen), and he was afraid that we might like her too (which has already happened apparently!) and she would have to choose!” Atom said.

It was quiet for a long while, so I thought of leaving, but not before I heard those last words from this ‘bioluminescent’

“Give up kindle, you know you had no chance anyhow, what with her look that obviously meant she was into him as well,”

This was beginning to get serious, so I quietly closed the door and made my way. Not being able to think of anything else after hearing what they said.

My mind was so out of reality I bumped into almost everything. Including Doctor.

“Oh are you alright Muffins?” he said with the loving nickname that I smiled over.

“Yes, but what are you doing here?” I asked quizzically.

“Well I don’t have a lot of time, but I am here to say that Shadow Heart had (thank Celestia) gotten detention and will be cleaning up the massive lunchroom for about 4 hours or so. That being said, I have 4 hours all to myself and thought of using it up with the pony I care so much about. Unless of course said pony has anything else on her schedule?” Whooves said with a smile on his face.

I stared shocked, I didn’t know whether to feel really happy or really uncomfortable. On one hoof it would be a great pleasure to be with Doctor for a little while, on the other, I wouldn’t want it to be great and let Shadow Heart find out and yell at us. It was a hard decision, but I knew that it would be best. Besides, we don't have to talk for long.

“Yeah,” I said with a big nod, there were a few places that I knew he and I would be by ourselves, but that still didn’t mean that we were safe.

“Great, mayhap we can meet after school?”

“I would like that, but…” that was all that he needed to hear apparently before he was off into his world. I smiled greatly, it would be nice to just hang out with him after all of this drama.


I waited near a pole of the school flag of Equestria and waited for Doctor, I was beginning to grow suspicious. Why did he suddenly feel like he and I should hang out, is it something important, are we going somewhere fun? Or does he merely want to just sit on a tree and talk about the many problems of the world? Or maybe he heard some good news about this curse of a negotiation? Or bad! No... it won't come down to that I'm sure. Celestia, I really need to talk to somepony.

As I waited, the final bell rang and tons of ponies went out of the school, I looked around seeing how many are outside hanging with their friends. that is until somepony came up to me.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t our favorite mare Derpy Hooves,” I began to scowl at the colts who were messing around with my belongings a few months back. They, along with Shadow Heart, always seemed to see me as a target for bullying. And not all of our meetings were kept PG. One time I embarrassed him so much that he hit me. It was terrifying, so I decided to try and not let them get under my fur. Both figuratively and literally.

“Hello Flashlight, need any more bulbs for your head?” I asked in a sarcastic tone. They all looked at me with so much confusion. Typical jocks. I was never one to stereotype, but some are true, and these jocks are ones that make it true. All they have in their brains is when to pick the ball up and throw it around. Nothing else. So you can see why I try and talk my way out of these things.

Of course, Flash had figured it out and took it in an extremely offensive way. I started to squirm. I hate fighting. “So, your waiting here for somepony, or are you lost again,” Flash said trying his best to not be too offended at what I formentioned.

“If you must know, I am waiting for someone. Someone special who can make anypony feel as if they are worth it. Yet he can also yell at anyone who denies those that are capable. So tell me, if your competent, why are you here?” I said. It must have been at least 3 minutes before they both got a few of the words figured out. Though it was the wrong choice of words that I wanted.

“So, is ‘he’ your little coltfriend, or are you paying him to be your friend, oh who am I kidding, he probably is blind,” that made the others laugh as my face went hot with anger. They can tease me all they want, but Doctor Whooves doesn’t deserve to be treated like the way I am, he is too good.

“Stop it! He is not blind, he has wonderful eyes that if you stare at them then they twinkle in the moonlight,” I said, forgetting that they were there for a moment, and having my dreams cover my reality.

“Oooh! Does somepony have a crush? Get real, who would ever think that your “special”, when you can’t even make a sentence right, you know I bet ponies would listen if you sounded more like your appearance.” Flashlight said. I was furious, but I knew I had to contain myself. It wasn’t good to get attraction in a bad way.

“Yeah, maybe start your sentences with “Duh, my name is Dorpy, Dur,” one of Flash's entourage said. I was beginning to get tears in my eyes, but they only took that as their chance.

“Doh, are you gonna cry. Suck it up, you're not worth crying,” Flash said as I felt a soft, yet hard, hit on my shoulder.

I was about to just give up and let them take over and kick me, but before that I heard a grunt as two ponies fell to the ground, my eyes looked to see that two stallions were going at it. I was scared, I wondered where any of the adults were at this time. Other students noticed this little debacle and started to chant it on. For a while there was nothing but dust and blood that began to ground the floor, I could tell whoever was there was getting hurt, it sounded like both were fairing in the pain department, but It wasn’t until the pin that I gasped to see who it was.

“Alright you listen to me, I have seen ponies like you who treat ponies like her, and do you know what happens to them? They get hurt, I know that this may be extreme, but as you can see I am more than what I am worth. So now you have no choice but to listen.” The assailant went up to Flash's ear and I could see the terror on his face.

“You ever touch her like that again, and I will have no choice but to bring you down and I don’t care if I go down with you. I can sense the fear in your eyes and will gladly bring them the terror they deserve. So, I think we are in agreement... never get near her again, and I won't pummel you on the floor and splatter your body for my own amusement, capiche? comprendo." He got up and didn't even look at the large crowd that had formed, before looking back at the very pale stallion, "Oh, and by the way, you are really soft for a jock.” I didn’t pay attention to anything after that, for his face was beaten to a pulp, and I couldn’t help but feel like it is my fault. Maybe it's because it is!

“Are you alright?” he asked as I saw blood coming out from his nose and upper lip.

“Am I alright! What about you! I barely got touched and you got the full slammer! We need to get that cleared up before any infections happen. Come on, let's go to the nurse.” I said dragging him along before he stopped me.

“No, Muffins, I am fine, I just took a rough tumble, I don’t need some random nurse to take care of me,” Doctor said pulling back.

“Well too bad, you look like you got run over by a train, so I am going to take you somewhere. Now, who do you want? I can't afford a hospital bill, and the doctors would be too long.” I said with aggravation, his body looked so fragile, one more hit and I think he might pass out!

“Alright, if you are so worried, then maybe... you could do it. ” I heard it meekly, but just enough to make me blush, I could see the tears of his pain wanting to come out, he wanted to just fall and end it now, but I wouldn’t let him. After a few more minutes, I supported his weight and we were off. Not even noticing a certain silhouette in the crowd, glaring at us with a frown.

We were walking back to his "new room" (as I liked to call it), I knew if he wanted to be comfortable somewhere, then he could be there, I had a first aid kit somewhere in the kitchen. All I needed to do was get into it.

“Okay, you go up in there, and do not hesitate to rest, I could see you slipping for a while, I will go get the first aid kit, will that reach your sanction?” I asked as he nodded and slowly climbed up into the room.

I went inside but before anything, I heard Daydream chewing loudly on what I can only assume to look like food. I grew a bit weirded out. She was eating some sort of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but with pickles and bananas? I decided to just let it go. Maybe a new diet that her celebrities are trying?

I went from cabinet to cabinet and found nothing. I finally knew I had to ask.

“Daydream? Where is the first aid kit?”

“I think it is somewhere under the sink, why?” Daydream asked as she trudged to my spot. I looked under and smiled.

“No reason thanks,” I said quickly. However, She was near me now and I could see (now getting a good look) that she had gained a few pounds, her horn was glowing with her sandwich. Was she getting more fat with that kind of food? No doubt.

Once again, I left it out of my mind and went out to see Whooves.

He was sprawled out in his "bed", I could see the bruises from the fight and it made me want to cry. This is all my fault! if it wasn’t for me then you would be safe.

I tried to nudge him awake and he looked at me with a smile. However, all I could see was the black eye on his right. I could not hold the tears anymore, I wailed like a school filly and cried from how embarrassing it was to wail in front of somepony you cared about. However, he did nothing but help me in the hammock and rocking me like a mother to her infant. A process I had only remembered once in my own toddler years.

“I – I’m sorry, you – you sh-shouldn’t do – do this,” I said as much as I could, all I felt was guilty of having this affect Whooves, it was a terrible fate that only should’ve happened to me.

“Do not apologize!” I heard him say firmly, “This is not your fault, none of it is your fault, I only did that to show them that I meant business, you can't blame yourself for something that you didn’t do! Do you hear me? I hate to see you cry over me when all I did was give him a little push, it isn’t your fault. It's mine and only mine.”

I should have believed him, but I couldn’t get over the fact that those bullies never would have hit him without him knowing me. “Still, it doesn’t make up for the fact that they were after me, not you, and sometimes ponies just get mad when the pony they hate is stood up for someone who believes in them.”

“While it may have been a bad idea to hit him, it still worked didn’t it, he won't be near you anymore with hateful comments, not while I'm here,”

“But you aren’t! you have your own problems and now you just mixed yourself into another one! if they know you stood up for me, then they could tell Shadow Heart and she could worsen your time with her, don’t you realize that?”

My statement must have thrown Doctor Whooves for a loop because he said nothing for a long while. I was about to wake him, but he spoke before anything else.

“Then so be it, I don’t care if she kept me for 1,000 years, as far as I know, if you're still with me, then I can get through anything,” he hugged me tighter and my sniffling reduced. We stayed there for a little while before I went out of his grasp and came back with the first aid kit.

“Okay, now that this little drama scene is over, I am going to clear those bloodstains,” I began to move a wet cloth around his face, he winced a bit which caused me to move back.

“I’m fine, it just hurt for a little bit,” he reassured me, I began to clean up his last bloodstain and smiled. The bruises were next and I told him to turn around. His back was the worst of it so I decided to move an ice pack around, I could hear him grunt, but I knew he felt better. I stopped and put everything away before I could hear him mumble out. “What was that?” I asked.

“C-could you, keep going” I knew he was embarrassed by this, but I smiled.

I began to rub his back once again, minus the ice pack, which was resting upon his hurt eye.

“not exactly how I wanted to spend the 4 hours, but it could be worse,” I heard him say more relaxed.

“Well… I kind of like this, it feels nice to take care of somepony,” I said as I felt his tense knots break out. We were both getting a bit tired but I knew that we had to stay up, we couldn’t handle any more drama than we already had. So I knew that the best thing to do would be to keep talking, so I asked a few questions inside of my head.

"So... how exactly did you learn to fight like that?"

"I came from Manehatten remember? I had my fair share of clashes before, so I needed to learn how to take care of myself."

"Be that as it may, I have a suspicion that a certain pony was causing you to lash out so viciously," I said, knowing that a pony that was not being used as a negotiation tactic would have merely just told Flash off, and yet Whooves did nothing of the sort... well kind of.

"Okay yes... I have been needing to get that anger out somehow, most days I just start hitting random items, like trees or brick walls (only once, I learned my lesson the hard way on that) but there was indeed much satisfaction taking down somepony that could hurt you at any moment. Which, by the way, will not affect Shadow Heart in any way, I can merely tell her that I was at the library waiting for her, and she will most definitely believe me."

I sighed a bit of relief on that part, I was glad that he could find a way to talk out of this entire dramatic scene, yet there was still a tinge of fear that someway, somehow, Shadow Heart would find out about this whole problematic timing.

After a long while of relaxing silence, I stopped, he looked a tad bit sad that I did. I knew this was probably the most relaxed he has been in a long while.

“You know you can't stay here forever, you have to leave and wait for Shadow Heart,” I whispered in his ears. He scowled but knew I was right. We got out of the hammock and began to walk out, I knew he hated being hurt, but I also knew that he was happy that we could spend a few moments together. As we walked I saw his face get madder. I hated that we both were feeling like we want to murder.

I was about to say something but was interrupted by the brown stallion next to me, “you know, you really don’t have to walk with me. Unless you feel comfortable with that, otherwise I am okay with it, but – “

“what's wrong? You seem a bit jumpy,” I asked

He sighed, “I enjoyed the little time we had together today, though I am afraid that if there is that slim 1% chance that Shadow Heart sees us together, then I may as well see you never, and I don’t want us to stop seeing each other,” tears went up in his eyes, I knew he was scared, and it made me scared.

“Doctor, if you have any concern about us, then... maybe it would be better to just wait everything out. I think for us to remain sane for the very long punishment you have to endure, we have to take a break, maybe for the rest of the month,”

He wanted to protest so hard, but in light of my words, he knew it would be right, and that was all we said for the rest of the month, I walked away and cried the rest of the night.

It was so long until I talked to him again, but the next time I would, it would be the happiest moment in both of our lives.