Robot Unicorn Attack in: Double Rain-DOOM!

by Nekobladen

Ch.2 The attack begins

Rainbow dash was first on the scene.

Around the smoking crater were piles of burned rock and scorched grass that caught fire.

The blue Pegasus glided down from her aerial view, having calmed down from her abrupt earth shattering alarm. She landed a few feet from where the normal grass turned black.

Looking around herself she noticed just how powerful the impact had been. Every tree within the surround area had been pushed away and leaned precariously.

The air still had some dust particles floating around; not wanting to breathe any in her wings gently moved back and forth clearing the air as she made her way closer to the site of impact.

“Whoa, what’s that?” She asks herself peering over the edge of the crater; within the dark hole a single object was barely visible. Its form being obscured by the raising smoke that emanated from its smoldering body.

Wanting to be the first pony to actually see the thing, Rainbow dashed off and within seconds had both found a small rain cloud, and was empting it watery contents into the hole. Even more dark smoke billowed up from the hole, the hiss of steam alerting her that the object in question had been very hot, but soon would be touchable.

Enthusiastically she waited atop her cloud, watching as the water boiled from the heat.

Applejack had finally made her way to Fluttershys cottage home from Sugarcube Corner, she could see the lights were still on and breathed a sigh of relieve that Shy wasn’t out getting caught up in this mess .

“Hey Fluttershy, you okay in there?” AJ yelled out from the front porch. She waited there listening for any sounds of her friend.

Slowly an emerald eye peeked through the door frame.

“o-oh, hi Applejack, Um…what are you doing here.” The mare asked from behind the wooden door.

Applejack raised an eye brow at this, wondering to herself what her friend was up too.

“Uh, didn’t you hear that loud sound coming from the sky? Something landed right over yonder and I wanted to check on you. Make sure you were safe.”

The kind mare behind the door wanted to thank her friend for worrying about her but, at the same time she knew if she left her house AJ would want her to come along to watch over her.

She didn’t want to sound mean but she really didn’t want go either.

“N-no…I was so busy with Elizabeak I guess I didn’t.” She looked down at her hooves.

AJ swished her tail out of reflex while listening to her friend talk; she finished speaking looking kind of guilty.

“No sweat Sugarcube, but ya’ll should really come with me. I don’t want to leave ya’ll alone with all this strange stuff happening.”

Hiding behind her pink hair Fluttershy let slip a tiny squeak. This being exactly want she was worried about.

Going out at night into the forest in the dark to look for a mystery noise was not something she wanted to do, but how could she say no to her friends request, seeing at was out of concern for her sake anyway.

AJ waited for Shy to collect herself, knowing it could take a few minutes for her to work up the nerves to open the door, let alone walk outside.

She brought her rump down and continued to wait. Turning her head to the black smoke that wafted up from the eerie forest, her thoughts turned to everyone in the group, hoping they were okay in all this.

Pinkie had waited on rarity and together they trotted over to Twilights library.

Having arrived first Rarity lifted her hoof to knock on the door, only to have it swing back revealing a green and purple baby dragon.

“Oh, hello spike. Is Twilight home?” She asked showing her little admirer a happy smile.

Before her could answer, another voice replied from upstairs.

“Hi Rarity, can you give me a sec. You’re here about that thing that fell from the sky right? Let me finish documenting its trajectory in my notes for future research and I’ll be right down”.

True to her word she had descended the libraries staircase and greeted her friends properly, taking note that her assistant had prepared tea in the time it took her to finish up.

“That must have been quite the asteroid to survive the atmosphere. I wouldn’t have pictured you guys as astrologist, how wonderful!” Reaching the ground floor Twilight clapped her two front hooves together in delight at the prospect of meeting other star enthusiast.

Pinkie had shoved far too many cookies in her mouth to say anything funny so Rarity was forced to break the news.

“Dear, I was actually settling in for a most delight rest when Pinkie here said Applejack was gathering up everyone to check on Fluttershy”.

Twilights eyes widen as her mind absorbed the information. Indeed by her calculation the impact site, although within the forest, was still near the edge close to Fluttershys home. Air pressure alone could have damaged any number of things saying nothing of the fire hazard the impact zone could have caused.

“Oh my gosh you’re right! We must hurry, we haven’t a moment to spare, let go!” and with that the two unicorns were galloping out the door.

Pinkie bounced behind them waving good bye to spike, spiting out cookie bits as she tried to thank him.

Rainbow dash had gotten bored waiting and nearly fell asleep lying on top of the cloud she had gotten.

Felling her body stiffen she stretches out, feeling the familiar pop of bones straightening; she looked down once more to watch the make shift pond bubble.

To her surprise a bright white flash emanated from within the water, catching her off guard she fell back.

Completing the abrupt too circle the nimble mare flew forward catching air in her powerful wings and gliding into the burn grass by the waters edge.

A white creature burst from the watery depth, leaping out with great force and landing on the grass. Rainbow could hardly believe her eyes.

It was as big as Celestia and just as brilliantly white and shiny, it had a horn so Rainbow thought it was a unicorn, but she never saw one so muscular.

It looked like its muscles were so well defined but they didn’t move properly, simply shifting in place on its body. Long neck, long legs, and a rainbow mane and tail much like her; though it flowed like Celestials, unlike hers this one actually changed color.

Before she could react in any significant way the great beast glowed in an even more radiant light, like witnessing both a lightening strike and thunder at the same time it shoot forward, destroying multiple tree that now lay fallen in its path.

“H-hey!” she finally managed to hoarsely yell.

The monster paid no heed to her words and just smashed through tree after tree in a destructive rampage.

Near the forests edge, destruction was heard by AJ and Fluttershy, the noise was so sudden Fluttershy froze up and fell into a stiff comatose state. AJ slightly shaken up her self pushed the door open. Giving a small sigh she grabbed a mouthful of pink hair and began the annoying task of dragging her along.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle all managed to appear on the road to Fluttershys just as AJ had pulled her from the small path that led to her house, to the main road connecting her path to Ponyvile.

“What happened?” Rarity shouted noticing the timid mares’ condition.

AJ spit out her friends’ hair before then turning to face the gathered group of ponies.

“Now calm down, she is just a little shaken by all the noise”.

Rarity was about to say something else when the sound of splintering wood caught their attention.

This time the sound snapped Fluttershy awake, she set up in time to see a monster burst through the forest edge. All the collected ponies gasp and move as it sprints over their way.