//------------------------------// // SgBH // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// "I was a horse today, I thought you might want to hear about it." Twilight pulled back from her phone and just stared at it for a moment. "You mean you went through a portal?" she tentatively asked to the girl on the other end of the conversation. "Yes. I should have said that. It would be a lot stranger if someone who isn't one of your friends started turning into a pony in this world." The tone was dry, and there could be a note of annoyance or envy to it, but it was hard to decipher given how Sugarcoat's tone was always dry and flat. "It was near the school, by the way. My school. It's not your school anymore." "Noted," Twilight said, as she took an actual physical note down on her notebook. "I'll come check on it later today, give me a couple of hours or so." She jotted down a couple more notes. "Oh, make sure no one else accidentally ends up on the other side." "Of course. I would say something about how it takes a tear in the fabric of reality for you to pay a visit to your old school, but that would imply you have anything here you would ever want to see again and we both know that was never the case. Crystal Prep to you was at best the grey hollowness of existing through your days without anything worth noting happening and at worst downright emotional trauma. I'm not sure I would even come myself in your position." Again, it was impossible to tell if there was any annoyance or regret or emotion in the girl's voice, or if she was just simply stating facts. Twilight stayed silent for a moment. "What's on the other side of the portal? Are you alright? You weren't hurt in there, right?" "There's a city on the other side. I am not alright. I wasn't hurt there." It took Twilight a moment to process what she'd heard. Once she did, she asked, worried, "What's wrong? What happened?" "I stumbled into the portal, I spent some time on the other side once I realised what had happened. I spent a while wondering what would happen to my clothes and the things in my pockets once I came back here. I briefly wondered if you have run experiments on the matter. When I felt I'd been away enough that someone might start worrying about me, I decided to come back so people wouldn't freak out over nothing." Sugarcoat remained silent for a moment. "I'm not answering the other question." Twilight flinched. "Would you like to talk about it once I get there?" Another pause. "I don't know." "I'm coming there right now," said Twilight, as her free hand stuffed her belongings into her backpack and she got up from her chair. Sugarcoat didn't say anything for a while, listening to the sounds coming from the other side of the phone. Then, she closed the call.