Opportunity Cost

by Future Regret

Net Gain


The Apple family looked up from their lunch at Applejack. She gulped. “I reckon it’s for me.”


Applejack headed to the front door, sprinkling a few sighs in between her steps as she went. Part of her wanted to hide, but social customs compelled her to the front of the farmhouse. Her hooves nimbly wove around the piles of Rainbow Dash’s belongings that filled the entryway. She pushed open the door.

“Dash -” The entire side of Rainbow Dash’s face was bulging and purple, one eye sealed shut by the swelling. “DASH!” A breeze wafted over the pungent vapor of whiskey from the pegasus’ pores to the earth pony’s nostrils. Sympathy evaporated from Applejack’s expression and left it furrowed. “Dash...”

“Eheh, hey AJ.” Rainbow Dash gulped, rubbing a hoof through her mane. “This is kinda hard for me to say, and not just because half my face doesn’t work right now. I did some thinking last night.”

“Some drinking.” Applejack said, deadpanned.

“Same thing,” She smiled sheepishly. “I know I usually get things right on the first take, but I’m sorry, and I wanted to ask you for another chance. I don’t want things to end like this. I don’t want things to end period. All I want is to be with you again.” Orange forelegs wrapped around her neck and Applejack pressed her face into Rainbow Dash’s bruises. “Ow, ow, ow...”

“Shut it, varmint.”

“Heh, okay.”