//------------------------------// // Welcome Star Sparkle: // Story: Afterlife // by Star Sparkle //------------------------------// It took quite a while to get to Twilight’s room, but as we were now in front of the door Twilight opened it and what greeted us was the purple dragon named Spike, who sat on the bed and as soon as he saw me he asked curiously ‘’Does this mean…?‘’ Twilight slowly nodded and he jumped down from the bed and quickly ran over to me and hugged me as he said ‘’I’m so sorry, but I will make sure that your time here in Equestria is gonna be fun.‘’ I awkwardly answered ‘’Thanks… Spike.‘’ As he let go, I heard the voice of Princess Celestia from behind me as she said calmly ‘’I hope that I’m not interrupting.‘’ As I turn around she continued ‘’I was hoping to get a word with Star before you left.‘’ Twilight then said ‘’Of course Princess, we will just be outside the door.‘’ She gave me a small smile, which I returned to her, as she and Spike then went out the door and closed it. ‘’What can I do for you Princess?‘’ I asked. ‘’I am sorry that we couldn’t bring you home, but I do hope you’ll be comfortable living here in our world.‘’ As Princess Celestia paused, a brown book, with a stripe of pink, followed by a blue stripe and ended with another pink stripe, appeared and as she continued ‘‘But I would love to hear from you once in awhile, to hear how you’re doing or what you’ve learned. So whatever you write in your book, I will be able to see it in mine, and the other way around of course.‘’ Surprised I answered back ‘’Thank you Princess, I will as I hope to learn as much as I can, especially magic.‘’ That statement she chuckled a bit and said ‘’Just like Twilight, but remember to have fun with friends, though, I’m sure Twilight will be a good sister for you and you’ll also need Twilight’s guidance to learn about your magic.‘’ Princess Celestia levitated a saddlebag over to me, strapped it around me, placed the book in it and we then went out of the room. As Twilight said before, her and Spike waited outside the door, we said our goodbyes to the Princess and departed for the train station. We went out of the castle grounds and into the city of Canterlot and its cobblestone streets, but since I had just learned how to walk, we didn’t move very fast, Twilight then with a sweet smile offered ‘’Do you want me to carry you?‘’ I suddenly felt embarrassed, but before I could answer she continued ‘’You have just learned how to walk, it’ll take a little practice before you’ll feel comfortable.‘’ I thought about it and said ‘’Okay, I can always practice in Ponyville.‘’ So she levitated me up on her back and immediately we were going at least twice the speed as before. As we walked through town, I saw that some of the ponies as they looked at me and it looked like some of the smaller ponies laughed at me, one of them even looked like a Unicorn version of Fluttershy and I just felt even more embarrassed, but I knew that even if I walked, they would still laugh at me.  As my luck would have it, we arrived at the train station and Twilight sat me down and asked ‘’Why don’t you two head off and find us a place to wait until the train arrives.‘’ Spike saluted and I followed him and as we quickly found a bench, but due to my new height I couldn’t get up and I didn’t even want to try, so I sat down on the ground defeated. I sat there for a couple of minutes until I saw a purple glow around me and I was levitated up on the bench, as Twilight got up and sat next to me, with Spike on the other side, I then said a little embarrassed to Twilight ‘’Thanks…‘’ But with a smile and a cherry tone she responded ‘’No problem little sis. Anyway, I got us tickets on the next train to Ponyville.‘’ After a little bit I heard a train and Twilight continued ‘’And that must be our train.‘’ I saw as Twilight jump down, she landed with her front hooves first and then her back hooves, I then stood up and jumped down as Twilight did, but as I should have hit the ground, I didn’t, then I realized that Twilight levitated me, just a few centimeters above the ground, as Twilight said ‘’Be careful, if you hit the ground the wrong way, you could hurt yourself.‘’ As she again levitated me onto her back I thought ‘Am I not supposed to find that out by trying? And is she ‘babying’ me even more than before?’ As I thought about this I saw that the train had stopped and a lot of ponies came out and something told me that if I wasn't on Twilight’s back, I would have been stepped on. As the ponies had cleared Spike and Twilight, with me on her back, walked in and Twilight sat me down on the floor. I got up on my legs and followed Twilight, with Spike behind me. The train cart was almost half full and Twilight walked between two rows of seats, sat down in the middle and when I slowly came over to her, she lifted me up onto the seat between her and the window as Spike sat on the opposite end of Twilight. Shortly after, the train moved and we were on our way to Ponyville, but all of a sudden I remembered back to when I was going the other direction, towards Canterlot, it even felt like years ago, but in other ways, it only felt like minutes. I felt that I lost a few tears as I thought back, but Twilight got her hoof around me and comforted me ‘’Hey, it’s gonna be okay, I know it can be hard to move to a new city, but as I promised, I’ll help you.‘’ I looked at Twilight's face and saw her sweet smile, which calmed me down and my tears stopped, I smiled before I turned my vision and looked out the window and admired the view. As I was lost in my thoughts, I found Spike in front of me who asked ‘’Hey Star, are you okay?‘’ He must had seen me cry before, so as I fought to keep the thoughts of my past back I answered ‘’I am, thank you Spike.‘’ But either I was bad at lying or he saw right past the lie, as he, with a smile and a cherry tone said ‘’It’s okay, you can be honest.‘’ But I wasn’t ready to talk about my past, so I just chuckled and said ‘’Thanks Spike, I’m sorry we haven't really talked, I guess I am a little shy.‘’ As I hoped to change the subject. ‘’It's okay, this is very new for you, so it could take some time for you to come out of your shell, but I thought of a small thing we could do together, like getting you a bed and decorating your room.‘’ Spike responded. But before I responded Twilight, who clearly overheard said ‘’That’s a great idea Spike, just remember to be reasonable in price and while you two do that, I will make the spare room available for you at home.‘’ We arrived in Ponyville early in the afternoon and after Spike got some money, we went into town. As we walked, I noticed that a couple of ponies were staring at me, but I tried and ignored it. As we went to a building, maybe a shop with a quill and a sofa on a sign, I turned to Spike and asked ‘’You know it’s a bed we are looking for, right?‘’ He let out a small laugh and said ‘’Don’t worry about the sign, they also sell beds.‘’ With that, we walked inside to an almost empty store. Inside a light brown pony with no wings or a horn, but in a blue suit came over and happily said ‘’Hello and welcome to Quills and Sofas, what can I help you with?‘’ He paused for a moment before he asked cherry ‘’Would it be another dusin of quills?‘’ Spike let out a small laugh before he said ‘’Not this time, I’m here with Star to get her a bed.‘’ He turned to look at me and with a friendly smile and tone he chuckled a bit before he said ‘’I knew I hadn't seen you before, are you new to Ponyville?‘’ I nodded a bit more to the shy side than I would have liked, he let out a small laugh before he said ‘’Let me know if you need any help, okay?‘’ ‘’We will.‘’ Spike responded. After about half an hour I finally chose a bed, it was only a little better than the first one I tried, but Spike insisted that we should keep looking, we also found a pillow, a sheet, bed cover and covers for the pillow and the sheet and to my bad luck most of it was some version between pink and while, just because it matched my fur color. After Spike had paid the sales pony, who then said that the bed and the other things should arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Spike and I thanked him before we went back outside and again some ponies stared at me, but Spike paid them little attention and more on the fact that it was about lunch, but the sound of my stomach. Spike looked in the pouch he got from Twilight and told me that there was enough for some lunch and he would then show me his favorite restaurant and we went along, at least I walked like a normal pony now, but the ponies around us still looked at me, like they knew. As we arrived at the restaurant a waiter came over to us and said ‘’Hello and welcome to Hay’s restaurant, will that be a table for two?‘’ ‘’Yes, can we get one outside please?‘’ Spike answered, the waiter nodded and we followed him to a table, but at the table I quickly discovered that I was too small, lucky for me Spike asked for some more hay for me to sit on and after a few minutes the waiter came back with some hay, which he lay in a pile and he gave us also 2 menu cards. As I looked through the menu, I saw two dishes called hay fries and hay burgers, but luckily there was also salad, something called a Daisy Sandwich, an Apple Pie and Carrot Soup, the waiter then came back and asked ‘’Have you made your decisions?‘’ Spike answered first ‘’I would like a medium plate of hay fries with a medium chocolate milkshake, what about you Star?‘’ As I only knew what a salad tasted like I asked ‘’Can I have a medium salad with medium apple juice?‘’ The waiter looked at me confused before he nodded and asked ‘’Would there be anything else?‘’ Spike then answered something to the waiter that I didn’t hear, as I looked around to the other tables and some other ponies looked at me and whispered to each other. After a short time the waiter came back to us with two trays, one with something that looks like french fries and a chocolate milkshake, on the other tray there was a bowl of salad, in there was some salad, carrots, small tomatoes, apples and other vegetables, alongside was a glass with the apple juice in it, as the waiter sat the trays in front of us he proudly said ‘’Enjoy your meals and let me know if you’ll need anything else.‘’ We thanked the waiter and he went on his way. After I was almost done with my very delicious salad and was on my second glass of apple juice thanks to Spike, who still had some hay fries left. As I munched on my last piece of salad my mind thought back on the ponies, that throughout the day had looked weirdly at me, but as I was deep in thought Spike asked worried ‘’Hey Star, are you alright?‘’ But as I was deep in thought I heard him speak, but didn’t hear what he said and gave a ‘’Huh?‘’ ‘’Are you okay? You seem a bit off.‘’ Spike repeated. ‘’Yeah… I dunno… I have just noticed that some of the ponies in town have been looking weirdly me…‘’ As I didn’t know how to ask the next question and felt weird asking, so I asked nervously ‘’Spike? Do… Do I look weird?‘’ As I looked into his eyes I saw that he was surprised but quickly composed himself and answered ‘’Star, you do not look weird. Actually, I think that your fur, mane and tail colors are very unik, at least compared to what I have seen.‘’ Definitely surprised by that, I asked ‘’Really? I look unique?‘’ But as I thought back on the other ponies that had looked at me all day, I complained ‘’But that still doesn't explain why they talk behind my back and looked funny at me.‘’ Spike had a puzzled look on his face as he took his claw to his chin and thought about what I said before he said ‘’Hmm… Maybe it’s because you’re new in town?‘’ I was taken a bit back by that and asked ‘’Wait, what…? Are you saying that all the ponies in this town know each other?‘’ ‘’No, not necessarily, but Pinkie Pie usually throws a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party.‘’ ‘’Who’s Pinkie Pie?‘’ ‘’Oh, sorry Star, I thought you knew. Pinkie Pie is the pink Earth Pony with a cotton candy mane and tail, one of Twilight’s friends that were in Canterlot.‘’ Spike answered as he went back to his fries. I thought back on my time in Canterlot, but I only had vague memories of Twilight’s friends, besides Fluttershy, but I did notice a pink pony. As I was in my own thoughts, Spike cut me off as he said ‘’But maybe Twilight is the best to explain why you didn’t get a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party.‘’ Not that I really cared I said ‘’Sure… When then moment arrives.‘’ Spike then called the waiter over to us, he paid and we walked back to where he and Twilight lived and where I would live, until I would go home. After we had left the restaurant and had walked for a bit, I noticed a big tree next to what I thought was the house Twilight and Spike lived in. As we got closer to the tree, I noticed that it had a door, several windows, including three balconies and as we approached, Spike didn’t go for the house, but the tree instead. As he was about to open the door, I saw a sign to the left of the door and read ‘Golden Oak Library’ before I asked ‘’So… Are we picking up a book or what?‘’ He gave a small laugh and said ‘’Not exactly, we live here.‘’ That surprised me, but as he went inside, I followed.