
by Star Sparkle

Day 17: Luna time:

I woke up with the bunny ear in my mouth as there came a few knocks on my door and what sounded like Ms. Dawn as she said ‘’Miss. Star Sparkle? Are you awake?‘’

I yawned, released the ear, but still held Flurry and said ‘’Yeah, I’m awake now.‘’

‘’Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wishes for you to join them for breakfast.‘’

‘’I’ll be out in a minute.‘’ I said as I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom, I brushed my mane, tail and coat, did my business on the toilet and walked to the door, as I left Flurry on the floor.

As I got to the door, I looked back at Flurry, she laid on her stomach and face on the floor, it looked to be uncomfortable. I looked at the floor for a moment and thought about what Princess Celestia said yesterday, that I should care for the, that I should care for Flurry, I looked at Flurry and walked over to her, got her up on my bed, took the covers over her body and kissed her on the nose. But as I walked to the door and even though I remembered who I was, I couldn’t deny it and in some ways, I loved Flurry. I took my saddlebag with the small bell in and walked to the door, opened it and followed Ms. Dawn.

On the way, I noticed a few views out of some of the windows, they looked familiar and after a few minutes we arrived at a set of two doors that I recognized. Beyond the door sat Princess Celestia and Luna at a table with some pancakes, strawberries, blueberries and whip cream. I got inside and Ms. Dawn went out again, as she closed the door I bowed and said ‘’Good morning Princesses.‘’

As I stood up Princess Celestia said ‘’Good morning Star, but please, there’s no need for those formalities.‘’

Before Luna spoke up, thankfully with her normal voice ‘’And did we not tell thee to call us Luna?‘’

As I walked over to them I looked at Luna and said ‘’Sorry,‘’ Before I looked at them both ‘’I thought it was the polite thing to do, is it not?‘’

‘’Yes, it is a sign of respect here as well, as our subjects bow when we enter a room or an event. But you’re our guest and therefore does not need to bow.‘’

I nodded, but felt they treated me differently from others and Luna spoke ‘’And friends does not bow to one another and are we not thou friend?‘’

‘’We are.‘’ I said as I felt Luna treated me the same as she did to Princess Celestia.

At my seat I was lifted up to my pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and whip cream, I ate and it was delicious.

As I ate, I thought about yesterday and I knew Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would like to hear about my trip to Canterlot, should I tell them that I met the Princesses and talked to them in private.

As I thought Princess Celestia asked ‘’What do you think Star?‘’

I looked at Luna, then Princess Celestia, then Luna, then Princess Celestia as I said ‘’Huh? So-sorry. Yes?‘’

‘’It’s okay, I was just asking you, what you thought about your breakfast, but it would appear you were in deep thoughts.‘’

‘’Oh, it’s delicious.‘’

‘’I’m glad you approve. But what’s on your mind?‘’

‘’Well, I was just wondering if meeting you and Luna was a normal thing to do, or if it’s because I’m… Who I was.‘’

‘’I guess this is the best time as any to tell you. Getting a private session like we had yesterday, that’s a very rare exception. Even when Twilight, my prized pupil, lived here she only had maybe two hours tops of private lessons per week. So to answer your question. You’re the exception to the rule.‘’

‘’Huh, I see… So I shouldn't tell any others that I was here?‘’

‘’Hmm… Difficult to say, But know if you do, many in the Canterlot elite would see you very differently. A young filly who have ties to the Princesses, you could get more attention than you could be comfortable with.‘’

‘’In that case, maybe it’s for the best I don’t tell anyone else.‘’ I said as Princess Celestia smiled, but as I thought more about it, not because I could have been seen, but if I would be here for the Grand Galloping Gala, I would start the fireworks with her so I asked ‘’What about the Grand Galloping Gala, Princess?‘’

‘’Yes… At the gala ponies would figure out that you have ties to, at least me. Hmm… But if you wish, I’ll take back my offer and you don’t have to start the gala with me.‘’ Princess Celestia said.

I wasn’t sure what to response, but I quickly felt that I didn’t care about what the Canterlot elite thought about me and if it was dangerous, then Princess Celestia wouldn’t have offered it to me and with a smile I happily said ‘’How else am I supposed to learn magic?‘’

Princess Celestia smiled and said ‘’Very well, but for the time being, let’s keep this to ourselves.‘’

Princess Celestia looked at Luna who asked ‘’What, why does thee look at us with those eyes of yours?‘’

‘’Just making sure you agree, little sister.‘’ Princess Celestia said with a smile before we returned to our breakfast.

As I was one my third pancake, Princess Celestia said ‘’I have to go to court soon, but before I go, Twilight informed me about your back and what ponies at the Ponyville spa have told you, so when you get back to Ponyville, I would advise you to go with Twilight to the hospital and if they see the same, you would be able to save some bits on further treatment.‘’

‘’I will, have fun at court?‘’

She only giggled before she said ‘’Thank you Star, until next time.‘’ Princess Celestia waked to the door and out, as she closed it after her, it left Luna and I alone.

As Luna and I finished our breakfast she asked ‘’At what hour would thou take their leave?‘’

‘’I think it was about 12.‘’

‘’And does thou have a schedule for today?‘’

‘’No, I was planning on just reading.‘’

‘’If thou would like, we are going to a private part of the castle grounds and thou may join us.‘’

‘’Really? I mean, haven’t you been up all night?‘’

‘’We are normally up until later in the day.‘’

‘’Well, sure, it could be fun.‘’

‘’Hussar!‘’ Luna cheered and we walked to a door that led to the garden.

We came to the door with two guards in golden armor in front of it and with spears in front of the door, Luna and I stopped before she commanded ‘’Guards, let us though.‘’

‘’Forgive us your highness, only the two Princesses are allowed in the royal garden.‘’

‘’What! We are the Princess of the night and Star Sparkle is our guest.‘’

‘’Sorry your highness, but Princess Celestia must also agree before we can let your guest though.‘’

I turned to Luna ‘’It’s okay Luna, we-‘’ Her hoof came in front of me and a blue flash came and went and left Princess Celestia, scroll in her magic and with a confused look on her.

Luna then said, like teleporting her sister was an everyday thing ‘’Sister, thou guards would not let Star though until thee approve.‘’

An alarm went off and Princess Celestia horn glowed and it was off before she spoke ‘’I see, guards, let Star though, on her own wish.‘’

‘’As you wish your highness.‘’

‘’And Luna, please, don't teleport me again, you’re going to give the guards a heart attack.‘’ A flash of golden light and Princess Celestia was gone, the guards opened the door and removed the spears before Luna and I walked outside.

Outside there was a small area of grass, a few trees and a cobblestone path over to a small pavilion, we only walked over to the grass and lay down. After a few minutes Luna asked ‘’Have thou started to practice magic?‘’

‘’Yeah, I’ve learned a little bit.‘’

‘’Do tell.‘’

‘’I can make a light and levitated a little bit.‘’

‘’May we see thou levitation?‘’

‘’Sure.‘’ But I knew I didn’t have my quill with me and I continued ‘’But I don’t have my quill with me, I’ll need to go and get it first.‘’

‘’No need.‘’ Her horn glowed and after a flash of blue, a small silver ball came and Luna continued ‘’This was ours practice item, when we learned levitation.‘’ I got a closer look at it, it looked like the moon and Luna continued ‘’But that was a long time ago, so we will pass it on to thee. As a gift.‘’

‘’What, really? Are you sure Luna, I mean, it must have a great value to you.‘’

‘’We’re sure and we don’t need it anymore. Besides, thou need it more than we do.‘’

‘’Thanks Luna.‘’ I said.

Luna levitated the ball over to me and lay it in front of me and said ‘’Let us see what thou can do.‘’ I nodded and closed my eyes and focused on the silver ball.

I felt the markings that gave it the looks of the moon, else it was very smooth and Luna said ‘’That’s it, thou have it.‘’ I tried to lift it, I felt my magic stayed in place, the same as the ball, I pointed my horn straight at the ball and held it as hard as I could before I tried to lift my head, but I couldn’t move, it was like the ball weighed a ton.

It was getting to me, the ball didn’t move, I couldn’t move, my breathing became heavier and I muttered with my teeth closed ‘’Come on you stupid ball. Move!‘’ I fell down on the grass and my magic disappeared.

As I got over my exhaustion Luna said ‘’We’re impressed Star.‘’

‘’Huh, why? I didn’t even move it.‘’

‘’True, thou magic is not strong yet, but thou determination is strong and one day thou will be able to levitated the ball.‘’

‘’Thanks Luna…‘’ I said, still upset over the failed attempt.

‘’Thou does not need to despair, one day.‘’ I smiled, even though I was still disappointed by my attempt.

Some time went by before I remembered my nightmare in Ponyville, I thought I saw Luna in my dream and a few giggles came out and Luna a bit confused asked ‘’And what is so amusing?‘’

‘’Sorry Luna, I just thought of a dream I once had and I saw you in it.‘’

‘’Well, we thank thee for remembering.‘’

‘’Huh, wait, what?‘’

‘’Thou saw us in thou dream, yes?‘’

‘’Yes.‘’ It hit me she raised the moon every night so could it be ‘’Wait, are you saying that you were actually in my dream.‘’

‘’Yes, as Princess of the night it is our job to watch over everypony’s dreams.‘’

‘’But, you were inside my dream.‘’

‘’Yes?‘’ Luna asked like it was a normal thing.

Wait, she did know about my dream, my nightmare!’ I thought before I said ‘’Does that then mean you, um-‘’

‘’As a keeper of dreams, it is our duty to only help in the dreams, and not to tell others.‘’

‘’But I, my dream?‘’

‘’Thou spoke to Twilight Sparkle about thou dream, yes?‘’

‘’Yes… I did.‘’

‘’Very good, can we assume your talk went well?‘’

‘’I did, does Princess Celestia knows?‘’

‘’Our sister knows nothing about your dream, my friend. That is for thou to tell her, if thou wishes.‘’

‘’Thanks Luna.‘’ I responded while thinking ‘No way I’m telling Princess Celestia or anyone else.

Luna broke my thoughts and she said ‘’Do not speak of it my friend.‘’ A yawn came from Luna and as I looked closer, I saw her eyes, they had bags under them.

Was she tired?’ I thought.

But Luna continued ‘’Forgive us, shall we get back to thou training?‘’

‘’Are you sure Luna, you look tired.‘’

‘’Propospers, we are the Princess of the night, we don’t get tired.‘’

‘’But it’s day now and, wait, didn’t you also say last night that you were working at night?‘’

‘’We did, yes.‘’

‘’Then you are tired.‘’

‘’We will not lie, so yes we aren’t as awake as last night.‘’

‘’Then why aren’t you going to bed, if I may ask?‘’

‘’You may. If we were asleep thou visit would be boring as our sister is at court then thou would have nopony.‘’

‘’True, but I still have things I could do, so it’s okay if you go to sleep, I don’t mind.‘’

‘’Are-‘’ Another long yawn came from Luna ‘’If thou art sure?‘’

‘’I am, my friend, besides you can always visit me in my dream if you feel like it.‘’

‘’We thank thee, but we cannot go into good dreams without disturbing them and turn them into nightmares, but we’ll be seeing thou soon.‘’ Luna said, I smiled and as Luna stood up, yawned again and said ‘’This was pleasant, but we do hope that when thou return, we would have a bit more time.‘’

‘’I would like that too, good night Luna.‘’ She smiled and went on her way, when she had closed the doors, I still lay on the grass in a private garden for Princesses only.

Some time passed before I grew a little bit hungry and I also wanted to read more into the book I got from Princess Celestia so I got up, took my saddlebag and placed the silver moon ball in it, took the golden bell with my teeth and shook it as I thought ‘Ms. Dawn, I would like to go back to my room’ and waited.

A few minutes went by and knocks came and a familiar voice said ‘’Miss. Sparkle, it’s Ms. Dawn, may I enter.‘’

‘’Yes, come on out!‘’ I called back.

The door opened and she walked out to me, bowed and said ‘’You wished to go back to your room?‘’

‘’Yes, I’m also a little bit hungry.‘’

‘’Follow me, I will take you to your room and make sure you get a snack to your room.‘’

‘’Thanks Ms. Dawn.‘’ She took my saddlebag with her magic and I followed her inside and back towards my room.

Back in my room I asked ‘’Umm. What time is it?‘’

‘’It’s 11:34 Miss. and your parents will be here at 1 pm.‘’

‘’Oh, okay. Wait! How did you know they would come at 1 pm.?‘’

‘’I was told by my superior and I would guess he either got it from your parents or from Princess Celestia herself.‘’

‘’Oh, right.‘’ I answered as it made sense that Princess Celestia would know, she was the one who organised the whole visit after all.

‘’You also wished for some food, anything specific?‘’ Ms. Dawn asked.

‘’No, just something light please.‘’

‘’As you wish, I’ll see what we have. Do you wish anything to drink?‘’

‘’Apple juice?‘’ I asked.

Ms. Dawn bowed and said ‘’As you wish, Miss. Sparkle.‘’ Before she left the room.

After she left I went over to Flurry and took her down to me and hugged her, she was still so soft and quite big compared to me, maybe because I didn’t like her before, then I never really noticed her size, so I bit her back and walked over to the book I got from the Princess.

As I read the cover I said ‘’Princess Celestia gave me this book.‘’

Like I talked to Flurry, but I guessed Flurry would respond with ‘’What’s it about?‘’

‘’How to make fireworks with my magic, we’re going to start a gala together.‘’

‘’Really, that’s awesome! I’m so proud of you.‘’

‘’Thanks Flurry.‘’

While I hugged her, I felt her as she had her front legs around me, before she said ‘’No problem, we’re best friends.‘’

‘’Differently.‘’ I said as I hugged her tighter.

While I still held Flurry I lay down and half on her, I took her right ear to my mouth and just held it as I began to read.

After a while a few knocks came and Ms. Dawn spoke ‘’It’s Ms. Dawn, may I come in?‘’

I took Flurry ear out of my mouth and said ‘’Yes, come on in.‘’

As I stood up, Ms. Dawn entered with a silver tray that had a lid on, placed it on a small table and asked ‘’Is there anything else I can do for you, Miss. Sparkle?‘’

‘’No that will be all, thank you.‘’

She did a quick bow and on her way out she stopped, turned around and said ‘’Oh yes, as your parents are here at 1 pm. I will come and get you at 12:45. Will that suit you?‘’

‘’Yes, thank you Ms. Dawn.‘’ After another quick bow she left my room and I turned to the tray.

On the tray there was a bowl of sliced apples, a bowl of strawberries and a glass of apple juice.
I took the bowls and placed them next to my book and then my apple juice and read with Flurry.

After I had read a few pages, I still saw it as a complicated spell. My train of thought broke as a few knocks came and Ms. Dawn asked ‘’May I come in?‘’

‘’Sure.‘’ I answered.

Ms. Dawn came inside and said ‘’Have you packed, or do you wish help?‘’

‘’Yes please, thank you.‘’ She smiled before she levitated my saddlebag into the air and levitated all my stuff to it and into my saddlebag, but when Flurry glowed I held on to her and yelled ‘’No! Not Flurry, she’ll sit on me.‘’

The glow disappeared and she closed my saddlebag before she said ‘’There we go and for the final touch.‘’

In a second Ms. Dawn levitated Flurry onto my back, I smiled before I said ‘’Sorry for yelling before.‘’

‘’It’s my fault, Miss. Sparkle I should have asked you.‘’ She smiled and we left the room and went down stairs.
Doing our walk, I wondered how Flurry was still on my back and had not fallen off already, I jumped in place and all around as I looked at Flurry.

As I jumped, I jumped into someone and fell on my side on the floor, I looked at who I jumped into, it was, a still standing, Ms. Dawn and I stuttered ‘’So-sorry Ms. Dawn, it was an accident.‘’

‘’It’s okay, Miss. Sparkle, but remember to look where you’re jumping next time.‘’

‘’I will.‘’ I said as I my head became warm.

Ms. Dawn levitated me up on my hooves and I looked to where I lay before and no Flurry, I looked on my back and there she was, so I began to shake my back, I got on two legs, front and back legs, but Flurry stayed in place. I was stopped by Ms. Dawn as she asked ‘’Are you excited to see your parents again?‘’

‘’Huh… Yeah that’s okay.‘’ I answered before my mind went back to Flurry.

Ms. Dawn broke my thoughts as she asked ‘’Is something wrong Miss. Sparkle?‘’

‘’Huh, no. But for some reason I can’t lose Flurry.‘’

‘’Oh that, that’s my doing.‘’


‘’It’s a simple spell, but if you take her with your hoof then you can take her off or if somepony else does it.‘’

‘’Ohhhh, that makes sense, magic.‘’ I said as I finally placed it together in my head and Ms. Dawn smiled as she was properly happy that I stopped my jumping around as we were now close to the courtyard.