//------------------------------// // Case One: A stolen Lyra. // Story: The Ardman Files // by The_Pariah //------------------------------// Case One: A Stolen Lyra Chapter One My story begins as most cliché detective stories do, with me sitting at the desk in my office. I would introduce myself with my full name and history, but I have no idea what they are. Prior to my sixteenth birthday, I have no recollection of any events whatsoever. On that sixteenth birthday I woke up in a hospital with no memory, no family and no possessions. I have only two clues to my past: my cutie mark - a magnifying glass - and another strange mark; a stylized L surrounded by a five-pointed star, burned into my flesh just behind my right foreleg. I have a dark brown coat, a white mane, and dark blue eyes, which I'm told hide secrets. It has been four and a half years since I woke up with no memory, and for four of those years I made a name for myself as the best detective in Equestria - until one day, six months ago, I lost everything I had worked so hard to gain. So that’s how I ended up sitting in this office, which doubles as my house. There aren't many items in the room; just a few files from my last case, a solitary candle and my few remaining business cards. On the cards is some basic information: my apartment number, One-Oh-One Nightmare Apartments; the name I use; and my occupation - private detective. The slatted blinds let a few bars of light into the room, illuminating the floor and throwing my face into shadow. I was tired filing away a few papers late one afternoon when there came a knock at my door. "Come in." My voice echoed around the empty space. Three mares entered the room, all of them distressed and disheveled. The one leading the group was a white unicorn with an electric blue mane, and eyes hidden behind a pair of huge sunglasses. The pony on the right was a grey earth pony with a black mane and serious purple eyes. Lastly, the one on the left was a cream colored earth pony, with a dark blue and pink two-tone mane. All three of them seemed upset. "Are you Ardman?" the middle mare asked me; I nodded slowly. "What can I do for you today?" My voice sounded calm and collected, which is good, considering the fact that I was unbelievably excited that I was actually getting a case. "Our friend has gone missing, and we're all really worried." Another nod from me. "All right, what's her name? Also, I will need her coat and mane colour, eye colour, cutie mark and a list of any enemies she might have," I said, pulling a note pad and quill out of one of the desk drawers. "Her name is Lyra Heartstrings. She has an aquamarine coat and mane and her cutie mark is a golden lyre. She has golden eyes, and as far as I'm aware she doesn't have any enemies." The one on the left spoke this time. I wrote all this down before looking back up. "How long has she been gone?" "Four days." Another few words written down. "Did she take anything with her? Food, clothes, her instrument?" "No, that's the strangest thing. She got up and left without telling anypony." I frowned as I noted that down. I would have surmised that she was running away if she had taken food or clothes, and I was very surprised that she hadn't taken her instrument. I leaned forward into the light and smiled, glancing at the date. "Don't worry, you three. I'll have her back within two weeks." Relief flooded into the features of all three of the ponies. "But I didn't catch your names?" The middle one smiled. "I'm Vinyl Scratch, that's Octavia and that's Bon Bon." They turned to leave, when Vinyl suddenly spun back around. "Before I forget, Twilight Sparkle asked me to give you this." She floated a letter over in front of me. I stared at the letter apprehensively. "Why would I want this?" My voice dripped with venom. "Why would I want something that's been written by her?" I took the letter and placed it in the one drawer on my desk with a lock. I slammed the drawer shut and sealed the lock with magic before turning back to face the three rather shocked ponies. Vinyl stared at me, but it was Octavia who spoke up, her cultured voice clearly showing her surprise. "What do you have against Twilight Sparkle?" I shook my head. "That's between me and her. Off you go now, I have to find your friend." My voice had of course reverted to its usual calm tone now. The three ponies hesitated for a moment, then left, leaving me alone once more. I stared at the drawer as if it might explode, which considering it contained a letter sent by Twilight Sparkle, was entirely possible. I lifted the notepad up and looked at it again, quickly memorizing the details. I stood and stretched, before levitating my favorite hat off its stand and plonking it on my head. I smiled to myself. "Magic is so useful; I don't think I could stand being a earth pony." I locked the apartment behind me, trotted down the stairs and left Nightmare Apartments, nodding to the landlord, Havoc, on my way out. Havoc was an ex-detective with a green coat and dark brown mane. He been forced into early retirement after he lost his right foreleg. As an ex-detective, he knew how hard business was for me at the moment. He had reduced the rent significantly, but I had still had to get a second job at a bank to cover expenses, such as food. I slipped through the narrow side streets of Canterlot, not wanting to come into contact with anypony else at this time. I knew I was going to need information, and the best pony for that was my friend, Jake. Jake's real name is Perfect Stitch, and he runs a legitimate business, Stitch Tailors, in Canterlot. However, he is also highly regarded in the underworld. If you want info on somepony, anypony, he would almost always have up to date information, give or take about a week. It was around midday, and the number of ponies on the streets was increasing as I walked into his store. "How may I help you on this fine day, sir?" Jake asked me as I entered. The room I stood in acted as his legitimate business area, with exquisite suits and dresses decorating the walls of the shop. "I'm looking for a jacket, for a party in a few days." "Certainly sir. Please follow me, and we'll get you measured up." Jake stepped away from the counter and led me into a second room. My horn tingled as I stepped through the door. I could tell the room had been protected against all eavesdropping, be it magical or physical. In this business, there is no such thing as ‘too careful’. The door swung closed silently behind me, and Jake's face broke out into a huge smile. "Finally get a case did you?" His voice was low and tough. I smiled back. "Yep, looks like one’s going to be easy. A single missing mare, shouldn't take more than a week." Jake sat down behind the desk that dominated the room. "So, what's her name?" "Lyra Heartstrings." Jake's head snapped up. "Lyra H-? As in THE Lyra Heartstrings?" "You know her?" "Know her? I love her... music." Jake, one of the toughest ponies I know, blushed a little. "Oh... kay. Well, I need her file, her parents’ files, and can you see if she has any enemies?" "That'll take time. You gonna wait here?" I nodded. "Sure, it's not like I have anything else to do." ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Twilight was, as was her norm, reading at the pedestal in the library, but looked up when a knock sounded at the door. "Come on in," she called; a moment later, Vinyl opened the door. "So, did he take the case?" Vinyl nodded. "Good. If anypony can find Lyra, it's him. Did he read my letter?" "No, he just threw into one of his desk drawers, and wouldn't give us any reason. What does he have against you anyway?" Twilight sighed. "He has every right to act that way. I cost him his career after all." "What happened?" "It's a long story, and not one I have the right to tell." ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jake handed me three files. The first had Lyra's name on it. The second had her parents’ names - Cello Heartstrings and Rising Bass - and the third had the name 'Abandon Harp' written on it. I opened Lyra's file and flicked through it. "She's an exceptionally good girl. Not a single fault, not even a late fine at a library." "So, quite the opposite of you and I?" Jake nodded solemnly. "Yep. Her parents check out as well." "So who's this 'Abandon Harp' character?" Jake grimaced. "A very bad pony. He was a convicted criminal who became a harp player. He has come second to Lyra in multiple music competitions. At the latest one, he swore revenge on her." "Seems like our pony then. Do you have his address?" "In the file." "Just in case, see if you find anypony else that might want her harmed, would you? Even the smallest threat." I slipped the three files into my saddlebag, nodded my thanks to Jake, and left. It was only when I was walking back to the apartment that I realized I‘d forgotten to see if Jake had found out anything about my past. I trotted up the stairs, nodding again to Havoc, and pushed open my apartment door. The inside was the same as I had left it. I sat down behind my desk, and began to read.