//------------------------------// // Crescent // Story: The banishment of Luna // by FHix //------------------------------// Crescent How can she do this to me? How can she have been very cruel to me? I don’t deserve this treatment; I don’t deserve be locked here! I deserve that my petitions be listened; I deserve that my night be appreciated as the day. I deserve to be listened! But she doesn’t want listen to me, she ignored me all this time. How I’m supposed to act when nobody pay attention to me? What do I have to do, just stay sitill seeing how she is being adored by everybody, while I stand under her shadow? No. No way. But when I decided talk, when I said “Enough, this can’t go on, she didn’t hear me, and ignore me. How she can do this, if I was her “beloved sister, her dearest sister”? Where is the protection and containment that she promised bring to me to our parents? There were no more than lies, cruel lies, she only wants Equestria for herself! I always be the little sister; I always stay last in everything. This was my moment for shine, this was my moment to show me and say “Here I am, I am part of their lives too”. Celestia never understand what I felt. Never! How she will react is she saw that the ponies go to sleep in the full day, while I receive all of the attention of our subjects? She banished me, or she looks the way for be recognized too? I feel that the destiny hasn’t been fair with me, I feel that I stay relegated to the shadows forever, that just now nobody are there to hear, nobody that can touch my shoulder and tell me “I understand you”. No. Now only there is loneliness and isolation for me, loneliness and isolation that will last an eternity, always spinning around in the space, spinning around the Earth, which see the sun and the moon rises as usual, like nothing, and all under the mandate of the same alicorn mare. Cause I said: “It’s just not fair!” No. This is not fair. Now she receives the double of adoration because she brings the day and the night, when the night is completely my domain! What will be of the fillies when they have nightmares, and I don’t be here for help they? What will be of the stars, when I am who helped them to grown up and strong? Ironically, I’m be stocked in the same luminary that I control, but now it’s under the power of my sister, and I don’t like this. No, because I’m a zero on the left, because I don’t have domain to myself. Live together with Nightmare Moon and her thoughts are not very comfortable. Definitely, I wish didn’t do that I did, and did that for my own, with my own will. I didn’t want that this ever happened, but she doesn’t bring me an option. She denies my rights, she denies the part that correspond me, and she pays with suffer in the earth; her pain is not comparable to mine. Every time she wanted company; she will have. Every time she wanted to stay alone; she will be. Every time she wanted to go; she will go. Wherever she wanted to go, she would go. And where she goes, don’t you ever deny who would greet her, who dedicates her one look, one smile. And she doesn’t care of being closed up, lonely or sad, will there always be something that entertains her mind; will spend one day, one night, and her sadness will be encapsulated soon, for have carrying off some real duty. And I will be submersed and forgotten, and the ponies will forget that once upon a time, there were a princess who rises the moon, who brings a beautiful night, full of stars and cuteness. And the stars will fall every day in the forgotten, to be veiled for the light of the day, and I won’t be more than a legend in a book, caught forever in the indelible destiny and past of Nightmare Moon. I couldn’t ever quit her presence off me, my obscure presence never be equal to hers or her being, although some day I escape of my banishment, everypony on my presence will be running and screaming, scared from the mare who treated them with bringing the eternal night, removing their precious sun and their precious diurnal light. I’ll miss my earthly life so much, how much I’ve lost just for one wish, how much time, I think in every minute, every hour, which seems longer and endless here, in the cold sidereal space, in this floating space which is not more than a projection of me; my soul stranded at the moon, sealed, without somepony who can hear me, without anypony who can hold me, with nothing more than Nightmare Moon’s obscurity, with nothing more than her voice which doesn’t offers me more than words of hate and revenge, without a warm presence who’s bring me lullabies or anypony take a conversation with. I don’t know what to do now, in this incorporeal form, which wanders in a colorless, wormless and loveless desert. What will become of me? What will become of me now that I am nothing more than a phantom of my former self? Who do I look to give me their shoulder to cry for? If I can spill a teardrop just like that. I can’t even cry. Now I just contemplate life passively moving around Equestria, while my moon rotates around the earth every night, and allows me appreciate every part of the globe, from the most cooler zone to the most frozen zone, and although I see somepony lifting their eyes to my moon, I know that they’re there, but they don’t know that I’m trapped here, waiting, waiting, not knowing what I’m really waiting, because I’ve lost all hope. My being was overthrown, but I’m forcing me to don’t forget myself. Yeah. Would be a suicide forgetting of myself, it would be the end not only of my self-esteem or my memories, with all that represent my identity, and I can’t stop thinking that I will regret it with all of my heart if I do, but this pain is very strong, and my loneliness is very indifferent. Why I am the one who’d be here? Because when I need water, I cannot drink, and I will forget what water is. Because when I need food, I cannot eat, and I will forget what food is. Because when I need to sob, I will not cry, and my eyes will forget what crying is. Because when I need to flip my wings, I won’t fly, and I will forget what flying is. And so, how much customs and pleasures I will abandon to simple images of a past that slowly becoming in dust, like they’re becoming pictures in the books as a mere text of ancient history, little by little that will be assimilate for that mare who ignored me and imprisoned me, probably the only one who would remember my existence? This is a terrible fate, a terrible fate for a princess who only wanted recognition and affection. A princess absorbed for the shadow of a star which manifestation is unnoticed for everyone. A princess condemned to be forgotten, to the immateriality, to think and reminisce every moment all what she passed, well, on who other thing can I deal with my mind, in what else can I set for distract my thoughts, when I’m no more me, when I become nothing more of a beam of light with a pure and clean conscience, who can talk to me of more happy and beauty things that this site? What other thing stands with me more than my own darkness, my loneliness and my anguish? My shadow doesn’t project here, it doesn’t exist glimmer which can’t cross me, because there aren’t light in this my exile, only silence and stars. Only silence and stars. Silence and stars. I feel madden, I feel I’ve lost the sanity in an instant, I feel that my conscience befogs and it’s hard to think. Lost in my memories because this confinement scares me, it scares me to become a creature without memory and think, a completely empty presence, sunken in the personality’s unconscious darkness of a mare who’s not really me, but is part of me and my wishes. Oh, dear sister, what have I done? What have you done? What we’ve done? I remember all and each one of the things what we realized together, and it seems like a lie the form which we ended up splint apart. What made two very united and beloved sisters themselves to end like this? How to break a tie that never should break? How is possible all of this? It seems unreal, all seems unreal, I don’t want believe that this is real, but somehow it is. The pain is real, the suffering is real, the sadness is real, and the loneliness is real. My conscience is real, and I feel that is the only thing that’s left of me. My conscience, which it grasp at the memories of one past that totally died, which try containing itself, which fight every minute and second for no fade away, for continue living, for continue beating, while she rave in an ambient of black, fuchsia and light blue tones, and a little lightning of hope, where pallid and thin stars shines. However, I don’t want give up. I don’t want leave my spirit to an empty existence of cosmic baggage, I will try to see through this jail, I will try to see what is beyond this, I will try get out instead of retract inward. No way I let myself to fall in the forgetfulness’ of the empty, silence and black abyss, although I don’t have strength, strength is not what I need, if not to breathe a different air, appreciate the nature’s wonders which sensations that now are nothing much more than just memories for me, sensations which I only can remember, now I’m unable to feel. Something tells me what the worst punish was reserved for me, cause the punishments that Celestia and I gave to all of our enemies to guarantee our kingdom’s peace and wellness, there’s nothing compared to mine. I almost can understand what they can feel in those moments, although I doubt in the same time. But even so, each have their reason to be, and while we thinking to impart justice, they plunge in the defeat’s desperation, seeing how being attacked for some they detest, and confronting the final destiny that their sentences destined for themselves. Excepting Discord, it’s probably that I’ll never guess what was happening on the mind of the lord of chaos while he was converted in stone for the power of the Elements of Harmony, elements that someday my sister and me carry with decision and solemnity, and that my sister was forced to use against me, finally for they lost their power when our link was shattered. Because I feel it too, every fiber of myself tells me that now Celestia who’s defending Equestria all alone, and I don’t know if gladden of carrying for this. No. Definitely don’t glad, because this will mean that Celestia don’t have the enough force and power to deal with a menace much more strong than hers, and I can’t do nothing more than watch how a kingdom which I raise and I help to protect too overthrow because not being there to fight, because I’m locked here. Here where nobody can hear me. Here where nobody can see me. Here where nobody can imagine that a princess is suffering for her reign, a princess who has been betrayed… For her own… Could the exile be more rough, cold and strong rock be compared with this moon which I was imprisoned with a company that I learned to despise more and more? What feelings or emotions, if they are in a heart where the chaos domain completely, can feel the Draconequus from his prison stone? Maybe he can see how the ponies live full happiness and harmony, proceeding smiling and euphoric together his statue, while he must stay in this supposedly uncomfortable position I remember that day, when Discord taunted us, so confident that his own confidence was what betrayed him. That’s it: he laughs until the final, thing that not everybody can do, and somehow, I admire his courage. I don’t know how he takes it, but probably his head is entertained with more relevant topics that the empathy for the others, I don’t doubt it. Why I bother to think in somebody who doesn’t think on me? It’s easier think in Celestia, but that doesn’t attract me in this time. And what’s about king Sombra? Other similar case, but I believe to think that’s more bearable meditate for somewhat more than I, Right? This is what Discord does, I suppose, and though I’m not Discord, I can’t avoid go back over and over to the past, to my pain, to all that’s left me. Sombra doesn’t bear with a heart full of darkness, at least I feel so. Anytime he had a family, father or mother, or maybe not; sometime he must have or sisters, or maybe not. The truth is that I don’t know anything about his past life, and think of this surprise me. Now, mysteriously, I see him more as an equal that as tyrant who menaces Equestria. And I ask for his memories, if it still survives in any little and recondite part of his heart some else of he was before fall in the darkness. I believe that I never will know, if I couldn’t find it out before, I can’t do it now. Besides, although if I try contact him with some what remains of my powers, my efforts will be unsuccessful. I will a completely dumb, because what suppose I have to tell him, what kind of questions I pretend make him? It’s a complete nonsense… but find someone with share all of these feelings would be very good for me. Even so, what certificates me that King Sombra is the right someone? Could his banishment be worse? I accept that this site is not cold or hot. I suffer the loneliness and the silence, but I can’t complain of that my hooves freeze or my wings transpire. However, if I ask him some specific, I inquire how feels be between ice walls, how it feels that the cold enclose you, can’t seeing too far of your nose, can’t knowing if it’s dawn yet or if the moon rises. I don’t doubt that he where immersed in the silence and the darkness, a cold loneliness completely relentless for an obscure heart. If I found sometime how free myself of Nightmare Moon, how be the princess Luna again, I won’t doubt to use it the same way on King Sombra, nonetheless. Nothing I know of his story, maybe my carry and my interest aren’t more than caprice, because I ask myself, if I standing in Equestria, if I returned to my throne, I’ll do this that I thinking now. And, over all, what Celestia think, although I doubt that she’ll be all exited for this crazy idea. As if I tell her that we released Discord and found a pony able for reform him to use his magic in our favor, is completely impossible tame the lord of chaos. In other case, why not? Why Not to think that everybody deserves a second chance, never mind the cruel sins that they make in the past? Nobody could boast or have stumbled, Celestia make a mistake to no attending my simple petition, so she isn’t the indicate to talk of mistakes. I don't know if I can sleep. Sometimes I feel that I fall into a sweet slumber, I feel I dream within my exile, I feel that my conscience manages to escape from here to transport me to other dimensions through subtle holes in space. I totally don’t know how this is possible, but my heart is glad to be able to leave this refuge in my exile. What Nightmare Moon stays here grumbling and preparing his revenge, I want to clear and leave. Coincidentally, I entered a night in a world that lacked completely magic, governed by beings who walk on two legs, who kill and destroy, but yet also suffer and weep. Even though they have more freedom than me, they live in slavery. They are slaves to all that they fear, to procure their own protection, food, clothing... But for a moment, it was not they who interested me at first. I would never have imagined a world in which there were almost no ponies in sight, where the steeds possessed two possible fates: to live in the woods like wild Maroons, or to be in the hands of men and to serve them in various ways, making them lose All dignity. There I found someone who could understand me, even though I could hardly understand him. He suffered because he was different from other horses, because he possessed a power, a personality and a source that marked him with fire, which sometimes lost control, destroying everything in his path. It wasn't power that I longed for, No. In fact, what I wanted was to get rid of that power, he wanted to take away what made it different, want to be one more of the heap. There was a darkness in his heart with which he struggled, and looked on the moon of this world, so similar to mine but so different at the same time, a company with which to be able to download all that caused him so much anguish. It was the only unicorn in all that world, at least, in the area that I could appreciate. It was black as night, and from the hill I could distinguish its red eyes, inherited from a demon of the many who in that world were in charge of propagating evil. I was lonely, lonely, sad and cold, and how much I wanted to be able to get off this leaden sky to chat. I also wanted to be A normal pony, and I don't have to worry about anything but my family, my house and my work. A Great Power Comes A Great Responsibility. Verily, this unicorn had power, in all the expanse of forest were told the creatures who dared to defy it, but it was not a power that could serve specifically to do good. And the Black Unicorn was not interested, he had spent very bad streaks in his childhood to pretend that the lives of others worry him at all. Every time I could slip into that world, beheld with amazement and a warm feeling the devotion with which the Black unicorn came to look at the moon, and I tried to talk to him from where I was, knowing that it was useless. But one night, surprisingly, I saw him stop and devote a new look from the ground, as if he had finally realized that the Madonna of the night was not unmoved by his dedication. Then neighed with such force that I could feel it, traversing my being like an expansive wave, and also knew that it had activated its magic, because this I wrapped like a warm hug, was a magic that had never felt in me, and that gave me the first joy in all is Coughing long years of silence and solitude. So, I had something more to be able to relax when my sadness became bigger, I had someone to remember when they returned the hard memories of what slowly cooled. In those moments, I reproduced for myself that whinny of love so genuine that it seemed to say "you are not alone, here I am to understand you", and returned to me that special magic. I never knew who was that black unicorn, and there are still things that I need to learn from him, but for the first time I felt that I had a friend, for the first time I could be interested in the pain of another before mine, and although now I cannot go so often to that world , I try every time I can sneak of here. I also remembered Snowdrop, that little Pegasus Who knew how to present the most beautiful gift for the winter. She also suffered for her difference with others, and I cannot think of her without remembering the tenderness I saw in her eyes, despite being blinded forever. Well, how could anyone live who saw nothing but darkness? It was like trying to see through the red eyes of the Black Unicorn, it was like traveling beyond the limits of reason. For Snowdrop It was simple, it was his reality of every day and night, although his sight was nothing but an eternal night, without sun nor day, but also without moon and without stars. And yet she could do something magical, and when I saw that first snowflake, I thought of the beauty that anyone could be able to create if she proposed. She gave the winter something that no pony had given her before: a portion of beauty, something that distinguished it from the other seasons of the year. And then I found myself pitying me of winter, that like myself, we suffered in silence and loneliness the lack of appreciation of those whom we serve. The Life of Snowdrop It has led me to reflect a lot in these last moments, it was amazing how a small filly could change a part of the story, with a simple snowflake. I am sure that now winter would not be the same without the immense contribution she had bestowed upon her, still when darkness reigned in his eyes, even when he knew nothing but my voice, I can still feel the warmth and purity of his heart, and the total humility with which she approached that day, boldly and firmly, to show her simple project for the winter. With her I have learned that it is not precisely necessary to have a horn to produce a big change. I think again of the black unicorn of that alternating dimension, unlike Snowdrop, he can see me, but not listen to me, even though he seems to be able to notice my presence. I can't grasp his thoughts, I think I'm too far away to make it, but his scarlet eyes say much more than if he spoke with his mouth. I have tried to find a name with which to call it, but I have found none that the simple and plain denomination of what is: a black unicorn, which in nothing resembles those who in Equestria They live, for it possesses the girth of a much larger steed. I think if I would surpass Celestia in size, although I'm not interested. However, it looks... so small, so fragile down there, and so transparent his soul, that in a way is like a pony more. I have thought perhaps of offering him help to control his power, but it was when I realized that, if I had not been able to control mine when the negative emotions dominated me, what right I had to intervene in his life? What incentive advice could I give you, when the very thing that I wanted to help you with is what brought me here? If I could only enter into your dreams, and find out a little more, but here in this dimension I don't know if my powers could work. Nor would I have the strength or the necessary integrity, I am but a shadow of myself, what could I do? In the same way that if I tried to fix the eyes of Snowdrop, what changes would I bring to your life? Changes for better or for worse? The intention would be the best of all, but sometimes terrible acts are committed in pursuit of a good intention. I don't know if I could say this is what happened to my sister.