//------------------------------// // A lost // Story: A little Sparkling Blaze // by Sparkling blaze //------------------------------// Aria's POV 4 months went by,Sparkling was now talking and walking and I was pregnant again...I discovered on the 3rd week. However I wasn't nothing well,the pregnancy was being really hard. I was laying down when I felt my water break,the baby was coming early again. "Dash!"I yelled. Dash came running with Sparkling by her side. "What's wrong with mama?"Sparkling asked. "The baby is coming." I tell her. "It's too early." Says Dash. "We need to get you to the hospital." Dash helps me to the car and she takes me to the hospital. When we got there Sunset seemed really worried. Then she rushed me into c-section.Dash took Sparkling to Sonata's house. Hours after the baby was born,it was even smaller then Sparkling was when she was born,and apparently didn't have the same luck Sparkling had. It was another girl,she didn't cry when Sunset got her out,I just watched as Sunset rushed her away from the room. Dash arrived and rushed into the room: "How's the baby?!" "I don't know,Sunset rushed her away from the room as soon as she was born." I'm not sure how much time passed before Sunset came back. But I could tell this it was bad just by looking at her. "I'm so sorry." She started. "I did everything I could." I try to say something but I can't find my voice. She can't be telling me this, it's not possible. "What do you mean you did everything you could?" Dash Starts. "You... You sound like she died. But that can't be true." "Dash she was born too early. Nothing worked right...I'm sorry." Then it was my time to snap: "But Sparkling was born at 5 months and she was fine!" "Aria,Sparkling got lucky,and she was more affected by your magic then this baby." The realization then came to me,she was really gone. I started to break down and then I realized we were still gonna have to tell Sparkling. Me and Dash named the girl Flaming Star.Sunset then registered the death and sent me home. We then went getting Sparkling at Sony's house. When Sonata answered the door she had a big smile on her face. "Wow you two are here sooner then I expected." She took a moment to look around. "So where is she?." "Sonata." I start. "She didn't make it." "Oh.." It took her a moment to process what I just told her. Then she wrapped me in a hug. "I'm so sorry Ari." I hug her back. I can feel she's trying to find the right thing to say but can't find anything. So I ask her where Sparkling is. "Oh she's playing in the other room." Me and Dash go and find her. Sparkling comes running in our direction and gives us a big hug. "Mamas!"She then looked around."The baby in the car?" Me and Dash then exchanged a look,I then sighed,there was no easy way to tell her this. "Sparkling,your little sister was born really early,your aunt Sunset did everything she could but..."I hold in the crying."Your little sister didn't survive." She breaks down. Her breaking down makes me stop holding it in and I breakdown too. "I know it hurts." I tell her. "I'm sorry you never got to see her. But maybe you can have one some other time." "Yeah." Dash adds in. "I'm sure you'll have a younger brother or sister one day." She continues to break down,I catch her in my lap. "You wanna go to aunt Dagi's?"She gives a sniff and nods."She always knows what to do." We then went to Dagi's house,when Dagi saw the car she opened the door and gave me a hug. "Sunset told me.I'm so sorry."She said. She then proceeded to hug Dash and Sparkling. When she hugged Sparkling,she told her: "Sky and Blame are here,why don't you play with them a little."In a try to distract her. She nods and leaves. "Dagi..." I start but can't get any farther before i break down again. "I know." Dagi tells me. "There's nothing I can say they will make this better. But I know you and Dash can get through this." "I know we can." I tell her."It just hurts so much. I miss her and I want her back." "And that's normal."She hugged me again."I'm here for you sis. " "At least we still have Sparkling."Dash added. "Yeah and we'll protect her how we can."I said."No matter what." "You're right."Dash agreed. "Be careful you don't go overboard." Dagi warned us. "It'll be worth it."I tell her. "I'll make sure nothing ever happens to her."