//------------------------------// // The Early Bookworm // Story: Odds 'n' Ends // by TheAncientPolitzanian //------------------------------// Though she and Rainbow had found a common ground over the Daring Do novels, Twilight still occasionally had to remind herself that the speedy pegasus' enthrallment with the franchise was yet to outpace her own. Case in point? The discussion they were currently having. "Come on, Rainbow!" Twilight insisted once more. "It'll be fun, I promise!" "No offense, Twilight, but sitting outside a book store for six hours doesn't sound like my idea of fun," Rainbow retorted. "They say the early bird gets the worm, Rainbow," Twilight remarked. "We're not birds, Twilight. And for the last time, no thanks! I can get the new book later. It's not like the store's gonna run out of Daring Do anytime soon!" "Okay, suit yourself..." The next day, Rainbow found herself hovering about Ponyville's town square. Not-so-coincidentally, Twilight happened to be trotting by, the unicorn fixated on the hardcover book before her. "Oh, hey Twilight!" Rainbow greeted. "Is that the new Daring Do book?" Twilight looked up at her friend and smiled. “Indeed it is, Rainbow!" "Well, how is it?" "So far, so good!" "Great! Can't wait to get my hooves on it!" At that, Twilight grimaced. "Yeah, about that..." Twilight turned around. Rainbow followed her friend's eyes and saw the book store at the end of the road. A long line of ponies stretched out of the building and off into the horizon. Rainbow couldn't even see where it ended. "Woah woah woah," Rainbow interjected, "You're telling me they're all in that line for Daring Do!?" "I'm afraid so," Twilight answered. "I would've bought you a copy, Rainbow, but the store had a strict 'one per customer' policy. You can probably see why." There was a brief silence. "...Yeah, you might want to get in line soon," Twilight suggested. And with that, the unicorn trotted off, leaving a gobsmacked Rainbow to continue staring at the line. "...Well, crud," the pegasus groaned.