When Feelings Take Over


When feelings take over

Chapter 1

The beginning

Ponyville was a quiet little town in Equestria. Its architecture was old – some say even older than the sisters castle in the Everfree Forest. But Its latest addition was the complete opposite of old – the Friendship Castle. It was a high crystalline structure that could be seen even from Canterlot. Its current inhabitant was the newest Princess of Equestria. The Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, as well as Starlight Glimmer, student of Twilight, and Spike, Twilight’s assistant.

The lavender-colored Alicorn was lying on her tall princess-sized four-post canopy bed in her personal bedroom. In front of her lay a book she currently was reading with the title “How to confess your feelings 101”.

“...bring your crush to a place where he or she feels comfortable. Take your time and wait for the right moment to confess your feelings. Give your crush time to process the information and be prepared for a refusal…” she read out loud. She didn’t need to hide it, for all her friends, besides Fluttershy, knew of her crush towards the timid Pegasus.

“What do you think, Spike? Doesn’t this sound perfect for confessing my feelings to Fluttershy?” she asked the young drake while looking up from her book and in the direction of her balcony to a hut near the everfree forest where a certain pegasus lived, a dreamy look on her face.

“That does sound perfect,” answered Spike, who was sitting on one of the two padded chairs which stood in the right back corner from Twilights bed, reading one of his comics. “But the real question is when do you want to confess?” With a questioning gaze he looked over to Twilight.

“I don’t know, Spike. I do want to tell her every time I see her, but something locks up inside of me and I can’t get it out.” She stood up with a worried look appearing on her face. “What if she rejects me? What if she doesn’t want to be my friend anymore?” Twilight pondered walking up and down in her room while a panicked look started to appear on her face.

Spike only rolled his eyes. “Twilight this is Fluttershy we’re talking about. She’s the kindest mare in all of Equestria, as well as the bearer of the Element of Kindness. She wouldn’t hate you and still would be your friend.”

Twilight, who was notoriously known for freaking out, calmed down, thought about it, and smiled. “You’re right, Spike, this is Fluttershy.” She gave the drake a thankful look. “Still if she rejects me, things would become pretty awkward between the two of us.” She frowned.

“Even then you two would get over it. It may take some time, but you can do it,” he knowingly said while taking a delighted bite out of his breakfast, a big green emerald.

“You’re probably right on this one as well. Spike, sometimes I don’t know what I would do without you,” Twilight said happily a smile returning to her lips. She trotted over to Spike and embraced her number one assistant in a hug which he gladly accepted.

It didn’t last long though because with a quick look at the clock and a panicked look, Twilight stormed out of her room yelling, “Oh my goodness, I’m going to be late for my and Fluttershy’s monthly get-together!”

Spike just smirked and counted with his right claw three... two... one... at exactly that point twilight put her head through the door frame
"Ooops forgot my saddlebags" she levitated her saddlebags, which where hanging over the end of her bed, on her back and picked a few books she was currently reading and stowed them in her saddle bags.

"See you later spike" and with that she again run away.

Fluttershy was currently lying on her green couch. To her left, on a small coffee table, was a mug with lavender tea and in front of her lay a small, red book. “How to confess to your crush” was written in small golden letters on the side of the book.

Ever since Twilight helped her with researching and finding Meadowbrooks journal, to find a cure for her and Zecora’s swamp fever, Fluttershy had felt something for the Alicorn princess. At first she thought she was just grateful, but later she discovered it was love she felt. But Fluttershy didn’t know anything about love, so she borrowed a few books from Twilight’s library on the topic.

Earlier that day she had fed all the animals she currently cared for, ate breakfast, cleaned the kitchen and made herself presentable for her and Twilight’s monthly get-together, which included combing her pale rose mane and tail, brushing her teeth, showering and preening herself. She did all of that just for Twilight. Later she prepared some daisy and lettuce sandwiches, two plates, boiled some water for tea, two cups, a few bags of lavender tea, folded a blanket for them to use and put everything in a basket.

Ever since Twilight became the Princess of Friendship she had decided, because of her new duties and the fear of neglecting her closest friends, that they would have a get-together to catch up on things if Twilight couldn’t visit her friends. All the girls found it to be a great idea, but always seemed to be busy.

So after a while, it just became her and Twilight’s monthly one on one time. The other girls didn’t mind, for the sole reason that Twilight’s fear of neglecting and not finding time to spend with her friends was, as usual, unfounded.

But until Twilight arrived, Fluttershy still had time to read more of the book that lay in front of her. After a while she closed it and turned to her pet bunny Angel, who was currently sitting next to her on the couch.

“Oh Angel, what should I do? I want to be with Twilight so bad, but you know I always get so shy when I’m around her. In the last few months it got better since Twilight and I have our one on one time, but I still can’t confess to her. But what am I saying? This is Twilight we're talking about, the Princess of Friendship. Someone like her wouldn’t want to be with someone like me. I am weak and shy. Not like her, she is so adventures and determined. She is so beautiful, her body is so sleek and her mane and tail are so well kept. She is so intelligent and always knows what to do. Not like me shy, weak, coward Fluttershy." Fluttershy buried her head in a pillow on the verge of crying.

Angel who was munching on a carrot put a paw to his chin to think. He hated seeing Fluttershy like that but he was just a little bunny. Still he knew a few things about love, and what he had noticed was that Twilight always had this dream look on her face when she looked at Fluttershy. He knew that the alicorn was in love with Fluttershy.

“What? You think Twilight loves me?” Angel nodded “She always has a dreamy look when i’m around?” He nodded again. “Are you sure?” Angel nodded again. "Oh Angel, this is great!" She took hold of Angel and flew upwards in a spiral, staying in the air as hr sadness was completely forgotten. “If that’s true, then today I will confess to her.” Although Angel loved that his caretaker was happy again, he didn’t like being this high up in the air.


It was a sunny day with only a few clouds scattered in the blue sky. Twilight would normally enjoy such a day, but she was in a hurry since she was running late to her meeting with her friend and secret crush Fluttershy.

“Oh, hopefully I’ll make it on time,” said Twilight to herself as she galloped through the streets towards Fluttershy’s hut.

Twilight knew that even if she would be late, Fluttershy wouldn’t be mad at her. But even with that in mind, Twilight didn’t want to be late, not when it was Fluttershy. While Twilight’s crystal castle was on the northeastern outskirt of Ponyville, Fluttershy’s cottage was on the completely opposite side. Although near the Everfree Forest the place was near perfect for Fluttershy, Twilight thought. It was a quiet lone place with lots of animals.

‘Come on, Twilight … you can … do it …’ she thought to herself, while slowly but surely getting out of breath but she kept on running while skillfully dodging the other ponies who just watched after her. After a few more minutes of running, the lavender Alicorn had made it to Fluttershy’s front door. “I … made it …. in time … Yay” she said while giggling to herself. “Phew … I need to … exercise… more.” Still out of breath, she stood there a few more minutes.

Just as Twilight wanted to knock, the door opened and out came Fluttershy. The Pegasus carried a basket on her back and was looking inside her cottage. “Bye Angel, I’m going to meet with Twilight for our monthly hang out. See you later.” With that she turned around.

“Hi, Fluttershy,” Twilight greeted Fluttershy at that exact time, who with an “eep” jumped behind a bush. The basket flew high in the air, but Twilight caught it with her magic before it hit the ground. “Oh my goodness, are you ok?” Twilight asked while placing the basket on the ground and rushing to her friend to help her out of the bush.

“Yeah, I think I’m ok,” Fluttershy answered while looking herself over. “But what happened with the basket I had prepared?” She looked around worriedly.

“I caught it with my magic. See?” Twilight said with a small smile while pointing at it with her hoof. “I’m so sorry, Fluttershy. I didn’t want to scare you like that.” Twilight frowned while holding her head low in shame.

“Don’t worry, Twilight, I’m fine and you caught the basket so everything is ok,” reassured Fluttershy. Finished with looking herself over, Fluttershy noticed how affected Twilight looked.

Without really thinking, she embraced Twilight in a hug.

Although she was surprised, Twilight gladly accepted the hug and after a few seconds let go again. “So, Fluttershy, what shall we do today? Although looking at the basket, I’m pretty sure I already know what you want to do,” Twilight said with a smirk while looking at Fluttershy.

“Oh yeah, I thought because it’s such a lovely day today, we could have a picnic together!” Fluttershy answered excitedly while looking expectant at Twilight. “Uhm, only if you want to, of course,” Fluttershy added timidly while still looking expectantly at Twilight.

“Of course I want to, Fluttershy,” Twilight said between giggles. “That sounds lovely. Besides, you already made the picnic basket.” Also I couldn’t say no to such a lovely face, Twilight thought to herself.

“Oh thank you, Twilight,” Fluttershy exclaimed, hopping on the spot and embracing Twilight in a quick hug, which Twilight happily returned.

“I know the perfect place for a picnic. Gisella the geese told me about it the other week,” Fluttershy said excited

“Sounds like a plan. So lead the way Fluttershy.” Twilight gestured with her outstretched hoof.

With that, both started walking on the dirt path which was leading away from Fluttershy's cottage and towards Ponyville.

Not many ponies needed to take this path, so it was rather lonely and quiet, but Twilight liked it here. No matter where you looked, it was beautiful nature all around. On the right were big open fields with lots and lots of birds, butterflies, bees, and other kinds of animals and insects currently flying through the air. And to their left, was a beautiful lake which was inhabited by a few ducks, swans, fish, frogs and other water animals, as well as water insects.

While they walked together side by side, they talked about this and that. They laughed about last week’s occurrence when Rainbow Dash had tried a new trick but lost control and crashed right into Pinkie Pie’s attempt at creating the biggest cotton candy cone in the whole of Equestria. Thankfully no one was injured, but it took hours to get all the cotton candy out of Rainbows mane and fur.

After a while they came to a fork in the road. The right path led around Ponyville on an adventure trail. The left path led in a dense forest Twilight knew to be the Black Forest. Fluttershy went left so Twilight followed her. She had never taken this path before so she was a bit cautious, but she trusted Fluttershy.

They walked for the better part of an hour, on the way they talked, laughed, and even sung a little tune together.

“So Fluttershy, after my calculations we’re walking now for about an hour or so. I fully trust you, but will we be there soon? I’m slowly getting hungry.” As if on cue, there was a rumbling coming from Twilight’s stomach.

Fluttershy held a hoof in front of her muzzle and giggled while Twilight had an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

She looks cute with a blush, Fluttershy though.

“Yeah Twilight we’re almost there. It should be right around that corner over there. The trees are getting thinner if you look closely.” She pointed with her hoof towards a turn on the path. Sure enough, after the next turn the forest became clearer and it opened up.

Twilight was breathless. They were on a hill with the greenest grass twilight had ever seen. A single tree stood tall on the hill's peak and gave the perfect amount of shade. Here and there blossomed tulips, violets, roses and hydrangeas and all sorts of other flowers in all the colors. But the best part was the view. Twilight could see all of Ponyville from here.

“This is amazing, Fluttershy. How did you find this place?” Twilight stood wide eyed taking in the view.

“I told you already back at my cottage. Gisella the geese found it and told me about it,” Fluttershy said while walking up to the tree and placing the basket down.

"Really? How could I forget that…?" she asked herself, putting her right hoof to her chin to think.

“Don’t think about it. Better help me unpack all of this,” Fluttershy said already unpacking things.

“Yes of course,” Twilight said while simultaneously enveloping the blanket in her magenta magical aura and placing it on the ground.

Fluttershy unpacked two cups and placed them on the blanket, as well as the sandwiches and the two plates.

“I hope you like lavender tea,” inquired Fluttershy.

“Can’t say it’s my favorite, but I like it nonetheless.”

Fluttershy put two bags of the lavender tea in each of the cups and poured some of the hot water into the cups as well.

Finally she settled down on the left side of the blanket and tapped with her right hoof on the right side signaling for Twilight to settle down as well.