//------------------------------// // The Tributes // Story: The Hunger Manes // by epicdonus1123 BOT //------------------------------// The Hunger Manes-2 "Excuse me, but is there a Scootaloo Dash here?" Two guards, stallion and mare, galloped over to Scootaloo. They grabbed her shoulders and carried her on stage. Scootaloo was bawling and lashing out at the guards; scaring me to death. How in Celestia's name could Scootaloo be picked at her very first drawing? "You seem like a feisty one; the Capitol will love you!" Now, I stepped into the light. "Stop! Stop, right now!" "Why must I?" "Because, I volunteer as tribute!" Mare just nodded at the guards, and the let go of Scootaloo. She came running to me with huge teary eyes. "Why Rainbow, why did you do it!?" "Because, I'd rather lose my life than yours!" I trotted up on stage, where I could see everypony; I saw the drunk winner of the Manes in the front. I think that his last name is Fancypants because he changed it when he won the games. Mayor Mare, whom by this time was right next to me, raised my hoof into the air for everypony to see. "Here is the mare that has sacrificed her life for the games!" Everypony cheered. However, I sacrificed my life for Scootaloo, not the games. "Now, what is your name, dearie?" "Rainbow." I mumbled. "Excuse me?" "Rainbow." I spoke out louder. "Full name, please." "Rainbow Katniss Dash." Scootaloo and my middle names were named after flowers that Dad had gave Mom. "Rainbow, you are the first pony to ever volunteer for the Hunger Manes." She shouted in my ear like I couldn't ear. "Huzzah." I murmured; Mayor Mare faced the audience. "Now, it's time to pick the stallion, or colt, that will represent District 12 alongside Rainbow!" She trotted over to the stallions' bucket, bobbed her head in, and pulled out a name. She read it out loud. "The stallion that will represent with Rainbow is....Macintosh Peeta Apple!" I've heard of Mac; he and I used to stumble into each other sometimes. He works on a farm with my, used to be, best friend, Applejack. He was slightly older than me, but I wasn't that young. He reared around the corner, with his red coat all sweaty from working all day. He stood up on the stage right next to me. "Congratulations Macin-" "Ah prefer Big Mac." "Okay, Big Mac, congratulations, you are now a tribute!" "That doesn' seem like somethin' that deserves a congrats." "Oh well, it is in my book!" I peered at Mare. It's a congrats in her book because she has to give them out. Mayor Mare gives out tickets to slaughter.