Astrarian's Flashfic Anthology

by Astrarian

Rise and Shine

“Spike. Good morning.”

Twilight. Singsong voice. Entirely unwelcome.

“Uhhnngh? What? Morning?”

The tiniest squint revealed the sun wasn’t awake either.

“I thought we could watch the sunrise together,” said Twilight. “I need to observe normal practice for raising the sun.”

Spike burrowed away though the adrenaline rush of being woken flooded his body. “Do it without me.”

“I know it’s early, but there’s no need to be rude.”

Rude. Him? Now? Hardly! He wouldn’t stand for it…

“Spike,” Twilight insisted.

“You can’t be serious,” he pleaded. “This is completely unreasonable! You didn’t put this in the planner!”

He heard Twilight gasp, because he was correct. But the damage had already been done. Dreams, dashed. Sleep, ruined. Chance of returning to sleep, zero.

Spike whined and threw back the covers. “You owe me!”


“Pancakes all week,” he demanded. “With sprinkles and gems.”

“Whatever you want.”

Not exactly!

“Huh!” he huffed.