SPIDER-MAN: Edge of Equestria

by Kapwnage

Chapter One: Interests of Science!

Peter swung home, and climbed through the window. His Aunt May, whom he lived with, was downstairs, doing the dishes. Quickly changing, Peter jumped back out the window and went threw the front door, so his Aunt wouldn't be suspicious.

"You're home early!" May called from the other room.

"Yeah, not many pictures today." Peter noticed the bills on the table, foreclosure. But discarded them from his mind, knowing that if he brought it up, Aunt May would be upset.

"Do you want lunch, dear?"

"No thanks, not hungry." Peter went to his room upstairs, and finished hanging up his spider suit. "No more crime fighting today, the way things have been, Spider-Man won't be needed!" He thought, grabbing the pictures out of his bag. They we're a bit blurry, but could be cleared out with photo editing. Only one shot was good. "Well that's a good one of my elbow," He looked at a picture that had an extended limb, covered in red and blue spandex. "or my knee."

Annoyed, he turned on the television to catch up on news. Nothing about Doc-Oc robbing that bank, though. Peter kept thinking of what the Doc said, "Money" and something about teleportation. Just as the thought left his mind, the news caster had something interesting to say, "Oscorp had over fifteen billion dollars worth of equipment stolen last night. Security officials say the culprit behind this hanus crime is no other than the villain known as: Doctor Octopus! Today, Spider-Man caught him robbing the bank, and the thief was sent to jail." The news caster chuckled at the odd names of which he spoke of. "I'll have to check it out!" Peter said aloud. "Oscorp must have something he wants." Peter ran back downstairs and bolted out the door.

Arriving back into downtown, he slipped into an alley and tore off his normal wear, and became Spider-Man once more. The suit rode up his crotch a bit, and became uncomfortable, but Peter had to deal with it. He web-slinged down to Oscorp on the other side of the city near Manhattan. Enjoying the cool evening air as it breathed through his suit. The sun began to set on the horizon, and the buildings illuminated a bright dingy orange and red. "No time to stop for the sights!" Parker corrected himself. He landed straight on the Oscorp skyscraper that stood tall and proud among the others. Crawling down into the doorway, Spider found an elevator in the main lobby. He jumped and went down the hatch to see the labs all torn apart. Pieces of expensive equipment strewn all over, and large mechanical tubes we're crushed. This was Doc-Oc alright, it had his work all over it. Quite literally.

The spider crawled around the damage and inspected it for anything in particular missing. And their was, aside the mass amounts of wires connected to nothing. From what it seems, a console was ripped from where it was placed and some sort of generator was stolen. Some scientists we're crushed under the rubble, yelling for help.

"Spider-Man! The gas lines were damaged!" A scientist pointed at an LCD screen that showed the damage. The gas chamber was leaking fumes, as the scientist warned.

The bare wires from the stolen console created a spark, and the air was lit on fire. A giant explosion erupted empty barrels, tumbling over fleeing scientists. Spider-Man had to act, fast! He shot some web out with a satisfying, "Spurt!" and it stuck to a pipeline that read, H20. He pulled at the webbing, and the pipe's bolts busted off, spraying water everywhere. Now that the fire was cleared he needed to save the crushed civilians. He lifted up a large fallen screen, revealing squirming scientist trying to escape. They ran out, calling for assistance, despite the fact that Spider-Man was there to save the day. Most of the others helped friends up. He continued to lift fallen objects with his strength, and used webbing to support the walls as they crumbled. Oscorp was coming down upon them all, and Spider-Man wouldn't let anyone die.

The real problem struck when Doctor Octopus came back. He threw barrels at Spider-Man, but met the match of his Spider agility. He jumped and dodged every barrel. Even webbing some back in his face.

"You're destroying the lab!" Doc-Oc scolded.

"Me? Why would I- Oh nevermind." Spider-Man swung up to kick Doc's face, but his mechanical arm grabbed his leg and smashed the Spider into the wall multipul times. A headache slid up the Spider's neck, and entered his brain. He had to stop this madness before so many innocent people get hurt. He shot a straight web line at Doc's legs, tripping him over. He then use his oppisite hand to spurt a web line onto a large crate above Doc's head. He yanked and the whole thing toppled down. Doc's arms cought the crate, but not in time. The contents inside busted out the bottom and fell upon him. Meanwhile, Spider-Man grabbed the largest amount of people he could hold, and ran them outside. The rest made it out just in time before... The building collapsed before itself, with Doctor Octopus still in it.

"He's... Gone!" Spider-Man cursed under his breath. He let someone die, and took the responsibility even if it wasn't his fault. I should have saved him, regardless. He doesn't deserve death.

Parker swung around the city's desiccated night. From the happy day, it's turned rebellious. He has only one good picture, almost no money, and killed another human being. The last thing thing he needs now is another fight. Just something to take Doc's death off his mind. Anything that won't harm anyone. "Why is it that everything I touch turns bad?" He thought grimly. Suddenly, a large crash, followed by a blue streak of lightning pierced the night sky. No matter what, Peter has to find out what that was. He swung on his webbing as fast as his webbing could even take him. Flying threw the streets of southern Manhattan, Spider-Man was met by a large complex near the river. It was radiating large quantities of blue light. To the (regular) human eye, it could cause blindness! Spider-Man leaped to the glowing building and jumped through a rather large hole in the ceiling. With a dull thump, he landed and was crawling about the premises.

What really caught his eye, was the figure standing before the large, blue, illuminated gassy looking sphere. He had four extra limbs, all metal tentacles. It was, indeed, Dr. Otto Octavious himself. He was staring into an abyss of blue light, that rapped around a giant sphere. It exhaled gasses from inside, from what Parker saw. He snapped a few pictures with the camera he brought along. Dr. Octopus was getting ready to jump inside this giant sphere, and he thrusted his legs up. Spider-Man spun out a web and caught his back, but the force was way to strong. He was pulled in as well.


Darkness, and nothing but darkness. Peter saw nothing, though he was sure his eyes were open. Images flashed before him, and in the fraction of a millisecond, he was falling. The rush of adrenaline came to his throat and he had to think, fast!

"Fast! Very fast! Gotta... Oh no!" He realized that with nothing to sling from, he was doomed. Thinking of a clever plan, he thrusted his palms together, where his organic spinnerets met. He shot a web mist out both wrists and a very light film was formed, making a makeshift parachute. Peter floated safely down, and began to grasp his bearings. Everything below him was a forest. Every single tree was a healthy green.

Spider-Man landed lightly on a rock, and just as fast as he got there, his spider-sense went berserk! He leaped into the air, and a giant paw swung under his behind. He webbed his attacker in the face, which turned out to be a... Lion? No it was obviously mutated. Much bigger than the lizard. Madder a fact, he's seven times smaller than this beast. It had wings of some sort of bat! Spider-Man spurt more webbed mist in the animals face, slowing him down. This gave Peter time to book it! With the thing still chasing him, he used his left spinner to swing, dodging a river and sending the creature right into it.

"Woah buddy, I'm not your lunch! Go eat someone not my size!" He yelled as the creature, now in the river. Parker was just too fast for the monster, and it was left behind. After a good twenty minutes of swinging in a random direction, Peter sat in a tree and facepalmed. This was gonna be a long day "Where do these guys come from?" He emptied his spider-boots and dirt emptied on the ground.

Half an hour later, Peter slowly slid off his mask, and rubbed at his face to ventilate some frustration. The webbing details on his gloves (suit) gave off a scratchy feeling on his skin, similar to sand paper. Still sitting in the tree, he looked around the area. He was indeed in a forest, and it seemed pretty thick.

"What's that weird smell?" He said aloud to himself, "Oh yeah, fresh air." He chuckled. "I feel dirty, and not the hey-let's-go-clubbin-way."


Miles away from Spider-Man, Dr. Octavious had teleported into a river. He thrashed around and came out soaking wet. He grumbled in disgust, and put his beam-goggles back on. He ditched his long overcoat, for it was very heavy when soaked. His extended titanium limbs stretched out and crippled the soft land, leaving huge imprints of the three star-like prints. He chuckled at the thought of Spider-Man thinking he was dead. No longer a bother to me! Now where to begin my plans? He checked around, and got a feel of the hot air, and clean water. This dimension is perfect for his master plan. It will make him a god, and they will worship him for what he has done for science!

He began to slowly unpack his science equipment that was sent through the porter as well. Just about finished, a giant lion-like creature came out of the river, and attacked him. He thrusted his left attached tentacle to get a hand on the creatures side. It went back down to the river with a crack, and a large dull 'THUD!' echoed. Doc wiped his brow, this was gonna be a long day.


5 Minutes earlier:

A gleaming morning in PonyVille, it was. Twilight sat in her bed, thinking of what to do. Get up, fix up, eat, go out. She had to organize her day, to make it a good one. Hopping off her bed, she opened the window and enjoyed the fresh aroma of muffins coming from the bakery. The hot air and the cool breeze just added to the delightful morning. She woke up Spike and had him clean up while she went to buy breakfest. On the way to Sugar Cube Corner, Twilight ran into Dash, whom had urgent news.

"Twilight! Something just landed in the Everfree!" Rainbow Dash yelled at Twilight's face.

"Rainbow Dash, cool your hooves! What was it?"

"I dunno! That's why I said 'Something'!"

"Uh, ok well we can't really do anything."

"We gotta check that out!"

"I'm not going in there, it was probably just a bird."

"No, it was way bigger than a bird!"

"Alright, get the rest. We'll look into it."

"Gettem' in ten seconds flat!!!" With the last word, Dash flew off in a heartbeat.

Twilight facehoofed, this is gonna be a long day.

*Authors note: This is gonna be a long day :P I'm releasing alot of this chapters really fast! I would finish TDG: Reboot. But I took an arrow in the knee!*