A High School Tail

by FlameStar05

A Show about the Weekend

Sunset pulled up at the parking lot to the Canterlot Mall. As she, FlameStar and Alura stepped out, they were in awe at how large it was. Alura had never seen something like this and FlameStar, who explored the world, couldn't believe his eyes.

"Who knew that the world could be this wonderful?!" Alura exclaimed.

"Is this your first time out the house?" Sunset asked jokingly.

"Actually. Yes. I never left my realm until my cousin came to Equestria and stole the Friendship Castle."

"That's rough, buddy." FlameStar said. He looked at Sunset. "Rarity is supposed to be in this place?"

"That's what she told me." Answered Sunset.

"That's all I need to know." FlameStar said. Before he could run in, Alura grabbed his hoodie and held him back.

"Hang on, FlameStar!" Alura said. "Do you even know where Rarity might be?!"

"No clue!" FlameStar said nonchalantly. Alura just shook her head.

"Rarity said she'd be window shopping at the fanciest boutique store in the mall today."

"The fanciest hmm?" FlameStar said. "If I remember Canterlot in Equestria, then I think we got a lead as to where is Rarity...

Back in Equestria, Prince Noir found FlameStar in the other world.

"So my nemesis still lives..." Noir mumbled. "What a stubborn horse that FlameStar..." he peered over to an artifact that can kill a victim. "No... let him run around some more... I think that world is about to get--" just then he was getting a call from his call spell. Upon answering it was King Sombra!

"Ah Prince Noir. How is taking over Equestria going?" Sombra asked.

"Wonderfully. Those ponies were pushovers. Kinda makes me sad that they'll go extinct serving me..." Prince Noir answered.

"Don't you forget... you free me and you'll gain the full power of Shadow." Sombra snarled.

"Yes... I won't forget."

"Then keep up the good work... son." Sombra ended the call.

"Hmph. FlameStar could be a problem..." Noir thought. With one mane flip. He left to attend to other matters.

Later, FlameStar, Alura and Sunset Shimmer went into the boutique store to try and find Rarity. As they entered, they were taken aback at how fancy and tidy the store was.

"Wow! Everything is so shiny and fancy!" Alura cried.

"Yeah!" Sunset said. "Never seen something like this before!"

"I wonder if..." Flamestar spotted Rarity with a large bag of dresses. "There!"

"Isn't that one of the Elements of Harmony?" asked Alura.

"Yep!" Flamestar said. "Now for the hard bit. We gotta have her be Generous so she can Pony up."

"I think a have an idea." Alura said. "That is... if you're up for it."

"Clue us in." Sunset and Flamestar said in unison. Alura went up to Rarity and made some puppy eyes at her. "Excuse me, young lady... I'm just a feeble girl who has no clue about the store. And I'd really like to know which is the best dress for me..."

"You poor little thing... come, darling. I'll help you find the greatest dress for you."

Sunset nodded. "I think she's pulling it off." FlameStar however shook his head.

"That would be good... if we were dealing with Fluttershy!" FlameStar goaned. "How she phrased it, Kindness would be the solution here." Rarity led Alura to find the best dress for her. "Make that Kindness and Loyalty." FlameStar said.

"Cmon, We need to follow them." Sunset said. She and FlameStar went after Rarity to see what she does next. Rarity found a very nice dress for Alura in her favorite color: sunlight yellow.

"Its so beautiful, Rarity!"

"Try it on, darling." Alura took the dress into the dressing room. When she returned, she looked very, very beautiful! "Oh Rarity. Darling, you've outdone yourself."

"I wonder how much this cost..." Alura pinched the price tag and she. Was. SHOCKED. "5,000 Bits?! I can't afford that!" FlameStar gripped at his chest upon hearing that.

"OH this is a disaster..." FlameStar groaned.

"Hang tight Darling." Rarity dug into her purse and pulled a check for 10,000 Bits! "You seem to need this more than I do."

"10,000 Bits?!" Alura cried. "No... I can't possibly take that from you..."

"Just take it. Besides, I have more bits anyway."

"Why would you do that for me?"

"Because... being generous comes with rewards... no matter who or what it is." Rarity began to glow. In mere moments her hair grew longer and she got pony ears!

"FlameStar, she ponied up! Use the Amulet!!" Sunset cried. FlameStar pressed the button and some of the magic flowed inside the amulet. However, Rarity saw what was going on.

"Not this time!" Rarity fired some diamonds at the Amulet. FlameStar jumped away but Sunset got assaulted with diamonds. Rarity ceased her attack to finally realize she was bombarding Sunset. "Oh my... Sunset?"

"Ohh... hey! How's it going?" Sunset groaned.

"Sunset? Are you ok?" FlameStar asked. If not, can I have your phone?"

"Who is he?" Rarity asked.

"FLAMESTAR! This girl gave me some money for this, can you Believe it?" Alura cried.


"So, your name is FlameStar?" Rarity asked.

"Oh me? Yeah but I'm a nopo--" Sunset elbowed FlameStar."I mean, I'm a nobody..."

"Whatever do you mean by that, darling?" Rarity asked. "No one is a nobody. You just need to get your confidence back."

"I'm listening..." a few minutes later, the crew was at Rarity's mansion and FlameStar wasn't happy. "Do I really have to wear this, Rarity?"

"Of course, Darling. Its just us." Rarity said.

"Oh fine..." FlameStar groaned and walked out with a dress on. Sunset and Alura found it quite funny.

"Oh FlameStar... you look ridiculous!" Alura chortled. Sunset proceeded to take pictures.

"Rarity. This. Is stupid." FlameStar huffed.

"Come in now!" Rarity cried. When she did, a gray girl named Derpy, a drama queen named Sassy, A farm girl and a pink optimistic girl walked in. FlameStar was embarrassed and furious that Rarity lied.

"Rarity! You told me we were alone!"

"But I needed Judges." Rarity pleaded.

"Aren't you, Alura and Sunset enough?" FlameStar asked.

"I needed some background eyes." Rarity said.

"Fine... let's get this over-- APPLEJACK? PINKIE PIE?"

"Hi, mystery red guy!" Pinkie said.

"Wait... were you at my barn earlier?" Applejack asked. "My nephew told me you roughed him up... is that true?" FlameStar's eyes shifted trying to think of something convincing to tell Applejack. Eventually, he faked a sigh.

"Yeah, I was there." FlameStar sighed. "I was only there for a little while, and then I saw you had a pony and at that point, I couldn't stay there no more."

"Did any of y'all know this?" Applejack asked. Pinkie shook her head. So did Rarity. Derpy just blinked. Then Alura rose her hand.

"I was with FlameStar. Some crazy guy with a pitchfork tried to kill us." Alura explained. "So FlameStar went and threw barrels to contain him and beat him black and blue!"

"ALURA!! That's something Applejack didn't need to know!" FlameStar goaned.

"Now why on earth would you lie to me?" Applejack asked, annoyed. FlameStar just sighed heavily and decided to come clean. He then told the others all about his mission to get the statue working again and how Prince Noir was starting a hostile takeover. The girls were amazed.

"...and that's why I needed the Equestrian Magic of the Elements of Harmony." FlameStar explained. "It might be my only hope to get back home and stop the Prince."

"You'll help right?" Alura asked.

"I'm not one to lie so believe me when I say I'm in to help you." Applejack said. She then started to Glow and she Ponied Up!

"Ah!" Said FlameStar. "You can help me right now! Hold still..." FlameStar took some magic from Applejack to where he felt it was enough. "Gracias, Senorita Applejack." FlameStar said. "That makes 2 elements." Before he could ponder about anything else, his stomach started to grumble. FlameStar blushed out of embarrassment... Sunset couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Sounds like you're hungry." Sunset laughed. FlameStar nodded slightly.

"Can we get something to eat?" FlameStar asked, "and I wanna take this dress off!!"

"Darling, you look nice in that dress." Rarity complimented. "Maybe you should wear it to go out!" The other girls laughed. FlameStar however wanted to burn the dress to ashes, but he remembered he doesn't have a cutie mark as a human. Nor does he have his horn to harness the power. So FlameStar ripped it off and stomped it into the dust. Alura just laughed. So did Sunset. Rarity however. Was Shooketh. "FlameStar, how could you?!"

"Im not myself when I'm hungry." FlameStar explained. He pointed to his stomach. "Sorry." He then pointed to the dress."Not sorry." Everyone just laughed.