//------------------------------// // Confirmation and Extraction: 4 // Story: Twin Raritys' // by Kentavritsa //------------------------------// <--- --- ---> Returning the Favour <--- --- ---> . Since I am alone at home, with Rarity as my only company; I had felt comfortable, wearing nothing and thus staying perfectly nude in her company. I am still completely comfortable, staying stark naked in her company. ”Just in case, I should explore the possibility; extracting the tube, before I dress up and step out of our home..” I ponder, as I am reaching behind my back. With the index finger of my right hand extended, I probe my rump; soon finding the tight orifice, while the finger eagerly slips in. Not that I had been expecting any resistance, even if I had found myself tighter than expected; there is still a strange and unfamiliar sense to the act, but I had not taken into consideration the long nail or the sensitive touch-pad. The smooth silicone is much slipperier and more elastic, than I could possibly have been anticipating. Just that the tube is a fairly thin and flimsy item, easily inserted into the orifice it had been intended for. At first I fail to get a grip, but when I finally do manage to get a vaguely tenuous grip; it is slippery and tries to slip away. I try to pull at it, only to find it stretching further and further; while eagerly and sticking to my flesh, and stretch. "Yelp!” I exclaim, as I lose the grip and it snaps right back into place. ”Maybe, just maybe; it would have been easier, if I could see what I am doing?” I ponder, considering if I ought to ask Rarity for help. Somehow, she had picked up on what I had tried to do; even if I had not uttered a word, to the effect. ”Oh!” she offers, as she is stepping up before me. She is placing her hands on my still nude rump, her right hand sliding over my silicone-white rump. I feel her playfully pressing just enough, to make it into a playful gesture in the process; only for her now extended index finger of her right hand sliding right in unhindered. I feel a pinch, as she is getting a firm grip and pulls at the plug. She had gotten a firm grip, of that insistent tube lodged deep in my rump, from what I can feel. She gives the tube a few tentative tugs, feeling it stretch; before she gives it a severe yank, almost making me fall over her in the process. While the tube is still sticking to me; but that final yank still pulled it clear out of me. With the extracted tube in her hand, she pushes me and helps me to regain my balance so that I can stand up; before she is taking a step back, once more looking at me. Naturally; my skin tone soon reverts to the original, pinkish hue. Though my lips and eye-lids stubbornly refuse to change back. My nails remain long and glossy, just as the design for my Rarity; the sensitive touch-pads and the suction-cups also remain unchanged. Otherwise, I guess I am reverting back to my original human form. One small detail remaining, the polished hooves is incapable of reverting; the products had bonded to my physical body, in a manner that prevents me from reverting any further. ”I have a gift for you!” she offers, presenting me with a small box. "Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the gift. A pair of panties, a skirt and a top. All in a matching, deep purple. One small detail, the panties are including a vaginal and an anal plug. Other than that, there is no real surprise; these garments do fit me, due to the fact that we are sharing measurements. She had known it, all along. ”You are quite welcome, my dear!” she responds. I hesitantly pull out the panties and step into them, before I am pulling them all the way up; only to feel the plugs touching my skin, just before I can pull them all the way up. The plugs slid right in, as if guided by unseen hands; holding the tight panties in place, effortlessly. The skirt does not offer any unforeseen surprise, as I am pulling it up. With the skirt on, I finally do pull the top up and out of the package; before I pull it down over my head, affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. The top fits me, as if it had been painted right onto my skin; just a bit tight, if I can say so myself. Yet, it is not too tight; making me find myself comfortable, comforted by the garments she had given me. <--- --- ---> A New Morning <--- --- --->