Quiet Chrysalis (Rewritten)

by LunaMint

Crimson Roses

I've done some terrible things. Many terrible things. Things that I can never take back. It's too late for remorse. Stone is the only border between me and the world I wish to change. Hard, cold stone. That and the fact that I will never be forgiven.

I am Chrysalis, Queen Chrysalis. I wasn't always like this; coldhearted and cruel. Once upon a time, when love filled our hearts, and cleared away the North snow, I was the queen of a beautiful, joyful empire. The crystal ponies were like my children, and the changelings were my family. I would do anything to have that life back.

I stared at my throne, purple and rose colored, shining in the light of the window. I pulled my hooves up onto the seat, lifting the rest of my body onto the throne. Cushioned, as it was, the seat didn't help with back pain, and certainly not with the strain of my hooves struggling to sit up the whole day. I watched as the shining crystal ponies lined up at my door, hoping to tell me about the blight of their crops or a sickness ravaging their town. I didn't mind helping them, in fact, it was great joy to know the many towns of the empire were protected, and that they felt safe under my care.
I sat upon my throne, just like any other day, staring down at my subjects as they came up to me seeking help for their everyday issues. As I recognized the next two new visitors, I rose from my seat.
"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna! To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, standing up straiter.
Princess Celestia lowered herself in a deep bow, "The pleasure is all ours Queen Chrysalis."
Luna did as her sister had, bowing as deeply in compliance.
"We come in regards to you and your empire. There is an anonymous threat traveling amongst our people. They say it was first said by a shady figure, someone who's face was hidden by a dark cloak, and had smoke emitting from what seemed to be their eyes." Celestia continued, raising herself from the bow.
I gasped, "Tirek?"
Celestia looked at me with an emotionless yet dark expression, "Not likely, but we believe it's best that we prepare for a possible battle."
I stepped off my throne, my bright blue hair falling behind me, "I'll gather my troops immediately. Would you accompany me?"

When we arrived in the base camp for my guards and soldiers, they all turned their attention to me. Each one was a changeling. Their beetle backs, glossy wings, and hard exoskeletons were of all hues and shades; pinks and blues mixed with greens and reds. They shined just like the crystal ponies, just without the look of reflection on their skin.
As we three rulers stepped forward, they gasped in awe and fell to the ground in bows. My head guard stood up first.
"Queen Chrysalis, what troubles are we to attend to?" He stood strait and still, a hard expression on his old face.
I looked down at him with an appearance to match his own, speaking in a low tone, "You are to gather your troops and make sure every inch of this empire is protected. A threat has been made against our empire, and we are not about to let it fall. Can you have that done by the end of the day?"
He looked back up at me, taking in every word.
"Yes of course my queen, right away," and he was gone. Buzzing away towards the many other changelings nearby.
I turned back to Celestia and Luna, nodding my head for us to leave.

As we stepped away, I could already see guards flying across the open sky, signaling and pointing to each other in indication of where they were supposed to be. Watching them buzz across the sky, I continued back towards my castle.
Princess Luna walked up to me and said, "We were wondering, how does thou handle her duties so well. We hoped thou could give us some advice on the matter." Luna's hair was just as flowing as her sister's and sparkled like the night sky.
I looked down at her, making direct eye contact, "Well, lots of patience I'm sure. But, I don't quite understand why you are asking me. I'm positive Celestia will have just the same advice, if not better."
Luna hung her head before slowing her pace to be behind me and Celestia.

We soon arrived back at the castle, with guards set up in every place, and all changelings carrying spears and swords. Also, a few crystal pony guards had been added in higher places, with bows armed and ready. Celestia, Luna and I all stepped inside the now empty throne room, where the line of crystal ponies and changelings had recently exited.
I sat back down on my throne, wincing slightly at the pain now back in my hooves, and struggled to keep myself up perfectly strait.
"Well, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, it has been a great pleasure, and thank you for the warning. I wish you a safe travel home, and for your kingdom to have a safe year." I nodded to them, bowing my head slowly to indicate a strong respect for the two princesses.
They nodded back, bowing shortly before walking away and leaving the castle. I sat there for a while longer, but it felt almost entirely pointless, as no more ponies or changelings came for an audience.
After a few hours of waiting, I stepped off my throne, and walked out onto the balcony. The view towered over the empire. A sweet zephyr blew against my skin and I watched the sun set far behind the mountains beyond, dazzling the world in colors of red, orange, and blue.
Looking down on the world, I could see the nightly show being acted out for the whole kingdom. I had created these nightly shows, to feed the changelings. Performing for a crowd of adoring ponies would feed them from the mutual love, keeping them from going on a love-eating rampage. This kept the crystal ponies happy, making sure that the crystal heart stayed powered throughout the year.
I wondered for a moment, watching intently as the moon rose to the sun's original position in the sky; if my subjects truly felt loved and happy under my rule. Was I truly providing for them as much as a good ruler should?
I gave up for the night, hanging my head, and letting my tired hooves carry me to bed.

I woke to a tremendous boom that shook me to the core. It was not the boom of fireworks so familiar after the changeling shows, but the boom of breaking buildings and the earth splitting in two. My ears were ringing, and I jumped out of bed, racing outside the door. Something was so wrong. Racing down the halls and turning down the stairs, I opened my wings to fly over the empire. As I exited the castle I immediately saw what it was.
Oh, it was horrifying. It was a cataclysm, dark purple and black crystals shot out of the ground, causing the earth to split. There were ponies and changelings running everywhere, as crystals shot up from under them, into their skin; through their chests. Blood scattered the ground, I could see it all the way from the sky. I could hear the ponies and changelings, their hysterical screams of agony and the earsplitting cries of children as their families left them behind. My eyes teared at the chaos.
There were gray clouds covering the sky, dark snowing clouds. At this observation, I soared as fast as I could to the crystal heart. It barely shined, and needed help. When I landed, running to the crystal heart, I was suddenly blocked and stopped by a dark force.
I fell to the ground backing away from the stallion towering in front of me. He had a dark black coat, with a shadowy flowing mane.
The stallion laughed, his sharp carnivorous teeth showing and shining in the light of sudden lightning strikes. His eyes had purple and green smoke emitting from the sides of his red slitted eyes.
I opened my mouth, shakily speaking to the unicorn, "W- who are you? What do you want?"
He responded, laughing evilly, "I am Sombra, the new ruler of this pathetic kingdom!"
Sombra came forward, causing me to back up. My heart pounded hard, feeling as if it could break through my chest. My breath came in panting gasps, falling and rising more rapidly than ever before. I heard the yell of a guard, and a sharp crystal shot out of the ground, dark purple and blue. I looked to the side, watching helplessly as a changeling soldier was stabbed by the crystal's point. It was terrible and his scream split the night. The lost soldier's crimson blood splattered my skin, sinking deep into my fur, and I could taste it as it jumped to my lips. The blood trickled down the crystal like petals falling from a rose.
"No! You can't do this! Stop!" I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks and grief clogging my throat.
"You're weak, you can't protect them! They will all be my slaves. You can save their lives if you run! Run and never come back! Keep quiet Chrysalis, or I will kill them all. This kingdom is mine!"
I ran, I had to do what he said. I had to run, keep him from spilling anymore crimson roses, changeling blood. No more precious blood spilled.

I wish I had know then, but running was my biggest mistake.