Outcast of a Hivemind

by NovaSethyr

New Discoveries

Chapter 10

New Discoveries

My former friend and fellow changeling took a look out the window into the dark sky. The moon was steadily rising, and the night was beginning to grow dotted. I hoped that my absence wouldn't make the Saffron and Drop Shot worry too much. Wait, scratch that, I want them to worry and set out to find me. For all I know this is the part where D4 informs me of my formal execution. I struggled to rise, but I felt resistance to all four of my limbs. Looking up, I saw that I was tied to the frame of the bed, and it was knotted tightly.

D4's black chitin head turned back towards me, he blue bug eyes piercing me with a sharp glare, "You've been more of a hindrance than an asset, being left out of the Hivemind has done nothing for the good of our Hive. The Prince wants to establish a link between you and the Hivemind, we need as many drones as possible."

I shook my head, being connected to the Hivemind was definitely not on my agenda, and if I understood Dalit correctly, the Hive was split apart while everyone was still connected in the collective consciousness. Whatever made them all split apart, being forced to choose a side isn't going to help bring the Hive back together.

At least now I can get a few questions answered, "The Prince is invading Manehattan as we speak, right? Why hasn't he done this before, or for that matter, why did he send both of us to a rural area where nothing as substantial as this would have been gained?"

D4 faced the window, the glow of the city starting to appear as the moon started to fulfill it's role. She sighed heavily, a remorseful sigh that was full of regret. "He wanted us out of the way."

I tried to lift my head up, struggling to try and see the rest of the room, maybe even what part of the city I was in. I could shoot a signal out the window if I was near the harbor and see if my two companions could come rescue me. I discovered that my head was also tied to the bed, well my horn was. And if I had to guess there would also be something constricting my magic. I'll have to test it out later, right now it's time to play 20 Questions. "I could see why he would want me out of the way, I was a rouge changeling. But why did you get sent with me?"

She flinched at the question, and left the question unanswered in an uncomfortable silence. I was just about to ask another question when she whispered softly, "I... I deserved it."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the vague answer"But why?"

Silence filled the room a second time. I wondered if we were still even in Manehattan. Surely there'd be city sounds that could be heard even from the tallest of building? They were very big, after all.

I had thought this line of questioning entirely fruitless, so I started to begin again, "Alright, so don't tell me that. But why is the Prince invading Manehattan he only has a few drones, you said so yourself."

D4 trotted over to the bed and stared down at me, "That was his plan all along, changelings don't need to be in numbers to be powerful. A single changeling can conquer a town all by himself if he plays his cards right, and what the Prince has planned is truly spectacular."

"And pray tell, what does he have planned?" I responded.

"What, and ruin the surprise? I don't think so." Well, at least I tried. "All you need to know is that there's going to be quite the ruckus from up above."

Up above? What did she mean? Did the Prince have agents in the seats of power of the city? Is he going to try and get the middle and lower class to rebel against the ones in power? That would be a great source of anger, but it wouldn't last forever. Rebellions are known for their inability to last forever, after all. Unless he has a way of getting both the higher and lower classes fighting each other for a long time. Perhaps he can make them just hate each other without being enough support to rally a rebellion? That'd take some work, and it would mean giving the higher-ups even more power and letting the lower class know that revolting is only going to fail.

D4 smiled as I tried to figure out just how the Prince was going to incite the city into a self-destructive war. She walked away to the far side of the room, but I was unable to see what she was doing. I heard the sound of a door opening, "Now just sit tight, I've got a small errand to run. After all, we wouldn't want your new friends to miss the morning show, would we?" The door shut behind her, and I heard hoofsteps walk away, leaving me in a room full of silence.

Aw crap, I don't think I was gonna get out of here anytime soon if they caught the couple. I struggled against my bonds, and I was rewarded rope burn and fatigue. I decided now would be a good time to test out my magic, but as I thought D4 had bound it. Well, at least I think she bound it. Everytime I tried to use magic it was like pushing a boulder uphill using just my pinky finger, I probably wouldn't be able to lift a candle without nearly killing myself from the effort.

There wasn't anything else I could do, so I had to lay there and think of some way I could escape. If not, then I'd have to think of some way to get D4 to untie me and escape before I'm taken to the Prince. There was no way in hell - well,Tartarus, I guess - I'm going to share minds with that guy if I could help it, he's too devious for his own good.

I took a look at my surroundings, which currently was the ceiling. It was a nice ceiling, to be honest. There was a crack on the far left side of my vision, but I couldn't tell if it connected with the wall or anything. I could smell some flowers somewhere in the room, and I could hear the deafening silence that accompanies being alone. After a while, I decided now would be the best time to get some sleep. Maybe I could visit Dalit again, and pry some answers out of that cryptic skull.

I wasn't sure how much time passed, but eventually the door opened. I felt my heart skip a beat, sure that D4 had captured my friends and came to make me join the Hivemind. I heard hoofsteps enter the room, but the intruder didn't say or do anything. After a short bit I heard a familiar sound, it was as if someone was spraying the area with a squirt bottle.

After a little more squirting and me staring at the ceiling, unable to look at who this pony was, I heard the unmistakable sound of a vacuum cleaner. The sound was so sudden that I jumped, making the ropes go taut with a loud bang. I couldn't believe it, it was a cleaning pony, and he/she just could be my way outta here.

I shouted over the noise, trying to get the cleaner's attention. The cleaner either didn't hear me or ignored me, as the noise moved to the opposite end of the room. I started to get impatient, I really wanted out of here and this cleaner wasn't helping! Once the noise died down I yelled again, and this time I yielded results.

A mare appeared in my vision, looking down at me. She was a brown Earth pony, with an apron and a duster in her mouth. She looked confused at me, probably wondering why there was a changeling tied in a suggestive position on the bed.

"Can you help a poor guy out?" I said, but she just stared at me blankly. Her head tilted to the side in the universal sign of confusion. If I could slap myself I would have, I wasn't even speaking Equestrian! There's no way she could understand me.

I tried to transform into my Lucky disguise, but I felt the same resistance to magic that kept me from using magic. Stuck as a changeling, and a language barrier was the only thing that kept me from certain salvation! I nodded at my forehooves, tugging at them sharply. Hopefully this mare can understand my frantic motions and not run away screaming about a changeling strapped to the bed.

Unfortunately, that was exactly what she did. With a deep breath, she abandoned her cleaning duties in favor of creating a high-pitched scream as she ran out the door and away from the creepy bug-like pony that couldn't hurt her in the slightest. I sighed, wondering if she could probably send somepony up in her stead... Although on second thought, she'll probably send somepony up in order to 'squash the bug,' or so to speak. Getting out of here would be the ideal outcome before they called the Royal Guard for help.

I sighed my relief, happy that I could get rescued by the Guards, before realizing what that meant. It meant that I'd be moved from being trapped here, to being trapped with the Guards. Exchange one prison for the other. I wouldn't be able to convince them about the Prince's plan since I was a changeling as well, and I'd be aiding the Hive to fulfill whatever plan it had for the city. Not to mention that I'd be no help to Drop Shot or Saffron in prison. I needed to get out of here so I can find a way to stop this, and to warn my friends about what's going on.

I pushed harder against the barrier, but it would budge an inch. I struggled hard, and felt it gave way. It was only a little bit, not enough to free myself, but it was enough to prove that I could do it. If I can dent it, I can break it. I pushed with renewed vigor, and felt all my energy get zapped by the effort. Still I kept going, feeling the barrier slowly give way. I felt like I had run a marathon uphill and underwater, my limbs felt like lead even though I had barely moved them.

I heard shouting from down below, which put fire under my feet as I pushed harder and harder. Eventually, after what seemed like a lifetime, I felt the barrier snap taut and break apart, and something come loose from my horn and fall on the bed next to me with a muffled *whump.* I felt my very essence fill with magic, giving me more power and energy.

The energy didn't help, I was completely burnt out from breaking the spell. I only had enough energy to pick up whatever it was that fell of my horn. Shakily, the unknown object was picked up by an inky black aura and was lifted into view. It was a ring that looked like it had melted, and eventually had broken down from whatever caused it to melt. If this ring caused my magic to be blocked off, then I probably melted it when I broke the spell the surrounded it. I tossed it to the side and heard it clatter to the floor.

The sound of hooves hurrying towards my general direction reminded me of the situation I was in, and the voices that they belonged to didn't sound friendly. In fact, I distinctly heard the words 'bug' and 'spray' used. In whatever context they were used, I didn't care, I only wanted to get out of there. I tried to untie my bonds, but to no avail. My magic just slipped and my concentration wavered as I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I couldn't burn out of magic here, I needed to escape, find Saffron and Drop Shot, and... well, I'll burn that bridge when I get to it. Right now, escape!

I felt the knot slip through my magic once again, and I yelped in frustration. I couldn't get the knot undone, and the ponies were just outside my door! I barely had enough magic to last me only a few seconds of telekinesis, much less a proper spell. I looked from side to side and saw my limbs tied off, the knot in plain sight but I was unable to do anything!

Unless... it was risky, and I wasn't sure if I could pull it off but it worked I could throw the authorities off without having really done anything. And then there's actually casting the spell, I'm sure that it's probably some high-level magic that I'd have to deal with, and I'd be thoroughly drained after this was over.I waited until I heard the hooves right outside the door.

I closed my eyes shut and poured everything I had into casting the spell. I immediately felt it take effect, and I didn't dare open my eyes lest I ruin the spell and fail. I heard hooves trot into the room, then over to where the ring had fallen. A few seconds of silence, then a gravelly and entirely unfriendly voice piped up.

" 'e's not 'ere, 'e musta bust outta the spell that 473 put on 'im."

A second voice spoke up by the door, "Well then, let's get after him. Don't want to keep the Prince waiting, after all." With that, the two ponies left the room, and I was all by myself.

I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until I opened my eyes and let it all out in a heavy sigh. I started to chuckle, I had just turned invisible with only a thought! I didn't even need magic lessons or anything! But enough celebration, it was time to escape for real this time.

I looked back at the knots, and tried to reach it with my mouth. I could try and untie them if I could reach the rope. With a bit of struggling and feeling like my legs and horn were going to pop out of their sockets, I nabbed the rope with my teeth. The knot was entirely in my mouth, but I was unable to untie it. So I started to nibble. It wasn't the most elegant way to escape, but it was a way.

I was chewing for a while, and the time let me calm down and think about what I had just experienced. There were two changelings in this building, looking for me. They probably went to search the city for my usual disguise of Lucky, so I couldn't use her for a while. I had to think of a new one and quick, otherwise they'll catch me and I'd be a part of the Hivemind in no time.

And that was another problem, I had no way of knowing who was a changeling or not. From what I recalled, there were only a handful of changelings back at the Prince's Hive. It's not really a full-scale invasion if there's only four or five participants, so either he was hiding his real force, made negotiations with a fellow Hive, or actually considers the small amount of changelings a force to be reckoned with. And seeing that almost half of his force is dedicated to keeping me here, I doubted it was the last option.

After a good five minutes of chewing I felt the rope give, and it snapped from its position around my limb. Then I started to work on the other fore leg, and this time with a hoof helping I got the knot undone. It was only a couple of second from there to free my horn and my legs, and I plopped out of the bed and onto the hard wood floor. I had freed myself, but I still felt like I was made of cement.

My adrenaline had worn thin, and I was quickly running out of energy. I felt my eyes flutter close before I pushed them open with sheer willpower. I wasn't going to stop here, I had to get to my friends. I lifted my left fore leg and placed it on the ground, pushing myself up and got onto my second leg. Eventually, I was standing, shaky and completely exhausted, but able to move. I looked around the room, finally able to get a full bearing on where I was.

The room was your average hotel room, there was a bed, a small kitchen, a small bathroom, and a window. No TV, which was normal considering there was no electronics. On the bedside table was a drawer half-open, and I was curious if Equestrian hotels held similar customs to the ones on Earth. Opening the drawer, I found a small book with a blank cover and a title printed in small lettering, 'The Elements of Harmony.' It wasn't a big book, but it certainly looked like a full-blown novel. A quick scan revealed there to be 319 pages to read.

I put the book back and peeked out the window, wondering where I was. Apparently I was at the top of a small building in Manehattan, with a glorious view of the hilly landscape beyond the city. The hills were barren, except for one area where trees dotted the land and it seemed much darker than the rest of the night-covered land. It must be the Manehattan equivalent to the Everfree Forest, I thought. I didn't see the harbor anywhere, but below me I could see the rest of the city spread out below me, so I hopefully wasn't too far.

I turned and took a small peek out the door, expecting there to be somepony out watching the door for something suspicious. It was completely empty, and I decided to don a new disguise. I willed myself to transform, but it was even more of an effort than breaking the sealed room! I gave up and walked towards the hall, not willing to exert much effort into Every step I took felt like I was dying, and I felt the fatigue really get to me in the form of hunger and thirst. I hand't eaten anything in the past day, and my stomach picked now of all times to remind me that food is important, although I wasn't sure what type food it meant. Regular food or changeling food?

I reached the bottom of the stairs and collapsed against a wall, panting and sweating profusely. My disguise still held, which was good. I'd rather ponies stare at an out of breath tannish colored pony than a changeling. I looked around and found myself in a small lobby, with a large desk with a couple receptionists behind it. But the majority of the ponies in the room were in a line, waiting in a queue for something.

Looking at where the line ended, I drew in a sharp breath. The line ended at the front doors, where two ponies were stopping the ponies leaving and asking them questions, letting them pass after they finished answering them. But what caught my breath was the accent of one of the ponies, it was the same pony that had entered my room!

The changelings were asking everypony something, but whatever it was it was probably designed to separate those who are real ponies from changelings, which is something I cannot deal with at the moment. I ducked back up the stairs and out of sight from the two changelings, frantically thinking about how I was going to get out of here.

I felt my back pressed against the wall, and the feathers of my wings pressed against my body. I hit myself with my hoof, duh, I could fly! I ran back up the stairs to find a window that opened out into the night sky. Pushing it open, I flared my wings and jumped out, trying to remember how to flap again.

I plummeted a short ways before my wings pushed upwards, lifting me away from the ground and straight into the building on the other side. I was fairly sure my body had taken enough abuse, but the universe apparently didn't think so as I felt a trick of warm liquid seep from my nose. I flapped again, keeping myself from falling to the ground, and directed myself out of the alley I was in and into the sky.

I was sure that under less drastic circumstances, I would have enjoyed the view, loved the feeling of the wind beneath my wings, and spend the rest of the night flying the countryside and exploring the sights of Equestria, but time was short, and I had to get back to the harbor.

I turned around, and found the still reflection of the stars in the water that was the sea, and I flew towards the large number of boats that dotted the harbor. Once there, I landed on a random pier, squinting through the darkness to try and pick out the nameless boat that was Drop Shot's treasure. After a bit of searching, I found the tiny boat and flew right on in, bursting through the door without a second thought.

The door to the cabin burst open to reveal two...no, three surprised faces. Drop Shot had been looking out the window, and Saffron was leaning against the wall while talking to the newcomer. He had a red coat, and a jet black mane. He wore a trench coat that covered his flank, and his beard was scraggly and unkempt. His ears had been pierced with a lot of earrings, and when his mouth was open I could glance a small gleam from a golden tooth. When I had burst into the room, he took one glance at me with eyes that shone like fire. He didn't have a horn, but I could feel his will imposing everyone in the room, like he could always make himself to be the center of attention.

I just stared at my friends and the stranger, confusion written on my face, while they stared back with a mixture of fear and anger on theirs. Suddenly, a shrill shriek sounded from Saffron as picked me up with her magic and tossed me out of the cabin and shut the door hard, and I landed unceremoniously in the salty sea with a splosh. After picking myself up and climbing back onto the pier, I shape shifted back to my Lucky disguise.

I shouldn't charge right back in soaking wet after a changeling had been thrown from the cabin into the sea. Wouldn't bode well for anyone. Luckily, the cold water gave some life back into my limbs as adrenaline pumped through my veins, trying to keep me warm in the cold water. The first thing I should do is find some way to dry off, and what better way to do that than by flying?

I took off and flew around the city, taking in just how bright the place is. After I flew into the city, I saw a lot of other pegasi flying about as they opted to take the faster and less crowded route than others. The flying felt purely instinctual, and it allowed me to think about all the events that had taken place in just the short amount of time. First of all was the whereabouts of Jetsam. He's here, somewhere in the city, that much is obvious. Why else would his fear trail along with the other seaponies' fear lead here?

The trail had dropped off around the area of the harbor, and there was much that could be assumed from that: the seaponies stopped fearing their kidnappers, the kidnapped had broken free of their prisons and escaped, ot the kidnappers had killed them before they reached the city. I gulped at that last thought - ponies mercilessly killing others in order to get what they wanted. It was way too similar to how humanity has treated others in the past, and still do. This universe was created from the minds of humans, so perhaps our quirks and personalities had rubbed off a lot more than what we had thought.

Point is, our entire mission is to find out where Jetsam is, rescue him, and live the rest of our lives happily ever after. That ending is looks dimmer and dimmer with every sudden turn, but we have to keep pushing. We have to help the world become a better place, cause if we don't, who will? That stranger from the cabin probably knows something, ad we have to listen to every little detail that can take us one step closer to saving our seapony friend.

But on the other side we have the Prince and his ongoing invasion of the city. If we also let that continue then we can kiss the entire city goodbye, which is what's going to happen if we continue looking for Jetsam. The only problem is that this problem can't be solved without some explanation. If I ask Saffron and Drop Shot to help, they're going to want to know the details. Details that involve questions like, "how do you know about the changeling invasion," and "why did they kidnap you if you had no idea about the invasion?"

Details like that can turn a group on itself, make others wonder who is on who's side. We can tear this group apart, we may never be able to find Jetsam if we do, much less stop an invasion that apparently starts in less than eight hours, if the clock on the building was right. If whatever D4 was talking about happens in the morning, it'll most likely start at sunrise. If not, then we'll have more time, but it's always best to plan for the worst case scenario.

I flew around building and zipped along alleys before I had decided that enough time had past and it was safe to return. I flew over the harbor, looking down below me for the small boat before I felt the sheer wall of exhaustion return in full force. Everything just turned to lead as I dropped right out of the air and onto the deck of a ship, although I wasn't sure whose ship it was.

I earned myself a new bruise on my head after that stunt. I rolled onto my back and stared up into the face of the diamond dog that I saw earlier in the evening. Past him I could see the multitude of sails, and I could see the night sky from the holes that most of them have. I turned my gaze back to the pirate, and the diamond dog gave me a full show of his yellow and gold teeth. He picked me up with a single claw and carried me into the ship, which was easy since I was too scared to do anything at this point.

"Oi, yew grungy swine! Tha' looks like a tasty addition ta our sapphire and ruby stew!" yelled a voice that sounded almost guttural. Well, I guess it was just my luck to end up in a pirate ship about to be eaten. Honestly, I probably should have seen that coming.