
by Holtinater


Trixie walked through Ponyville, as she usually does, to go pick up some assorted fruits from the market. She had just eaten the last of her apples, and figured that she should restock. Maybe even get a few of the more expensive, imported fruits. They always cost a few too many bits, but they were worth it every time.

But, however awesome they may be, the walk to get them is never so pleasant.

She swore that she could feel them staring at her, glaring into her soul, judging her for her past mistakes. Everypony remembered her tricks nearly a decade ago, and how horrible she had acted back then. Everypony remembered the grudge that was so strong that she had tampered with powerful dark magic to try and get back. Everypony remembered who she used to be.

Nopony cared that she was helping her friends out with a surprise birthday party for a pet rock. Nopony cared that she was working as a counselor, helping students at the first Friendship School. Nopony cared about any of the thousand little, great and powerful things she did every day, and had been doing for years.

The only thing they saw was the monster that she was.

As Trixie passed by the Friendship Castle, she caught a glance at her friend, Starlight Glimmer. Her first real friend in Equestria. The first pony to care about her. The first to understand what she was going through.

Starlight caught her glance and smiled at her. Trixie smiled back as she realized something she should have known a long time ago.

Not everypony.
Now, time to get some of those juicy Kiwis...