//------------------------------// // Chapter 32 // Story: Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search // by currentlemon //------------------------------//     Lyra felt a slight hint of joy as she trotted inside her master’s dojo. Even though she wasn’t gone for too long, she had missed place. It was special in her heart as she had spent a lot of time here training privately with Master Darran and many other Jedi Masters. It was brutal work, but despite it all, those days were probably the best moments of her childhood.     However, there would be no privacy today. The entire dojo was packed. Not just with other Jedi, but her companions and the rescued ponies were all present.     Shortly, after having her private sit-down with her mother, Lyra and Platinum agreed to meet with Master Darran at his dojo on the Enclave’s sub-floor. However, the other ponies were unwilling to go at first. Most of them wanted to know what Platinum was going to do with the Jedi and Lyra herself. But Platinum quickly shut them up and reminded them all that it was a family matter.     She even took the time to berate Sweetie Drops for lashing out at her daughter earlier. Though Lyra insisted there was no need for her to scold the mare, her mother continued to do so anyway. As a result, Sweetie kept her head low and remained relatively quiet since.     As for the companions that Lyra made during her journey, they had waited for her outside the guest rooms. To her surprise, the Jedi Masters and Lieutenant Dodonna weren’t with them, yet Hider quickly explained that they have left already. The former left for Master Darran’s dojo and the Lieutenant excused herself to a nearby Republic Naval office.     So, for the first time in a rather long time period, everyone agreed to meet with the Jedi at Darran’s training dojo. To everyone's surprise, however, there would be an extra Jedi Master present. A master that she and her friends were familiar with as they had seen the alien back on their arrival on Coruscant.  “Greetings, Padawan Heartstrings. It is good to see you again on such short notice,” greeted the Kel Dor Jedi Bokal So.     Immediately, the ponies freaked out at the sight of seeing a new alien species. Even Platinum Impact was guilty of this, as the mare quickly dropped into a fighting stance. Thankfully, those who have met Kel Dor already—particularly Stalwart, and Cotton Swirl—managed to calm everypony down, informing their kin who he was.     “I am aware that my appearance may frighten some of you ponies, but fear not. I am one of the Jedi’s most esteemed healers back on Coruscant,” informed Master So. He then pointed to the three ponies who had calmed everypony else. “I have given medical examinations and vaccination shots to those three. Right now, my duty is to serve everyone else here.”     “Wait, seriously? You made the trip to Dantooine just to give these ponies their shots?” asked Hider. “Wouldn’t it just be easier to have a doctor assigned here do it instead?”     “We figured that by bringing him here, it’d make the medical examinations go by quicker,” answered Master Kavar. “Master Bokal has had experience dealing with Padawan Heartstrings, and he has already treated three other equines here. Best to let someone who has a history dealing with this new species assist the new arrivals.”     “Eh, fair point,” replied Hider with a shrug. “I still don’t get why we’re here. If all you Jedi are going to do is train the kid, wouldn’t me, Chessk, and the tin can be better off staying on the ship?” “We’re not here for idle chat, Hider. I specifically asked you all to come here because Kavar and I have something we’d like to discuss,” explained Master Darran. He then turned to his Padawan. “Lyra. What I’m about to tell you is extremely important. Granted, I was supposed to tell you after the Council meeting, but given the circumstance at the time, I figured we’d wait till now.” “Um, okay,”  Lyra replied, sounding confused as her head tilted slightly. Though she was thankful to her master for giving her some much needed privacy with her mom, she pondered on what important news he was saving. “So, what’s this thing you want to tell me?” “It’s about the Mandalorians, young Padawan. They know the location of your home world.” An eerie silence filled the entire room as Lyra and her companions stared at the Jedi Master with wide eyes. It remained that way for several seconds until Hider finally spoke up. “How!” he blurted out loud. “How the kriff do the Mandalorians even know about Lyra’s home planet! And how do you even know that in the first place?” “Captain Impact confirmed it,” replied Master Darran. “During our meeting, she told us that—during their imprisonment—a Mandalorian commander had confronted and showed her a navigation map of their home world.” Platinum nodded her head. “It’s true. Though I admit, I did not believe them at first. But they refuted my doubts when they showed me the same navigational coordinates we have on the Celestial Sun,” she explained. T3-G4 let loose a loud whirring noise. “Yeah, I agree with the tin can on this one,” Hider said. “How’d they manage to get a hold of something so important?” “On Ord Mantell,” Chessk said out loud. “Do you remember what I said on the day we met? That I fought and killed of a few Mandalorians while I was still working for my cousin? After our encounter with the enemy on Coruscant, I figured they hacked into Behssk’s computer just to look at his sales history. But it appears that wasn’t the only thing they got.” Hider’s eyes widened. “Of course! The Celestial Sun! The Exchange still had the ship at the time. Those Mandalorians must’ve found it while they were sneaking around the place!” “Correct. And now they plan on using that information to invade the home of the little equines. I can only assume that they plan on using the planet to aid in their conquest.” As Chessk and Hider continued to discuss what happened, Lyra remained silent. Her eyes still opened wide after the initial shock. “Honey are you alright?” asked Platinum, who immediately took notice of her daughter’s sudden disquiet. Lyra did not answer. Her mind was too distracted with the thought of ponies screaming and crying as their homes were being burnt to the ground. She winced. “I… I,” she said as she suddenly found it difficult to stand upright. “Snap out of it, dear!” Platinum shouted out loud. Her voice was so loud that it snapped the young Padawan out of her thoughts. “Lyra, please. I understand this news is unsettling, but you have to calm down.” It didn’t work, however. Lyra merely stared at her mother with pale white eyes and began to yell at her. “Calm down? How can I remain calm, mom!” she cried. Her sudden outburst caused many in the room, including her mother, to reel backward. “Padawan, calm yourself! Remember the Jedi Code!” berated Master Darran. “There is no emotion...” “T-there is peace,” Lyra stuttered as she struggled to regain her composure. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell like that. It’s just that everything’s happening so fast. I thought I’d be done when I saved everypony here, but now you’re telling me I have to save my home too? “I know all of this is overwhelming for you, Padawan. But as shocking as this may be, it’s moments like these that we Jedi often find ourselves in,” explained Master Kavar. “Kavar is correct, little one,” said Master So. “As a Jedi, you must learn to overcome all obstacles that come in your way. Even those that come in the most unexpected of times.” But this is way too much! Lyra thought to herself. Initially, she almost blurted those words out, but refrained herself from doing so. Scanning the room, she noticed the grim looks that everypony had. Even her mother didn’t look all that well. It was understandable, of course. This was their home that Master Darran was talking about. And now it was being dragged into a galactic scale war. “How much time do we have, master?” Lyra asked. Darran shook his head. “I am not certain, my Padawan,” he answered, much to Lyra’s disappointment. “But what I do know is that it will take time before the Mandalorians make a move. The bulk of their forces is located in the outer rim worlds and sending just a chunk of their naval fleet for just one world is too risky, even for them. My guess is perhaps three to four days. Five at the most if I’m being generous.” “That may be my old friend, but I wouldn’t underestimate our foe. As brutish as our foes may be, the Mandalorians are risk takers. They’ll do whatever it takes to conquer a planet,” said Master Kavar. “You still haven’t even told us where Lyra’s home planet even is,” replied Hider “We have confirmed its location borders between the Inner Rim1 and the Colonies2. Though the planet itself nears the edge of the Unknown Regions3.” “Is that so?” Chessk asked with a single eyebrow raised. “An uncharted planet located there would certainly prove to be an advantage point. If taken, the Mandalorians can use it to stage an assault on the Republic Core worlds.” “You’re not helping in the slightest, big guy,” Hider argued. “Settle down, human. I’m just stating the facts. Though given how crucial this information is, I’m assuming that this meeting with the Galactic Senate will be more than just formal introductions.” “Precisely,” answered Master Darran. Using his right hand, he reached into his Jedi robes and pulled out a datapad. He then walked over to Platinum Impact and handed the device over to her. “This thing right here contains important bits about the Republic Government and the Supreme Chancellor himself. I know time is short, but you and your colleagues must study this.”     “Oh, I understand perfectly, Master Jedi,” said Platinum as she took the datapad from Darran. “Does this include any politicians that I need to watch out for?”     “Indeed. I’ve marked down every politician who might pose a problem in the meeting with the Galactic Senate. I suggest that you get to know them well and read up on their history.”     “That’s a good idea. If you guys are going to convince the Republic Senate to send help, then you’ll need to know who you can and can’t trust,” said Hider. His response, however, earned the attention of Master Kavar.     “I’m surprised, Captain Louhun,” he said with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t think you’d have a knack for politics.”     “When you’ve been around politicians for most of your life, you’ll pick up a few things,” Hider replied.     “Whatever do you mean by… never mind. Master So. Would you be so kindly as to provide medical checkups for these equines. If they are to meet with the Galactic Senate, Republic protocols must be followed.”     “Of course, Master Kavar. Though given how small the medical facility is here, I can only take one patient at a time,” answered Master So. Unfortunately, the ponies weren’t so willing to volunteer as the ponies began to whisper amongst themselves.     Upon seeing this, the pony Stalwart Shield sighed. “If anypony is uncomfortable with the Jedi, then Cotton and I can volunteer to go with you.”     “What?” Cotton Swirl shouted. “Who said I’d agree to anything like that?”     “Cotton, please. Just take a good look at everypony here! No offense to the Jedi Master, by nopony is willing to trust Master So yet. And you know that, aside from Sweetie and the two of us, we’re the only ones here who are comfortable with him.”     “Ugh, fine. But I swear, Stalwart. If I miss anything cool, I’ll blame you!”     “Of course you will,” Stalwart said, sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. Once he had joined Master So, he looked around the dojo again for any volunteers. Thankfully, his willingness to go with the Kel Dor master made a few ponies volunteer, much to his and Lyra’s delight.     “Okay, that settles that. But what are we going to do now, Master?” asked Lyra.     “We prepare, my Padawan,” Darran answered. “These next few days are very important, so we must spend our time wisely.”     “Darran is correct. For the time being, we shall meditate, study, and train until your inevitable confrontation with the Mandalorians arrives,” said Master Kavar as he walked toward the center of the dojo. Reaching into his robes, he pulled out a lightsaber with his right hand and revealed it to Lyra. “It has been some time since we last sparred, Padawan Heartstrings. I’d like to see what training Master Darran has been giving you.”     From the hallway outside the dojo, the mare known as Cotton Swirl screamed out loud.      “Yeah, I’m going to sit this one out,” said Hider. “No offense to you, kid, but I wouldn’t want to be a burden on your training. Plus, I haven’t even gotten paid yet. So, until I get my credits, I’ll be staying on my ship.”     “Seriously?” asked Sweetie Drops, whose voice caught everypony by surprise as it had been quite some time since she last spoke. “Despite how dire our situation is, money is still the only thing in your mind?”     “Yup,” Hider bluntly replied as he stepped out of the dojo. T3-G4 followed suite, but not before letting out a bleep toward its owner.     “It’s wishing you good luck, little Jedi,” Chessk said before taking a seat at one of the four corners of the dojo.     “You plan on staying with us, Chessk?” asked Master Darran.     “If you don’t mind, Master Jedi, then the answer is yes. I’ve been wanting to learn more about Jedi fighting techniques and now is as good a time as any.”     “I do not mind at all, young warrior. If you wish to learn, then I am more than happy to provide a suitable demonstration,” said Master Kavar. He then pressed his right thumb on the saber, causing a blue colored blade to appear. “Padawan, if you please.”     Lyra blinked. “Wait, we’re doing this right now? In front of everypony?”     “And why not? We are already in a dojo, Padawan. Why delay things even further?”     “Well, it’s just that all of my sparring sessions have been private. I never exactly trained in front of a whole crowd before.”     “It’ll be a good exercise for you then. This way, you’ll learn how to ignore distractions and focus on the battle in front of you.”     Lyra’s ears drooped. It appeared she had little choice in the matter. Reluctant as she may be, however, going against the orders of a Jedi Master wasn’t a good idea. Especially with everypony watching her.  Joining Master Kavar at the sparring ring, she pulled out her own lightsaber and ignited it, revealing a greenish-white blade. Ignoring the awestruck oohs from her kin, she assumed her usual Ataru opening stance; and in return, the Jedi Master did the same, albeit with a different form.”     “Remember, our lesson from Coruscant, my Padawan,” said Master Darran as he assumed a Jedi meditation stance. “Do not engage in a foe directly. Use your speed and technique as an advantage.     “Yes, master,” Lyra replied as she tightened the grip on her lightsaber. Glaring at the Jedi Master in front of her, she lunged straight at Kavar and began her assault.