//------------------------------// // Marching on // Story: Of War and Friendship // by DocDelray //------------------------------// Tolik needed a drink. Nothing smooth, nothing weak, a strong gut-rotting drink that would rip apart his insides so he didn’t have to feel anymore. Any new kind of pain to drown out the one already sitting in his stomach since the failed attack began. For his team’s failure and humiliation, Tolik and his men had been left back in Ponyville with the royal guards to monitor the situation as it unfolded. They had made a base of operations out of the lobby of a nearby Inn, despite the obvious objections from the owners. He had been listening closely to the com-units since the scout team set off into the woods following fast after the hoofprints several locals had left. At first he had begrudgingly given in to his superior’s punishment and figured he’d get his shot at revenge when and if they brought them back alive. If not he had plans to take a few pot shots at their corpses to make himself feel better. Instead all he got was an earful of disaster. The man leading the team on the shuttle, Major Jax Yularian, had been a good friend of his. They had gone through basic together and kept one another alive during the siege of Mustifar. That had been the operation that brought them both to the attention of the Deathwatch. They had both sworn that neither of them would join this shadow group unless the other came along. Now he was dead. The report, screamed in by his second in command, had stated a sniper round took him out mid-drop. No details beyond that, the boy giving the report had taken a lightsaber to the chest according to another panicked soul that was cut down all too soon as well. Tolik wanted revenge all the more, now. To tear someone’s throat out with his bare hands and carve out their chest cavity with a vibro-knife. Things only went worse from there, though: twenty men, armed to the teeth, charged into those ruins. They had the overwhelming advantage over this enemy and it was all nothing but a trap. Even from the village he could see the explosion as it blossomed against the night sky. A white ball of beautiful death erasing everything and everyone it touched in one brilliant blinding flash. Tolik needed a drink. The Deathwatch Sergeant had forced his way into the establishment’s kitchen and begun sifting through the contents of their pantries. Somewhere in this building there had to be at least one bottle of something alcoholic. Over his shoulder he could hear the sound of hooves on the floor boards. Tolik braced himself for what he assumed would be another rounded of heated words with the Inn keeper’s wife. Instead he found himself staring down Galant. “If you’re here to lecture me then at least help me find something to get drunk off of,” He grumbled as he roughly moved the contents of another cupboard around. “Is that the reason Ms. Autumn came to me in a huff yelling about ‘that armored thug in her lauder’?” From the sound of Gallant’s voice, it was clear he was biting back a lot more than just that. Tolik didn’t give a care at this point. Not after all that’d happened and how little he could do to stop any of it. Finally his prayers were answered with a mostly full bottle of cooking sherry, “Hell, this’ll have to do…” Without a word to his fuming companion the Deathwatch Sergeant popped the cork and downed a quick swig of the tart contents with a wince before slamming the bottle down on the counter. Shaking his head the Unicorn approached him and took hold of the bottle magically to take a drink as well, “If we’re going to get drunk at least explain to me what just happened in the forest.” “Gallant, how many folks close to you, have you lost in combat?” Tolik snapped at him before taking back the bottle for his next greedy gulp. “I’ve lost a few young colts here and there in border skirmishes. Especially with the griffons - cut throat monsters, those ones.” He replied. “I’ve seen at least a hundred men and women die in front of me.” Tolik muttered as stared into the bottle, “Never let a single one of them drag me down no matter what.” Gallant took his turn with the sherry, “What changed this time?” “A man very close to me, a friend since our youth in basic training and the only man I’d trust with a blaster at my back was killed out there by the scum we’re chasing.” Tolik took a long drink from the bottle as he fought to douse his rage with alcohol. Gallant let the human have the lion’s share of the liquor, “You couldn’t have changed the outcome, Tolik. You would’ve died in their trap just the same.” “We should’ve stopped them right here!” He snapped at the guardspony as he slammed the bottle down, “We had them, Gallant, right in our cross hairs. If those damned women hadn’t been in the way, we could’ve gunned them down or something!” Gallant pulled the bottle from his grasp, “Then they probably would’ve killed us, too! Tolik I’m sorry for your friend but drinking your pain away isn’t going to bring him back.” “Gah, don’t give me that damned rubbish Gallant. I heard enough of it from my ex-wife, I don’t need you trying to guilt me about drinking.” Tolik snarled. “You misunderstand me friend. I’m not lecturing you about the evils of drinking. I’m trying to suggest is…” Magically he slid the bottle off to the side and then produced a silver flask with gold-leaf engravings, “That we drink to his memory rather than his death.” No rest, not yet. The tension of the battle in the ruins still fresh in the air, the members of Epsilon knew they couldn’t rest this close to the smoldering remains of the ruins. The second they had gotten the Skirata brothers to their feet it was time to move. With their pony charges in tow, the crew quickly set out to put as much distance between them and the crater that according to Twilight was once some called The Sisters’ Castle. Maybe when all this is over they’ll name that smear on the landscape after them. The initial destruction of the site seemed to be a rather nerve-wracking sight for the majority of the civilian ponies tagging along for the ride. Twilight, as expected, had been more than a bit vocal about their careless emulation of the structure and its’ historical significance. Luna, however, seemed less shocked about the ordeal; rather Torb could swear he saw the faintest hint of a smile across the monarch’s face as flames consumed the building. The Princess stated calmly that she was more than happy to see the place of her fall from grace, her grand betrayal and eventual defeat destroyed. Wishing only that it could have been razed to the ground far sooner. Through the stranglehold of the canopy, hints of the coming dawn filtered through the leaves. It was now Kad who was starting to notice the fatigue settling on them all, Pony and Mandalorian alike. He was pushing them all to their limits and knew it wouldn’t be much longer before it was too much for them to bear, “Give ’em a rest boys, we pick up the pace in thirty.” An exhausted sigh of relief lifted from the group as a whole. The members of Epsilon positioned themselves in a wide perimeter around this small patch of forest. Each man kept watch in a different direction with weapons at the ready as they used the forest around them for cover. Twilight broke from her friends to approach Kad, “Captain, where exactly are we going?” He regarded her with a glance from the corner of his visor, “Got a gut feelin’ ‘bout this direction.” Kad motioned straight ahead into the forest. “Gut or the Force?” Kell quickly chimed in. Twilight shifted her head to the side in confusion, “What exactly is the Force?” Kad turned her question over in his head as he thought of a way to explain it, “Well, accordin’ to the Jedi, the Force is this sort of energy. It flows through everythin’ around us: me, you, the rocks an’ trees. Some folks’re born able to tap into it, I just happen to be one of ‘em.” “So it’s like magic, then.” Twilight happily chirped as she felt she’d reached a point she could grasp. “I suppose so, I ain’t no scholar, ma’am, but for all I know the two might be related.” He replied as he continued to keep his watch, “By the by, any clue what’s in this direction?” “The only thing that way is Froggy Bottom Bog, it’s swamp land that sits adjacent to the Everfree Forest.” She replied. “Swamp land, eh? Sounds like a good place to disappear, don’t it vod?” Kad playfully asked his brother. Behind his visor Kell smirked from ear to ear, “Mhi sah vhipir." “I thought you might agree.” Kad chuckled as patted his brother’s shoulder roughly. One other thing began to weigh on the young Unicorn’s mind though, “Captain Skirata… sir, I… I’m sorry for what happened at the ruins. If my friends and I hadn’t-“ Twilight was stopped midsentence as Kad rested a hand atop her head, and began to muss her mane, “Just a setback Ms. Sparkle. ‘Sides, we got outta that mess with our lives an’ took a sizable chunk outta those Deathwatch dinks. On top of that, gave them reason to pause next time they decide to go gunnin’ for us.” “But, all of that gear and equipment we saw set up at the ruins, it was all destroyed. Now we’re wandering around the Everfree Forest, possibly still being hunted down.” She exclaimed as she looked between the two Mandalorians, “How can you be so calm about this whole situation?” “They’re nomads.” Fluttershy softly spoke up from her spot nestled between Luna and Rainbow Dash. Every eye and visor was suddenly on the Pegasus whom quickly shrank trying to hide herself behind long pink locks, “I mean, uhm, that’s what Arkanna taught me anyways…” Slowly the gaze of the other Mandalorians shifted to Private Arkanna, “She was curious about our culture.” “Hah, bet that’s not all she’s curious about.” Kell snickered as he turned back to his watch. “Losin’ all those supplies is a setback ma’am, like Ms. Shy said though, we’re nomads.” Kad reassured her, “Everything we got on hand we can survive with. We run outta ammo, we’ll take it off the dead. We need food, we’ll hunt an’ scavenge for it. If everything we got breaks down, we’ll fight ’em with our bare hands. Mando’ade nayc dinu laam.” Twilight had no idea what Kad had said to her at the end. But the unwavering pride in his voice pushed itself into the young Unicorn’s heart and brought with it a smile to her face, “I think I understand now Captain, thank you.” After a rest travel seemed easier on them all as spirits seemed a bit higher and most of the tension from before mostly faded and given way to small talk. Eventually the forest began giving way to the swampland. Hard dirt began to slowly shift to a softer loam, the trees began to thin out and become replaced with breeds more suited for the wetlands. Above them, the sun too began washing away all vestiges of night. Kell surveyed the land ahead of them, “Well, not as bad as being stuck someplace like Dagobah. Doesn’t look half bad for a swamp, maybe we could hang a few curtains, some throw pillows over on that moss pile- SHIP!” Everyone’s eyes quickly darted to the direction the Staff Sergeant was pointing. Sure enough, resting on a tiny island of solid ground was a shuttle matching the one they had shot down back in the ruins. Epsilon quickly switched back to the soldiers they were as each man readied his weapons and spread out in a wide pattern to move in closer. The ponies could do little else but watch from the safety of a fallen tree as their friends investigated the area. When satisfied this might not be an ambush, Kad and Traycn made their way towards the rear hatch of the ship, “Figures they’d lock it, think we’ll get lucky an’ find the keys inside?” Kad joked. “Hmph, not with our luck Alor’ad.” Traycn grunted out as he continued to scan the area with his hefty blaster ready at hip level. “Rookie, get your sheb over here an’ pick this lock will ya.” Kad called out to his man. He couldn’t help but notice a worried look, more so than what he’d seen as normal at least, on Fluttershy’s face as the Private sprinted through the swampy terrain to the ship. Arkanna quickly produced the tools of his trade, “Yeah, bet you’re glad you got stuck with an infiltration expert now aren’t ya?” The Private proudly declared as he went to work on breaking the door’s security codes. “Inflate your ego after ya get the door open Rookie.” Kad was quick to point out as kept looking around for what had to be an inevitable attack. His hand gripped the hilt of his saber tightly as he fought the urge to ignite the blade and just slice open the door. “Juuuuust about got it… there it is!” With a hiss the hatch’s air tight seals released and the door began sliding out of the way. As he was trained, Arkanna quickly moved away from the door with his weapon ready for any sign of trouble. Traycn wasted no time in filling the gap as he stormed into the ship, ready for another fire fight. All that greeted him was an empty shuttle, “Clear!” As time passed by, it became clear that there wasn’t going to be any kind of attack and a small camp was thrown together around the ship. Traycn was eagerly taking stock of the ship’s systems and equipment while others did the heavy thinking. Just the way he preferred it. Their guests were just happy for use of the onboard refresher to clean up and to finally rest. The boys of Epsilon were more than willing to let them rest while they took stock of the ship and kept watch as the sun began its slow decent in the distance. At the far end of their perimeter, Arkanna leaned against a tree, his hand nervously tapping the side of his rifle as he kept watch. His mind ran through the events of the past forty eight hours, crash landing on an alien planet, hunted by a force ten times their size and even getting shot. Now they had the shuttle, a way off the planet, but why did that thought keep making him feel ashamed. Soft foot falls drew his attention to the all too familiar Pegasus, “You should be resting with your friends, mesh’la.” Fluttershy stared at the ground as she shrank a bit from his sight, “I’m sorry but… I just can’t sleep.” She stated in that soft tone as she probed a bit of dirt with her hoof, “I’m probably bothering you aren’t I, I’ll just go back to the camp.” The Private took a seat on a jutting root and patted a spot beside him, “A’right then, you can sit up with me but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you’re too tired to move tomorrow.” Smiling nervously, the Pegasus trotted over to take a seat beside the warrior, “Thank you.” Her eyes fixated on the star filled sky above them, “Arkanna what’s it like, going to different worlds and travelling through space?” Arkanna had to give this some serious thought - how do you explain something as complex as whole other worlds to someone who’s only just learned there’s of life beyond her own sky? “It’s pretty fantastic out there mesh’la. Seeing the sun rise on an alien world can be the most breath-taking thing you’ve ever seen. The fire of re-entry dancing off the hull of your ship as you fall through the atmosphere is like riding a comet to the ground. Or the shimmering lights of a planet-spanning city as you look down upon it from the darkened side of the planet.” Her eyes lit up with every word he told her, “Oh my, and what about the animals?” A growing excitement clinging to her voice. “Heh, well there’s all kinds of animals, sure.” Arkanna was more than happy to continue regaling her, a small grin coming to his features from behind his visor, “If a planet can support life it’ll of course have all kinds of critters living on it.” The young Pegasus was happily enthralled with the idea, “Oh, I’d love to meet them someday.” “When we get out of this mess mesh’la, I’ll take you out there sometime.” Arkanna said motioning towards the night sky. A bright red shade filled Fluttershy’s cheeks, “That… that would be so nice of you…” She muttered to the ground, shielding herself behind her long hair. A chilled wind kicked up that cut through her fur and sent a shiver through her body. On reflex, her body curled up against the closest source of warmth. Much to her disappointment, Fluttershy learned how uncomfortable armorplast plates can be. Arkanna watched this play out as she quickly pulled away from the cold, unfeeling casing that protected him. Reaching into a duffle he’d been carrying since the ruins, the Private produced a long, light brown cloak that was quickly draped over her form, eliciting a surprised squeak, “All-temperature cloak, any better?” She nodded slowly, very thankful for the wide hood that now hid her crimson-hued face. “Yes… Thank you, Arkanna…” Being made for a standing race like Arkanna’s, the cloak hung awkwardly around her form, covering her completely. The quiet moment was cut short by the approach of Kad, “Rookie, your shift ended over an hour ago; what’re ya still doing up?” Arkanna quickly rose to his feet to snap a salute at the Captain, “Sir, I wasn’t feeling tired so I took Zex’s shift.” Kad shook his head in frustration, “I ain’t seen you rest since we touched down - if you’re stimmin’ up-“ “Sir no sir, I’m no stim-head!” Arkanna quickly defended himself, “I just… basic only preps you for so much ya know, sir…” Fluttershy watched the exchange between the two warriors, for the first time she started to see them as mortal things like herself. Their unstoppable façade had begun to crumble before her, letting her see them in a new light, yet her eyes were fixated solely on him. With a sigh Kad removed his helmet and looked into Arkanna’s visor, “Rookie, you’re feelin’ real tired.” “I’m feeling real tired…” He repeated in a trance like tone. “You’re gonna go get comfy next to the fire an’ get some rest.” Kad said into his soldier’s visor. “I’m gonna… Go rest by the fire…” Arkanna took his rifle lazily in his hand and started marching back to the campsite. Kad’s attention shifted to the mare draped in the cloak, “Ms. Shy, would ya mind givin’ me a hand with somethin’?” “I… I suppose so, Captain, sir… What do you need from me?” She asked nervously squirming under his gaze. Fluttershy soon found herself beside the fire with sound asleep Arkanna resting his “bucketless” head on her shoulder. Her face was a red beacon as her heart punched heavily against her rib cage. “Thank ya kindly, ma’am.” Kad said happily he looked the pair over, “Now, just stay here an’ make sure he doesn’t leave.”