by FIM Fiction

13, Meow

Anon decided to look around his surrounding. "Let's see..." he muttered to himself. "I'm in some weird Egypt town... I'm guessing this may or may not actually be in the pony show. Curse my butt for being too cheap to by all the disks to watch. Or the comics for that matter." Anon decided to walk towards what seemed to be a bar. he poked his head inside and saw something that made him give out a fansqueal.

Daring Do was currently in a bar fight. She ducked the punch of a stallion, causing him to hit another. She punched him in the jaw, before slamming bits on the counter. The bartender slid her a bottle of beer, which she slammed on the stallion's head. The bottle didn't break, but did knock him out. Daring Do swung the bottle against the head of another pony, knocking them out as the bottle broke. She ran to a table and flipped it over, knocking over several ponies. Daring Do took a swig from a bottle, frowning at discovering it to be juice, before grabbing a stool and knocking out another pony. She whacked the bottle of juice on a mare, knocking her out. Daring Do looked around and saw all her attackers were down for the count. "Sorry for the mess." she said sheepishly to the barman.

"Eh, worse has happened. Just pay the fine." the barman said with a shrug. "Oh, and don't touch the smooth plants. If you do, eat the fire."

"Sorry?" Daring Do asked as she set down a bag of bits.

"You'll know when it happens. Now beat it before they wake up." the barman responded.

Daring Do did just so, not wishing the rage of the drunkards who would wake up with a little more than a hangover. "My first barfight. Woo!" She smiled as she trotted away from the building towards the hotels, before letting out an "Ack!" as something landed on her back. "What the?"

"Howdy." Anon said simply, sitting on Daring Do's back.

Daring Do smiled. "Hello little kitty. You're sitting rather oddly on my back." She wondered for a moment where the cat dropped from.

"Yup." Anon said. He stretched out his body, being careful not to claw Daring Do's back. He then curled up on her back. "This is rather nice. You have a very comfy shirt."

Daring Do stared at the cat, before trying to shrug it off. It was persistent, and would only roll in the opposite direction. "You sure you want to stick with me? Things can get kinda dangerous."

Anon raised his head, gaining a thoughtful expression. "Do I stay safe in a Egypt like town, or do I go with Daring Do?" He gave a nod and laid his head back down.

"Oh. Okay." Daring Do was somewhat surprised that the cat actually answered. "Just to warn you, I'm going to travel into the jungle to find an artifact that belongs to an evil God beyond comprehension."

An orange hand appeared and gave a thumbs up. Daring Do and Anon stared at it in shock, before the hand disappeared.

"That was... weird." Daring Do said. She shook her head. "We better get going."
Daring Do swatted aside bushes and branches and leaves as she tromped through the jungle. She was chased by several animals that wanted nothing more than to eat her and Anon.

Anon swatted her rump. "HURRY HURRY HURRY HURRY!"

"Quit swatting my ass!" Daring growled as she ducked through the brush.

"Then move your ass faster!" Anon hissed back.

"The entrance to the temple should be here! Daring Do's eyes scanned the landscape, before she suddenly tripped on a root, tumbling down into a hole.

"AHHHH!!!" The two clung to each other as they slid down a tunnel. They landed onto a rough stone floor.

"Where are we?" Anon asked, rubbing his head.

"Hang on Mau." came the voice of Daring Do. There was a spark, then Daring Do was holding a lit torch.

"Why the heck did you name me Mau?" Anon asked.

Daring Do moved close to a wall. "We seem to be in a temple. I can barley make out the carvings." Daring Do peered closer. "It seems to be... Depicting some sort of odd creature. It's like a minotuar, just... weird."

"Minotuar, huh? Let me see." Anon walked over to the wall. "Pick me up." he said, patting Daring Do's leg.

"What?" Daring Do asked the cat.

"Up. Pick. Me. Up." Anon repeated. He then simply climbed up Daring Do, clambering on top of her pith helmet. he studied the wall and hissed. The wall depicted two minotaur monsters, one dressed in a revealing dress and the other covered in spikes. The female had vines choking a crowd of victims. "Oh HEEEELLLLLLLLLL NO!" He hopped down. "We ain't doing no mature hentia porn anime demon crap. Screw that, I'm-" Anon stopped, before looking around. "How do we get out?"

Daring Do looked at the cat, then at the wall. "Not good, huh?" She glanced at the ceiling where far up, a hole let sunlight through. Daring Do began to flap her wings, only to find she got no lift. "What!?" She flapped her wings harder, to no avail. "This can't be good."

"Oh look at this!" Anon exclaimed in an annoyed manner. "The other wall is crudely carved picture of ponies being gutted!"

"You find something?" Daring Do asked, walking over. "That can't be good."

"You're telling me! " Anon replied.

The two continued to inspect the room. They discovered a hall way. Besides the hole, there was no other way out. "Guess we have to keep going onward." Daring Do said.

Anon let out a sigh. "Okay... well, I suppose this is better than being stuck in a stuffy hospital."
Twilight looked worryingly though the door window as Anon hissed. "Doctor Stable, will she be alright?"

Stable Horse frowned, examining a clipboard. "I am not sure. Anon's- "

"Miss Piggy!" Pinkie said, poking him firmly on the snoot.

"Please don't do that again." Stable said. "The girl's mind might be like this from intense trauma. However, I believe it is something else."

"Like what?" Twilight asked.

"We did a scanning spell, and got very mixed results on from multiple attempts. I believe the stripped demon cursed-"

Twilight raised her hoof. "Curses are NOT real. And-" Twilight stopped as Spike let out a burp and a scroll. "*Gasp*! Pinkie, grab the others. We're needed in Canterlot immediately!"
"GET THAT DRAGON!" "DEMON!" "BEGONE, CHILD OF LUNA!" Smolder ran as fast as she could, trying to untie the rope from her wings without losing speed. She was careful and everything with how she talked to the ponies. No threats, no meat eating, none of that. But the moment she said she was Piggy's master...

"Yikes!" Smolder dodge a pitchfork. "What is wrong with these ponies!?" Slavery was nothing new to ponies, was it? Smolder grabbed a machete and started hacking at the rope. Finally, she opened her wings, bursting through the rest of the rope and taking flight.

Smolder flew a large distance away from the town. She looked over the land, before curling her fist in determination. "Wherever you are Piggy, I swear I will find you." She then scowled. "And then we'll beat up Discord for disappearing on m- Why are the clouds pink?"
Anon and Daring Do entered a massive chamber, filled with statues of stone. Some of ponies in moments of sinful pleasure, and other of ponies in terrible agony. There was a half pyramid of steps of gold against the far wall. On it were two thrones. On the left, from Daring Do's view, was one was of gold, with red velvet and many jewels embedded. On the right was one of obsidian with the top half of skulls on the arm rest.

Daring Do took a step into the chamber. The hall behind her began collapsing, and she rushed into the room.

A giggle and a growl filled the air. "We've been waiting for you~" a voice sang out seductively. "Ever~. So~. Eagerly~."

"Daring Do." a voice growled. "The Collector, and a massive nuisance. But at last, like so many others, you have arrived to meet your doom."

A pillar of light and a waterfall of smoke crashed against the thrones. Two minotaurs formed. One was a hulking figure of darkness, seemingly wearing a thick fur coat of shadows. His eyes glowed like embers. On the other throne was a lady dressed in elegant, silk dress. She had silver horns and gentle, beautiful green eyes. Her smile was just as cruel as her brother's.

Daring Do whipped out her journal and quickly scanned the pages. "I... I don't believe it." Daring Do said wide eyed. "Lascivia and Carnaticum! God and Goddess of Pleasure and Carnage! The Simblings of debauchery!" Daring Do's face paled as she looked between the statues. "I- uhh...." She turned around and tried running to the collapsed hallway, only for the statues to move and block her path. She quickly jumped back before they could touch her.

The two let out a single laugh. Daring Do collapsed as voices began to fill her mind. She grunted as she focused on her hooves, slowly silencing the whispers. Then, it stopped.

The two siblings were shocked that the effects had stopped completely on Daring Do. "Well then, Daring Do. It seems you are stronger than we supposed." Carnaticum said, rising to his feet. He and his sister walked down the steps towards Daring Do. They stopped as they heard a hiss.

"Oh! Hello little kitten~" Lascivia said. "Wait..." Lascivia pulled back as if she was bitten. "Carnaticum! The cat!"

Carnaticum let out a cruel laugh. "Why even bother hiding in such a form?" he said. "We can smell your strength."

Anon tried to keep his cool. Just looking at these two, he could feel how wicked, how cruel these two were. How much they could slaughter for fun. "Hello." he said coldly, whipping his tail.

"No need to be that way, old... friend. As we can not battle without tearing apart the land, let us send forth champions." Carnaticum and Lascivia snapped their fingers. The statues flew together into a hunkering creature of stone, beyond description. "Let us begin!"

Anon's eyes widened as the statue swung a fist at Daring Do. As she dodged, the statue blew up in a burst of orange.

The two siblings scowled at Anon. "You dare interfere with a challenge!?" Lascivia said angrily.

"If it is war that you wish, then let us begin!" Carnaticum shouted. Anon felt a chill up his spine.

Anon snorted. "I'll be honest, i have no idea what the heck is even happening. All i know is you ain't getting away with it." An orange hand formed and slapped them both. The two siblings pulled out weapons of darkness, before a MASSIVE hand formed before curling up into a fist and smashing them. Anon then proceeded to throw up, puddles of sweat around his paws.

Daring Do stared in shock as the hand disappeared. She stared in unbelief at the remains of the two entities of mass evil and power.

Anon walked over and helped Daring Do up. The two walked up to the thrones. Anon used his "Magic" to destroy the thrones. In their places were two items. One was a... Golden construct of a horse dick. The other was a crown of thorns made out of Safire for the vines and rubies as the sharps.

Daring Do picked up the items and put them into her bag. She flapped her wings and found she could fly again. "Come on. Lets get out of here." She felt a rumble, and the temple was lifted out of the ground. The statues started to crumble as chocolate rain landed on them. The ponies beneath began to stretch and move as they were freed from their prisons of stone.
The ponies of the desert town kept thanking Daring Do and her cat, to the point where Daring Do was just wanting to leave, not being used to folks actually praising her. Anon considered the name Mau, but decided over all it sucked balls.

Also he could now talk in his cat form. "So Daring." he said as the town continued the multi day celebration. "I do believe I know who you truly are."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Daring Do asked, barely able to hear Anon over the noise.

Anon grinned and decided to mess with her. "Daring Do, A. K. Yearling. The books are always so accurate, yes?"

"I-" Daring Do was unsure how to respond.

"It's only to be expected, after all. The homebody shy writer of a sister, and the reckless adventuress sister! However, is it the Yearlings or the Dos?" Anon asked, before letting out a sneeze.

Daring Do suddenly found herself out of town, with all her supplies plus food. She glanced around, before quickly running off. "That's enough adventure for today, thank you very much."
Anon blinked, before spitting out a rat from her mouth. "WOO! It worked!" she shouted. "I have no idea how I did any of that but dang I'm getting good at acting!" Anon tried to stand, and failed. "Wait a minute..." She was in a straight-jacket. "Aw heck."