Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 81: Plots and Plans

"In order to coerce an enemy into turning a blind eye to the reality of their situation one must grab their attention so thoroughly and unexpectedly that they become incapable of seeing the larger picture. Only when their attention is thus diverted can they then be deceived and led astray."
-Prince Halim-

The full moon had risen high bathing the landscape in its pale glow save for the surrounding forests that remained dark and ominous to any who attempted to divine its dark secrets. All was quiet save the yawning of an occasional guard who wandered the ramparts and the flicker of the braziers as a new log was tossed in to keep it burning and help take the chill off their bones in the cool evening air. Now and then a spark would fly as moths burned themselves up, too eager to drift towards the enticing light as others had done, unlike the moths however a laid in wait for the order to storm the fortress. Halim watched quietly as the lone sentry stalked the walls, their silhouette only visible by the oil lamp they carried in one hand as they stopped to stare at the dark forest once more before shuffling on.

"Do we attack now my prince?"

Halim glanced at his second in command and shook his head. "No, we wait for the signal."

"If they were captured..."

"They were not, the enemy has made no attempt to patrol the area, their outposts were easily captured, watchtowers silenced and not one got away alive." He continued to watch the eastern wall carefully for movement before glancing at the two nearest towers. "All is set, the ladders are assembled, infiltrators inside and they have shown no sign of alarm..."

Whoever was in command of the fortress had been so easily blinded he almost felt insulted, they were so focused on the north that his delaying action had tied their hands and allowed him to advance to within a stones throw of the fort. However, to move the entirety of his force to within assaulting distance was impossible without being detected. A large portion had to be left behind waiting with the caravan to rest and recuperate while the rest had been harried forward with equipment to seize their new prize. It was fully stocked with everything he needed to draw this bloody business out for a month if he so desired. Pack animals were already penned up nearby and wagons ready for the returning enemy army, but only they knew no one would never make it in time to receive them.

The night had become their guardian, advancing at night along a set path while resting during the heat of the day. No dust could be seen at night and there were no moving silhouettes to give them away, the only movement was that of their enemy or the wildlife. Infiltrators had been sent south to filter into the convoys and slip inside the fortress before sundown as one more load of supplies was being delivered, only they never departed with the convoy. It was the most simple plan he could come up with: a precious few would go inside, hide in the chaos, clear the eastern wall of sentries, set the ladder markers and their job was done. From without his forces were divided into three groups, one to set the ladders, one to climb and the last to swing around and destroy the growing encampment of levy that had pitched camp. When the second group had gone up the first would follow and from there they would have to hack and slash their way through the fort until it was theirs.

There were no reinforcements to be had, the main column had been left behind and ordered to begin following him the following day at a leisurely pace giving them a chance to rest for one day. This would give him time while he mopped up the local resistance and prepared the supplies stored within for travel. Simple, easy to understand and no room for question or doubt, they had their orders and did not need to know anything else nor should they be burdened with knowledge beyond their ability to comprehend. Only two complaints had been raised so far, the second only moments ago the first being that the ladders were meant for a city and not a small fortress. He almost sighed in annoyance at the remark as it had been raised earlier in the day, of course the ladders were too long but now they were almost a rampart allowing his soldiers to more easily climb them shields in hand rather than choosing between weapon or shield as they fought their way up the ladders.

Once more his eyes traced to the walls where the sentry appeared again and began walking back, there had been a strict time limit placed upon the infiltrators and if they did not make their move he would be forced to go with the secondary plan of simply storming the walls sentries or not, a very risky prospect as it would give the enemy camp fair warning. Following the equines movements he watched the oil lamp fall from their hand as an unseen force yanked them backwards before tossing their writhing body over the wall.

"Ladders ready."

"Ladders ready prince."

Halim motioned with his hands and in the near perfect darkness whispers spread rapidly as all eyes focused on the eastern wall as torch light flared to life at regular intervals.


A great rustling sounded in the night air as soldiers began pouring out of the forest, some tripping and cursing quietly before standing up once more and speeding forward. Bathed in the moonlight Halim stood at the forests edge and watched as the ladder bearers ran forward with the large siege ladders. Stopping they heaved and with great effort along with the aid of several ropes forced the teetering monoliths to stand first upright, and then sag towards the walls. Drawing back on the ropes the ladders slowed their descent until they lazily thudded into place securely, within moments soldiers had lit their torches to guide their ascent and in a great rush drove upwards and over the ramparts.

Walking forward briskly Halim glanced to the south where chaos had yet to erupt as the other group began putting the camp sentries and slumbering levy to the sword before it could sink in as to what was happening to them. They were trained, that was true, but they were woefully unprepared for anything sudden to befall them.

"A pity, they would have made fine soldiers." Halim's head snapped back towards the fortress as a horn blasted out in warning. "Too little too late."

Putting his hoof firmly on the first rung on the ladder he made his ascent as one of his soldiers held a torch not far ahead lighting the path. A single arrow whistled wildly overhead and into the night without finding a target, looking towards the tower it had come from he could see from the dim light inside a great scuffle taking place that quickly reached to the top of the tower where a single body was shoved off and into the darkness screaming. Reaching the top of the ladder and slipping over the crenelation Halim looked both ways before looking down and into the chaotic bloodbath that had become the fortresses mustering ground.

"You!" Halim grabbed an officer that had just climbed onto the rampart and pointed. "Take your company along the wall and break your way through that door!"

The response was mostly drowned out by the screaming masses below as they tried to defend themselves, as he watched the gatehouse was quickly stormed and within moments the gate began rattling open. Checking to see if the officer was following his course he nodded as the soldiers rushing after their captain began tearing through another tower before moving on and towards the keep which joined with the wall. Looking back towards the killing fields below he watched as his soldiers battered down the garrison as they rushed to grab their weapons while others attempted to don whatever armor they could. For most it was far too late as his heavily armed infantry continued to drive forward while another formation drew up behind them and once organized threw themselves forward and began battering away at any who dared to offer resistance.

Light could be seen springing to life everywhere now, every tower seemed to be a beacon of light as archers began taking their posts only to find their tower under siege or already captured. Some had slammed the doors shut but the small battering rams and breaching axes carried for this purpose were already breaking down the doors, their time was numbered and with such chaos the archers had few if any targets. In the darkness it was impossible to distinguish who was whom and a bow was worthless if the enemy was already inside which was why he had not brought any. This was a wild melee, a battle of spear and sword, anything else was a senseless diversion. Below him one of the bunkhouses had begun to put up a fight as those inside held the doorway and refused to relent, but with shields up and a massive surge of bodies his soldiers forced their way inside and chaos ensued out of sight as they continued to pour inside easily before leaving moment later. The bunkhouse had been cleansed of life.

Checking on his wayward company again they could be seen smashing down one of the doors that led into the keep itself as a few archers above made pop shots at them from above. A single soldier fell off the wall and out of sight as he watched and seeing his soldiers now pouring in from the camp outside he nodded and grabbing one of his ranking officers spun them around to face him.

"Send one company to reinforce the ones over there who are breaking inside. Ignore the keeps gate, they will have barricaded it by now. Bring up the grappling hooks and have a second assault the keep from the other side." Shouting back in understanding the officer departed as he watched. "If not one then the other will get inside, perhaps a hailstorm of grappling hooks will divide their attention..."

As the battle raged below the first company began slowly forcing its way inside the keep but was struggling badly to make headway. From the other angle he could just see the glint of metal as his secondary plan was put into effect and as the hooks were thrown high and into the moonlit sky they fell into place. He could see panic spread amongst the archers on top of the keep as their attention was split between the door and the ropes. Racing back and forth he could see them either firing into the darkness or trying to release the hooks with great effort but the pressure had been taken off the door. Over the cacophony of screams he could just make out and see an officer rallying the two companies and with a loud yell they heaved their combined mass forward and through the door. For a moment they were held in place but something inside gave way and the mass seemed to almost fall on itself as they rolled forward and continued inside.

Through the slits he could see shadows obscuring the light now and then as someone passed in front of the narrow opening and looking down once more he watched as his enemy who survived the initial onslaught tried to form up a battle line at the keeps gate.

"From without and within." Halim pulled a courier to him. "Take a message to the two companies in the keep, they are ordered to keep the gate closed until ordered." Grabbing a second he pointed below. "Recall third group, they are to enter the keep along this wall and through that door there, guide them. As you pass the forces below inform first and second to press them against the keeps gate, we will catch them between two forces."

Walking along the wall and towards the now open keep door Halim watched as his forces made steady progress but with resistance mounting it would take time that he did not care to spend. They were ready to break and run in a moment if offered an opening and he would provide them a false exit, one that led directly into his waiting arms. Reaching the door Halim stepped over the bodies of friend and foe alike, and as he walked one of the wounded garrison soldiers had begun to slowly drag herself across the floor. Pulling his dagger free he yanked her head up and drew the blade across the mares throat before dropping her and moving forward.

It did not take long to reach the ongoing battle within the keep, looking at the scene as he came down the stairway he pointed at the nearest captain. "We are not taking prisoners nor leaving behind enemy wounded, send a few to clean up any who are still alive."

"Yes prince."

Looking around quickly he walked to an arrow slit and stared out. "We are near the gate mechanism, when the third group shows they will handle it. You are to focus on clearing out the keep."

"Understood prince."

"Where is?" Halim looked around for the other captain.

"Dead, an arrow caught him in the throat and he fell-"

"So that was who fell off wall." Halim nodded. "You now command both companies, see to your job."

"At once."

Halim waited as they pushed through the hallways and one room at a time cleared the keep, waiting patiently he counted off the minutes quietly until a wheezing soldier arrived.

"We have captured the gate-room."

"Very good, show me the way in a moment." Turning around Halim watched as his third group began filtering into the hallway with him and nodding to the officer pointed. "Put a few soldiers to operate the gears, the rest will come with me. Lead on."

Following the breathless soldier through the hallway he led them directly to the mechanism where a few extra soldiers were left before they began winding their way down and towards the gate itself.

Emerging into a mingling chaos as the main entrance came into view Halim shook his head. "This is much too well designed to be here, if they had built their border forts this well it would have been a true trial to fight them. Fortunately they failed to maintain proper sentries tonight." Staring at the chaos he motioned his column forward. "Clear this room at once, the others will clear the keep but you are to remain here, once this is cleared out draw up facing the door there and be at the ready."

It did not take long for the room to empty itself out of enemies and nodding he send a soldier back the way they had come with the order to open the gate. From outside the sound of battle still emanated as the hard pressed defenders dug themselves in however they could while a few shouted to be allowed entrance.

"In due time..." Halim snapped his fingers and pointed at two nearby soldiers. "Throw off the bar and return to the line." Hurrying forward they pulled the bar off the door and fell back as the ratting of the gate filled the air as the small portcullis was raised. "Far too well made to be left guarding this road. Perhaps it was made before they ruled so far south?" Halim pondered the thought before pushing it away again as the door swung open and a tidal wave of bloody and terrified defenders poured into the waiting grasp of his soldiers.

At first the defenders looked relieved to be permitted entrance and as they carried their wounded inside but it slowly sank in as they stared at the wall of spears aimed at them.


Halim watched quietly as they began back peddling only to be caught between waves, the wave outside was desperately trying to get inside while another was attempting to get out. Now the two found themselves trapped between two lines, one driving them inside, the other pushing them back out. Loud cries of alarm were raised but none were more loud than those begging for their lives and mercy as weapons fell from hands and knees bent. No mercy was given as all were cut down where they stood or knelt as a steady flow of bodies flowed inside before ebbing. It was no longer possible to walk on the floor as the bodies were heaped up and as the last defenders huddled between the two forces with their hands up Halim glanced around the corner and stared.

"You fought admirably under the circumstances but I am unwilling to accept your surrender at this time. Kill them all."

Ignoring the shouts of dismay he motioned his force forward and tuned out the cries of pain as the last survivors were cut down. Walking through the hallway he paused as a small group of soldiers hurried towards him dragging a well dressed stallion who was unknown to him.

"You will not get away with this whoever you are! You will be hunt-"

Halim drew his sword and with a quick motion slashed the princes throat. "Send a courier to the main column, the fortress is mine, they are to double their pace so we can load up the supplies, and have these bodies cleared up. Also." Nodding to his second in command as he entered Halim motioned towards one of his dead soldiers. "Strip our dead of anything that marks them as mine, we are not to leave them any indication of who did this, we are not to fly the royal flag any longer. Any standard that is associated with us is to be packed up securely and kept in my wagon until further notice, the same goes for any who have a marking on their uniform. From an outside observer we are an unknown force."

"My prince?" The officer looked at him confused. "I do not understand-"

"You do not need to, just know that when our business here is over they will know not who attacked them nor whom to blame except themselves. Have their supplies prepared for loading when the column arrives, we will take all we can and burn the rest. Have the ration doubled tomorrow, they have earned it. We move south when the main column arrives."

"The soldiers will need more time to rest, the animals-"

"They shall have it but not here."

"Understood my prince."

"There is a village not far from here... Come the morrow they will raise the alarm and our location will be given away, burn them out tonight? No, that will take too much time... Let them sit and watch an unknown force sack the fortress, let them see that we are not who we really are for just a little while and then burn them out." Halim nodded to himself quietly. "They shall get to keep their homes for another day or two but their destruction shall serve a greater purpose and cause only more fear and panic. But they will not make this mistake again, there will be no more easy sieges which will make every act of destruction sting all the more."

"My prince?"

Halim turned to the soldier who stood nearby. "Yes?"

"The body of-"

"Ah..." Halim pondered it a moment as he stared at the dead prince with narrowed eyes. "Save this body for last and then stack it on top of all the others, do not loot it, he will be left as he is for the vultures."

"Yes my prince."

"That should rile them up a bit, tossed out with the common soldier to rot in the sun."

Halim walked back up the stairs to explore the fortress further, everyone had their orders and all the plans had already been set. Now, there was time to examine his temporary headquarters before burning it down and he was curious to see if there was anything of alternative value to be had.

Iuny was in a partial state of chaos, refugees were banging on the gate and demanding entrance while tribes had begun to stream past the city as they abandoned their land and moved northwest. Watching them from the walls the mercenary officer thrummed his fingers in annoyance as he looked over the crumbling crenelation at the teeming masses below.

"This was not in the contract, we are not being paid for this, this is not our problem, but." He glared at the city guard standing beside him in annoyance. "Allow them entrance."

"Yes sir."

"I will not be blamed if this is the act of either marauders or an invasion but as to who in their right mind would invade this forsaken hell is beyond me and out of their minds." Watching for a moment as the order was given to open the gate to allow the screaming mass inside he sighed again before looking at the paper in his hand. "Outpost sees a few hundred marauders, pisses themselves, runs, stirs everyone up, doesn't bother to leave lookouts at the secondary posts, abandons those as well, keep running, scream to all who hear that death is coming... Dumb bastards, all of them. They might have turned around and gone back or headed west and we wouldn't know now."

"Sir? Do we continue preparations or-"

Turning to his lieutenant he nodded. "Yes, yes... A band of marauders wouldn't have the numbers to take the city in the first place but be damned if I get blamed for leaving these idiots to die out there. A courier has been sent to Miwani as to our situation? Good. Then it is no longer our problem, they will probably go around us and after easier targets and the last courier said someone is on their way to the capital so its Fareed's problem now if the courier survives. So... We just sit here and watch, collect our pay and get the ships ready for departure."

"We lack supplies to handle this many refugees."

"We? Who the hell is WE? This is Tasid's city and if his storehouses cant handle a little crisis like this then let him burn, you will not turn over one damn grain of wheat to these bastards. Understood?"

"I had no intention to but the question has been raised by the cities guard captain about how to handle them."

"Tell him to do his damned job and deal with it, we are here to make certain they don't riot or burn it all down, gods knows it would improve things. He can deal with it, its "his" city after all."

"Understood. And shall we double the guard on the gate?"

Thinking it over he watched the refugees streaming inside the city before nodding. "Double the guard, but not ours, we are leaving soon anyway and have preparations to attend to. Have the "captain" send some of his underlings to handle it."

"Seeing them may encourage the marauders to attack the city."

"Well! If they do, our ships will be ready to sail and so long as they attack the morning after our orders run out it will no longer be our problem."

"Yes sir."

Nawra waited as her father read over the scroll one last time before nodding slightly and then passed it to her mother who began glancing over it. Leaning back into his throne he regarded her quietly before snapping his fingers at a servant who brought drinks over.

"You did well, but that other matter..."

"I deemed it most prudent to place your plans on hold until I could ascertain certain motives in play."

"Do not try to dance around me with words."

Nawra let out a defeated sigh and nodded. "As you command my king, it became apparent that Fareed was trying to get at me, and I shall not bore you with details but a certain incident on the way back..." She paused. "Proved that erring on the better side of caution was the correct course of action."

"Is this the cripple you brought back with you?" Her mother looked up from the document before rolling it up and passing it to a waiting scribe.

"He is but one part of it yes."

"Do explain..."

"Of course my queen. One of the slaves granted to me by Fareed poisoned my wine and the one you refer to as "cripple" saved my life."

"That is an act of war."

"An act we can not prove, if I may interject." J'Lail moved forward slightly. "It is my understanding that the method employed could just as easily be a third party as much as Fareed's own doing. It could even be several parties working together."

"How exactly do you come to the conclusion that an attempted assassination is by more than one party when it was Fareed's slave who attempted it? Whom, why? How."

Nawra moved a hand out slightly stopping J'Lail from answering. "That is the problem, we do not know and have little to no information on the matter except to say that Fareed would not go to such lengths on his own. As Pijasiros explained it to me: it would be cost prohibitive. The matter will require further investigation."

"And it shall have it." Jubril pointed toward the throne room doors. "This cripple though, why have you brought him here? Is it not better to leave him at the temple or orphinarium?"

"Yes..." Nawra's father drank from his cup a little before putting it back on the tray. "Explain to me how you justify bringing a thief into the palace, you claim he saved your life and for that I am eternally grateful to him but from what you have told me... He tried to steal from captain J'Lail, was caught, punished mildly and then you chose to shelter him? We do not take street urchins into our midst."

Nawra held her hands out to her sides. "To save the life of one you owe nothing, while of feeble mind and body, one who had you... Punished... And yet to still undertake such an act deserves to be rewarded."

"Then reward the colt and see him off. I grant you permission to take from the treasury to do so."

"I had other plans for him and seeing as he is under my care and has done no harm since coming here-"

"He is a thief!" Jubril feigned annoyance. "How long before he attempts to steal from the palace? Or worse seeks revenge for the loss of his hand?"

"As he is under my care that is hardly your concern brother but I strongly believe he shall not do so, the colt has proven himself... Capable of greater things."

"A single act does not justify-"

"Are you saying that saving the life of his future queen does not justify a small degree of faith in him? That he may not seek to right his wrongs and that he is beyond absolution?" Jubril grimaced at her so briefly no one but Nawra caught it. "My beloved brother, you may be of military mind but you would do well to consider that others can change and seek to better themselves, to seek forgiveness for their digressions. Seeing as you know only the battlefield this is a foreign thought to you but please consider it."

"Of course... Sister."

A loud clap brought everyone's attention back to the king who was shaking his head. "Does the colt indeed seek absolution from his past? Are these his words or yours?"

"He is outside, shall I call him in?"

"No..." Her father wearily waved the question off. "No, you are right. He has paid for his crime and if he seeks to mend his ways I shall not interfere, but I shall object to you keeping him here! To keep a thief within the palace walls... Agh! Do you truly believe this colt is redeemable and-"


"Very well. You shall house, feed and pay for him out of your own stipend. However! Should he attempt to steal anything-"

"He shall not."

"If! He steals anything or commits a crime the colt shall wish he had hung back in Alzamard. Scribe! Let it be known that... What is his name?"


"That this... Jaji, what a name... That Jaji is henceforth servant, property... Etcetera... Of my daughter, princess Nawra of Labrad, etcetera... He is her servant or what is he?"

"I have yet to decide his station."

"Leave it as indentured servant then." Letting out a heavy sigh he shook his head. "My daughter leaves for Alzamard to form an alliance and instead returns with incriminations! Assassination conspiracies and... A thief as her servant! A crippled one!" Leaning over he signed the document quickly and stamped it. "It is done and I am quite tired, it has been a long day. This matter is closed but we shall revisit this assassination conspiracy after inquiries have been made. Goodnight Nawra, Jubril."

"Goodnight father, mother." They spoke in unison as their parents left and once they were gone, turned and departed.

Jubril led the way a moment before stopping to stare back at Nawra quizzically. "He attempted to steal from J'Lail... And bears no broken bones... Interesting, I saw a thief once try to pick his pocket and it was quite... Colorful."

"He is but a colt."

"Yes... "Just" a colt." Jubril smiled at her and leaning closer lowered his voice. "Just don't make him your cup bearer, as much as it would entertain everyone to see a cripple try and carry both tray and goblet... Well, goodnight!"


Nawra waited until he was further away before walking up the main doors and calling out stood silently as Pijasiros brought Jaji inside the throne room.

"I take it you both heard what my father said?"

Pijasiros nodded. "He heard, but..."

"Yes?" Nawra looked at the two before settling her eyes on Jaji.

"Not want to stay... Fancy place, but no stay."

She looked at him curiously. "Why?"

"They right, thief, also have friend in city. Not want to leave her behind in bad place."

"I see... Your loyalty is quite admirable but I do believe it would be best if you stayed here and made a new life for yourself."

"Not want to leave friend to die like rest."

"Ah." Nawra let out a tired sigh. "Let us walk this way..." Motioning towards the throne room side exit reserved for the royal family she sent J'Lail ahead to keep away prying ears. "I would like you to consider something first. Yes?"

Jaji nodded. "Okay?"

"Loyalty is a truly noble virtue, one valued more highly than all others among royalty such as myself. That you would be given the chance to live a life free of worries that have no doubt plagued you all of your life, and then to throw it all away to save a friend and go back to living under such... Conditions? Is admirable. But, you can do more for your friend here than back in Alzamard. Here, you would, maybe, be in a position to help this friend of yours... She is a thief? Yes, well, to leave such a life behind for good is wiser."

Jaji stared at Nawra confused but curiously. "How I help from this place? Too far. No see from here."

"Very true but you forget that one does not have to see someone to help them. Would you answer me a little question first?" Nawra turned and stared at the colt as he nodded. "Why did you save my life?"

"Not know... You not bad, strange with words not understand but nice. Not know any who say no to Fareed face and argue, live, get way. Not want see you die, to nice to die."

"Thank you. Now, before you are shown to your quarters- Bed-"

"Have bed!?"

"Yes... But first, imagine doing more with your life than just being a petty thief. To serve a nation and its people by serving its queen. To make it a better place, but to do even more. Through service comes benefits..." She paused. "Coin, through service comes coin, with this coin you can help anyone you want so long as you are loyal. This coin can be sent far away to help a friend survive and maybe, if they change their ways... Find a new home. Maybe even bring her closer to you so this friend is safe. Do you understand?" Jaji nodded. "Good. But! There are risks of course, some will not like you for helping me, they will try to sway you-"

Jaji shook his head again only slower. "No... Lose hand, not eye and ear. Hear other one through door. He not so smart as think with words. Not understand most what said in fancy place but know you not bad, I not take things, not do bad to you."

Nawra looked at Pijasiros and raised an eyebrow for a moment. "Very well, you do not have to accept or refuse tonight, think on it and make your decision later. But, it will take time to help your friend, I imagine finding her will be... Problematic. You must show extraordinary patience."

"Know friend, she survive, maybe, hope."

"Thieves always survive somehow." J'Lail shook his head as Nawra scowled at him.

Waving one of her servants forward she pointed at Jaji. "Have him taken to the servants quarters and bedded down. I will see you again tomorrow Jaji."

"Yes prin-cises."

Nawra held back a small laugh at the horribly pronounced word and nodded to the colt before leaving with the rest of her retinue. Returning to her quarters for the night she waved J'Lail and Pijasiros in before sitting down and once the door was closed let out a small laugh.

"He shall not be a hand servant. J'Lail I want you to see my fathers master of assassins and have him begin training Jaji once he agrees."

The two stared at her in disbelief but Pijasiros spoke first. "Are you mad? With respect that is. This is unfanthamobile! To take this crippled thief and train him to be an assassin! His loyalties are a subject of great debate!"

"He is not the kind to betray others and I do not intend for him to be one. Did you see it back in Alzamard J'Lail?"

"See..." J'Lail shook his head.

"As they were hauling him away after he stole my bracelet."

Thinking back hard J'Lail closed his eyes before nodding. "He shook his head, ah... That filly that threw the coins into the crowd."

"It was most by chance but I did catche a glimpse as he was being taken away, he was unwilling to take the chance of her getting involved in what would have only been a very poorly botched rescue attempt. This friend of his is most valued."

"You mean she is a bargaining tool?"

"Yes but I hate to see the matter so crasly. His loyalty is extraodinary, they tortured him and I do not doubt they tried to assertain if he had friends who helped him and yet... He still refers to her as if she is perfectly safe, he is much too young to lie properly when off balance. She was the first concern on his mind. That is loyalty no amount of gold will purchase."

"If I may... His loyalty is to her and most likely his fellow thieves."

"Whom are not here." Nawra waved J'Lail's comment off. "He has more growing to do and with proper education he will realize quickly that he is better off here and so is his friend. Not much is known about the thieves guild except that no matter how much terror and force is brought to bear against them they have never broken. The bonds they must forge through such horror, they must be remarkably strong."

"And you wish to bind him to you in such a manner while hoping he severs the other?"

"He has already been bonded, you heard him as well as I. No one has ever looked Fareed in the face and said "no." Especially for a thief."

"He still lost his hand..."

"And many friends save one survivor, I clearly made myself the enemy of his enemy when I stood up against Fareed and have now offered to save the last friend he truly has."

"You are attemping to purchase his undying loyalty with his friend."

"No, I will. It is a small matter to contact the smugglers and have them deliver a message to the thieves guild who in turn will track her down. With belts being tightened so severely they will probably be more than happy to accept... Gratiutity, for keeping her safe. The filly cant be older than him or not much, probably younger... No matter, finding her is not an issue and once it is established that no harm is meant she will probably come here of her own free will because as Jaji put it: their friends are all dead or the risk of death is high. There is little to nothing binding either of them to Alzamard save loyalty to the guild and he never once mentioned them."

Pijasiros hummed. "Perhaphs he blames them for their deaths?"

"We should not presume to know." J'Lail eyed Nawra carefully. "Let us assume that he will devote himself to you, that he is as you believe... Train him as an assassin though? But not have him remain one?"

"He is perfectly suited for it, the training will make him the perfect, invisible, guard."

"Forgive me if I am out of place princess but... He is a cripple, a failed thief, by all accounts worthless."


"I beg your pardon princess?"

Nawra smiled. "Who better to have as a personal spy, guardian and counter assassin than a cripple? He only lost a hand, not his wits. Jaji is daring, willing to take insane risks and though that may have been blunted due to the loss of his hand, training will restore his... Pluck? What has happened to him proved he is quite mortal and can suffer horribly for mistakes, it has tempered him and at a young age. A degree of paranoia will haunt him for the rest of his life and if that is honed his senses will make him an excellect spy and if need be assassin to fend off others who attempt to take my life. Besides, would you suspect the one handed serving colt to be an assassin or spy?"

"It is my duty to suspect... Yes... Aaarabisk. Yes, I get your point."

"Good. And as he ages everyone will ignore him to a fault."

"Except those who know."

"Which is why only those in this room along with my father and his master of assassins can know. Besides, I understand he is of considerable age now and this would merely be an act of passing on his knowledge one last time before dying of old age."

"How could you possibly know-"

"As heir my father has already begun to introduce me into his... Veiled world."

"And Jubril? He will no doubt use this against you and as leverage for whatever he is going to be planning."

"I imagine he has already taken his own steps. However, to others it shows mercy and so long as no one knows about Jaji's purpose as a trained assassin and bodyguard all the better. With any luck Jubril will be so eager to use this as leverage he will overlook other possibilities, he already sees the colt as nothing more than a worthless cripple." Nawra's tail twiched a little in worry. "Neither can I just abandon him, he has done for me a great service and I shall not see him abandoned so calously."

"Very well. So you wish to turn a one handed thief into your personal assassin... Or bodyguard... Does this have anything to do with recent events?"

"Yes. Fareed taught me something: never pass up an opportunity nor see anyone, nor anything as an impossibility. I do not delight in what I am asking but it is necesarry and this could very well save lives. My life if I am to admit my selfishness."

"Well..." Pijasiros let out a somewhat surprised huff of air. "Our little princess is growing up quickly, your parents would be proud of you right now if they knew. And I imagine," he clicked his tongue. "That your brother Jubril in his arrogance will never suspect this, for whatever it may be worth."

"It is worth all the world to me."

"As for this friend matter... When we establish contact?"

"They will not give her up easily but with a little persuasion they will most likely allow a meeting. From there... We shall see."

"As you wish, but I should remind you that this "friend" may be used as leverage against the both of you. A true assassin or bodyguard and spy must not have anything that can be used against them. Anything else princess?"

"No, you may go, it is far too late and I must get some sleep. But, I imagine most who deal with shadowy affairs have leverage that can be weighed against them, they simply try to keep it a secret. At least in this case it is leverage we can keep an eye on."

Nawra waited for them to depart before stripping down and laying on her bed stretched out as a cool breeze blew in through her window, and ss she stared up at the ceiling allowing recent events to revisit her she mulled something over. Fareed had taught her something very important during her visit and leaning over she let out a short puff of air to blow out the oil lamp before stretching out again.

"Enemies are many, without any mercy and will come from everywhere and everywhere, and though I wish it possible, I can in no way save nor help everyone. Nor should I..." She winced at her own words. "Instead I shall save who I can."