Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 82: The Fuse is Lit

"Never underestimate the value of fear, it is a valuable tool in the arsenal of any governing body or military that seeks to forcibly bend others to their will. The most valuable fear is that which comes from without and by the hand of another, if turned and used properly it can rally those on the brink of destruction and instilling within them a suicidal fervor. Even a cowardly mouse can find its courage when backed into a corner."

The dawn of a new day had barely begun as Nyah walked through the abandoned village with the bulk of the Sebanwi, not a pot of grain, ox nor even the boats which her scouts had seen remained. Everyone had packed up and fled rapidly to their northwest and across the plains or into the forests and beyond, all were somewhat out of her reach but most importantly were now out of mind. Crops were left untended in the fields and those which were in the small and narrow silty floodplain showed the only real signs of life. Nothing was ripe, not one squash, bean, tuber nor fruit was to be had. Looking around one last time she sighed before waving everyone off and back onto the road.

"Have enough from last raid... They leave much behind so we okay but not okay soon..." Nyah looked up the road and towards their final destination as the striped and hooved vultures that hounded her ran up with fur sticking out and ears flared. "We not fast enough yet?"

"Damn fool! Runner from your prince say go faster! You not faster so he send new runner and say this: You not run very fast and stop village from escaping then Khada be skinned!" Sucking air and calming down the stallion spoke evenly. "Order is no let them get away! You let get away this time you all dead, all dead. Also say messages be sent to great king Sibusiso that if you no attack Wete before flee then kill all Sebanwi! You no attack them soon price paid, you attack soon and please Isibuso then new message say no kill Sebanwi."

Nyah stared at him a moment and blinked slowly. "So he not send message yet but getting fed up and tired. No more games. No dragging hooves and giving chance to run, do what can though, they know we here and come soon with army to kill... Little village not far away... At least make show and convince fool that we can, no food now so he have no choice but allow forage and we scatter over big area, make it harder to fight. But tiny village not survive anyway... Someone must die, may well be them." Withholding an annoyed grunt Nyah nodded. "We go then, but need forage for food to-"

"No! Isibuso say no more drag hooves! Attack now. No let village escape and you no let them run then I send message to Isibuso and he decide if you forage or no."

"Want us burn village here first?"

"No waste time! Go!" The angry stallion stabbed the air with his iklwa and pointed north. "No more scare away, only attack and kill! Kill, kill, kill! No survive!"

Looking the village of Miwani over one last time Nyah gave a half hearted shrug and nodded. "We go." Waving her weapon she signaled the column to move and as they began running she gave another glance at the vulture which quickly fell into line behind her. "Why he want all dead? He want slaves, so why not now? No let escape mean many slave, kill mean no slave. Lose much."

A voice from behind her grabbed her attention as they ran, "also Isibuso say Khada no allowed go until he happy. Know he behind you causing him much, much trouble so no let out of sight. Maybe, maybe he change mind if you do as told."

Nyah gave no response as they picked up speed and ignored him. "We maybe two day ahead, reach Wete and be more but they getting wind back and learning to run and keep up, very bad. Hope fathah have good plan to keep them away." Keeping her tone calm she hardly looked back at the stallion. "Wete no get away."

Khada, Isibuso and a collection of other chieftains stared at the crumbling walls of Iuny and watching quietly from their hidden location the steady but cautious stream of slaves and farmers as they left the city to tend the fields on the far northern side. Not a single armed guard stepped far from the ruined gate and as they watched the only two on duty were leaning against the doors half asleep but jumped when some tools fell from a small wagon. Scanning the ramparts they could not make out any great number of sentries and most remained in the towers, only peeking outside once in a while just to check before ducking out of sight again.

As they watched Isibuso glared at Khada. "If Nyah no attack Wete before flee you be-"

"Already say many, many time. She attack or hunt them, they no get away." Khada stared at the gates before looking sideways at Isibuso. "It now or neveh, this best chance to make fool do very foolish thing that make it so we get away while they die..." Closing his eyes a moment Khada pointed. "We attack city?"

Isibuso and some of the other chieftains baulked at Khada. "You mad! Not enough-"

Shaking his head Khada pointed. "Alert but no alert, Sebanwi already go north, they think it safe again so no care. Not know we here now. Look at walls and gate, crumbling, easy, easy attack. Much brush lead up to wall, make it easy "we" get in and attack. Very early, they still sleepy, best time attack is now. Few take gate and rest follow after when they no able to close it." Khada looked at the doors again. "If they can close doors..."

Isibuso shook his head. "No. Too much trouble, they close gates we in trouble. Attack big place like this they get very mad."

"Very mad anyway, they lose much already, this make no difference." Khada watched Isibuso a moment hoping he would bite before pointing at Iuny again. "Big place have much coin, much gold. Fancy place mean fancy things, gems, fancy cloth, fancy shiny things. Much slaves, not those too old to run. Have pick of much. Fancy places like that also mean shiny gems, big fancy house with gold, silver, gems and much cargo. More cargo than poor villages we raid."

"That place not rich, it dung heap. Falling apart, wash into river if river get bigger. No gold there."

"Still richer than what we attack. Not find one gold yet in all places attacked, no gold. None. That place have much gold."

"We go north and attack Wete. No attack walled place."

Khada stared at Isibuso in confusion. "Why no attack here? Poor defend, easy attack without fancy ladders or gate hammers, we here to raid and bring much loot and glory to Sibusiso so why ignore best place? Still foolish because enemy come faster but you greedy as father, why you not care about gold and only little speck on map? They no have gold either." As Isibuso was turning to leave he stopped him as a new thought formed. "Why?"


"Why no interest in only place with coin and cargo? Why you want little place with nothing north here?"

"None business! Your great king say you destroy little place you destroy! He no say destroy this!"

"What special about Wete? Why narrow mind now?" Khada held a hand up. "Very wise to attack this place."

Isibuso let out a laugh and continued walking. "No."

"We no attack they behind us, have access to your caravan of slave and... Cargo. They come from behind and we lose all, not only Sebanwi. All. Attack and they forced to hide here, no come out to stop us from attacking. We also come back, you come back this way. Maybe they be waiting then, why they stay inside after Sebanwi leave? They waiting on more to come so they make it so we no get away, block path. Then no one get away."

Stopping for a moment Isibuso looked at his more trusted advisors who made a quick deliberation and to some extent agreed, turning towards Khada he looked at him and then again at the walls. "We too few. Maybe right, but still too few."

Khada let out a small, calculated laugh. "That place is as you say: dung heap. No be that many inside who fight back, this place forgotten, no one care. If they care why there not guard all over wall? Why they no repair thing and prepare to defend?" Isibuso let out a confused humm as he looked at Iuny and watching him Khada pointed again. "No need keep, you right, no enough Rwasa and M'Nango here to keep but we no keep anyway. Leave, not stay so no matter. Enough to attack, loot, take cargo and leave. Also, set many fires, mean they too busy stopping place from burning down to cause trouble and no harass us." He watched as a few gave reluctant nods. "If Wete run, but Nyah no let run..." Khada held his hands up. "But, if they run, make chase easier if no worry about this place chasing us."

"Enemy no keep up with us, too slow!" One of the chieftains glared at Khada.

"Tell Tebasi they slow. Tebasi dead. They no need be fast to catch us, be smart and they catch us. You think they run after us? Hah! They no need to chase! Just wait on road here, watch, wait. Any fool know we come back, no choice. You no choice either! They watch from towers and wait, we wait too long they bring much, much more and then army block way. Maybe fast, maybe not, but we few and they many. Many can block big area, we have to go far north they surround slowly with horns out and we die. Unless great prince Isibuso abandon all cargo now, then we able to run away..." A silence held as they began looking at each other again, some were buying it while others refused to listen to his ramblings. Turning to Isibuso again Khada continued. "Also, destroy this place bring glory to you, Sebanwi destroy Wete and prove loyal, but you destroy this place and have much to show. Take all that can, all gem, gold, slave, fancy things, take all cargo can carry while Sebanwi destroy other and you prove Isibuso not small." Khada watched the young prince's eye twitch at calling him small and insignificant. "Isibuso only allowed attack little places, never allowed attack something with much cargo. Take much cargo from fancy place prove Isibuso big like Sibusiso, is big prince not little prince. Bring back much better cargo than what have now and no one ever say Isibuso is little, but is big."

"This is trick! He lying!" Khada stared at the irate chieftain as he tried to pull Isibuso's narrowing attention away from Iuny.

"I no lying! I am prisoner of Isibuso, you no let me go back to Sebanwi. I lie, I be killed. Sebanwi be killed. Why I lie?"

Khada watched as the chieftain tried to form a counter argument before Isibuso waved them all off and spoke. "We attack. No keep, just take all cargo and go. Make big fires so they no follow, maybe they die in fires." Isibuso glared at Khada. "He right, he lie, he first die and not die good death but die very, very bad death."

Nodding Khada did not say another word as plans were quickly drawn up. "If you die here trying to get cargo and shiny coin then no worry. Also mean you trapped fighting here if they come to save city. Once you get taste of shiny thing you just like fathah, want more and more shiny, more, more, more. You fathah make mistake once and I no forget." Khada looked at Iuny with growing concern. "They poor and no deserve this but hope they fight well and make Isibuso angry so he no leave. Not want this but no pass chance to make Isibuso kill self and all his forces in foolish way. Pray you make it so, more them die here mean less Sebanwi deal with later when it time to flee from this land and go home."

Two guards half dozed as they leaned up against the gatehouse walls while the steady trickle of farmers and slaves departed for the fields. It had been very quiet ever since the massive warband of marauders had gone around the city and continued north towards Miwani and Wete but it was no longer any concern of theirs. As their eyes closed and they dozed off again they felt their bodies shift as someone kicked their legs out from under them causing both to collapse in a heap.

"Get up you worthless bastards, captains coming and if that strutting rooster of a noble sees you two sleeping he will whip us all so stand upright and at least pretend to do your damn jobs!"

"Yes sergeant."

Waiting they continued to examine the passerby until a well dressed stallion made his way through the gate and after looking them up and down nodded. "No marauders?"

"None captain."

"Good... Shut that door, we will keep the gate half closed for now just in case the marauders come back this way."

"Dont think they will sir."

The captain turned around and furiously glared at the sergeant. "It is not your job to think. Now close that part of the damn gate."

"You heard him, lets go."

Watching as they struggled to swing the rusty gate shut the captain sighed in annoyance as the rusty hinged screamed out loudly before jamming again. Shaking his head he shouted for some of the other guards manning a palisade the mercenaries had constructed to lend a hand while others were sent to collect oil and a ladder to ease the process. Shouting at them to work the heavy gate back and forth hoping the rust would fall free and allow it to close he watched in annoyance as it quickly became completely jammed.

"Alright, wait for the ladders, you two back outside. Sergeant? Explain why you have not kept the gate oiled."

"I thought the merc's had kept it oiled while they were guarding it."

"You thought? You do not think anyway, you should have checked as that is your job as gatekeeper."

"With all respect captain the hinges were already causing problems even when oiled, they need replaced."

"No funding for that, now make certain those two are not asleep on duty again or I will have you whipped first."

"Yes captain. Are the merc's gone?"

"Not yet, they are leaving this morning. Worried?"

"Be nice to have em around in case those marauders show up again."

"It would be nice if they had already left." Waving the sergeant off the captain walked back to the palisade and sat at a small table one of the mercenaries had stolen from somewhere else and left behind. "Do your damn job."

Sitting in his chair and waiting on the ladder and oil to arrive the captain looked down the road and towards the packed harbor area. It was a nightmare, those tribes that had not fled off to part unknown had taken a chance now that they knew Tasid was away to seek shelter in the confines of Iuny. So many in fact that there was nowhere to put them all except the harbor as it was not in use this time of year, an occasional merchant would pass through but otherwise it was the only place with enough space to jam so many bodies and animals into a single location. Fights had been breaking out non-stop as tribal feuds flared over whatever petty matter they could grab a hold of which kept the city guard from their posts on the walls and towers. Most were busy just trying to keep the tribes sectioned off and in the little zones that they had been granted but it was exhausting and not terribly successful. For a small bribe they would allow almost anything to pass and while he got a cut of it the time was coming when Tasid would return and if the tribes were not shuffled off before then it would become a true nightmare to explain.

Making things worse, before leaving to check the gate he had to argue with the mercenary officer because some "tribe" had nicked some of their supplies and they wanted reparations one way or another. Problem was, they had no idea who had done it. Letting out a sigh he stared at the massive cluster of wagons that lined the harbor and was grateful to be away from them. Even now the mercenaries were fanned out and ripping the various camps apart looking for their missing supplies but he knew the truth and had kept it from them: the local thieves had made off with their goods. It was perfect, they had snuck in at night during the chaos and had begun unloading one of the ships while the mercenaries were busy elsewhere. Their arrogance was so great they thought no one would dare to steal from them and it had cost them quite a pretty penny, not that he cared. After the weeks of insufferable humiliation at their hands he was giddy at the sight playing out: a mercenary officer screaming mad who could not for the life of him find what he was looking for and had no one to blame but himself.

He did wonder how exactly the thieves had pulled it off considering just how many eyes were watching the harbor at all times but it was not worth dwelling on. After what they had nicked they would be quiet for a good while as the profit margin was enough to keep them from stealing anything else. Peace with the thieves had been bought and all he had to do was sit in his chair, smile and wave.

Unfortunately it meant that until the mercenaries left he had to put up with them for a while longer, thankfully the coin had been passed to someone else since it was after all no longer his problem. It was theirs. They had let their guard down so badly, in a harbor they controlled, as they would not permit the city guard anywhere near them at the time; that petty thieves had robbed them blind. Not that the mercenary officer had not screamed in his face for several hours but he had his duties that took him elsewhere.

"Solve it yourselves, you were the ones who lost it."

The captain leaned back in his chair and chuckled to himself as he enjoyed the cool morning air blowing through the gate. A loud rush of movement brought his attention to the gate as the flow of locals suddenly reversed and began to flood back inside rapidly. Leaning up from his chair and looking out wondering if a lion had gotten close again he waited and watched while the sergeant fought his way through them and back outside only to be passed by the two gate guards who now fled inside.

"Whats going on?!" There was no response as everyone ran including the sergeant who after looking outside turned on his hooves and bolted back inside battering others out of the way with his shield as he ran. "Answer!"

"They came back! Their charging the gate!"

"Hell! Close the gate!"

"Its stuck!"

One hand raking his face in exasperation he looked at the smaller palisade gate and pointed. "Shut this one! To hell with the other! Hold them here! You! Sound the alarm!"

Standing on the small platform the mercenaries had created and looking over the side the captain watched as the first of the marauders bolted inside the gate, those still outside were cut off and had not a chance of getting back inside but as he shouted at his guards to shut the inner gate his ears drooped. So many had begun to push against it that there were not enough guards to push back against the stampeding herd trying to get inside. All they could do was slow the flow of equines and close it just a fraction more once in a while but as the swarm of enemies increased he looked around and then up. The archers in the towers had bolted from their posts and were well on their way to other towers as some of the marauders had already climbed over the palisade and gotten inside the gatehouse.

"Captain! What do we do?"

Looking around again and knowing that it would take forever to bring enough guards from the harbor to hold the palisade he jumped off the platform and ran.

"Fall back! Have the inner gates shut! Lock up the palace! Get to the harbor and rally!"

Bolting down the main road he could see to his left the smaller gatehouse leading to the wealthy area being slammed shut and hopefully they were sealing it. Shouts filled his ears as he heaved his legs harder than he had since Tasid had been angry with him and sprinted for the harbor where very slowly the masses began to shift their attention outwards. He could hear the arguments and shouting from the mercenaries as they continued to sift through the camps but as he hurtled onwards their shouting died off and was soon replaced with a different kind of yelling. Behind him he could hear doors being thrown open, locals panicking and screaming, objects breaking and as he bolted through the merchant square it only got louder. Glancing over his shoulder for a brief moment he almost sighed in relief as the bulk of the marauders gave up on him and began tearing the merchants stalls apart, everything was being snatched and packed away.

"Oh thank the gods!"

Legs getting tired from the sudden and extreme exertion the captain slowed his pace a little as the marauders attention was diverted by beads and baubles. Reaching the mass of wagons that marked the outer perimeter of one tribes camp he slipped over the rungs and leaned against the wagon wheezing as the sergeant climbed over after him.

Gasping for air the sergeant looked down the long road towards the gate where a great swarm of zebra's now congregated. "Now what captain?"

Looking at the screaming masses in the harbor he reached out and snagged a nearby guard who looked ready to bolt and take his chances swimming the river. "You!" Letting out a hard wheeze and sucking air again the captain pointed the guard towards the barracks. "Anyone off duty, arm. Now. Get, here. NOW!" Shoving him away he pointed to another. "You! All guards in the camps here, bring to the wagons, NOW!"

"Tribals sir?" The sergeant motioned to the motley gathering.

"Hell with them, we need to flip these wagons. Get those damn mercenaries over here-"

"They are setting the buildings a'fire!"

Turning his attention outwards the captains ear's drooped as the first signs of fires rose up from the houses, what they could not take they were going to burn down or maybe the locals in their panic had accidentally knocked over their oil lamps as there were not a great number of fires yet.

"Yet..." Steadying his breath the captain pointed at the mercenaries. "Tell those bastards to form up and protect the harbor!"

Watching the sergeant depart he continued to watch the distant masses as they suddenly began forming up again and surged outwards into the houses while others began pushing their way through the clogged masses that had departed their homes and begun racing towards the harbor.

"Damn, they are coming for the harbor too soon... Where are the merce-" Turning around quickly the captains face blanched as he saw the mercenaries heading for their ships. "Cowardly bastards!"

Waiting on more guards to arrive the captain formed them up and grabbing as many tribals as he could ordered them to flip the wagons on their sides to form a wall. Pots and anything that would trip or slow someone down were heaped up in the gaps despite the loud protests including a few threats of violence. Turning violently on one of the tribals who was quite upset over the loss he quickly stabbed them in the stomach with his dirk and drew the blade across their belly violently, giving them a quick spin and shoving them towards the crowd he pointed the blade at the wagons.

"You either flip these wagons and block their access to the harbor or by gods I will force you into the river to drown! Now flip those damn wagons over!"

The nearest group stared at the screaming stallion as he writhed on the ground before backing off, pointing out a couple he ordered them to push and as the wagons began flipping he looked towards the city center again. What had been a few pillars of smoke was doubling as fires spread and now he was staring at a concerted effort by the enemy to push him into the river. Some were clearly trying to force their way into the well guarded palace judging by the archers he could make out on the walls firing down and into the streets. No smoke rose from the wealthy district either, so that meant the gate there had held. Unfortunately, that meant the only loot they had any access to was what he was currently standing on top of. Wagons of cargo, warehouses that were mostly empty but still enticing to look at, oxen, slaves and as he leaned up and over a wagon while teetering on what little hoofhold he could find he knew they were done for. Without the mercenaries he lacked the numbers to repel them but thankfully most were still too occupied with looting the various houses and buildings to care.

With what energy he had left the captain began forcing his way through the panicked throngs of tribals and shouting at them to shut up he grabbed the few guards he came across who were fighting their way to the wagons and ordered them to rally the rest and hold the wagons like a wall. fighting his way towards the ships his movement was slowed terribly, it was taking too long as the masses pushed and shoved in confusion, and thus what would have been a short walk turned into a considerable and lengthy voyage. A voice began screaming out over the others calling him and once through the mob a guard forced their way up to him as he shouted back.

"He's back captain."


"Emir Tasid, he is back. He wants to see you, now."

"Well..." The captain looked back and watched the pillars of smoke rising high into the sky. "He can not say I did nothing, now its up to him and..." Looking at one of the smaller river craft the captain thought it over. "If nothing else I am cutting the ropes and taking my chances in the river." As he continued to fight his way along with the guard more and more concern began to boil up in his stomach. "Tasid has never once commanded a battle... He cant, oh hell if he runs everyone will flee... No, if he flees Fareed will kill us all like he said he would. Shit! At least we have a wall of sorts, the palace is holding so he cant blame me for any of that. Maybe he will have us just abandoned the city and hold the palace grounds?"

Khada stood at the dead front of the column that was to lead the charge with no small amount of trepidation, it was his idea to loot the city and the other chieftain who had been most vocal had come up with the idea. The best way to prove his loyalty, the chieftain had argued, was to lead the way and prove why it was such a great idea. If it worked there was still a good chance he would die in the initial attack as he would be the first one shot by an archer or stabbed in the ensuing battle for the gatehouse. Everyone behind him had been told that if he did not attack or hesitated to stab him down on the spot.

Getting to the edge of the brush had been very easy and staying low he looked towards the wall and waited until the sentries had checked and departed once more before waving his arm forward. Standing up and running with all the speed he could muster from their hiding spot Khada bolted towards the wall and began skirting along its edge and towards the gate, it was not far but enough that if they were smart the gates would be slammed shut normally. Instead he had watched them try to close one only for it to jam and be left mostly open so that even if they managed to close the other a gap would remain. Unfortunately, he would be the first through this gap if they did close the other and he knew his odds were quite low.

The locals saw them first and after staring in confusion it quickly sank in and they began to fight their way back inside, the two guards followed suit but he could see no attempt being made to shut the other gate door as the swarm was more interested in escape than securing the gate. Slamming into the furry mass Khada began pushing hard as the others behind him began shoving against him and as the flood passed inside he looked in bewilderment at the palisade which now surrounded them. Frantically looking for a way to escape less they be trapped inside he broke free of the mob which ran directly towards the smaller secondary gate and with a short, hard run launched himself onto the palisade and began struggling to climb it. Below someone grabbed his legs and gave a solid shove which pushed him over and collapsing on the other side he rolled over to see a few others following him as they made their way over the small wall.

Standing up quickly he looked around. "Why no guards? Where are they?"

Standing up quickly Khada pointed at an open door leading into the gatehouse and shouted at some of his followers to go inside and chase out the archers. At first they just glared and debated killing him before logic won over and several charged inside, above they could see the archers fleeing the tower and running along the rampart towards other towers in a mad rush to escape. Looking around in confusion at how poorly defended the gatehouse was Khada made out an officer who was already well ahead at running away with someone else giving chase to them and shouting as they ran but were ignored. Looking at the sharp spears aimed at him as they motioned for him to start moving again Khada began running again. Following the officer down the road he looked down various side streets and decided to make a left after seeing a smaller gatehouse. Running towards it he spotted a guard who stepped out to look around as shouting had now filled the air and seeing them closing the distance rapidly he bolted inside and slammed the gate shut.

Knowing it was pointless Khada directed his little band of would be assassins down a side street and looped back onto the main road and continued to run hard towards the city center. He smiled as merchant stalls were clearly visible with their wares out and visible to all, most of the merchants had already begun to run for their lives and left their goods behind. A few were carrying little locked boxes as they ran and picking out the most elaborately dressed target Khada picked up his speed and charged them.

Smashing into the mare like a battering ram she collapsed while the box she had been carrying went flying and rolled across the cobblestone street. Ignoring her and focusing on the box because his life depended upon it Khada jumped up and ran after it, and snatching it up he turned to his pursuers who had largely lost interest in him and were already looting the stalls. Holding the box up to those who still followed he lifted it higher into the air.

"Gold. We take to Isibuso now."

"We take! You keep-"

Khada quickly pointed to another merchant who was running with a box and yelled. "Get that one before flee! Gold belong Isibuso! You let get away you to blame! More gold for Isibuso prove worth!"

Confusion crossed their faces as orders conflicted for a moment but looking at the box Khada was holding they looked around at the wild looting taking place and bolted after the fleeing merchant, their desire for glory and prestige outweighing all else. Watching them go Khada let out a sigh of relief and looking around saw the mare he had knocked over slipping away down a side alley. Chasing after her proved easy as he quickly caught up to her and with a smack from his hand knocked her down again. Standing over her and glaring down he aimed his weapon at her throat.



"Give key or die. Which?"

The merchant stared at him confounded for a moment before reaching inside her clothes and pulling out a bronze key threw it at him and bolted again. Picking the key up Khada knelt down and as he watched her run away unlocked the box and smiled. Snapping it shut quickly and locking it again he tossed the key through a window and began running back towards the main gatehouse. Emerging into the market again the chaos had compounded as everything was being stripped bare including the large sheets of oiled fabric the merchants were using to cover their stalls. Nothing was being left behind but as he entered the main road and turned west he could see that the main column was now inside and filtering through the small palisade gate.

"Very lucky they no defend."

Looking over his shoulder he could see the harbor farther off with the masts of ships rising into the air along with a few warehouses. Most was blocked from view but it was clear that a number of wagons were blocking the way and the stallion he had seen earlier fleeing for his life was now a distant speck clambering over the obstruction.

"Cargo..." Khada hummed as he ran back towards the gatehouse, his plan changing and growing into something new as smoke began rising into the air as crazed looters began setting anything they could not take on fire.

Slowing down as he approached the foremost formation he came to a halt and waited a moment as they stared him down, a chieftain came forward looking more perturbed that he had survived than the fact his plan had worked. Motioning him forward Khada approached.

"Have gift for Isibuso, more gifts coming if your slow warriors can catch them."

Letting out a snarl the chieftain gripped his spear harder. "Give, now."

"No, I give to Isibuso, this not for you!" Khada raised his voice loudly as other heads turned to stare at the scene he was creating.

"You go loot more or die! I give to Isibuso! Do as told!"

"Did as told! Get inside, take gate so you get in, find great gift for Isibuso!"

Shouting as loudly as he could the chieftain shouted back just as angrily and after a few minutes the chief motioned his formation forward towards Khada but others had been drawn by the screaming match. Another chief held the fuming stallion back from Khada and ordered him to wait until Isibuso arrived, he would decide if the gift was worthy of him. Waiting as the looting and burning continued others came forward with sacks of coin, bolts of cloth and prisoners but Khada kept a firm grip on the box until the fur on his knuckles stood out.

"What? He alive?" Isibuso walked from the gatehouse and looked at Khada with an expression of having been let down until his eyes looked at the box with curiosity. "What you bring me?"

"Take from very, very fancy dressed merchant, try to run away with. That ones slow warriors let merchant get away and many others but I stop them from taking this and bring for you." Khada held the box out to Isibuso who stared at it.

"Open it."

"It need key, no have key."

"Break it open!"

Khada lifted it up and threw it hard against the cobblestone but it did not break open as he knew it would not. Isibuso watched with annoyance and shouting to open it others came forward who had clubs and they began beating the box furiously until the wood began to shatter. Once Khada was satisfied a good show had been put on he waved them off and reaching down flipped it over and pried the shattered mechanism apart, with a pop the metal gave free and standing up he lifted the top off and held it out to Isibuso.

Every set of eyes that could see locked onto the contents of the box and a hush fell as Isibuso walked forward and eagerly dug his hands inside lifting out a fistful of gold. Pouring it back inside he continued to fumble around inside until he lifted out a small emerald and holding it up in the light he stared at it entranced by its polished beauty. Like a rat that had found a fat grub Isibuso dug back into the box and began rooting around with his fingers as Khada tried to keep from smirking at the furious chieftain.

"There more?" Isibuso stopped and looked at Khada, greed burning in his eyes.

"Much, but that ones slow warriors no catch I think, tell them to catch while I catch this one. But... Is as other chiefs said before attack, we can no stay now. Must leave, leave behind. No look for more. Time we go."

"I say when we go! No you! We no go! Where others!?"

Khada shook his head sadly. "Know they not get inside place over there." He pointed towards the other walled in area. "Gate shut before we can get inside but that mean they not get in either, mean they go that way." He pointed at the slowly fortifying harbor. "Much, much cargo in place with ships. See buildings for storing things when I close, many running there with their cargo. But, need to give gift to you first, so I come with gift prove I not disloyal." Khada held the box out to Isibuso who stared off into the distance ignoring him, his eyes locked on the harbor.

Snatching the box from Khada Isibuso passed it off to one of his warriors and nodded. "We no go, not yet, first we take much more. Place is poor but also has much, much worth taking. They no defend gate, they weak. Very, very weak. No strength. We no flee from weak, we attack and take what mine."

The other chieftains looked worried but most glared daggers at Khada as they tried to reason with their young prince. "We must go, as Khada say, no stay no more! Not enough to take city and take all cargo, we go now! Have much great gift to give king Sibusiso, he be much, much happy with you, prove you great prince but we must go!"

Khada watched quietly before pointing off towards some distant towers. "Hmm... They abandon all south wall now, all fleeing. Cowardly." He kept quiet as one of the chieftains almost gagged in anger. "Now Isibuso too blind to leave, fool thinks they weak but they grow stronger, maybe strong enough to cause much problem and make Isibuso so angry he refuse to leave in time because in blind greed rage."

For a moment the other chieftains began talking Isibuso down but two more warriors arrived bearing similar boxes of various sizes and after dropping them at his hooves and breaking them open the decision became final. Sifting through the boxes of gold and silver Isibuso shook his head.

"We not leave. No run from weaklings who not able to protect land, they have much coin..." He waved a group past as they walked up with other, lesser offerings. "And much cargo. They no protect cargo then we take cargo from them, they weak and not deserve it."

As he watched Isibuso put down the other chieftains suggestions one at a time as he narrowed his vision to that of the harbor, Khada continued to monitor the distant situation. Wagons had been flipped, obstructions formed and he could make out an increasing glint of metal poking over the tops of the wagons marking a significant increase of guards. The streets were too narrow for Isibuso to deploy properly and overwhelm them with sheer force of arms and he knew it, he would be forced to fight them on more or less equal grounds and should they push forward and seal up the streets themselves Isibuso would not have a chance. A few chieftains tried to point this out but as the enemy had not already done so, such an act was unfathomably to their prince who's only interest was lining his hut with gold and gems.

"They are weak, but not so weak as you think. Have sense enough to defend..." Khada looked at the secondary wall and watched as more archers appeared along it waiting. "But they know not to give up and abandon city, no abandon city anyway, trapped inside like us now. Isibuso no let us go until learn hard way, but they can no go either, they back to wall and no choice but fight or die." Looking at the wall of flipped wagons Khada gave a silent nod. "They choose fight." Khada glanced at Isibuso again. "This be very, very messy. But necessary messy."

Verik stood on the earthen wall that protected the southern side of Wete and watched to the south in the early morning light as the last stragglers from Miwani trickled out and began skirting the outer edge of the fields heading north west. A day ago it had been a complete stampede as the entire village along with every wagon they had fled heading towards the old trade road that ran towards Alzamard, their intentions had been made clear by a startled runner who had approached to find what was once a completely unprotected village turned into an earthen fortress. There was no intention of staying nor asking protection from Tendaji though, they were not stopping. Marauders had come in full force of more than a thousand and though slow moving were steadily making their way directly towards them. The Miwani tribe was going to hide in the valleys to the northwest and ride out the cataclysm as best they could and return after it was all over. A standard tactic he was told from Jelani, there were enough valleys and rough terrain to hide in and avoid detection. So much so one tribe that claimed a portion of the area had outright vanished into the ridges and sheltered valleys.

They had learned that some of the other tribes had sought shelter at Iuny since Tasid was gone, some had fled further west to shelter in and around the city of Mjesani. Any unwilling to do so however and being more of the independent sort chose to hit the road and take their chances on the great savannah. Tendaji had not argued with them, he had simply nodded and mumbled when he needed to until the messenger was finished and then granted them safe passage. The Miwani were free to pass through his lands and go on their way in peace so long as they did not take from his land without asking, but also making a fair offer in return for passage. It was this demand that had sparked an argument when the messenger left and returned with an exasperated chieftain who wanted to understand exactly how he thought they would pay and why considering the circumstances.

As it turned out Tendaji was just doing it to get back at them for a slight they had made against Wete and after tempers had flared an agreement was made that amounted to nothing and the Miwani were on their way again. He was glad it was over as peace and quiet now prevailed and the only sounds were the birds, a humming insect now and then along with the ongoing efforts to make the walls even higher.

"You bastards are so stuck in your tribal disputes you cant even put it aside when your facing destruction."


Verik looked at Asha for a moment as she climbed onto the wall and sat down rubbing her eyes. "Cant sleep again?"

"You no sleep either."

Verik slid down and sat beside her. "Part of me is very eager to fight, another part cant stand it. One part just cant stand the waiting, but at least I know they are coming."

"No want them come here." Asha leaned against him and closed her eyes.

"Well if that last band I saw is any indication, then they are not far behind and speeding up. One of them wanted in to see Tendaji and said-" Verik felt Asha grip him a little harder. "Never mind, don't worry about it." He motioned to the walls around them. "Bandits are going to have one hell of a time getting in here. Also, Sefu and Jelani have drilled the local militia so hard the past few days they have things memorized. Anyone tries to jump these walls they will need some damn good ladders and a lot of prayer."

He listened to her mumbled response and putting an arm around her sat quietly listening to the birds as a gathering slowly formed not far away. Watching them quietly as they stood huddled close together in silence Verik's gaze shifted to Nuru's hut where the elderly mare walked out with Subira in tow. Waving the group to her Nuru led them a short distance away to one of the only small clearings left on the hill where they all sat down with her at the front facing towards the river while Subira sat beside her quietly.

"What are they doing?"

Nuru laid out a small mat and sat before laying down a satchel and looking to her side stared back at Verik. "You join us?"

"Join what exactly? Prayer?"

"Yes, time to pray."

"I have never seen you do this before."

"We not pray here normally, because wall and danger we do that here now."

"Where do you normally go?"

"To river, have place down there by pier."

"Well that explains why I never see you doing this... So are you praying to the spirits or do you pray to gods as well?"

Subira quickly spoke up. "Spirits. No pray gods."

Nuru sighed and after shaking her head motioned Verik over. "You come?"

"I would like to watch actually. Never seen anything like this before."

Nodding in acceptance Nuru removed various objects and herbs from the satchel and laying them out put some in a bowl. Subira started a small flame and after lighting the herbs on fire the odd smell filled the air quickly and watching quietly Verik stared as Nuru led her small group in a morning prayer. Arms outstretched she prayed to the spirits to continue their vigilance in watching over the village and as she continued on it sounded rather normal to him until they finished the first prayer. What began next caused Subira to stand up and walk away much to Nuru's very visible disappointment. Starting a small fire Nuru and her little collective gathering began praying for a good harvest and that the tiny sliver of silty land they had would receive a rich inundation. Listening as she called out to their goddess for an abundant harvest and fertile rains Verik watched with great interest. When was the last time such a prayer was issues on the other world? Not a modern prayer, but an honest, ancient prayer. As he watched he wondered how they came about such a prayer as it rang of a mixture of beliefs, Egyptian but with a distinct local flare to it.

As the prayer was finished they stood and approaching the fire threw a pinch of something into the fire before departing while Nuru stood to one side quietly waiting. When the fire had died down she packed up her belongings and walked to the earthen wall and stared up at Verik.

"Well? What you think?"

"Very interesting. Reminds me of what I read about of certain ancient civilizations and cultures back on the other world but you... That was unique, it sort of... How do I put this? Almost textbook ancient civilization but like some voodoo got mixed in."

"What is voodoo?"

"Exactly what you do on a daily basis, scaring the hell out of everything with those spirits of yours and curses."

Nuru nodded. "How many gods you have?"

"Personally? Zero. Never believed any of that crap because none of it made any sense and none ever did a damn thing to help anyone, unless you count being left to die."

"Now?" Nuru watched him quietly but with judging eyes.

"I don't know what to believe. Without question I believe in the spirits, always did in a way... But after seeing what you can do and that dream? There is no doubt in my mind that there is a whole lot more going on out there. That goddess you prayed to though, how many gods do you have?"

"She is one, of plants and crops. But you mean how many gods as whole..." Nuru stopped and thought it over. "Not know. Know some names, not many, mostly pray spirits and goddess for crops."

"Makes sense you would pray to a goddess of agriculture. She ever answer?"

Nuru made a strange face for a moment before climbing onto the wall and sitting down. "Gods no so simple, they more difficult than spirits. Spirits is give and take, very honest, yes or no. Gods..."

"Are temperamental?"

"Yes." Nuru nodded. "Very, they no answer for... Not know, so long most forget and now no one pray. But I still pray to some, know names of others but not pray to them."

"So that little incident here-"

"Yes, that not spirit."

"So they do take an interest now and then, but as to why no one knows."

Again, Nuru nodded. "They have own ways, see things own way, see what we not see but maybe not? I not know but know not to anger or make demand of. Very bad."

"So has she looked out for you?"

"How one prove hand of goddess? Crop grow anyway, maybe bounty, maybe not. Was it answer? Or just chance?"

"True, but you still pray so that means you must have seen something even if they were little things. Then again I imagine a goddess of agriculture would not give infinite bounty to anyone as it would only create greed and complacency, that and the land could not handle it, the soil needs to rest now and again. But, considering how many have managed to survive here on so little someone must be looking out for you even if not everyone survives. Kind of a miracle anyone has."

A small crooked smile crossed Nuru's face. "Hm, maybe."

"Why did Subira storm off?"

"Ah..." Nuru shook her head and stared at her hut. "That one difficult. Gods useless she say, no worth knowing, no worth naming. Best ignore and forget. Bury. Only spirits answer so only spirits deserve respect and prayer, to be called upon. "

"Your reaction to her tells me you have tried to convince her otherwise and are unhappy with her."

Letting out a sad sigh the old shamaness nodded. "Yes. But she no listen, very stubborn that one. Blame gods for all bad things, they no help, never help."

"But I have a feeling they do now and then but..."

"Yes?" Nuru watched Verik carefully.

"If I were a god, there is only so much I would be willing to do, especially in times like this. If everyone is either too damn lazy to do anything about it or happy to go along with it why would I waste my time? They would just recreate the problems all over again, better to just leave them to suffer in the hell they created until they learn from their mistakes and decide to change."

"Hmm... Interesting you think that way. So, you no ask gods for help then? Do all on own?"

"Well to be honest it would be nice to have some divine aid now and then, getting sent here was outstanding but... You already know everything I have planned don't you?" Nuru nodded quietly. "Fine, some advice or a little bump in the right direction so things do not blow up in our faces would be nice but the idea that someone held my hand through all of it... I cant stand the thought. Its why I made so many enemies back there, I wanted nothing anyone had to offer and always had this insatiable desire to conquer but that was very, very illegal. Unless you controlled the government then nothing was illegal. Also there was nothing worthwhile to conquer anymore."

"Thought you just wanted quiet place with farm?"

"Absolutely true. Being left to my own peace of mind is a grand theory but still just a theory, one I know is truly impossible anywhere I would ever go. To have my peace I must kill everything that gets in my way, conquer everything in sight so no one is left to challenge it. It is a thought I truly enjoy though, I like both. War and peace. This is probably the most conflicting thing you have ever heard."

"No." She shook her head. "You honest about what want and tell truth about how get it. Not lie or hide. Great pain though that path, great pain."

"I am already on that path so I don't think that matters anymore, its a done deal. I will not wallow in this misery and do nothing when I, for the first time in my entire life, have the power to reach out and take what I desire instead of being a damn sheep or some wimp scared of conflict. That and I finally have the ability and power to make it happen."

"Well some spirits not like you for that and some gods no like either I think but..."

"It takes all kinds to make a world?"

Nuru gave him a short smile. "Yes."

"Alright, well I have a question- Morning Shahid." They watched as Shahid dragged himself out of his lean-to that sat against Asha's hut for a moment. "About your gods. It never crossed my mind but considering everything that is going on I was wondering if you knew anything or any prayers for, assuming you have a god for this-"

"Speak." Nuru stared at Verik annoyed.

"A god of war."

Nuru raised an eyebrow. "Why you want know that? Going to pray? Some hear you pray that one they no be so happy."

"I figured considering the circumstances it would make the most sense, for you praying to an agricultural deity makes perfect sense but in my case its the opposite. Especially right now with who knows what coming up that road at any moment."

Nuru remained quiet as Subira popped out of her hut and walked towards them with a cooking jar in one hand. "What you talking about?"

"Your god of war. Or goddess, whichever it is or both?"

Subira glared at Verik angrily. "You fool to pray to gods but dangerous fool, special stupid fool to pray to one who bring war!"

"Sit." Nuru patted the earthen rampart and stared at Subira quietly before looking back at Verik. "Why you ask? Serious?"

"Very. Unless this is some psycho god that delights in butchering others for the hell of it and-"

Subira leaned out from her seat on the wall and almost spat towards Verik. "War is death, destruction, have enough of that and you want to invite?"

"Invite? What is she talking about?" Verik nodded to a half asleep Altayih who approached with Manna clinging to his leg.

Nuru put a hand over Subira's mouth for a moment. "What she say is true, when we pray we no just pray but invite to come. Invite to stay. To see. To help. You see us make offering? Not much but is precious, to pray to war is to ask for war, to bring war. War not kill just few but many, war not care which side, all die in war."

"Without war your not going to change a damn thing though and I really don't see how a god of war would survive as a god for very long if they got their own followers killed off. Or do they?"

"War god also more, is god of protection."

Subira let out a harsh laugh. "Bring death to all and then claim to protect. No hear more of this. You mad if you pray to that one!" Standing up she left quickly with the pot in hand as Nuru looked after her before turning back to Verik with a very serious expression.

"So much death and war but no protection."

"I wouldn't bother protecting anyone either considering no one doing the killing gives a damn near as I have found out."

Nuru rocked her head a little and rolled her eyebrows. "Maybe true. But here, you pray here to that one you invite that one to come here. That scare many, anger many. You pray then you invite all that come with, war, death, destruction, great loss, suffering, pain-"

"But also the hope of protecting what I care about." Verik looked down at Asha a moment. "You can never have one without the other, the world is not so simple. Being able to just talk your way out of everything will never happen and negotiation only staves off the inevitable."

"Maybe compromise?"

"Hah!" Verik let out a laugh so hard Asha jumped a little and Altayih sat upright as he tried to pry Manna off again. "Compromise, god damn I hate that word. Everyone demands a compromise and nothing gets solved, worst of all everyone demands it with enemies who want to kill them and only make things worse off in the long run."

"Very jaded view."

"One well established from reading history books. As the Romans once said: "A bad peace is worse than war." Compromise creates that, a compromised situation. I am fed up with that and will have nothing to do with it."

Nuru hummed a moment. "Maybe right, compromise with wrong one, wrong reason make things worse. But, compromise with one who not bad maybe not so bad? Tendaji compromise with Miwani once, they not bad, alternative bloodshed. Make new agreement. No one die."

"I still do not believe in compromise, conflict resolution is one thing but I am not going to give up my ideals or who and what I am for the sake of peace. Nor will I stave off anything by dancing around the fire, compromise might work on a tiny scale as it is around here but I refuse to back down on what I want."

"That mean you walk over many who not enemy and anger."

"I have a feeling I will need to anyway."

"Maybe god of war right for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Head made of stone like you."

"Are you saying I am bullheaded or dumb as a rock?"

"Maybe both. Time tell. But, you prove that you are you and no willing to change. That maybe great comfort to some and scare others away. Believe strongly in what want and fight for it."


"Mean you have chance maybe? You so... "Bullheaded," that you force everyone to agree or... Otherwise. Not bad trait to have in this land, but not always be good. Think it serve you quite well for now but you no be so bullheaded all time yes?"


"But, admit not know much about war god. Not know any prayer, know of but little else. No help you much."

"Not even just one little prayer?"

Nuru shook her head. "No."

"How about some advice? You know a little, so what would go into such a prayer?"

Humming for a moment she finally shrugged. "War god, so offer weapon? Bad thing right now, very bad, no afford lose one weapon..." Her ears perked up slightly. "Offering sacrifice to gods normal, not know much but what do know all like sacrifice."

"So~... Grab some poor bastard and cut them open?"

Nuru turned on Verik angrily with a dangerous glint in her eyes. "No! Why you think that?!"

"Animal then?"

"Hm, yes. Once things very, very bad here so have Jelani hunt, she get very, very lucky and catch gazelle alive."

"Are the animals not, intelligent? To some degree?"

"Yes, but not same, some very... Dumb. Not know how explain but some "smart" and others no. Gazelle not. Nor pigs we kill."


"We no have chickens here now."

"What happened?"

"Lion sneak in and eat many chicken."

"And how did it get past the patrols?"

"Come at night, sometimes they not always see what coming."

"Right. Avoid lions. Big, smart kitties with claws."

"Wise, but a sacrifice to god be good idea maybe."

"How do you go about that?"

"Build big fire, pray, offer, kill, burn."

"Sounds easy."

"No easy, very hard to keep gazelle on wood pile. Sefu and other help and special brew also help so it no run away. But if you pray, no mock. You honest, so be honest, truth, only truth. Also," Nuru stood. "Be very careful what ask for."

"Are your gods tricksters?"

"What? No... Spirits like tricks, fun, but be careful when pray, gods no answer in long time they say but maybe you not want what they offer hm?"

"Or the price they demand in return."

Nuru gave a small nod and walked off leaving Verik and the others to sit quietly on the rampart. "If he pray that one and get answer it make things very, very interesting. Or bad."

Verik looked down at Asha for a moment before finally looking at Shahid and then at Altayih who had given up prying Manna off. "Care to join me in prayer?"


"You heard the conversation."

"Yes... Well... To each their own captain but my family made certain I was well versed in prayers to increase our commerce and curry favor with such a god, not that it mattered."


"No, just very cautious."


"Do you really intend to pray to the god of war? Do you even know his name?"

"Forgot to ask... She probably did not know either from what she hinted at, do you-"


"Right. Alright, so that means ad-libing."

"You are quite serious about this..."

"Very, because it sure wont hurt considering the situation we are in right now and-"

"We are about to create."

"Exactly. As I told Nuru: a little help or advice wouldn't hurt. Besides, I know just what to offer."

"You don't mean the-"


"Heave!... Heave!..."

Tasid had lost track of how long he had been rowing, he did not even bother to look at the river bank anymore as it only made him long for home so much it hurt. But, he could not be certain if it was the pain of longing for home or the pain that screamed throughout his body from the back breaking labor he had been subjected to.

"Row... Row... Row..." Tasid leaned forward and went through the motions and mindlessly strained to move the oar. "Each row is closer to home... Each row is closer to home..." He did not look up as concern began filling the voices of the crew, the orders slowed and stopped as they always did when they were in sync but he never bothered to see what was going on as the overseer and captain of the craft passed them and moved to the front of the ship.

"Well i'll be damned, Iuny is on fire."

Tasid stopped rowing and froze as the overseers words washed over him causing his sweat to run cold. Dropping his oar he stood and turned to stare as pillars of smoke rose into the air from within the cities walls.

"We were this close?"

Turning to look at him the overseer raised his cane. "Back on your oar!"

Tasid panicked. "What happened? Did a fire spread? No! They are not all in the same place so..." The first blow forced him down with a yelp of pain.

"Row you worthless little shit!"

"You! I mean Captain! Surely you know who I am! Someone must have told you!" Tasid collapsed as the overseer hit him again but was stopped by the captain.

"Yes. I know who you are, but I also have my orders."

"Then you understand why you must get me there with all haste!" Tasid flinched as the overseer almost raised the cane again. "Intact and concious!"

Looking at the smoke for a moment the captain turned back to Tasid. "Alright, a change of clothes was sent along... Get a bucket of water and wash up the "Emir." If it turns out to be nothing you will wish you had stayed on that oar."

"Of course!"

Washing himself off rapidly until he looked less like a filthy beggar and more like a hobo Tasid pulled his clothes on quickly and staggered to the front of the ship to watch as two more pillars of smoke rose into the air.

"Those are not random fires, someone is starting them!" Straining his eyes to make out what was happening his attention fell on the harbor where a great writhing mass had formed. "What are they doing? Where did they come from?"

Drawing ever closer he began to make out the situation as time ticked by at an agonizingly slow pace and he could clearly make out mercenaries boarding ships in a hurry and preparing to cast off. The masses were mostly the local tribal population and a growing number of locals, and as the shouting became more audible he strained to make out what was going on but he already knew: someone was invading and had breached the city gates.

"If I jump in the river now and swim- No Fareed will track me down for losing the city! But the city is lost! No, the palace is holding, I can see guards on the walls... Hell! Why did this have to happen to me!? Why? Have I not suffered enough?! What do I do? I am going to die here... No! I have to keep the city, how!? If I lose the city they will kill me! No, if I swim I can get away but then Fareed will skin me alive and rub salt on my flesh... Mercenaries, I have to stop them from leaving! I cant lose the city or I will be killed."

As the ship made the final turn and began moving into the harbor Tasid shouted at the captain. "Block that ship from leaving! They are not to leave and that is an order by an emir of the sultan Fareed!"

The captain gave him an unamused look but after eyeing the situation shrugged and turned the ship to block one of the mercenary ships from leaving. Shouts of anger rang out from the mercenaries and threats to kill them all filled the air as Tasid looked up at them and screamed back that they were not leaving. Laughing at him he felt embarrassment surge through his body as the mercenaries went from death threats to childish ones of pulling his robe up and spanking him. Clambering onto the pier once a board had been thrown over he began shoving his way forward and screaming for his captain of the guard and one of the guards on the dock bolted into the mob as he howled his name.

Looking for the mercenary officer Tasid raised his voice but it was cracked, broken and panicked. "Where is the cowardly, worthless mercenary that commands you?! Show your face you worthless piece of shit!"

His voice died rapidly as the officer fought his way out of the mob and loomed over him, sabre drawn and furious. "I am here."

"Where is my captain of the guard?"

"That is your problem, not mine. We are leaving."

"You will not step one hoof off of my harbor!"

"Says who? You? I wish you luck little colt."

Seeing his captain emerge from the throng Tasid felt a little braver. "As Emir I am ordering you to unload your companies and form up to defend the city!"

"Not in our contract, it ended the moment you put one hoof on this pier."

"If they leave I am dead! I have to keep them here, if I keep them here Fareed will blame them for the invasion as I was not here! I will have saved the city and proven my worth to Fareed! I cant let Iuny fall no matter the cost... But how do I keep them here!?"

"Well!?" The mercenary looked Tasid up and down before shaking his head and shoving him away from the gangplank began boarding his ship. "If your little ship does not move we are killing them all and moving it for you."

Tasid sucked in a sharp breath of air and stomped his hoof hard on the pier, "get your worthless flee ridden flank back here you coward!"

Tasid regretted his words immediately as the officer turned around and stalked towards him. "I am being paid by Fareed. Not. You. If I were to cut your throat and throw you into the river he would probably reward me so don't tempt me."

"I am ordering you to stay here in the name of our sultan Fareed! To allow this city to fall when you stand upon its harbor is an act of treason!"

"Are you offering to pay us?"


"We are leaving."

"Get back here damn you to hell! When Fareed finds out-"

"Well you lot will be dead so who will know?" He waved Tasid off and continued aboard.

"He will know because only you made it back alive by ship and all those farmers and slaves out in the fields? Many of them will have escaped by now and word will spread, the sultan will ask questions and seek them out for answers! Fareed is not a fool and no matter what you think of me he will find you out and if you think your odds of surviving this are poor, he will make you suffer so horribly you will pray to the god of pain that you had stood and fought! Even if you do somehow manage to escape, no one will ever contract with you again because everyone will know what a pack of traitors and cowards you are! But maybe, if you hold the city he will reward you for your efforts and loyalty. Maybe. That being after you explain to him why you allowed the enemy inside my city to begin with!"

"WE allowed no one inside!" The officer turned at him again and snarled. "It was under the watch of your estudious guards that they got inside!"

"Do you think Fareed will give a damn about any of your excuses or mine? Do you think he will care if we spend days explaining how it was not our fault!? He will skin us all starting with you! At least I showed up late and put up a fight! I will get to live a few days longer than you if I survive this because he will be to busy torturing the rest of you to death to care about ME!"

The mercenary looked at Tasid with a troubled expression as the mercenaries on board the ships grew quiet, it was a very real threat and as they watched their commander ponder how valid the threat was to their well being he finally walked off the plank and onto the pier itself.

"This little bastard! He thinks he can threaten us!... But he is right, there will be survivors and our reputation will be ruined. The sultan will have an assassin hunting me for the rest of my days if this city falls." Letting out an aggravated snarl he walked up to Tasid. "Do you have a plan?"

Tasid let out a squawk, he could not believe they were backing down and even asking what to do. "No."

"Outstanding. You want us to stay and don't have a damn clue, have you ever fought before? Obviously not." He looked Tasid over. "You are about to shit yourself."

"I have a plan my lord." Tasid and the mercenary looked at the guard captain. "We need to re-arm the tribals and force them into the levy to defend the harbor, it will more than triple our number and if we block off the streets the enemy will be forced into narrow confines. It will make it easier for the levy to hold them back but we must act swiftly! I had the wagons flipped to form a wall but we do not have enough to man it!"

"Arm them!" Tasid tried to glare at the mercenary officer who regarded him calmly and with an amused smile. "Unload now and form up to defend the harbor!"

"As you "command" o' "great emir" Tasid. Everyone off the boats! Form up by company and clear a path to the wagons!"

Tasid watched as the chaos compounded itself, screaming rang out and snapping he shouted at the mercenaries. "Get some of these idiots off the docks and onto the rafts and ships so they are at least out of the way and we can move! I want every chieftain to me at once!"

Shaking his head the officer waved his forces forward and as they pushed their way through the mob the call went out, slowly the panicked masses swarmed some of the ships and eased some of the tension but many were falling into the water and either drowning or flailing as they fought to get back onto the docks. Ignoring them Tasid walked into the mob with the last column of mercenaries and as they forced their way forward he finally made out the flipped wagons with the handful of terrified guards huddled behind them. Swallowing hard he walked up and looking through one of the gaps felt faint as he saw the invaders formed up and beginning to fan out through various side streets. Time was running out and they had to form up quickly. Looking towards the palace walls he could see archers watching quietly, he breathed in relief as it meant his home was still standing and un-pillaged. Slowly a small gathering of fancily dressed tribals formed around him including his captain and the mercenary officer who kept one in the direction of the enemy.

"What you want us do?"

Tasid stared blankly at the mare a moment stunned at her horrible speech before pointing to the wall of wagons. "Hold."

"With what? Weapons taken."

"They will be returned immediately. You are all under order by me, emir Tasid, servant of Sultan Fareed to defend the city of Iuny against these invaders and to aid in retaking the city."

"Big words, small colt."

One of the chieftains looked down on him glaring and try as he might Tasid could not muster up the courage to return any form of adequate challenge. Taking a hard breath he raised his voice but what came out was a garbled, mareish squeel as he tried to puff himself up.

"You will hold this wall or die fighting! If you run the sultan will wipe your tribe from existence but not if I drown you in the river first!" He felt lost, he had never had to command so much as a skirmish in his life. "For every one of who that fl-flees I will drown ten foals! You know who I am and my reputation!" He felt embarrassed, normally his reputation was a selling point but suddenly in front of these particular onlookers he felt so small he wanted to turn into a small bug and flee through the cracks in the nearest wagon. "Those who stand and fight shall be- Fareed will show favor towards those who serve him well! My captain and the mercenary here will give you orders and you will obey those orders! Anyone who refuses an order will be killed on the spot! You can either fight or die here and now! They!" Tasid waved towards the invaders. "Will kill you all or enslave you! I offer you freedom and a chance to live!" His throat hurt, he had never had to talk so much or shout so loudly and the funny looks the gathering was giving him made it even worse. He was a one stallion comedy show. "Form up every able bodied mare and stallion you have and prepare them to fight! Use anything!"

Trying to stare them down he stood as tall as he could as a hushed silence held in the air, even the screaming, terrified masses had calmed down to gawk at him while most quietly laughed at him from the sheer absuridty of the situation. Some did not, they knew the threat was very real and not to challenge it but the state of the stallion giving the challenge made it hard not to laugh. His short, pudgish stature, high pitched, terrified and squeekish voice had won over no one and as he glared at those around him he tried to make a dignified turn and look away. The moment Tasid had turned he could hear snickering but none more pronounced than the nearby mercenaries, his own guards looked ashamed of him but their body language showed it had worked to some degree. They were girding themselves for a hard fight and were not going to run, not because they did not want to and would flee in an instant if they could, but because there was nowhere to run to. It was either fight or drown in the river because anything else would bring Fareed's anger upon them.


"Yes lord Tasid?"

"Find the fastest ship in the harbor and bring me a courier, trusted! And have them row directly for Alzamard to inform Fareed that Iuny in being attacked and his sultanate is being invaded. These are not bandits." Tasid looked at the well formed lines again and desperately wanted to back away from the wall. "Someone is invading the kingdom, see that he is informed and that Iuny is calling for aid with all haste. And bring me a scroll and ink!"

"Yes sire."

"Captain! The best rowers, order them to row until they die. No rest, no stops, they are to never stop rowing day or night until they reach the city."

"That is not physically possible-"

"Then load extra slaves to take over from the ones who can no longer row, throw the ones who cant row into the river to drown for all I care! Just get the message to Fareed! They are to row until they die! And bring me a scroll and something to write with already! Immediately!"

"Yes, my lord."

"Do you have a plan yet?" The mercenary stood beside him waiting quietly.

"I- Uh."

"Right! I am not dying here on account of you. First company! North to the storehouse! Second stand here and plug these gaps between the wagons! Grab slaves, anyone, get the crates and storage jars out of the warehouses and fill the holes in and put some of these gawking idiots behind the wagons with anything they can fight with! You lot, quit your damn snickering and see that your damn "tribals" are armed, the weapons are in that warehouse! Form them up over there, there and there. Push those wagons further into the side streets and seal them off completely! Bring round-"

Tasid listened as the officer belted out orders at the chieftains who had ceased their smiling and laughing, they were obeying. He wanted to let out a sob but bit his tongue until blood began seeping out, the city was not lost but it was close to being lost. If they survived the first great rush they made there was a chance they might survive but that depended on how fast Fareed dispatched a relief force. Something was in the works anyway, the army had already been raised and levies pulled to Alzamard and some to Mjesani meaning he had a campaign already in mind. Any fool knew that but not where they were going. This meant there would be no waiting on forces to be raised and dispatched, they were already waiting.

"How long? How long will it take Adil to get here? Will he send Adil? Will he send ships? Ships are faster... He would send ships if I said half the city was lost- NO! Leave that out until later! Blame the mercenaries, its their fault! They were trying to flee! But my guards were in command when it happened... No! Its their fault, they were too busy packing up to leave to protect the city and allowed my guards to be overwhelmed! That is what I will say! They cant prove otherwise because of all the dead that will be littering the streets after this. If we live."

Watching the enemy column begin to move forward Tasid screamed at his legs to back away from the wall as the gaps were slowly plugged by frantic slaves and workers, but they would not. He could only watch as a wall of pointy striped death made its way steadily towards their flimsy fortifications as preparations continued.

"I would rather die standing right here than spend one more hellish minute in that dungeon with... Whatever her name was! I will never go back! Never! I still stand right here and die..." Tasid choked a small sob back and closed his eyes tightly. "Dont move, cant move, have to stand here, if I live Fareed might forgive me, maybe."

A steady thrum built up as hooves clacked on the cobblestone road while shields were beaten, chanting filled the air and grew louder as they closed the gap while he struggled with the concept of trying to maintain steady breathing without hyperventilating. Tasid listened as the mercenary beside him calmly and cooly shouted orders and atwanging sound filled the air but he did not open his eyes to see what had happened. There was a steady repitition to the sound as it faded and was followed by a groaning of wood before a sharp, clear "loose" filled the air. Somewhere farther away he could hear others screaming in pain and the steady beat picked up in a horrific cacaphony of movement as it thundered towards them. Eyes still closed and breathing frantically a loud crashing sound filled the air as all around him shouts and screams lifted high in a defeaning roar as weapons smashed against shields and flesh, but he did not care nor dare to open his eyes.

His body jolted suddenly as a slap rang out and pain shot through his face, opening his eyes while sweat rolled down his face he stared back at the mercenary officer who was glaring at him.

"Open your damn eyes! You look like a damn fool standing there! Do something useful! Here, take this and stab at whatever tries to climb over that wagon!"

He felt the wooden shaft of the short spear jammed into his hand and looking around again terror sank in. They were trying to climb over everywhere but were being shoved back with spears, sabre, even fishhooks and oars from the local fisherstallions. Oars beat against some and anything that could be used to thrust or smack someone with was being employed. Looking at the odd spear he stared down at his hooves, nary a single pace away a dead zebra lay at his hooves. He had jumped the barricade and almost ran him through but been felled before he could finish the act. Hands shaking terribly Tasid tried to hold onto the spear and caught a glimpse of the mercenary smacking someone in the face with his shield so hard it threw them back and off a wagon before glaring at him again.

"You either get your worthless flank on that wall or I will throw you over the damn thing! Now stab something and keep stabbing!"

Gripping the spear harder and shakily walking up to the makeshift wall Tasid was almost laid out as one of the guards swung back to make a blow, barely dodging it Tasid caught sight of a zebra trying to lift themselves over the barricade and letting out the best shout he could manage threw his hand forward blindly stabbing at them.

"Good! Now stab the next one that climbs over!"