//------------------------------// // III. Might // Story: Sombran Lullaby // by voroshilov //------------------------------// "Commander De Verre!" Sombra shouted into from the balcony over the Palace's barracks. He couldn't explain exactly why he was doing it - as he was almost certain De Verre was leading the fortification effort, likely near the main gate - but he did it regardless. To his surprise, a cream coloured guard stepped out underneath him, an exaggerated look of confusion on her face. When she saw Sombra, her demeanour immediately changed, "my King!" She yelled out, in a mixture of happiness and reverence, "you're awake! Are you well?" Sombra couldn't suppress his smile. "Quite well, but I wish to speak with you." Commander De Verre nodded enthusiastically. "I shall come up, my King." "No, no," Sombra shouted down, waving a hoof, "I'll come to you." The Crystal Palace had, fortunately, been designed with ease of navigation in mind - though that would likely turn from a boon to a malus once fighting began. Commander De Verre, despite having been about as far from Sombra as she could get in the Palace, had to wait little more than a minute for the King. "Looking regal, my King," she said, admiring the newly polished armour Sombra had clad himself in. "Hopefully morale will improve once they see me," Sombra said, "keep everypony's spirits up." De Verre smiled and nodded. She maintained the demeanour for a moment, before letting it fall as she sighed. "If you'll believe it, morale has never been higher. Nor have recruitment numbers, even though I ordered all recruitment to stop." "I believe we must evacuate the city," Sombra said, "I'm afraid, I don't trust the ponies of the city to surrender." De Verre looked her King over again, before turning to the opening behind her, where a caravan of miscellaneous materials was being transported by an armoured guard and a magenta pony with a book and quill cutie mark - a school teacher, Sombra believed, he thought he'd seen her before. "I echo your distrust," she said, eyes still fixed on the non-guard pony, who didn't even seem fazed by her situation. "I spoke to sympathisers," he said, "from the Griffon lands to the east. They have offered our ponies a place to live." "The Griffons would have ponies in their lands? Do they know that they wouldn't be able to return?" Sombra nodded. "I too was surprised. But their dislike of ponies stems from Celestia. Any opposition to her rule is welcome in their eyes." De Verre thought on it for a moment. "How would our ponies cross the sea?" "The Griffons have a fleet in the north east, leaving a week from now, heading back to the Griffon Lands proper. They will take as many ponies as we send." "I would like," De Verre began, before pausing and furrowing her brow. Sombra knew enough about his guard commander to know that her brow furrowed in such a way did not mean thought, but that she was suppressing something. "You may speak freely to me," Sombra said, "I am your friend, Fleur, if you need something I can see it done." De Verre nodded, but still held back from speaking. Her breathing was quiet but clearly careful and there was an air of something wrong about her. "Whatever it is," he said, "you do not have to tell me. I give you my express permission to do whatever it is you desire. You will not be going behind my back." De Verre shook her head, before taking in a deep and careful breath. "I am sorry, my King," she said, bowing her head, "my emotions got the better of me there." "It is quite alright." De Verre rose her head, "my King, with your permission, I would like to assemble a caravan of ponies to head to the Griffon lands. With your permission, I would like to have them ordered to leave, with a group of guards with them." "Them?" Sombra muttered, before thinking the better of it. "Of course, you may assemble a caravan." "Thank you, my King." De Verre smiled and bowed again. Sombra nodded to himself. "Now, there is a matter we must discuss." "A matter, my King?" Sombra nodded gravely. "Yes, specifically about the coming defence of the city." "Well, in regards to defences, I mandated for easily erectable barricade kits placed on every street, whilst placing most of our forces around the main gate, where Celestia will concentrate her forces and from there we can retreat into the streets and force the enemy into choke points..." "I know you have the overall defence prepared for, Commander. What I specifically mean to speak of is myself, when Celestia takes to the field," Sombra said, hoping that De Verre could understand what was being unsaid. By her expression, she could. She had her eyes partially unfocused, her mouth slightly open and was nodding vaguely. "I see." "If you should need me for any of your plans, I would recommend you inform me now." De Verre thought it over, before shaking her head. "No, my King. We can achieve everything we need to without you." Sombra had to suppress a chuckle over her attempt at politeness. De Verre may have been a friend, but she took her duty as guard commander exceptionally seriously, especially once she got her uniform on. "That is good to hear," Sombra said, "I would not have wished to jeopardise anything." De Verre nodded. Then nodded again. She squinted at the ground, as if debating whether or not to speak. "What are your thoughts?" She asked hesitantly, "my King?" Sombra chuckled, "in regards to our situation?" De Verre only nodded. "Ah, well," Sombra said, looking out over the Crystal City that lay beyond the Palace courtyard, "I am thankful for everypony, but, I am afraid that there is little chance of victory." "Glad I'm not the only one thinking that." "If it all goes wrong," Sombra said, "the underways beneath the palace will be open. Should we be surrounded in the palace, retreat through them, I will ensure you escape." De Verre gave a chuckle, "not a chance, with all due respect, my King."