//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: The Enemy of Your Enemy... // Story: Equestria's Peril // by KJay //------------------------------// Wow...hope you guys like long chapters. Just think of it as me making up for being gone for 1/3 of the summer. P.S. For those who aren't into the drama...please stick with me til the end. "HA, bitch! Told you I could hold my breath longer!" Daniel had no problem boasting in a vulgar manor as his friend came up for air seconds later. "You're such a cheater, I bet you waited a few seconds after I dived!" Daniel pushed his hair back and laughed. "I don't know what your talking about." Kelly pushed his hair back as well, and turned around. "I do believe Pinkie's the ref. Pinkie, did he cheat?" To the human's dismay, Pinkie had vanished. "Uh, Pinkie? Where did ya go?" As soon as Kelly had asked, The hyper mare made her reappearance with a loud whistle. As all attention was brought to her, she paced the edge of the lake, adorning a black and white referee uniform. She sounded the whistle once more. "That's a foul on Daniel" She spoke with playful authority. "Penalty: intentionally delayed start. Consequence: five minutes in the time out booth." The boys looked around. There was no time out booth, in fact the only thing there other than the humans and Pinkie was Twilight, passively scribbling notes. Kelly paddled over to her part of the bank. "Whatchya doin' there?" "Documenting. Didn't know humans could swim." "Can't ponies swim?" Twilight giggled. "Can't say it's a hobby of mine, but I can doggy paddle." They shared in a laugh. It was the day after Daniel and Kelly had returned from Canterlot. Niether had done much for the rest of the day, besides practicing their sword summoning. Twilight had spent the rest of the evening studying the book Kelly had delivered. The next morning, the boys had met up at the market bringing on a welcoming crowd of a portion of the town. It was there that they agreed to take the afternoon off at the lake. "I was going to see if humans could breath underwater, but seeing as how you lack gills, along with your breath holding competition..." About this time, Daniel had swam up with a mischiveous grin. "Oh no, humans can totally breath underwater, watch." Before Kelly could get in on Daniel's intentions, he was unforgivingly dunked. His flailing arms were the only thing visible as Daniel kept hid head down. After a moment of panic, Kelly was able to resurface, sputtering and choking. Daniel was busy making his escape. "I hate it when people do that shit! You're gonna fucking get it now!" Daniel was a fast swimmer, but in his laughing fit, a generous amount of lake water splashed down his gullet, giving Kelly the chance to get back at his trouble-making friend. Kelly dove a few feet behind Daniel, opening his eyes for barely a second so he could see. Daniel coughed a couple more times before he remembered that he was being chased. He was about to make a break for the bank, when suddenly a swift whoosh caused him to lose the only decency he had in the water. "Oh, you son of a bitch." Daniel tried kicking at where his friend might be, but instead his feet only met H2o. He rotated around, and around, glaring at the water. Kelly emerged near the edge, and pulled himself out. His boxers still covered him, while his right hand held Daniel's dignity captive. "Alright, Kelly...fun's over, you can give'em back now." Kelly rubbed his chin. "Hmmmm...nah." Pinkie trotted up to Kelly, no longer wearing the ref costume. "Are those Danny's pants?" Daniel answered for him. "Yes they are, and Kelly's going to be wearing them around his NECK if he doesn't give them back!" Kelly snickered. "I don't think your in much of a position to be making death threats, friend." "You think I care? I'm like a broken Xbox, I don't play no games!" "Whats the big deal?" Twilight joined them. "We hardly ever wear clothes. Why is it so bad for humans to be naked?" "BECAUSE WE DON'T WALK ON ALL FOURS!" Daniel was getting impatient. "GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN BOXERS!" Kelly wanted to milk it a little longer. "I don't know. Maybe if you tried asking nicely..." "Oh my God, I'm gonna kill you." Kelly stretched the elastic. "Damn, maybe you should lay off of the sweets for a while." Daniel was going to counter, but could only utter a strange squeak sound. "The fish...are...NIBBLING!!!" Kelly lost it. He rolled on the ground, holding his side as the grass clung to him. Twilight and Pinkie laughed due to giggles being contagious. After a while, Twilight floated Daniel's boxers back to him. He grumbled his thanks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Man, I'm starving." Kelly commented as Twilight and him entered Sugarcube Corner. "Why is it that I always feel so hungry after swimming?" He thought out loud. "Well, it's suspected that the cool tempurature of the water causes your body heat to decrease, which in turn releases various hormones that are made to suppress appetite." Twilight grinned sheepishly, while Kelly just gave her a blank stare. "Oh...was that retorical?" "Hey guys, over here." Spike called to them from one of the booths. With him were the rest of the elements and Daniel. They all had made arrangements to eat out together. "How is everyone?" Kelly asked as he tried to adjust to the small chair. "Busy." Dash answered. "But Ponyville is looking as good as new. A few more homes need roofs, but that's about it." "Things are A-okay at tha farm. Applebloom's been absolutely bonkers since Daniel here got back." "How were things at the castle, darling?" Rarity chimed. "It was okay. Gonna miss Chival though, he was an alright dude." "Yeah, and Meta. He was cool too." "Who are they?" Pinkie asked, digging in to her hay morsel. "Our teachers." Daniel answered. "Are dey da ones who gave you guys dose cool swords?" Spike said with a mouthful of gemstones, courtesy of Rarity. "No, the princess' gave us those. Oh, and Twilight. I forgot to tell you yesterday, but your big bro says hi." "Delightful, was he doing okay?" "Yep." Cue the awkward silence. "Soooooo, Daniel." Applejack addressed. Daniel had finished his meal, and was already working on dessert. "Did ya miss us while y'all were gone?" Daniel paused mid-bite, and glanced sideways at the farm pony. He simply answered. "...Yeah." Then took his bite. Rarity's eyes glittered. "What about you, Kelly? Did you miss us?" If he had listened closely, he would've heard the tease in her tone. "Uh...well...yeah." "How much?" She battered her lashes. Rainbow Dash caught on, and tried to hold back a snicker. Kelly didn't look directly at her, but still wasn't sure how to answer. "I... uh...what do you mean?" "It's nothing, dear. Just curious." Twilight knew all to well what her friend was doing. "Rarity, stop it. Your making him uncomfortable." "I most certanily am not. I was just curious, that's all." Dash was still laughing to herself. "Hey, Daniel." Daniel was eyeing Rarity with suspicion, but looked over at Dash. "Didn't you miss Applejack the most?" She wasn't exactly aiming to be subtle. Daniel hardened his stare. "What are you getting at?" "Stop it, both of you." Twilight intervened. "I didn't do anything wrong." Dash defended herself. "You both know exactly what your doing. Just drop it!" "Whatever do you mean?" Rarity knew she was found out, but still played it off. Kelly and Daniel exchanged looks of uneasiness, and confusion, while the three continued to argue. "What is happening?" Kelly mouthed. Daniel shrugged, wide eyed. "What are you guys even talking about?" Spike shared his thoughts, but was unheard. Nobody took notice of Fluttershy blushing. Pinkie joined in the debate. "Aw, c'mon Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash don't mean any harm. They're just poking fun at the possibility of ..." The other ponies frantically moved their hooves up, down, and across their necks; signaling her to stop. "...Kelly having a crush on Fluttershy, and Daniel-" Twilight forced her hoof to Pinkie's mouth. Nothing could prepare Kelly for Pinkie's words, as his eyes shot wide open, and involuntarily inhaled what was supposed to be his next bite. He pounded his chest with his fist, trying to free his airways. He hacked a few more times before dislodging the food, and breathed normally. He held his breath altogether as he looked around the table. All of the ponies, including his friend, were watching him closely either to make sure he was okay, or to see if his reaction would give away the suspicion Pinkie had just revealed. Kelly froze like a deer in headlights, his eyes the only thing moving as he traded stares with everyone around him. Each questioning face made his cheeks burn hotter, and brighter. His heart beat so fast, that Kelly was afraid the others might hear it due to the choking silence. He immediately began to persperate visibly, and was at much more than just a loss for words. He looked at Daniel, and at that moment, could only think of one statement that would take the spotlight off of him. He shot a pointer at his friend, and yelled. "Daniel likes Applejack!" Daniel dropped his food, as well as his jaw. He sat there flabbergasted for a short time. Once he gathered himself, he shot back angrily. "YOU MOTHERF-...I...I DO NOT!" Daniel noticed now that the attention was indeed on him. Applejack spoke to him with more confusion in her tone, rather than excitement. "Do ya really?" Daniel turned to her, and panicked. "What?! I...I" Daniel returned the accusing finger to Kelly. "Kelly wants to kiss Fluttershy!" Kelly shrunk as everyone looked at him once more. He wanted to deny it, and was just about to. However, his brain didn't cooperate with his mouth. Danieil's words, mixed with the need for a quick response tripped him up. "SO WHAT IF I DO?!" His words bounced back to his ears, and he covered his mouth. He looked at Fluttershy who's expression held a mixture of shock, and embarrassment. Her look made his guts knot up, as he stood to leave, humiliated beyond comprehension. He practically shoved the doors on his way out, while Daniel caught up to him. "Kelly! Kelly, wait!" Kelly stopped a few yards from the steps, and rubbed his forehead in aggrivation. "Hey, listen. I...shouldn't have said that..." Kelly held up his hand. "No! No...no, it was my fault. I panicked, and blurted the first thing that came to mind. That was my fault." Daniel walked to stand beside him. "It's alright, but...why did you admit that you wanted to kiss her?" Kelly scoffed to himself, and began to pace. "I DON'T KNOW! I just...I was going to say something else...but...I DIDN'T!" He stopped pacing, and let out a frustrated grunt. "What now?!" "Excuse me, boys." Rarity poked her head out. "Is everything okay?" She stepped down to join them. "Yeah, were alright." Daniel answered. Rarity smiled to him, and trotted over to Kelly. "Kelly?" He turned to her, expecting some kind of ridicule. "Did you mean what you said?" Again, Kelly could feel his stomach tighten as the preassure was on him once again. He turned away from her. "Please, Rarity...I...just don't. It's rediculous." Rarity circled him to meet his eyes. "Why? Because your a human?" "Exactly." Kelly answered, but recoiled by how harsh he sounded. "Look, I just...I don't want things to change. I love having Fluttershy as a friend, and this whole crush thing...I could tell you how much it embarrasses me, but I can't even imagine how badly it embarrasses her." "But you do have feelings for her?" Kelly sighed in annoyance. "...Yeah." Rarity placed her hoof on his side. "I...want to apologize. I had my suspicions, but never in all of my days did I think it was actually true. I am so very sorry. On behalf of myself, and Rainbow Dash as well." "Let's just forget about it. Yes, I know...everyone knows now, but I just want things to stay the way they are. For Fluttershy's sake." Rarity knew it was impossible to just forget about it, but she would do her best to make sure her friends saw it his way. She still had one more person to make amends. "Daniel." He looked from Kelly to her. "Please forgive Rainbow and I for our inconsiderate behaviour. It was supposed to be for fun, but instead...it brought on all of this confusion." "It's okay." Daniel looked at the ground, and smiled. "In fact, now that it's...out there...it's actually kinda funny when you think about it." Kelly took Daniel's statement as a form of forced optimism, but he figured that perhaps it was for the best. As long as he didn't make too big of a deal out of it and laughed, maybe this whole episode would work itself out. "You know what, man. I think your right." He smiled, and let any kind of embarrassement roll off of his shoulders. "C'mon, we can't let something like high school drama ruin this night, let's head back in." "That's the spirit!" Rarity cheered. The three climbed the steps to conclude their evening, but Daniel and Kelly both knew that this was not over as easily as that. Sooner or later the moment would come again to reveal their true feelings, and nothing; not even all the time in the world would be enough to prepare them. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Needless to say, the remainder of dinner had been bluntly awkward. The boys made attempts to joke about the ordeal, but the magnitude of the revelation was still pretty thick. Daniel, of course had been constantly preassured by AJ at the farm; being asked if he really did like her. After a dozen attempts to dogde the question, he finally caved, and admitted his guilt. Upon said admission, she looked even more perplexed than she had been before, and left Daniel to his business. Daniel cursed, and officially joined Kelly in the thought of things returning to normal. The next morning, Daniel was met with a grinning Applebloom. "Hey there, Applebloom." "Hiya, Daniel." Daniel looked around. "...Need something?" Applebloom giggled. "Nnnnope." Silence set in. "...Alright...well, see ya." "Bye." As they parted, Daniel swore he could hear an old, but all too familiar tune from the filly. "Applejack n' Daniel sittin' in a..." "Of course she knows." Daniel grumbled. Over at Twilight's, Kelly was just getting ready to head out to find Daniel. Twilight called to him just as he touched the handle. "Are you going to see Fluttershy?" He tried not to presume that she was teasing him. "No, I'm gonna go hang out with Daniel." "Oh, okay. Have fun." "Later." He closed the door, leaving Twilight with her thoughts. The reason she had asked was that she wasn't sure how she felt about his feelings toward her friend. Rarity had already explained to them that the boys wanted no more talk about their deeper emotions, and that they wanted things to just stay the same. With that knowledge, it wasn't exactly caution that made Twilight wary. It was something else entirely. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel crossed the small bridge that seperated the farm and the town, happy to get away from the tension that he felt now everytime he was around one of his pony friends. Rarity seemed to understand their position the best, so he thought it was best if he went to see her. Before he could run into the majority of townsfolk, the sound of rushing wings could be heard overhead. "Look out below!" Instead of diving out of the way, Daniel's first instinct was to look up, and sure enough, a stalling Rainbow Dash was mere yards away from collision. Knowing there wasn't enough time to move, Daniel just tensed up, and braced for impact. A loud thud, accompanied by an "OOMPH" placed Daniel on his back with Dash dizzily sitting on him. "Seriously, of all the places to crash land." Daniel wheezed. Dash snickered. "Look on the bright side, you cusioned my fall." "Always happy to help." Daniel replied sarcastically. Rainbow stepped off his torso, and Daniel sat up. He rubbed away the pain in his gut, and they locked eyes. Dash instantly forgot what she was going to say next, so instead thought of the most nagging topic. "Soooooo, you and Applejack, huh?" Daniel growled, stood up, and continued walking. "What part of 'forget about it' don't you understand?!" Dash was hesitant to follow, seeing as how angry he was already. "Aw, c'mon. How is it not going to be on our minds?! I mean, I'm not trying to say you or Kelly are wrong for liking my friends, but..." "Then why is it such a big deal?!" Dash deadpanned. "Um...your humans, and their ponies." Daniel stopped and spun around. "Well in that case, forget about what we said!" "It's not that simple!" "Why the hell not?!" Dash's wings unfurled. "Because I like YOU!" First it had been Kelly, now it was Dash's turn to put her foot in her mouth. The anger in Daniel's face was replaced with shock, while Rainbow's was turning crimson. She brought her wings back to her side, while Daniel uttered. "Y-you do?" His reaction made it seem like it was a pleasant surprise, rather than an outrage. Rainbow had expected the latter. Neither could say anything else as they stared motionless. Daniel barely smiled, and was ready to say something again, until he heard someone calling to him. "Daniel, there you are!" It was Kelly. Once he met up with his friend, he noticed the cyan pegasus. "Uh, hey...Rainbow Dash." Dash delayed a response, as if she almost hadn't heard him. "Hey, Kelly. Were you looking for Daniel?" She knew he obviously was, but was still trying to process what had just happened. "Yeah. Hey, Daniel, you wanna come with me to the fields?" Daniel finally took his eyes off of Dash. "Uh...um...sure...let's go. I'll see you around, Rainbow." Daniel turned to leave, and Kelly did the same as he said bye as well. "Bye, Dash." Rainbow paused again before replying. "Bye...guys." After a minute or two of walking, Kelly struck up a conversation. "What was that about? As if I didn't know." Daniel chuckled. "I know what your thinking...and your half right." "Huh?" "I'll tell you later." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kelly didn't know whether to be amused, or worried. "So she did the same thing I did last night?" Daniel smiled, and nodded. "Wow, insane. And what did you say?" Daniel's smile faded. "I didn't really say much back, I thought it was pretty awesome to hear her say that, but I didn't want to show it." Daniel quickly changed the subject. "Hey, why did you want to come out here again?" Kelly grinned at what he was about to say. "Believe it or not dude, but I think I need a small break from ponies." If Daniel's jaw wasn't attached to his face... "Mother of God it's the end of the world!" Daniel through his arms high in the air. He then brought them back down to grab his friend, and shake him. "Who are you, and what have you done with Kelly?!" "Get off of me you big ox!" Daniel laughed, and let go. "Now, I'm use to name calling, but OX?! That's just taking it too far." "Don't worry, next time I'll make sure it's vulgar and hateful." "I should hope so." They stopped on the crest of a hill, and sat down. The warm sun hung high in the noon sky while the boys took the time to truly relax. "Lemme guess, the reason you need a break is because..." "Of this stupid...crush...or...I don't even know what to call it!" Daniel slowly reclined, and rested his head on his hands. He would have shared the same feeling, but something was making him come around. The anxiety, and worry he felt inside was slowly being replaced by acceptance. "Y'know what I think?" Kelly turned around. "What?" "Maybe things aren't so bad." Kelly brought his body around with his head. "What do you mean 'not so bad'?" Daniel sat back up. "I mean...what if we just went for it? Tried to make something of this?" Kelly grimmaced. "Your not suggesting what I think you are." "Yes, I am." "Why?!" Daniel shrugged. "If we were still on Earth, and not here, you know I would have a much different mind set; but, Kelly...what if Fluttershy likes you back?" Kelly groaned impatiently. "You think I haven't considered that? It's just that, I don't want to risk it." "You never know until you ask." Kelly glared at his friend. "And if she doesn't?" Daniel scooched closer to console his friend. "Then you don't have to wonder anymore. No more what if's, no more uncertainty. In fact, after were done here, I'm going back to the farm to find out how AJ feels." "What about Rainbow Dash?" Daniel brought his eyes to the grass, and was momentarily quiet. "If AJ doesn't feel the same, then I think Dash would be awesome. If she does...yikes. Can't say I've ever had girls fight over me." Kelly smacked the ground, and stood up. "That's why this bugs me so much! They shouldn't be fighting over you! That's only going to hurt their friendship! I'm telling you, NOTHING good can come of this!" Daniel got up to calm Kelly. "Easy, I was joking...I don't really think they would fight over me. Well..." Daniel thought it was best if he left it at that. Kelly calmed down and pinched the bridge of his nose in thought. "Just...be careful about what you say, okay?" Daniel smiled. "Don't worry, things will get better. Are...you going to ask Fluttershy?" Kelly looked up at the sky, examining the clouds, as if they would provide an answer for him. "I...don't know...maybe." Daniel stood up, and walked over to him. "Look, I'm not trying to preassure you, I just think that maybe all of this drama can be avoided if we take a leap of faith." Kelly scoffed. "And if your wrong, it could take this stage act to a whole new level." "Well, now that they know, we won't get anywhere by just ignoring it. Hey, now that I mention it, how do you think they caught on?" Kelly facepalmed. "If I had to guess, it's probably my fault. Everytime I meet a girl that I like, I end up playing the super nice guy, making my feelings toward them super obvious, which in turn makes everything a super fucking mess." "It doesn't always make things a mess...just this time." Kelly turned and glared at his friend again. Daniel twiddled his fingers. "Alright alright, maybe I made it pretty obvious too...happy?" Kelly turned back around, and was quiet. "...I'll think about talking to Fluttershy..." Daniel felt relief wash over him. "Good, you have to get this thing off your chest." "...Yeah." Kelly said indirectly. Daniel quickly bolted to his friend. "Hey, I know what'll take your mind off of things!" "What's that?" Kelly turned to see Daniel jump away from him, and summon his blade. A smirk plastered on his face. "A little practice session." Kelly eyeballed Daniel, thinking he was crazy, but began to like the idea. He conjured his own weapon. "Alright, I'm game." Daniel twirled his sword, and they circled each other. "How about...the first to lose their head loses." Kelly rolled his eyes. "I've got a better idea, how about we not try to kill each other, and just fight until we get tired." Daniel sighed. "You're so boring." It wasn't soon after that their blades clashed from the first attack, making sure not to swing too hard in case the other failed to block or dogde. As their weapon's edges continued to meet, a certain canary pegasus watched from overhead, hidden by the clouds. Below her, hidden in the trees were two more creatures, studying the humans for a different dark purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There it is...Canterlot." Ferindher hissed. His army halting behind him to gawk at the cliffside city. Queen Chrysalis soon crested the hill they had stopped on, her army following as well. They rested on the plains northwest of Ponyville as to steer clear of the small settlement. "Crysalis." Ferindher addressed. "You spoke of a plan to thin out the resistance in Canterlot." Crysalis hovered over to Ferindher with her mishapen, and torn wings. "I have sent two of my changelings to scope out the humans you spoke of. They will use their identities to warn the ponies of a false threat, in turn calling aid from Canterlot." Ferindher laughed in anticipation. "And that's when we strike." Crysalis nodded. "Simple, but a trustworthy approach." "What if the humans find your changelings?" "They will retreat back to me, but that shouldn't happen until Canterlot is already vulnerable." Ferindher grunted, and they were quiet for a while. Chrysalis spoke again. "If I may, what exactly does Celestia have that is yours?" Ferindher gave her a sideways glance from under his hood. He squinted, and spoke a cryptic response. "A piece of myself." --------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was as busy as ever with her study of the book of the shard, but each minute that Kelly was gone, she took time to think about what she would say to him when he got back. It scared her to think that it might only make things harder for him, but she had to say something. She was just ready to put the book down for a short break, when her assistance doubled over, and gave a loud belch. "A letter from the Princess?" Twilight grabbed the scroll with her magic, and removed the seal. "What does it say, Twilight?" Twilight read out loud. My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. It is with great pleasure to announce that after many days of searching and scouting, we have actually uncovered one of the two shards needed to send Kelly and Daniel home. My scholars report that it was found among the very outskirts of Equestra, and they will soon resume their search for the second half. As of now, our top minds are anylizing it, and discovering it's properties. I will keep you up to date with any news regarding these mysterious gems. Best wishes to you, and your friends. Your loving mentor, Princess Celestia. Twilight beamed with joy. "Spike, this is incredible! Oh, Kelly and Daniel are going to be so happy!" Spike shared in Twilight's excitement. "This is great! You want me to go find them?" Twilight shook her head. "No, he should be back soon." As if on cue, Twilight could faintly hear someone crying out for help. As the voices got closer, she learned that they weren't pleas for help, they were warnings. It was Kelly and Daniel's voices. "Spike, c'mon!" "I'm coming!" Twilight rushed out of the library to see both humans running down the street, yelling. "Everyone, it's Ferindher's army! They're here!" "They're south of Ponyville, we need to warn the guards!" Twilight teleported in front of them, and they stopped, eyeing her strangly. "Daniel! Kelly! What happened?!" The boys gave each other a quick glance, then returned to the unicorn. "It's Ferindher, his shadows are just south of Ponyville! Alot of them!" "We need as many guards as we can get!" Twilight remembered that the majority of the guards stationed in Ponyville had returned to Canterlot, since virtually all the repairs were finished. If the boys were right, then they would have to call them back. Twilight then realized the boys were making a huge mistake. "What are you doing running around saying his name?!" The boys glanced at each other again, unable to explain themselves. "Come to the library!" Nopony who had heard the boys knew what they were talking about, so it didn't seem to raise too much alarm. Twilight passed it off as she led the boys back to her house. She opened the door, and beckoned them in. "Alright, now that we're ALONE, what is going on with Ferindher?" Daniel started first. "We were just checking out the areas around town when we saw alot of Ferindher's men. They're just south of Ponyville, they'll be here any minute!" Twilight was instantly worried, but something about Ferindher bringing his whole army to attack Ponyville in broad daylight didn't add up. However, Twilight didn't have time for second guesses. If Ferindher was as close as the boys said he was, then they needed to act fast. "Spike, take a letter, quickly!" Spike, having heard the urgency, zipped to the nearest blank parchment, and dipped a quill. "Ready!" "Dear Princess Celestia, Ponyville is in need of immediate assistance. Kelly, and Daniel have reported sighting Ferindher's army south of Ponyville. Their plan of attack is yet to be known, but from the sound of their desired approach, it may as well be a full frontal assault. Please dispatch as many guards as you can spare to aid us when they arrive. Awaiting your approval, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." She nodded to the baby dragon, signaling him to send it. Spike inhaled deeply, and expelled the letter in a puff of green fire. "It's on it's way!" "Good." The humans shared a sinister grin, and nodded to one another. Kelly, Daniel, can the go and warn the few guards we have left in town. Everypony needs to be ready when they get here. Niether said another word, and turned to leave; mission accomplished. Twilight watched as Daniel opened the door, and stepped outside. Kelly wasn't far behind. She knew the response from the Princess would arrive any second, she also knew that now the humans would be in the middle of the fray if Ferindher does attack. She shuddered at the thought of what might happen to them. If this were to escalate into war, then she might not get another chance to do this. She ran up to the door, and called out. "Kelly, wait!" Both humans turned around, not knowing exactly who she was talking to. After a few seconds, the one she had her eyes on assumed it was 'Kelly.' "Y-yeah?" "Don't go yet, there's something I need to tell you." Kelly looked frantically at Daniel, and Daniel shook his head. "I can't, I need to go." Twilight stepped closer, anxiety getting the better of her. "Please, this is important." Kelly looked at Daniel again, and Daniel grunted. "Make it quick!" He said, barely audible. Kelly turned back around to see Twilight motioning him to come back inside. He sighed, and hesitantly entered. "What is it?" He asked impatiently. Twilight had the perfect chance, but didn't know how to start. "Listen...I know that we haven't known each other for too long, and you guys hate to talk about it, but..." Spike interrupted. "Twilight, the Princess wrote back." "Not now, Spike!" Kelly was getting uneasy. The longer he spent here, the chances of him getting found out increased. Twilight paused to gather her thoughts. "Kelly, at first I wanted to ignore it but, after what you guys said last night, I feel compelled to just...let you know." 'What is this crazed pony talking about?!' Kelly thought to himself. "I've spent alot of time thinking, and I want you to know that...I care about you..." Kelly's eyes went wide, whoever this human was, this pony was pouring her heart out for him. To the imposter, it was delicious. She blushed visibly, and continued. "Kelly, I..." She was interrupted by the opening of the library door. "Twilight, I'm back." Kelly turned to close the door, while the imposter froze in place. Twilight froze as well, shifting her gaze back and forth from one Kelly to the other. Kelly realized he was still holding his sword, and dispelled it. "Anything happen while I was-" He stopped midsentence, and gawked at his clone. Spike dropped the Princess' parchment, unable to comprehend what was happening. No one spoke, until the real Kelly shook his head clear, and pointed. "Who...who are you?!" The imposter had learned the name of his doppelganger, and was quick to respond. "I'm Kelly! Just who are you?!" Kelly lowered his brows in anger. "Are you now? Well let's see you do this you little phony!" Kelly held his hand out, and called his weapon back. He then rotated his arm to where the tip of the blade was pointed at the clone. He was a good distance away, and had no intention of killing him. He just wanted to see if he could inimidate the look-a-like. Twilight slowly stepped away from the Kelly she had been talking with. Her horn glowed, ready to attack if she had to. Kelly with his sword, took a step forward. "Well?" The imposter tried to mimick the human's ability, but to no avail. He was panicking for a way to prove he wasn't a fake, but found no possible way to. With any hope to stay incognito gone, the imposter surrounded itself with a green circular vortex that climbed from the floor to the fiend's head. Where Kelly's double once stood, now was a hissing dark coated pony-like creature. A jagged horn jutted from it's forehead, and it's hooves were littered with multiple holes, and gaps. "A changeling?!" Twilight cried. The exposed foe unfurled it's almost transparent wings. It beared it's fangs, and hissed as it took flight, and escaped through one of the upper windows. Kelly ran back outside to chase it down, but was dissapointed to see it fly off into the clouds, and vanish. Twilight followed him out, and scanned the sky. Kelly willed his sword away. "Twilight, what the hell was that?" She gave up her search, and looked at him. "That was a changeling. Their pony-like creatures that feed off of love, and do this by copying someone's form. I haven't seen one of them since the royal canterlot wedding." Kelly didn't feel the need to ask questions about the wedding, since of course he already knew all about changelings. "Why was it disguised as me?" Twilight replayed in her mind what the imposter had told her. "You...er...it told me that Ferindher, and his shadows were here, and that we need immediate assistance from Canterlot!" They continued their conversation as they re-entered the library. "But, I haven't seen a single trace of any of those shadow guys since they attacked over a week ago." Twilight began to pace. "It doesn't make sense, what purpose did those changelings have to fool us like that?" Kelly sat down. "There was more than one?" "Yes, a second one disguised as Daniel. They were both running about shouting that Ferindher had arrived." Kelly looked down as he thought. "Could...these changelings be working with Ferindher?" Twilight stopped pacing, and gasped loudly. "Oh, NO! Their warning must have been some kind of decoy! If the changeling queen is working with Ferindher, then that's why they were here!" Twilight whipped her head around, searching for her assistant. "Spike!" Spike came to attention, still clutching the Princess' response letter. "We need to send another letter, ASAP!" "On it!" Spike dropped the royal scroll, and quenched his quill, while grabbing a new parchment. Twilight didn't even wait for him to be ready. "Princess Celestia, it turns out that Kelly and Daniel who had previously warned me of Ferindher's wherabouts, were none other than changelings disguised as the humans. It is under heavy speculation that their motives were to give us false information possibly to aid Ferindher in some way. It is imperative that you call off the calvary bound toward Ponyville. We will continue to investigate, and update you however we can." Twilight waited for the feathers of the quill to be still. "Okay, send it!" Spike didn't waste time wrapping the letter. Under the urgent circumstances, he sent it as is. "What do we do now?" Kelly asked. "I want you to go find Daniel and bring him back here, I'm going to wait until the Princess writes back, and figure out what to do next." "Alright, he said he was heading back to the farm, I'll be quick." "Be careful!" Twilight called to him as he bolted out of the door. She turned to watch Spike, and noticed he was smiling. "What's with the grin?" Spike folded his arms. "You do realize this means that you can't give me a hard time anymore about liking Rarity, right?" Twilight's cheeks glowed, realizing Spike had been there when she had opened up to the imposter. "C'mon, Spike, there are more pressing matters at hoof." "I know, I'm just-HMMPH." Spike's stomach rumbled, and a mild burp brought a new letter to appear before them. Usually Twilight waited for Spike to read it, but instead removed the seal with her magic, and read it herself. Twilight, I am sorry to say that the platoon of pegasi guards have already departed hastily from Canterlot. Since they are some of our fasted flyers, it would be advisable to send the pegasi guards I have stationed in Ponyville to intercept them, and inform them of the situation. I cannot concur what the changeling's role is in all of this is, but we shall also be on the lookout for any suspicious activity from them. It would be wise to check Ponyville's perimeter as well to ensure Ferindher is indeed not there. The guards here are on high alert, and I will inform Shining Armor, so that he may protect Canterlot using his magic. We shall keep you updated further when the time comes. Twilight sat down and thought hard of what to do next. Spike, go tell Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie to meet us back here." "What are you gonna do?" "I'm going to look for Rainbow Dash, and tell her to intercept the guards on their way to Ponyville. You tell her the same if you happen to see her. I'm also going to make sure Applejack comes back with the boys. Once were back here, we'll decide our next move." "What about checking around Ponyville?" "Right, I'll find the guards stationed here, and tell them to check the outskirts of town." Twilight was ready to leave, but noticed that she had spoken openly about the shadow lord in front of Spike. Her assistant didn't seemed worried enough to ask questions, so she decided not to waste time pursuing it. With that Spike, and Twilight left, locking the library up as they did so. ------------------------------------------------------ Ferindher, and Chrysalis were now dangerously close to Equestria's capitol. They had managed to stay out of sight by staying northwest of the city. However, hiding an army was not a lasting task. If the changelings didn't return with news soon, they would be seen before they could even attack. "Where are they?!" Ferindher grew impatient. If Chrysalis, and her minions were the cause of his failure, he might just consider ending them right there. Chrysalis scowled, she did not know just what Ferindher was capable of. "They'll be here! Be patient." They sat dormant for several minutes before Chrysalis heard the flapping wings of her children. The changelings descended in front of them, and addressed their queen with incoherant noises. "They say that Canterlot is presently vulnerable, and that we must act now!" Ferindher turned his head to the Castle, and smiled widely. "Finally..." ---------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was dropping to the horizon once everyone had gathered back at the library. "Alright, were all here Twi. Now what?" Applejack began. "Now we decide how to handle our situation. I believe Ferindher is trying something, since those changelings were here to mislead us." "Yeah, I talked to one of the guards before I got here, and they said there was no sign of him anywhere around town." Daniel concured. "What do you think he might be attempting, Twilight?" Rarity asked. "That I don't know, but we have to remain vigilant!" Elsewhere Dash soared furiously to stop the guards, and tell them of the changleing's deception. She had been blazing for about five minutes, and expected to catch sight of the platoon at any moment. Soon, she spotted a decently sized group of armored pegasi, not too far off of her path of flight. She yawed to the left, and called out. "HEY, WAIT! STOP!" Some of the guards took notice, but were under strict orders to assist Ponyville with no distractions. They stayed true, flying even faster than before. Dash circled around, and went into full gear. "HEY, LISTEN TO ME!" One of the guards turned his head as they rocketed towards the town. "Sorry, miss. Were under strict orders to aid Ponyville in a potential attack, we don't have time to chat!" Dash got right beside them. "No, you don't understand! Ponyville isn't in danger, the warning was a false alarm!" Some of the other guards chimed in. "What do you mean 'false alarm'?!" "Leave it! We cannot just turn back on the word of one mare!" Dash swore under her breath. "The warning came from changelings disguised as the humans who have been helping us, we believe their working with Ferindher! YOU HAVE TO STOP!" The first pegasus who had spoken to her stopped dead, and squinted at Dash. "I thought I recognized you." Rainbow cocked her head, confused, and noticed a small scar above the guard's right eye. "Your that one guy who thought Kelly and Daniel were untrustworthy." "And your friends with those exact humans." Plexis shot back. The other guards slowed, and called behind them. "PLEXIS, what in tartarus are you doing?! We need to go, NOW!" The bitter guard ignored them, and stared the cyan pegasus down. "Those two traitors gave us false information. I knew they couldn't be trusted!" Dash sneered. "What do you have hay growing out of your ears?! I said they were changelings disguised as them!" Plexis scoffed. "Plexis! Ponyville is in DANGER!" Still he ignored his fellow guards. "I wouldn't be surprised if those two are working with the changelings!" Dash couldn't believe her ears. "You're INSANE! Whatever you have against my friends, you need to let it go, and all of you need to head back!" Some of the guards had hovered back to the two, fuming. "PLEXIS! WE NEED TO LEAVE! THAT'S AN ORDER!" Finally, Plexis turned back around, and was ready to press on to Ponyville. He turned to give one last glance at Dash, but as he did, he noticed something near Canterlot. He visibly focused, and Dash turned to see what he saw. The commander barked another order. "Dammit, Plex...is." He saw it as well. Soon everyone was gawking at what seemed to be a growing dark blob covering part of the capitol. As they watched they could see the mass break up into smaller segments. "Changelings..." Dash uttered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe we should head to Canterlot! If the danger isn't here in Ponyville, then it could be there instead!" Pinkie understood the sincerity of what was happening. "It would also be a good idea to get ahold of the elements." Fluttershy added. "Daniel, and I can stay here, and keep an eye on things while your gone." Kelly offered. "Daniel, can y'all help Big Mac make sure Granny, n' Applebloom are safe?" Daniel summoned his weapon. "Of course." "Wait, what about Scootaloo?" Fluttershy spoke up, remembering the last time the orange filly was left alone. "Her, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle have a clubhouse don't they? I bet she could be there. I'll go see if I can find her, and take her to the farm." Kelly responded. "Sweetie Belle is out of town with mother, and father, so she should be safe." "Alright, Kelly, and Daniel have jobs to do, the rest of us will wait until Rainbow Dash returns. Fluttershy, I'll need you and Rainbow to pull a charriot for the rest of us, so we can get to Canterlot quicker. The guards should have one we can use." "Got it." Daniel hastily made his way to the farm, while Kelly followed, ready to seperate to get to the clubhouse. Lyra waved to them as they made their way through the park. "Hey, guys! What's going on, I heard Ponyville was in some kind of danger!" They both stopped, but Kelly prompted Daniel to go on ahead. "Were on our way make sure the Apple family is safe, and to find Scootaloo." Lyra noticed Kelly was clutching his sword tightly. "D-did something happen?" Worry was in her voice. Kelly turned to leave. "No...not yet. Be on the lookout for anything, and be safe." "Okay..." She replied as he took off again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow had done what she was sent to do, but never had she expected for the changelings to return. Her heart beat a mile a minute in her chest as she neared Ponyville. The others would need to know about this. She slowed her descent as she came upon the library, but a quick glimpse inside confirmed no one was there. She continued combing the roads until she found her friends talking to the guards stationed in Ponyville. "Are you sure you'll be able to pull it?" Twilight was getting frantic. "Yes, yes, but we need to hurry, Canterlot is under attack!" Dash swooped down to join them. "Guys, I'm back!" "Oh, good, now we can go!" Rainbow bolted up to Twilight. "Twilight, the guards are on their way back to Canterlot, but the city is under attack!" "I know, we saw once we got out here." Spike had come with them, and belched loudly as yet another letter came into view. He removed the seal. "The letter just tells us what we already know." Twilight teleported on top of the charriot. "Then we need to leave! Rainbow, you and Fluttershy-" "Wait!" Spike interrupted. "It's not just changelings...Ferindher is there too." Multiple gasps ensued, and everyone stood in shock from the news. Twilight closed her eyes, and took a moment to think. "Okay..." she sighed. "New plan. Daniel, and Kelly are coming with us." Applejack stepped forward. "But what about Applebloom, n' them?!" "If Ferindher is in Canterlot, then he's dangerously close to his source of power. If he gains it back...I don't even want to think of the possibilities." Applejack hesitated, but nodded in agreement. "I'll teleport to the farm to get them, everypony else, get ready to leave." Twilight charged her magic for the distant jump. She felt her body being pulled through nothingness, and could feel her mass return as she opened her eyes in front of AJ's house. "Twilight?" Daniel pondered. "What are you doing here?" She shook her head from the spell. "Is the Apple family okay?" "They're inside." He pointed at the house. "Where's Kelly?" "Here I am!" Twilight turned to see Kelly coming out of the orchard holding Scootaloo. He was out of breath by the time he got to the house. "Okay, Scootaloo, just head inside and stick close to the Apple family, alright?" "mm hm." She trotted inside, and closed the door. "Twilight, what's going on?" Kelly asked. "You both need to come with us!" They looked at each other. "To Canterlot?" "Yes, Ferindher is there, with the changelings!" The boys squinted to see that the mountainside city was indeed swarmed by a black bog. "Stand next to me." "Huh?" "Just do it!" The boys jogged to stand by her, and watched as her horn illuminated brightly. Twilight had to put everything she had into this one. Going all the way from the town to the farm was one thing, but going back with two others took alot more concentration. After almost half a minute of preperation, the unicorn, and the human appeared back at the carriage. Twilight fell over from exhaustion. "Twilight, are you okay?!" Kelly kneeled down. She shakily stood back up. "I'm fine...is everypony ready to go?" "We'll be pulling the charriot." One of the guards spoke. "Whatever, as long as we get there." Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, and the humans climbed onto the aerial wagon. Spike followed them, but Twilight intervened. "No way, Spike. This is way too dangerous for you to come along." Spike's anger quickly grew. "No, Twilight! If there's even a chance I can help, then I'm coming too!" "But your just a baby dragon!" "And I always will be if you keep TREATING me like one!" Spike was persistant in his case, and time was running out. Twilight tried to see things from his perpective. "I'm tired of always being left behind!" Twilight sighed in defeat. "...Okay..." Spike began to climb onto the charriot as Twilight put her hoof on his shoulder. "...But don't make me regret this." Spike's brows lowered. "I won't." --------------------------------------------------------------- The mayhem that covered the streets could be seen clearly as the charriot neared the capitol. Changelings, soldiers, and raging shadow monsters know as behemoths barreld through the cities defenses. Dash, and Fluttershy flew alongside the wagon. Fluttershy broke into tears from seeing the ponies and guards that were injured below. "By Luna..." One of the guards muttered. Twilight hollered from the charriot. "You need to get us to the castle! Ferindher will be making his way there!" 'If he isn't there already.' She silently added. "You got it, Miss Sparkle!" The guards charged for the stairs to the main hall, but were hindered by a swarm of changelings who had spotted them. "Look out, here they come!" A few zipped by, laughing, while the others slammed into the guards; cutting them with their jagged horns, and causing them to lose altitude. The pegasi tried to buck a few that passed by, but the encumberment of the wagon made it difficult to manuever. "We can't hold all of them off!" The boys slowly stood to get their balance, and grabbed the sides of the wagon with one hand, while clutching their swords with the others. "Ready?" Kelly called. "Yep!" Daniel responded. The swarm came in for another blitz, but was met with a little more resistance from the humans. The boys swiped at the attackers as they passed the wagon. Dash turned to chase most of them away. Daniel swung viciously at one of the creatures, tearing it's wing, and grounding it. "YEAH, take that you little bitch!" Some of the changelings took note of the enemy on top of the carriage, and charged. Reinforcements swarmed them like bees to honey. "There's too many of'em!" Kelly yelled as he swung his blade wildly, striking one of the little pests every few seconds. Dozens of the creatures forced their weight onto the guards. They flung helplessly trying to rid themselves of the extra weight. "We can't...keep going!" "Look, we're almost there!" Pinkie yelled, while she loaded her party cannon for battle. "We're going down! Hang on!" The humans dispelled their weapons, and crouched to get a better hold on the charriot. Kelly held onto Pinkie, and Rarity, while Daniel clutched Twilight, Applejack, and Spike; both making sure no one was ejected before they hit the ground. They braced as the wagon smashed into the gravel, splintering the wheels, and lopsiding the ride. Kelly lost hold of the wagon, and fell off the side along with Rarity, and Pinkie. Daniel lost his grip, but slid off of the back along with everyone he tried to shield from the impact. Dust exploded from the wreckage as it continued to skid, and flip. The guards had unfastened themselves just in time to not be caught in it. Everyone groaned from the sudden stop, but eventually picked themselves up. "Oh my goodness, is everypony okay?!" Fluttershy landed, running to check on her friends. Daniel stood, rubbing the back of his head. Kelly put preassure on his ribs, while attending to his friends. If it hadn't have been for the Princess' spell, he probably would have been dealing with some fractures. Rainbow had finished clearing the area above them, and landed to join them. "Is anypony seriously injured?!" Dash called. "I don't think so!" Fluttershy answered doing a swift analysis. Twilight stood, and looked to the castle. The stairway entrance was just a bit further down the road. "C'mon, we have to keep moving!" The guards who had brought them here approached them. They all took notice of the changelings closing in on them. Kelly and Daniel brought their weapons back once they saw several shadow soldiers approaching as well. "We'll hold them off while the rest of you get to the castle!" One of the guards barked. "Are you sure?!" Daniel asked. The guard smiled. "There's four of us, it's hardly fair...for them." "Alrighty then, let's get goin'!" Applejack called as she booked it for the steps. The rest of the group followed as the sounds of battle could be heard behind them, followed by the sound of pursuing enemies. Twilight twirled around to fire off a force spell. The spell halted several changelings, but had a lesser effect on the shadows. One changeling was able to slip by, and get a hold of Rarity. "AHH! Lemme go you vile beast!" Spike huffed as he let out an audible yell, accompanied by a liberal flame; scorching the attacker. Rarity nodded her thanks, and they pressed on. As soon as they neared the steps, a massive wall of changelings blocked their path, and hissed in delight. The group looked to see several armed shadows boxing them in from behind. The elements plus Spike took a fighting stance to the changelings, while Daniel, and Kelly raised their swords to the shadows. Slowly, the enemies crept until the humans, and ponies were back to back. "We are getting into that castle." Spike taunted. The changelings giggled. "Laughable." One of the shadows retorted. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this." Kelly scowled, ready to put an end to the shadow's tormenting ways. Another soldier chuckled. A third one lunged, as Daniel caught his blade. They locked strength, until Daniel overpowered it, knocking it back, and heavily kicking a second attacker. Kelly shifted backwards dogding a horizontal swipe before he countered with an attack of his own, locking them in a power struggle of their own. The ponies had better standings with their fight considering there were more of them. Not to mention the changelings weren't able to mimick them since it would be too much confusion for the shadows. Dash had no trouble clearing out the pony imposters until one of the shadows caught her wing. "ARRGH!" Rainbow landed hard, but quickly stood to face the assailant. She waited for him to swing before rolling out of the way, and bucking at his legs. The shadow moved around her attack, and grabbed her other wing. Dash flapped furiously, but couldn't loosen his grip, as he raised his sword. Daniel saw what was happening, and used one hand to lower the closest shadow's weapon, followed by a swift punch to the face. Free of the fiend, he charged the soldier. "NOOO!" He shouted right before burying his weapon in the soldier's back. The dark being gurgled in pain, and dropped his own weapon. Daniel removed his blade, as sleek black liquid stained the metal of his tool. The shadow fell with a thud. Dash shook her wing free of the pain, and looked at Daniel with grateful, but cautious eyes. "Thanks..." Daniel nodded, and returned to the fray. Spike, along with Twilight's help, used her magic mixed with his fire to make a fiery projectile that effected changeling and shadow alike. Kelly thrashed about until he reached behind him and flung the changeling that had attached itself to his back. He then ducked under a deadly swipe, and came up to guard his side from the same attacker. With it's sword away from it's body, Kelly drove his knee into the soldier's gut, and finished it with a slice of it's neck. Black ooze ran down it's cloak. while some of it sprayed onto Kelly's shirt. The creature fell to it's knees, and dropped to the side. However, it seemed like for each shadow the humans injured or killed, three more showed up. Changelings retreated only to call for more to come. The best thing they had to be thankful for was that none of the larger shadows had joined in yet. Daniel held off a shadow and a changeling, while another foe put a gash in his midsection, making him stumble back. The elements were pushing for the stairs with everything they had, but their efforts became even more useless as changelings poured in. Dash had sustained a minor wing injury, Fluttershy had done her best to stay clear of anyone, but had a small cut on her foreleg. Pinkie had attracted alot of attention with her cannon, and bore several bruises. Kelly had swung too early at several shadows, and couldn't recoil in time until he took a deep cut to his left arm. The group was quickly running out of room, and slowly being overrun. "Twilight, can't you teleport us?!" Kelly shouted as he used his sword as a barricade. "No, not all of us...I...I'm too weak!" "What the fuck do we do?!" Daniel screamed in anger. But as he did so, a bright beam from an unknown source swept away most of the shadows, and changelings. A second beam differently colored took care of the rest. The group turned to see two Unicorn guards standing in front of the steps. Their own swords levitated next to them. "Chival!" "Meta!" The humans exclaimed. "Glad to see your still alive." Meta said with his unique tone. They didn't have much time to catch up, the shadows and changelings were recovering. "We have to get to the throne room!" Twilight shouted. "And you might want to hurry, whatever's left of our defenses in the walls is helping The Princess' stop Ferindher and the changeling queen." Chival spoke. "C'mon, we need to hurry." Daniel said holding his side. "We'll hold these little bucks off while the rest of you stop them." Meta grinned. "Will you be okay?" Kelly asked. "Don't worry, you did learn from the best after all." "Now GO!" Chival ordered. The group made haste down the corridor towards the main hall, while Chival Glow, and Meta Shroud stood ready at the steps. The soldiers and changelings inched forward. "Been a while since we've seen any real battle...huh, friend?" Chival smiled. "Yep...much too long." Meta smirked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You won't win, Ferindher. Your nothing without that tablet." The shadowy king kneeled in ehxaustion, while several of his followers backed away, injured by the guards that stood by the royal sisters, which included Plexis. Luna was locked in a momentary battle with Chrysalis, until the changeling queen had to back down. "I...did not...come this far...to be stopped now..." Ferindher breathed. His power was slightly dampened, but he wasn't finished yet. He launched himself into the air as dark magic, and flamed covered his hands. His cape became blood red as he swiped at the sun goddess. Chrysalis took the chance to focus another beam of energy at Luna, but Luna met it with a dark shade of blue magic. Again, the shadows, and guards met in the middle of the room as metal clashed, and echoed off of the walls. The throne room had become a warzone. "I know the tablet is in here somewhere, Celestia! I can feel it's energy!" Rage pulsed through the alicorn. "You'll perish long before you ever recieve that cursed stone!" Ferindher shouted again as he directed a large ball of black energy at Celestia. Celestia had just recovered from dogding his last assault, and absorbed a fragment of the attack. "TIA!" Luna cried. "I'm okay, sister!" In Luna's distraction, Chrysalis charged, and knocked her from her stand next to the throne. Luna picked herself up, and angrily hovered into the air. Her eyes glowed brightly, and her shouts drowned out the sound of clanging metal. "THY SHALL PAY FOR THAT!" The series of battles continued. Ferindher could feel his stored power depleting. To his dismay, he wouldn't be able to regain his tablet through sheer force, Celestia was simply too powerful. One of the guards fell from a mortal wound. "NOO!" Celestia cried out. Her very being burned with so much hate, it was almost painful to experience. She knocked Ferindher away with a swift force spell, hoping to give herself enough time charge a much more...permanent one. Ferindher took advantage of her emotions, and struck her with a direct attack. Her magic ceased. "Yesss, let your anger fester, let it guide you." Ferindher laughed, only enraging Celestia further. She stood to attack again, when she spotted her student along with her friends, Spike, and the even the humans, in the doorway behind the Shadow Lord. Her eyes grew wide in fear. "NO! You all must leave, now!" Ferindher immediately turned to find the six ponies, dragon, and humans, gawking at him. To new eyes, Ferindher was quite intimidating. His cloak covered his entire body, save his hands, and he stood nearly twelve feet tall. He grinned underneath his shrouds. "So your the little traitors." He hissed, eyeing the humans. "So your Ferindher." Kelly said in monotone. Ferindher growled. The fighting had stopped upon the group's arrival. "That's Lord Ferindher to you, cretin." "Blow it out of your ass." Daniel taunted. "What does he mean 'traitor'?!" Plexis spoke. Ferindher looked at the pegasus, then to his shadows. "Sieze them!" He pointed to the group of nine. "NO, Twilight, GO!" Celestia yelled. The boys took the front with their weapons raised, but as they prepared to skew the soldier's they soon found themselves grasping their heads in pain. Neither could do anything to stop the agony while the soldiers surrounded Twilight, and her friends. There were enough shadows to put a blade to each of their necks. "NO!" Celestia charged her horn more in anger than for the purpose of a spell. Ferindher wagged his black finger at her. "Ah ah ah...If you try anything, I give the word." One of the shadows chuckled and touched the cold steel to her student's neck. Hopeless to do anything, Luna had no choice but to let Chrysalis subdue her. "Ferindher, leave them out of this." Celestia pleaded. Ferindher just snickered, and maintained control over the human's minds. "Would you like to know why these two are traitors, little pony." He addressed Plexis. "Because I brought them here." He reached into his cloak to reveal the other half of the shard that resembled the one Celestia's subjects had discovered not too long before. "I brought them here to aid in my quest for my tablet. I thought they had potential to serve me. Instead, they helped you wretched creatures!" Both humans were still paralyzed with pain, but managed to voice their thoughts. "YOU?! Your the reason were here?!" Daniel shouted. "That shard IS what brought us here." Kelly added. Ferindher paced. "I was hoping you were as feral as the book had described, but now that I get a good long look at you, you don't seem the least bit threatening." Twilight remembered what the book had said about needing both crystals for the desired spell. 'That explains why Ferindher didn't get the humans he wanted!' She thought to herself. "Tell me Celestia, do you even care for these primitive wastes of life?" "FUCK YOU!" Both boys shouted. Celestia stayed quiet. She didn't want to make it seem as though she didn't care enough to say so, but she shuddered at the thought of what Ferindher might do to them if she said yes. "I see, then I suppose they're of no use to either of us." Ferindher clenched his fists, and the humans screamed in pain. "What arst thou doing to them?!" Luna cried. "Bringing their psyches to the darkness." The ponies could only watch as Ferindher delved into their thoughts; a painful intrusion for the humans. "Your name...Kelly...what a senseless name..." Ferindher approached him. "Interesting, it seems you hide a deep longing for the one named...Fluttershy. And for quite some time too." "That's no secret." Kelly managed to say. "You've held these feelings for months...and you have no idea how to handle it. Ahh, I see you have the suspicion that she likes you back." 'How is that possible?' the ponies thought. 'They haven't even been here for a single month.' "Please...stop..." Kelly pleaded, still pushing his temples, trying to get rid of the pain. "Get out of my head, you son of a bitch!" Ferindher grinned. "You don't want to accept things either way since...she is a pony...intriguing. The fear you hold pleases me, too bad I'm inclined to destroy you both." He turned to Daniel, but held control over both of them. "You have something tucked away as well...Daniel" He channeled his dark magic, as Daniel screamed in agony. "You've kept this one locked away for a little over a week it seems. Your not sure if you should leave this place, or stay when the time comes. You use to believe this should have been Kelly's blessing, and that you should have been left out. Now your not sure...oh...the dreams." Daniel growled, and held his weapon tight. What Ferindher found next concluded his conjecture that the humans knew of this land before their arrival. "You know of this place...both of you...even before I had summoned you here. You had wanted to see this place before, and meet all of these pitiful ponies." He pointed to Kelly. All of the ponies looked at them in curiosity, and deliberation now that they had been found out. Plexis in the worst of ways, had found out what the humans had been hiding. "I knew they couldn't be trusted!" He snarled. "Kelly...Daniel...what is he talking about?" Fluttershy asked somewhat fearfully. "Boys...is this true?" Rarity added hesitantly. The humans looked at them with woeful eyes, unable to find a way to explain themselves. "It won't matter much longer anyway. Even if you had served your purpose, I no longer need either of you. However, before I kill you, I would like to put on a spectacle for all of your so called friends here." "Don't you dare hurt them!" Celestia was just as eager to find why they had been hiding something as significant as this, but even so, they had helped her and her subjects before, and wasn't ready to stand by and watch her nemesis toy with them. "Oh no worries, Princess. I won't be doing anything to hurt them. They'll be doing that themselves." "NO!" Twilight was just about to intervene when the soldier over her snarled a warning. "If I see even one spark from that horn..." The others chuckled. "This is going to be fun." "I wonder if they'll stick each other at the same time." "You're all sick." Spike whispered. Ferindher came even closer to the still struggling humans. He hovered each hand over them. "Let all the fear...uncertainty...all of the pain...let is grow...let it fester. Your apprehension of your feelings...your indecision of your true home...let is take you...embrace it." The boys fought his influence, but he had shown them for what they knew, and had exposed all of their reverences, and ambivalence. All of these emotions were what Ferindher needed to indoctrinate them. Kelly took hold of his sword, and tried to advance on the shadow king, but Ferindher's power over him would not allow him to. Instead he turned to his friend, and raised his blade. Daniel shouted in defiance, and got closer to the tyrant than his friend had, but after a short struggle, he was soon facing Kelly in a fighting stance. "I'll even motivate you further. The prize for the victor is the honor of dying by my hand." Ferindher chuckled. "Daniel! I...I can't move!" Kelly shifted, but his body wouldn't respond. "I can't either!" They moved closer, forced to fight to the death. "Don't make them do this!" Rainbow cried. "Why not, my dear? It's all in good fun." Ferindher smiled. He raised his hand once more. "You...may begin..." Both Kelly and Daniel could feel their final strands of free will sapped away by darkness, as they lunged at each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Applebloom sat on the porch next to her brother, while Scootaloo was helping Granny Smith in the house. She looked on at Canterlot, and noticed the black haze had died down some. The setting sun painted the horizon a warm orange. Applebloom turned to her brother. "Is Applejack gonna be okay, big brother?" Big Mac looked away from the city, and smiled to his filly sister. She returned the smile with a scared frown. He brought her closer. "Your big sis is a tough one. I have no doubt she, and her friends will stop whatevers happening. I have faith in her." Applebloom then smiled back. "Yeah...ah have faith too." "That's good, lil sis...that's good." ----------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel winced as Kelly caught him on the leg, and returned it with a bash from the pommel of his weapon. Both boys were trading blows, and becoming weaker. "Ferindher! STOP THIS!" Luna cried. "Do not fret, it shouldn't be much longer." They locked swords again, as Daniel gained some ground on his friend. Kelly let Daniel press his weight forward before shifting back, and kicking his friend off balance. Daniel fell forward, while Kelly regained his footing. "I'm sorry! This...isn't me doing this!" Daniel stood. "I know! I'm trying to fight it too!" Daniel rushed him, and Kelly blocked his front, but Daniel wasn't prepared to strike, instead, he rotated his weapon around Kelly's and disarmed him. He then brought his knee up, but Kelly was just barely able to step back from it. Daniel took a mad swing at his friend. Kelly, having no way to block; manuevered aroung his swipe, and clutched his friend's arm while kicking his sword out of his grasp. They stood hand to hand. Ferindher could feel his stored power quickly slipping away. He had to end this now. "Enough...this is taking too long!" He silently commanded them to stop, and released them from his phychic hold. The humans stumbled, bloody and tired from fighting. "Even under my command, you manage to dissapoint me." "Gladly." Kelly spat. Ferindher glided over to them, and wasted no time in hoisting them into the air by their necks. "NO!" The ponies cried, thinking Ferindher was ready to kill them then and there. Instead he held them, slightly choking them. The humans kicked their feet, and grabbed the tyrants bony wrists, trying to give themselves leverage. "I'm through playing games. Give me the tablet!" "Never." Celestia scowled. Ferindher sighed impatiently. "If you don't hand it over, these humans aren't the only ones who will be dying because of your stubbornness." The sisters watched as the soldier's brought their blades even closer to the element's throats. One of them grabbed Spike from the group, and held him in the air. Celestia glared at the tyarant. "You will pay for this..." "No, I believe your the one who will be paying, my dear. The tablet, or your precious subjects?" As he spoke, slithering black smoke crawled along his arms, and into Daniel and Kelly. He was ready to finish them much like he had done to Serk. The boys could feel the darkness pusle through their bodies. It made every movement they made a chore, as they screamed in pain once again. They felt themselves slipping away, succumbing to the black nothingness. It was a feeling worse than drowning. Ferindher eyed Celestia with anticipation. "Well, sovereign of the sun...it seems you have a chioce to make..." .................I swear I never intended for this chapter to be that long. I anticipated maybe 7,000 words...HA!