//------------------------------// // 5, Navigation. 2/7 // Story: THE IMPOSTER AMONG US // by FIM Fiction //------------------------------// Warmth. I managed to get heaters on, so I'm not dead from cold. "Hello? Does anyone read this? Over." OH CRAP! Uh uh Hello! I read you over. Who is this? "Charles Calvin, at your service. Kinda shipwreck, but still got some power. You sound super relieved to hear me... What's your name? Over." It's- I actually don't remember that right now... over. "Eh, no worries then... So kttchhhhhhhhh-" ...Please come back... *S. S. Ponyville* A Pink 1 traveled with the group, her helmet having a built in flashlight. "Oh goodness... I think I'm gonna be sick..." She had to turn her head to shine her light on whatever needed to be looked at, as she was the only one with a light, and all the other Pink 1s refused to go. "S-sooo much blood." "This ain't the worst of it." Applejack said. "Yup." Big Mac commented. Rainbow Dash took off her helmet and swapped it with the Pink 1's. "There. Oh goodness it gets bloodier." There were bodies torn beyond recognition. They entered the Navigation room. Rainbow Dash inspected the body at the co-pilot chair. "He needs to know!" The body lunged forward and grabbed Rainbow Dash weakly. "Oh holy crap!" Rainbow Dash moved away in shock. "Please... he needs to know..." Chip, Button Mash's father, sat in the chair. The chest of his suit was torn open, and a little more. Rainbow Dash did everything she could not to vomit at the sight. "What? What does he need to know?" she asked, removing the helmet and leaning close. "T-tell my son... I love him... That he needs to take care of his mother and be a good boy... That he is a good boy... Will- will you tell him that?" "I promise, sir." Rainbow Dash told him. Chip smiled softly. His hooves pulled a Game Boy out of his pocket, and handed it to Rainbow Dash. "Th-thank y- *cough* give this to Button-" His head flopped downwards as his hoof dropped. "Great. Now he's dead." "Show some respect!" Rainbow Dash snapped at the Pink 1. "I didn't say that!" the Pink 1 answered. "I did. Now someone recycle me!" They looked towards the ground and saw a shredded body with a mostly contact head. It was pink. "Another Pink 1! Dang, you guys can take a beating!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, somewhat impressed while horrified. "Excuse me? I'm a Pink 3, and I don't want to be in a constant state of agony. Recycle me." "No." Big Mac said. "I don't know, she looks like she's better off recycled." Spitfire commented. "Before we decide any of that-!" Twilight interrupted before getting interrupted herself. "Fine then." the Pink 3 said, before taking one of it's bones and stabbing it's own heart. They all stared in silence for a moment. "...Huh." Big Mac said, breaking the silence. He frowned, before staring at the body at the helm. "Pink 1, try to get the wires working." Rainbow Dash said, once again swapping helmets. "Why me?" "Well, I don't know if the wires are too damaged to be safe for most of us, and well, you saw how much you Pinks can take." Rainbow Dash said. The Pink 1 shivered. "Fine." They all waited as the Pink 1 worked wires. They winced as the lights sharply turned back on. "I turned on the power. Now what?" the Pink 1 asked. Rainbow Dash looked over the control dashboard. She saw something red, and moved it. It glowed green. "Course Corrected." Luna's voice rang out. "Course corrected?" Twilight asked. She removed her helmet to get a better look at the dashboard, and regretted it. "OH SWEET CELESTIA IT SMELLS!" She slammed her helmet back on. "We should leave." "Yeah... We should." Rainbow Dash said, with an unsure expression. "Something wrong?" Spitfire asked. Rainbow Dash nodded. "I think so. When you see it, you'll know. Until then... We can't risk anyone eavesdropping." They all returned to the cafeteria. She nodded at the Cakes, before standing on the table and stepping on the button. /EMERGENCY MEETING/ Those who were with her sat at the table. The room filled up with ponies quickly. "Alright everyone! I have some good news!" Rainbow Dash said as ponies removed their helmets. Then she saw him. "You sir, we have good news for you!" Chip glanced around himself, before pointing at himself. "Yes you. What's your name?" "Oh! Um. It's CHP. Or Chip." Chip answered. "Please come up here." Rainbow Dash said. Chip quickly did so. "We found a message that should explain who you are sir. Chip, co-pilot of this ship, wants his son to know he loves him." Rainbow Dash said. A few ponies clapped. "And NOW!" Chip was tackled by Spitfire, Big Mac, and Applejack. "What's going on!?" Chip asked as he was dragged over to the trash chute. He was thrown in. "I'm not an Impostor! You have to believe me!" "We found a dying man in Navigation. You shouldn't have pretended to be him." Rainbow Dash growled. "You have one chance. Do NOT waste it." The Impostor smiled, it's face enlarging as it's eyes fused into one large eye. "You think you're so tough, don't you? How many are you willing to kill, just to rid of one Impostor?" it asked smugly. "You wasted your chance." Rainbow Dash said. The Impostor went wide eyed when it realized the mare would not hesitate. Rainbow Dash pulled on the lever, sending the Impostor into space. 5 ponies in the crowd gulped. Rainbow Dash let out a breath. "Alright." She walked back onto the table. She pointed at Button Mash. "Please come up here." "B-but I'm not an Impostor!" Button Mash exclaimed, clinging to Diamond Tiara. "I know." Rainbow Dash pulled out the Game Boy. "It's a gift from your dad." "My Game Boy!" Button Mash ran up to the table. He yank it from Rainbow Dash's hoof, before hugging her. He then let out a gasp. "I know what this is called! I can remember what it's called!" This brought hope to the ponies, and upset the remaining Impostors. Button Mash froze. "It's from my dad." He turned to Rainbow Dash. "You said the Impostor was pretending to be a dead man..." His face held a question, that he dared not ask. Button Mash stepped down from the table. Rainbow Dash let out an awkward cough. "We also need some folks to clean up the Navigation section." "What's wrong with it?" a Pink 4 asked. Rainbow Dash stared at the Pink 4. It's outfit was slightly different, but she didn't know in what way. "Possible Impostor, but not sure" Rainbow Dash thought to herself. "I'll say these two things. One, it looks like a red suit threw up everywhere. Two, It isn't for the weak in stomach." The Pink 4 saluted. "I'll get right on it!" She bounced out of her chair, an action that confused many, before walking down a hall. "All volunteers please stay here. Everyone else, dismissed." Rainbow Dash said. The ponies shuffled out, while the Pink 4 returned with cleaning supplies and a mop-bucket on wheels. Rainbow Dash now saw that the Pink 4's suit was designed to hold cleaning tools. "Pink 4 reporting for duty, Ma'am!" With her was Rarity, Celestia, Twilight, Coco Pommel, Applejack, and Button Mash. Rainbow Dash let out a whistle, before putting back on her helmet. "I gotta be honest, I expected more." She looked at Button Mash. "You sure you wanna come, Button?" Button Mash nodded. "I want to see my dad." The group traveled to the Navigation section. The very entrance way was bloody. "This is going to be a lot of work, isn't it?" Rarity asked. "Looks like it." the Pink 4 answered. "Oh! Pinks to recycle!" The Pink 4 grabbed a Pink carcass and threw it on her back, before heading towards the medbay. "...Eyup." "When in when did you get here!?" Coco asked Big Mac. The stallion simply nodded. "Are you here to help?" Twilight asked. "Eyup." Big Mac answered. His head followed Button Mash who was walking in front of the group. "Huh?" They walked to the Navigation room. Button Mash walked over to the brown suited pony at the helm. The others went about cleaning the hall, to let the child have some alone time. Button Mash stared at the stallion. "H-hey da-" "EH!" The man breath in heavily, throwing himself off the chair and onto the ground. He yanked of his helmet. "Son I don't have much time. One, my back is adjustable so it can attach to your suit. Two, throw something at Pinki- Pink. She'll always catch it. If she doesn't, then-" the man coughed. "Dad! Help! Somepony help!" Button Mash shouted. "Sonny." Chip clambered to his hooves. He removed his face mustache and slapped it onto Button Mash's visor. "I love you. Tell... tell your mother I love her. *COUGH!*" Chip fell once more. "You're the man of the house now." His smile slipped away, and his chest stopped moving.