//------------------------------// // Seeking Answers // Story: The Terrifying Return of Nightmare Moon // by Jest //------------------------------// Starlight lurched out of her bed with all the intensity of a mare who had been seconds from drowning. Her heart pounded, her lungs rapidly filled and expelled oxygen all while her mind whirled with possibilities. Frantically looking about the room, Starlight found that she was in her quarters within friendship castle. Outside her window the sky was overcast, with enormous black clouds lingering on the horizon like vultures awaiting a meal. Only a thin slat of sunlight pierced the fluffy embargo, illuminating very little of Starlight’s abode. What she could see only confused her more, and made the pony wonder why she had awoken with such a start. Rather than ransacked, everything seemed normal, clean even, despite Starlight being rather poor at the whole organization thing. Relaxing against her headboard, the unicorn tried to think back as to why she had awoken in such a manner. She didn't remember having any nightmares, though she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Thinking back even further, Starlight found that her memories felt… fuzzy for lack of a better word. She was able to recall a scream which she had investigated, leading the mare down to Twilight’s less then secret laboratory. There she had opened a door and… Nothing. The pony shivered, unconsciously pulling the blankets a little closer, and eying the deep shadows of her room suspiciously. While one part of her wanted to curl back up under the blanket, another part of her began to run through all the various enemies who were capable of such a thing. Changelings immediately came to mind, though they didn't quite fit the bill. “Why would I even be here if they captured me?” Starlight muttered aloud. “Unless this is all some form of altered reality and I’m in a pod.” Starlight frowned. “No. If Chrysalis captured me she would be monologuing right now, and those pod things are supposed to make the person release love, not scare the crap out of them.” Deciding to push off such thoughts for when she had more evidence to base her assumption, Starlight climbed out of bed and used her magic to flip the light switch. The magical torch flickered briefly before remaining on, illuminating the room in a strangely harsh glow that reminded Starlight of an operating room. Crawling out of bed, Starlight creeped to the door and placed her ear against it, trying to hear what may be going on outside. Again there was nothing. Not the distant sound of Spike making breakfast, or Twilight working on a spell or doing paperwork, there was only the far off rumble of thunder. Pushing open the door, Starlight glanced down the hallway, and found that it was as empty as she had assumed it to be. Starlight slipped out of her room and closed the door quietly behind her, the mare beginning to trot in the direction of her teacher’s room. The scream had sounded feminine after all, so it made sense that would be a good place to start her search for answers. As she trotted the long halls of friendship castle, the mare found herself growing increasingly unnerved. Long shadows flickered all around her, while a deadly silence enveloped her completely, making her jumpy and ill at ease. Slipping into Twilight’s section of the castle, the pony looked around and found that everything seemed to be as it should be. The only sign that anything was wrong was the fact that no one was there, and not creature stirred. In the quiet, Starlight could hear the castle shift ever so slightly, its crystalline structure swaying in the breeze. It was barely even noticeable, and reminded Starlight much of the old wooden house she had stayed in back before her redemption. It too shifted in the wind, its wooden supports groaning in protest as it resisted the wind which pushed and pulled at it. Shaking off that particular memory, Starlight trotted up to Twilight’s bedroom door, her hoof clopping twice against the crystal portal. “Twilight are you awake?” asked the mare, her voice coming out as barely even a whisper. Nothing. Still, nothing. Starlight pushed down the sliver of panic which built in her breast and turned the knob. “I’m coming in!” she shouted, her voice quivering. When no response came, the pony pushed her way into the room and looked around, quickly finding that she was still alone. The room was empty, and though on first glance everything seemed to be in order, something caught Starlight’s eye. Trotting over to the corner of the room, she nervously peered past the walled curtains of the alicorn’s four poster bed. Immediately her brow furrowed as she gazed down on the ravaged sheets and loose feathers which littered the area. Though there was no blood, or burns, the bedding itself looked like it had gotten in a fight with a timberwolf. Sniffing the air, Starlight smelled burnt ozone, and the familiar tinge of sweat. Which could only mean that the mare had performed several spells in rapid succession or a single particular powerful one. Either way it didn't paint the best picture, and Starlight couldn't help but imagine what may have happened here. Once more putting aside such thoughts, the pony gave the rest of the room a once over and after finding nothing out of the ordinary, proceeded back into the hall. “Alright Starlight, your teacher is gone and the whole town is weirdly quiet. Where do we go from here?” Starlight whispered to herself, her hooves carrying her down the hall to Spike’s room. Again, there was nothing, only this time there were no signs of a struggle whatsoever. The dragon’s comics remained perfectly arranged, his smaller twin sized bed had been made, and even his gem collection had been stacked neatly. Frowning to herself, Starlight felt the sense of panic begin to bubble within her once more, the silence having become so deafening that she relished the sound of thunder. Slipping back into the hall, she took a long slow breath. “I should try to locate the other element bearers, and failing that I should try to make my way to Canterlot,” the pony muttered to the quiet room. “That sounds logical right?” Frowning, Starlight silently prayed that this was all one big joke and that her friends and house mates were waiting for her downstairs. Trotting down the steps, Starlight passed through empty halls and empty rooms, never once surprised by a pony or dragon leaping out from around a corner. Even Twilight’s less then secret laboratory was empty, and perfectly organized, giving Starlight no extra clues whatsoever. “Right, first things first, let's check with Applejack. She's the furthest from help and would need assistance the most,” Starlight thought aloud, only to shiver. “This quiet is getting to me.” Slipping out through the front door, Starlight turned and made her way into the countryside, all while her gaze remained on the town. Though she desperately hoped to see someone, anyone around, there was again, nothing, and no one. The black clouds overhead were her only company, the puffy objects offering the occasional distant rumble to their one sided conversation. Starlight couldn't help but walk a little faster, her hooves carrying her swiftly to Sweet Apple Acres. Where again, she found nothing, the road having been surprisingly empty, and the woods which surrounded her, as quiet as death. “Applejack! Big Macintosh! Is anyone here!” yelled the mare, her voice rising several octaves as fear wormed its way into her heart. This time she didn't wait for a response, and merely sprinted up to the farm house, stopping only when she noticed something strange. One of the appletrees nearest the front of her friend’s home was bent at an unnatural angle, as if something incredibly heavy had impacted it. Wood had splintered, bark had broken, and a scattering of leaves covered the ground around the formerly majestic plant. Inspecting the point of impact, Starlight was surprised to find several pitch black hairs caught in the tree’s shattered exterior. Pulling one out, Starlight eyed it carefully in the mid afternoon light, briefly fighting a cloud which robbed her of the illumination she desired. Once she had a clear ray, Starlight found that her first assumption was indeed correct and the hair was as dark as the night itself. Which could only mean. “Nightmare Moon,” Starlight whispered in horror. “No wonder she was able to overcome my mental wards so easily and put me to sleep. Why leave me behind and take seemingly the entire town though?” When the clouds above did not answer her question, Starlight trotted up to the house and after knocking briefly, entered. Several minutes later she exited the way she came, growing even more worried then she had been not long ago. Again, there was no one to greet her, no signs of habitation or even struggle, only the same thing she had found everywhere else. Nothing. Trotting away from the house, Starlight made a beeline to town, all but sprinting down the dusty road leading from Sweet Apple Acres. On her way she was met only by more silence, broken by thunder, and the occasional flash of distant lightning. Even the birds and animals seemed to have vanished, as she saw no movement save for the lazy drifting of her dark companions. Entering town once more, Starlight skidded to a stop, her eyes scanning every window, and scrutinizing every home. No ponies greeted her, no carts dotted the street and above the town no birds flew or called. All was still, all was silent, and in that silence bloomed a terrible realization. Starlight was completely, and utterly alone. Breathing hard, Starlight ran as fast as she could to the first place she could think of, Rarity’s boutique. This time she didn't knock, merely throwing open the door with her magic and running right into the structure. Her head twisted this way and that, searching for some sign of her fashionable friend, only to once more find… Nothing. “Rarity! Sweetie Belle, are you here!” Starlight shouted, already dreading the response she saw coming. Nothing. She ran upstairs. Nothing. She searched the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Nothing. It was only when she entered the back room did Starlight find something out of the ordinary. A rack of dresses all sized for an alicorn had been knocked over, and blood splattered the ground. Not only that, but strips of cloth littered the area, as if someone had torn through a dress with razor sharp claws. Though compared to the damage the blood was minimal, with only a few light splatters covering the ground. A thought which should have given her at least a small ounce of relief, had little effect on the panicking mare. Who after searching the area ran back onto the street, her chest heaving and her heart pounding. “Right, Sugarcube corner is closest, Pinkie Pie has to be there. I mean she's Pinkie Pie. When has she ever given subpar service?” Starlight muttered, panic gripping her heart in a vice. In a flash of several rapid teleportations, Starlight landed before the gingerbread shop, the front door of which hung loosely, flapping in the breeze. Leaping through the entrance, Starlight lit her horn only to once more find the place empty. She had been about to start by searching up stairs when the scent of something burning wafted past her nose. Teleporting into the kitchen Starlight’s eyes went wide when she beheld what had happened to several of the stoves. Each one was burnt, as if they had been left on for an extended period of time, though the fire hadn't spread very far. The stoves now turned off, Starlight struggled to imagine a situation that would explain such a set of occurrences. Looking inside them revealed some charred crumbs but that was it, and after searching the upstairs Starlight found that she had not gained little in the way of clues. Everywhere else was empty, a sentiment which was proven truer still after Starlight even searched Pinkie Pie’s party cave. Stumbling out onto the street, Starlight couldn't help but notice her heart rate had remained high despite the lack of danger. “Right, it's not over yet. Check with the others. There has to be some sort of clue as to their whereabouts,” Starlight muttered to herself. The boom of thunder nearly made the pony jump out of her skin, and she spun around to find that a large storm cloud had moved in from the everfree. It's dark surface rolled angrily, a heavy sheet of rain falling from its underside as it crawled closer and closer. Silently reprimanding herself for her jumpiness, Starlight searched the horizon for Rainbow Dash’s house and after finding it, cast a cloud walking spell on herself before teleporting directly there. The rapid expenditure of magic made her horn throb but she put the pain out of mind, and ran into the pegasus’s house, yelling its owner’s name as she did so. Searching the main floor, Starlight found the fridge was open, and a jug of milk sat on the table, open but not empty. Putting it back in the fridge, Starlight searched the rest of the empty house, and after shouting herself hoarse, the mare teleported back to the ground. Mind racing, Starlight ran to Fluttershy’s, her eyes flicking left and right, constantly searching for some sign that she wasn't alone. Alas her search bore no fruit and when the pony crossed the bridge into Fluttershy’s grove, she found herself struck by the silence therein. There was only the sound of the rain closing in on her, as no animal could be seen nor call heard. Starlight threw open the door and leapt inside the cottage without a second thought. “Fluttershy!” She shouted as loud as she could. No response, not even the startled flap of wings, or the frenzied scurrying of startled animals. Leaping up the stairs, Starlight found the mare’s bed as empty as her home. This time there were no signs of struggle or things out of place, only the ominous silence which was quickly swallowed by the storm. Rain splattered across the windows, and thunder shook the small home, the cottage’s branches twisting in the sudden wind. Landing back on the main floor, Starlight was unsurprised to find that no animals sought the safety of Fluttershy’s abode. There was only her, and the storm. Running back outside, Starlight ignored the sting of the harsh rain and the wind which howled in her ears. Putting one hoof in front of the other, Starlight ran back towards town only to catch a glimpse of something odd out of the corner of her eye. Skidding to a stop in the mud, Starlight ran over to where she saw a great number of hoofprints which stuck out like a sore thumb now that they were filled with water. Starting in the town and going into the Everfree forest, Starlight recognized the trail as one which ultimately led to the castle of the two sisters. Judging from just how beaten down the path had become, a great number of ponies had passed through the area, and recently too. Mind awhirl with possibilities, Starlight turned and ran into the forest, her adrenaline spiking as the towering trees blocked out almost every last bit of light. Shrouded in darkness and now utterly soaked, Starlight proceeded deeper into the dark woods, her mind conjuring plans which to use against her enemy. Had Nightmare Moon somehow managed to mind control everyone in town and if so, why did she bring them to the castle of all places? Was she using them as forced labor, or as catalysts for some unholy ritual? Starlight didn't know, and if she was being honest with herself, she didn't want to know. All she did understand was that Ponyville needed her help, her friends needed her help, and that was all that mattered. Skidding to a stop outside the main entrance, Starlight was startled to find that the large double doors had been restored to their previous glory. The rain still pounded her body, and thunder boomed overhead however, prompting Starlight to cautiously approach the entrance. After testing it with her magic, the unicorn pulled open the massive oaken doors which swung soundlessly on well oiled hinges. Stepping inside, Starlight felt as though she had walked through a portal that went a thousand years into the past as everything was decorated in the manner popular of the time. Long black carpets lead deeper into the castle, large banners covered the walls and were dominated by imagery of the moon. Suits of armor lined the walls and chandeliers hung overhead, illuminating the area in a flickering blue light. Peering into one of the side halls revealed that the castle was only partially restored, and the sound of thunder told Starlight that some holes remained unpatched. Entering back into the main hallway Starlight noticed that many pairs of dust covered hooves had trod down the long hallway. Deciding to follow them, Starlight noticed that the sound of the storm was growing ever more distant by the second. The silence which followed was oppressive, each distant creak and dull boom making the pony jump. Despite her nerves getting the better of her, Starlight lit her horn, readying herself for the confrontation she knew was coming. Eventually the path ended at another set of large double doors, these ones bearing the sigil of the moon and oddly enough, Twilight’s cutie mark. Confused, Starlight stepped forward only to be struck by what sounded exactly like Nightmare Moon. She recognized the air of arrogance and unquestioned authority in her voice distinctly. Stepping up to the door, Starlight leaned her ear against the wooden entrance, only to find that it was too thick and she couldn't make out a single word being said. All she knew was that it sounded like a typical Nightmare Moon monologue, one which was no doubt being spoken at the captured forms of her friends and the townsfolk of Ponyville. Taking a step back, Starlight whipped her sopping wet mane out of her face, and tried to think of a plan of attack. This wasn't a time for planning however, it was one for action, as there were too many lives on the line to waste precious time considering possibilities which may never happen. Steeling her resolve, Starlight threw open the great doors, and leapt into the room, her gaze instantly landing on Nightmare Moon who stood at the back of the room. Seeing red, Starlight didn't hesitate, unleashing a beam of energy at the towering alicorn and blasting her straight out of one of three stained glass windows behind her. The defenestration of the alicorn caused a collective gasp to surge through the room, confusing Starlight considerably. Blinking, Starlight looked around the room to find that all of Ponyville had been assembled into a single great room. Most sat on cheap metal chairs, while a select six stood atop the raised platform at the end of the room. Each one wore dresses Starlight had only ever seen them wear when forced to attend official meetings of some kind. All save for Twilight, who wore one of the most elaborate dresses Starlight had ever seen the alicorn ever don. The room was quiet, with the clearly not brainwashed ponies of Ponyville staring at Starlight in what could only be described as abject terror. Then hoof met face, and Twilight groaned. “I knew there was something I was forgetting,” muttered the alicorn bitterly. Starlight blinked, only now noticing that there were a small pool of journalists between the crowd and the raised area on the other side of the room. A second later and Nightmare Moon burst back through a different window, her horn glowing brightly. “Who dares sully this conference of the press?” boomed the alicorn, whose eyes immediately narrowed. “Wait, I remember you from the other night.” “Yes, this is Starlight Glimmer, the pony you knocked out last night and who I may have forgotten to wake up,” Twilight remarked. “Nice lazer beam Starlight!” shouted Pinkie Pie. Starlight merely blinked. “Wait, what's going on?” “As our dear Black Snooty attempted to explain, this is a press conference,” Rarity offered. Nightmare Moon’s horn dulled, and the alicorn frowned. “How many times did I tell you not to call me that?” “Oh come, it's hilarious! Besides, Twi says it makes you more approachable!” Rainbow Dash added. The dark alicorn let out a withering sigh and slowly trotted back to the center of the stage. “Fine, but only you six are allowed to call me that.” “Thats nice and all but can someone please explain to me what in the hell is going on?” Starlight pleaded. “Right,” Twilight cleared her throat. “After seeing you last night, I realized that I could not and should not keep my dear Moon locked away from the public any longer.” The crowd all dawed in unison as Twilight took the other alicorn’s hoof in her own, causing the larger mare to blush ever so slightly. “Tis true. Persuaded by your shocked reaction, Twilight organized this entire event in a matter of hours,” Nightmare Moon explained. “Wait, hold on,” Starlight raised a hoof. “What about the torn bed sheets in Twilight’s room?” The purple alicorn blushed. “Oh uh… just a minor spell mis-” “She likes the fangs,” Nightmare Moon interrupted, licking the aforementioned fangs in emphasis. Twilight’s blush deepened and she awkwardly cleared her throat. “Yes well, moving on.” “And the tree at Sweet Apple Acres?” Starlight continued. Applejack chuckled. “Ol Charlie got a bit bent cus’ a this long legged galoot decided to jump out of a shadow like some kinda snake.” “It would have been funny too had you not bucked me into next week,” Nightmare Moon muttered, the mare feigning anger, while wearing a smile. “Probably, but you shouldn't mess around when Lightning and Thunder are out to play,” Applejack replied, grinning confidently. “It is so lame that you named your hooves,” groaned Rainbow Dash. “And the blood and destroyed dress?” Starlight pressed, turning to Rarity. The fashionista smiled, and shot Twilight a brief, irritated look. “Someone decided to get their dress altered at the last second and then proceed to freak out when she realized that she might be late. Stabbing themselves and ruining their dress in the process.” “Which may have been a teensy weensy bad idea,” Fluttershy remarked. Twilight huffed. “There was only an hour before the press conference I needed to get all you girls here in order to have everything prepared in time.” “We had everything under control,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Besides, Rarity had a back up ready and everything.” “And Sugarcube Corner?” Starlight pressed. “I had to really push it in order to make all the food for the reception, but it was totally worth it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, pointing to the right of the hall, where an absolutely massive spread of baked goods sat in wait. “Speaking of which, can we hurry this up? I’ve got a bearclaw calling my name,” whined Rainbow Dash. “Just a second,” Starlight interrupted. “What about Fluttershy’s animals? Where are they?” “Above us or waiting outside,” answered the shy mare, who pointed to the rafters. Starlight followed her hoof and looked to find that a great hose of squirrels, birds, and other animals gazed down on her curiously. “Twilight asked that I help restore the castle in time for the press conference as well as keep everyone entertained with a little music,” Fluttershy continued. “Which was quite lovely by the way,” offered Nightmare Moon with a smile. “I never would have thought a half dozen chipmunks playing a harp would sound nearly as good as it did.” “Oh Alvin and the gang can be a little headstrong but they are as good hearted as they are talented,” Fluttershy remarked, a group of chipmunks high fiving in the rafters. “And Rainbow Dash, what happened at your house?” Starlight questioned. Rainbow Dash blinked. “What happened at my house?” “The fridge was open and the milk was out. It looked like you were kidnapped in the middle of breakfast,” Starlight explained. The pegasus shrugged. “I just kind of do that from time to time.” “You would not believe how much milk that girl wastes,” added Applejack. “Final question,” stated Starlight, her gaze fixating on Twilight. “That scream last night. Explain that.” Twilight blushed, and tugged at the hem of her dress. “Well you see, it's like this. Nightmare Moon and I were experimenting and I dropped a beaker-” “She really, really likes the fangs,” interrupted Nightmare Moon. “Like, a lot.” Starlight’s right eye twitched. Twilight awkwardly cleared her throat. “I’m sorry I forgot about you Starlight. I guess I was so caught up in organizing all this that I didn't make enough time to properly prepare you for everything. Can you ever forgive me?” Starlight took several deep breaths. “Okay, just stand in front of that last window for me please.” Twilight eyed the one window that hadn't had an alicorn thrown through it before awkwardly walking over to it. “Like this?” Twilight asked. Starlight nodded. “Perfect.” The mare then blasted her teacher through the pane of glass, sending her flying into the rain. Nightmare Moon chuckled. “I like this one.”