//------------------------------// // You Have Nothing to Fear... // Story: Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure // by TheDriderPony //------------------------------// The double doors open before you and you leave the ballroom feeling... not scared, but thoroughly creeped out. And also uncomfortable in a way you've never felt before. There's a weird feeling of helplessness that lingers in the back of your mind that you're finding hard to shake. Magic is probably to blame for everything. Why you acted the way you did. Why you felt so... small. You try to put it out of your mind and focus on the task ahead and choosing a new direction. This is made trickier by the fact that you just walked into total darkness. Not perfect darkness though. The ground and walls are so black they're invisible, but you can see yourself just fine. Also a large door that doesn't match the rest of the décor. It looks more like it belong in an old castle rather than a semi-modern mansion, what with its iron crossbeams and wide planks. There's a small placard on it which reads: Past This Door Lies The Exit To The Haunted House, But Not Before A Final Challenge. Enter Only If You Are Absolutely Prepared. You also sense a faint breeze coming from the darkness to your left. You can't see anything, but your pegasus instincts insist that there's a path to follow in that direction.