Odds 'n' Ends

by TheAncientPolitzanian

Lullaby for a Frightened Dragon

Twilight wrapped the frightened young dragon in a warm embrace. Recalling a lullaby her mother had sung to her in her own times of midnight distress, she opened her mouth and slowly, softly, began to sing:

"I know the world gets scary,
still it spins around the same.
There's cause for feeling wary,
don't feel urged to bear the blame,

but even so,
I'll let you know

that though skies above may seem dreary,
and you might feel quite world-weary,
just remember that I'll be by your side."

Before she could continue to the next verse, Twilight was interrupted by the sound of snoring. The alicorn looked down to find Spike fast asleep, a content smile upon his face. The sight elicited a smile of her own.

"Good night, Spike," she whispered, gently nuzzling the side of the dragon's head. "See you in the morning."

With that, she closed her own eyes and rejoined him in the realm of dreams.