//------------------------------// // Rainbow Dash // Story: Hold That Pose // by Zubric //------------------------------// Dew dripped off Rainbow Dash’s mane as she exited the locker room at the Wonderbolt grounds. A towel hung around her neck and a smirk upon her face of a practice session well done. “Stretching out her wings, she looked back at the other team members. “Ha, the Manehattan show is in the bag at this rate.”. Soarin nodded drying off his mane. “Oh, it will definitely be one of a kind that’s for sure.” Being confident, Rainbow headed toward her locker sliding it open to look at her various objects. As she reached for her goggled Spitfire came strolling up having an envelope. “Hey Crash, you got mail,” she said, voice raspy as ever. “Really? Is it more fanmail? Maybe some kid drew me another picture.” Rainbow jokes, taking hold of the envelope. The front had the standard address listing but also had a stamp with “Tinker Toys'' upon it. Slipping open the seal, she pulled out what appeared to be some sort of Official-looking document of sorts and once it was out fully she idly scanned the top. Spitfire watched as Rainbow skimmed the document being patient until Rainbow spoke again with wide eyes. “Wow, they are offering me my own action figures! Sweet.” “Well Wonderbolt merchandise is pretty common but custom-made figures get you a share. Depends on the contract.” Spitfire remarked, watching Rainbow scan more of it. The pegasus wings fluttering with excitement. “Yeah, says something about revenue from the first two thousand souls or something. At least, I think it does. I'm not one for legalese.” After some more browsing, she looked back up. “Oh even has an address where I can meet them to discuss terms.” Spitfire’s smile grew subtly as she spoke. “Well, our practice is done for today, so you're dismissed “ She commanded.  “Yes ma’am,” Rainbow replied with a salute before heading out the main doors and room to the air. Spitfire walked down the hall till she was out of sight and smirked.  In a green flash, she vanished. Rainbow eyes scanned around as she flew over the rail yard below her a few cars idly parked. There were a dozen warehouses scattered about yet she hasn’t seen a pony. A crane near the tracks loudly creaked as it swayed in the wind echoing around the many buildings. Her mind was too Cauchy up on the excitement to wonder where anypony was or why a toy deal was in such a remote location. Landing by Warehouse 8, she knocked on the door beaming. It wasn’t long until the door opened revealing a soft white mare with a blue mane and green eyes. She wore a blue suit to match her mane and a pair of glasses adorned her snout. “Hello there, you must be Rainbow Dash correct?” The mare asked, stretching out her hoof. Rainbow shook the hoof with vigour. “You bet Wonderbolt extraordinaire.” The mare turned leading the pegasus inside passing by various large crates. “I bet you can’t wait to see the merchandise we have made of you?” Rainbow fluffed out her chest. “Hay yeah, hope it meets my awesomeness.” “Of course, we would just like to do a side by side comparison photoshoot first.” the mare stated heading into a side room. Rainbow squints at the harsh photography lights that obscured most of the room. “So, where are the action figures?” She walked towards the center, her hoofsteps changing from concrete to soft metallic clacking.  Her coat stood up some from an unseen static causing her to twitch her wings. “Right here,” the mare chimed holding out the figure. The miniature was correct in every detail all standing on a white base. Rainbow felt a sudden jolt rush up to her spike as the mare grabbed one of the forelegs and continued. “It’s even fully poseable.”  “Gah, what was that,” Rainbow said as the static feeling built, feeling like a squeeze as she found her hoof being lifted just like the figure.  She tried to move her hoof back down but some pressure pulled it back. It was then she saw a faint red glow below her. “W-what the! What are you doing!” The mare smirked more as she chuckled, grabbing each wing and spreading them wide. “I’m posing you of course.” “Hey cut it out!” Rainbow protested trying her hardest to move her limbs but each attempt felt like her whole body was held taut by rubber bands snapping her back with force behind her own. All her actions resulted in the platform glowing red till she was back in place. Any other protest was cut off as the mare posed the muzzle onto a smirking smile. “Nnng’” her vision was forced to look to her left as well making it impossible to look at the mare directly.  The mare watched as Rainbow tried her hardest never quite giving up. A soft laugh soon grew into an evil chuckle as her eyes glowed green. In a flash of fire, the Queen of the changelings stood floating over her victory. “Oh, I can’t believe that worked so well. How does it feel to be utterly helpless?”  Rainbow heart was racing as she muffled something unintelligible hooves barely leaving the plate before being pulled back. There had to be some way out of this. There was no way she’d been caught so easily  Any attempt to glare was quickly reversed only leading to quite the show for the changeling.  The only thing she could keep on her was a blush when a sudden smack was delivered to her helpless flank.  “I’m sure you’d love to hear the rest of my plan,”  chrysalis started as she soon changed into a copy of Rainbow Dash. “But I have a princess to see. Well, you’ll see it soon enough. Tah Tah!” With that, she left the room still laughing.  As the laughter faded, Rainbow continued her attempts to struggle calling out grunts as best she could. “No gotta get out! Got to save Twilight,” she thought even as the platform kept glowing red below her like a pulsing heartbeat. However, given the location, it was doubtful anypony would hear her cries.