Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 83: The Foreordained Hour

"Greater and bloodier wars have been started for less, blood feuds begun, wars of revenge waged against the innocent, hostilities unleashed that had no grounding and political strife that would scorch the land with its far reaching ramifications. But no one, no one expected that a quickly forgotten siege of an equally forgotten location would result in such extreme and unexpected consequences despite meeting none of the standard criteria. It can only be described as a historical anomaly."
-Dana, Head Librarian, Alzamard-

An angry mob had formed outside Tendaji's hut and staring at them as they all vented their fear and anger all at once he could only stand still and listen, he wanted to shout at them to go home or find something useful to do. But, the source of their ire would remain though he had tried to remove it without success. Looking at Sefu who only shrugged and walked off Tendaji took a breath and raising his hands waited for the mob to quiet down before turning and walking towards the edge of the village where the problem lay. Nuru was sitting on the rampart of heaped earth watching the gathering that had taken place outside the village itself in what Verik had taken to calling "no mans land" and walking up to join her he looked over and cringed.

"You no stop them?"

"No." Nuru shook her head and remained blank faced which only made Tendaji grind his jaw in aggravation. "Not in village, no bother no one, only those who want are there. No other. No make no one go."

"I not care!" Tendaji pointed to the mob that had followed. "What he do make many angry! Make life, my life! Troubled! Very troubled and what good it do?"

"Not know, maybe no more make difference than when we pray? Maybe nothing, maybe something. How bad you want village to stay here and not vanish in flame?"

Glaring at Nuru he unstuck his jaw and glanced back again before looking at the pyre Verik and his little band had errected. "This your idea, know that."

"No, is Verik's idea, he ask and I tell."

"You no should tell him these things!"

Nuru shrugged. "Go hide in hut if scared. This not take long I think, they soon here, very soon."

Tendaji opened his mouth to rebuke Nuru but hesitated. "How you know that?" Nuru gave him a smile and no words. "Sefu! Take all from fields! Now! And you, if he had asked to pray to that one you tell him?"

"Tell him only truth. You want me lie?"

"No... But this cause problems."

"Then you go talk to him not me."

"I talk to him and he refuse! Move fire thing outside village instead!"

"You forbid him?" Nuru shook her head. "Then he know your words no mean anything now that greater trouble come, be worth your trouble for him to accept and ignore."

"If survive this make him regret."

"You." Nuru looked up at Tendaji and scowled. "Will no make trouble with that one, you make peace with angry ones and make go home. This his choice, let him make it."

"Even if cost village?"

"Think he trade village?"

Tendaji shook his head a little. "No, maybe. Not know."

"I go talk with him, let him know he be... Careful, but you take care of those ones." Nuru waved towards the crowd and standing up slipped over the rampart and down the crude ladder as Tendaji watched. "No worry, soon they have bigger problem and scarier thing to worry about."

Strolling down the hill towards the flattened area where a pyre had been set up Nuru took her time as nothing had started, and as she watched it was clear they had no idea what they were doing. Keeping her distance from the offering as they discussed what to do he cleared her throat and waited as they turned around.

"You make some angry, Tendaji have mob follow him."

Verik looked up towards the village. "Well, I don't see a torch and pitchfork wielding mob coming this way so-"

"Take care of it, you make Tendaji very unhappy because you no listen when he tell you no."

"Dont really care what he said the other day. We packed it all up again and moved it down here last night and I am not moving the pyre again."

"You no need to now. But maybe you... Finish, so mob not form again and lynch chief."

"That bad?" Nuru nodded. "Well your fellow villagers are very opinionated. Alright, soon as Jelani gets here we will start. Somehow."

"Just speak and make offer, not complicate things hm?"

Nuru looked at the sacrifice to be which laid quietly and was firmly tied up to a strong stake, it was not an uncommon sight, but this time of year it was. Normally with the heavy rain and flooding they came in droves from whatever parts of the rivers they hid in, swimming out to nest along the banks and snag the unwary who dared to tred into the water. Looking at the quietly hissing river crocodile Nuru kept her eyes on it, so much trouble had gone into wrestling it from the river but for some insane reason they had not killed it immediately. Thankfully for those involved it had been a very young one and not posed too much of a problem but the damage had been done, shaking her head at the memory Nuru watched Verik again as Jelani arrived with a few others in tow as the events played over in her mind.

*Three Days Ago*

Sticking a finger into the soft, wet earth Nuru made a little hole before dropping some seeds in and covered it back up again. Moving a little she began planting more herbs along her little patch of the riverbank that everyone avoided, it was her little secret garden of medicinal and ritual plants and woe to anyone who dared tread there. Glancing up for a moment to quietly regard the gathering of Verik, Asha, Altayih and others who were bathing she returned to her planting before a jolt went up her spine. Freezing for a moment Nuru looked around quickly before putting her seed bag down and getting up with the help of her staff she regarded her surroundings more carefully before walking towards the group in the shallows. As she stood on the bank watching the river they slowly came to a stop before watching her and after exchanging glances Asha called out to her but she waved her off.

"Quiet..." Nuru watched the water and felt it again and waved at them. "Out, now, tell that one there out to!"

Pointing at the lone stallion farther away she waited as the group departed the river quickly but kept her eyes on the lone straggler who after being called to only looked back in confusion before nodding and began making his way out. He waded only a short distance before he staggered and let out a pained scream and collapsed into the water and much to her dismay Verik and a few others charged towards the writhing water.

"No! Out! Out!"

No one listened and walking quickly along the bank Nuru watched as the water changed hues while the stallion popped into view again howling before going under again, the waters bubbling madly as he thrashed. Altayih reached the stallion first and grabbed him for a moment before noticing the small, scaly hide and letting out a scream the Arabian let go and backed off.


Verik froze a moment and almost backed off before reaching down and grabbing hard which made the stallion scream in pain harder.

"Leave him! Grab this scaly bastard and keep its jaws shut! Shahid! Go get some rope!"

"We need a spear!" Altayih very hesitantly joined Verik and together they latched onto the reptiles head and grasping firmly held its mouth shut. "We should just run! This is madness!"

Holding on for their lives depended on it Verik struggled as others joined in. "It is, but its a baby! The bastard will drown himself or die of blood loss before it has a chance to kill him so just hang onto it!"

"I am trying captain but it is rather like trying to hold onto an iron eel that does not want to be held!"

"Just grasp harder!"

Nuru's heart was thumping as she watched, where there was one, there were probably more. "Get out! Now! Maybe more!"

Verik looked at her and dodged a flailing hoof. "Shi- Great, more of them... Raswan, hurry up! Grab the bastard and stop him from flailing, we need to haul them both out of the river and up on the bank so we can get this thing off without getting bitten!"

Adjusting their grips the small gathering heaved and lifting both parties from the water raced for the shore stumbling as they fought both reptile and panicked stallion alike. Free from the water the crocodile tried to unlatch itself and squirmed harder as the group put them down and began leaning hard against it.

"Alright captain, now what? We got them out so- Stab the thing already!" Altayih leaned back a little as Raswan retrieved and brandished his spear.

"Dont! I have an idea! Lets throw the little nippy bastard at them!"

Raswan hesitated and stared. "What?"

"Whoever is coming to attack Wete!"

"He will lose his leg if we don't get it off!" Altayih's hand slipped a little from the blood as he fought to regain his grip.

Verik looked at the now almost unconscious stallion before grabbing a small stone and lifting it up hammered the small crocodile on the head violently until it went limp. "There, now lets get it off of him."

"It dead?" Raswan poked it with his spear.

"Not yet. Alright, ease the jaws off his leg and pull him away... There! Keep its jaw shut!" Verik sat on the small reptile and hands firmly wrapped around its mouth. "Never in my life did I think-"

"You no think at all." Nuru glared at him before squatting beside the injured stallion and looking at his leg. "You no think at all is problem, too eager. That very, very stupid."

"Well in our defense we did not know it was a crocodile at the time."

"No, this stupid, try to save life, that okay but this..." She pointed at the stunned reptile. "That is special stupid."

"I am not going to apologize for trying to save his life, had this been a big one I doubt we would have bothered. Sorry, whoever you are but I am not going for a swim with this things big daddy to save your life. Not that you can hear me anyway..."

Nuru shook her head. "So you think because it small it safe?"

"Safe? Hell no. But we couldn't get it off without leaving the water, tossing it back out there again the bugger would have just latched onto one of us next."

"No safe to keep. Kill it."

"That... Well it just kinda hit me as we were struggling here that it would be funny as hell to throw a live crocodile at the enemy when they attack. Little nippy here would be all sorts of fun so kind of a waste to just stab it to death."

"Captain, you are demented and you risked our lives-" Altayih stopped as Verik shook his head.

"We need every advantage we can get right now. Besides, had it snapped at you, you would have just pulled your hands up and away, we need-"

"No more." Nuru clapped her hands together loudly. "Take this one to hut, now! Need much care. Not walk long time if not quick. You argue later. But." She looked at Verik. "Some things not worth chance, you on "other world" but no mean you not lose fingers or hand. No be stupid, we desperate, but no that desperate." Nuru tapped the crocodile on the head with her staff. "You think first hm?"

"Its a baby."

"Baby still take fingers, lucky this time, if you no be smart your life be very, very short." Nuru prodded Verik in the chest with her staff. "Think of others next time. You not live long enough to make all mistakes can be made, is very short life."

Verik watched her go as a few locals assisted by lifting the injured stallion and carried him back to the village, watching her go he looked at the blood streaked grass a moment before catching sight of Asha's panic stricken face.

"It wont happen again Asha. We need some rope, gotta tie its mouth shut real good and lash it to a strong pole, one of the bridge support poles should suffice for now."


Nuru hoped he had curbed his over eagerness, everyone could be the fool and he was no exception, so long as it was not a habit. He meant well, without thinking twice he had tried to help and knew enough to flee if it had been a greater threat but as she watched the little gathering grow she still hoped he would not become so desperate for an advantage over his enemies as to take such foolish risks again.

"Alright, we are all here, you joining us?" Verik looked at Nuru.



"I just watching."

"I still think this is a waste but oh well, gotta take a chance now and then." Verik pointed at the crocodile. "Alright, bring it over and lash it down."

Shahid and Altayih grabbed the crocodile and lifting its small body from the ground easily they tossed it on top of the small pyre and held on firmly.

"Ready captain. Are you certain? The trouble of catching-"

"Yes, I am. Thought about it all night and if it means getting a little help that allows us to survive then it is worth it. Besides, we toss Nippy at them it will only last a moment before they just stab it to death anyway. It would be funny to watch but maybe we can make Nippy go the extra mile here." Verik paused as Shahid and Altayih nodded. "Alright, here goes nothing." Verik accepted Jelani's knife and stopped before looking at Nuru. "Kill it before or after?"


"Right. Hope your death is worth it Nippy, now we wont get to see the screaming masses as we throw your scaly ass into their ranks."

"Captain, please, I do not like touching this thing."

Verik nodded and looked up at the sky for a moment. "Whatever your name is, we few are calling out to you god of war. We call to you for aid, we need not some piercing bolt of lightning nor ball of fire to sweep our enemies but we ask that you help us survive this. There is no doubt in our minds that we are... Ill prepared. We have no armor of any kind, few shields, but plenty of rocks to throw at whom so ever attacks. There is no shortage of sticks, though most lack anything more than a sharpened wooden tip. I also admit that many would rather die horribly than accept what I am doing now, calling to you and given the chance they would probably lynch us for doing this."

Fiddling with the knife he stopped a moment before continuing. "We have done all we can do, there is nothing left but to fight and die and let there be no doubt that we shall go down swinging as hard as we can. I pray that we take as many of them with us as we can should our defeat be inevitable, but we pray to you for that not to happen. Advice, a simple word that would allow us to just hang on another day, some insight that would give us an edge over our enemy is all I ask. I offer this sacrifice which I had intended for other purposes as proof of our sincerity. A price will be asked for your aid, I know this and accept that fact but also let it be known I will not accept just any price. There is a limit to how much I am willing to pay for this as we are not asking you to fight this battle for us. We, and we alone shall do the fighting. If it is blood you want then I can promise that the hill behind us shall flow with blood, not just theirs but ours as well. No battle is without casualties. But I will not sacrifice them to appease you."

"Captain, its getting rather hard to hold- I think this thing has-"

"Has some intelligence." Verik stared at the crocodile a moment before looking up. "I have no idea what we are doing or how to do this and if you want to laugh at our offer, so be it! At least I tried, I called a name and asked for an answer! I gave a worthy offering for all the misery it brought before its capture and not one bastard can say I did not try. At least look over us as we fight and smile at the effort we put forth in surviving the hell that is coming for we have more work to do! Shahid has a sister I have sworn to bring home and I have a wife I refuse to lose in some raid! And Altayih-" Verik looked at the Arabian who made a small shrug. "Has his own designs to just watch things burn. Let this not end here and so badly! If I am going to die for gods sake let it be worth something and that Asha be safe!"

Verik walked forward and looking the reptile over for a moment drove the blade into the soft underside of its neck and began sawing quickly as blood flowed quickly and freely. Thrashing harder the small crocodile fought against their efforts to restrain it before its efforts devolved into spasms and random twitching of the legs as the loss of blood took effect. Standing back from the pyre the three watched a moment before waving for Shahid to light the torch.

"This right Nuru?"

"Close enough."

"God of war, here is your offering, may you have at least listened to our plea and found it amusing." Verik took the torch from Shahid and stabbed it into the pyre. Within moments the flames lept up and engulfed the sacrifice in a blazing bonfire of intense heat that made the air almost sizzle. "Is this a good sign or is the wood just that dry?"

Nuru shrugged. "Not know."

Everyone watched the fire quietly as it burned fervently and white smoke drifted up and into the sky. "Well, I think that was probably the worst and most garbled prayer I have ever made."

"Heard worse." Shahid shrugged.

"So do we wait captain or-" Altayih rolled his hand. "My own family never had much use for prayer, well my father did, if rarely."

"Dont know, Nuru?" Verik watched as she shrugged again. "We are on our own on this one. Kind of a let down really, gotta admit that when Nuru makes a prayer for help you can really see the effect."

"True." Shahid and Altayih spoke in unison.

"Then why you bother?" Jelani kept her distance and watched.

"Because we are desperate and it wouldn't hurt. After those shared visions we are in for a world of hurt." Verik looked up at the sky. "That is the honest truth, we are damn desperate but not enough to give our souls up desperate."

"I do not think that will help captain."

"Well its the truth. We're not praying for some great intervention here but just some honest assistance in getting through this."

"Maybe it will not be that bad? We had time to prepare."

"I just got this feeling that its not that simple, something is not right in all of this."

"Nothing ever is captain."

"True, but- The hell?"

Everyone looked down at a trickle of blood oozed out of the pyre and began forming into a small puddle not far from the flames. The bright crimson color stood out from the dry, dusty, brown soil and the puddle slowly grew for a moment. Steam rose off the pool and the flames did not relent as they all stared in a hushed silence.

"Nuru, how bad is this?"

"Never see happen. Never hear happen."

"Alright, so the voodoo priestess has never seen or heard of this before which-"

"We should go captain, maybe your prayer-"

"Well it aint exactly spitting fire at us either."

Verik watched the pool of blood and racked his brain to remember anything he had ever read about religion and sacrifices. Working his jaw back and forth before looking up at the sky again for a moment his gaze returned and walking a little closer he squatted down and stared at the puddle despite the intense heat. Holding out a hand with a finger extended he carefully reached out and though the blood was hot tapped the pool before quickly pulling away. The blood sat on his finger exactly as he expected, it was blood, hot, wet, red and rubbing his thumb against it he stepped away and looked at the pyre.



"Obscure history." Verik looked at their confused expressions but Nuru watched and then nodded before backing away. "Millennia ago- Thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago? A sacrifice would be made and the blood sometimes used for marking individuals during the rituals. Sometimes as the sacrifice, other times to sanctify them, to invite a blessing."

"The blood probably just fell to the bottom before the fire started and oozed out before-"

Verik cut Altayih off. "It would have evaporated instantly in that heat, I think. Besides its hot to the touch but not searing, same as when I slit the croc's throat which makes no sense either."

"Having second thoughts?" Nuru watched Verik as he turned around to stare at her.

"Yes and no. Any idea what it might mean though, here that is. Am I on the right track of thought?"

Nuru shrugged. "Maybe is what Altayih say, fire maybe not catch that yet, possible."

"Right so maybe the blood flowed fast enough that this made it to the bottom ahead of the flame, collected, avoided the intense for the most part, cooled by the earth and oozed out following the path of least resistance. Then again it could be something else entirely be it good or something gone horribly wrong."

"We go now?" Asha patted him on the shoulder.

"Well... What the hell." Verik walked back into the intense heat and patting his fingers into the shrinking pool backed away again before looking at the others. "Maybe this will scare the hell out of them if nothing else." Tracing his fingers across his face quickly he watched as the blood was absorbed by the ground.

"Now we go?!"

"Yes, now we go."

Nuru watched them depart and stared at the pyre a little longer, was it chance, or was it something else? Turning away from the pyre and walking back towards the village she watched the ramparts and the collection of faces that watched them from a very safe distance.

"He not make things easy."

Tendaji turned to his brother angrily and sat down. "That one make things hard and challenge my authority, is bad sign to tribe. No respect. What next? He take my land and people, make-"

Sefu sighed. "Believe that?"

"Not know what believe now! That one is mercenary and pray god of war and death after I say no! How I trust-"

"Bit late to think twice brother."

"Not change fact he maybe betray Wete. If things bad as Nuru say then we not know truth."

"You worry too much. He betray he no survive, he need us, we need him. So stop worry."

"Only worry more!" Tendaji waved at the fortifications. "Fareed learn of this and skin me! Wete maybe survive this and destroy by other, much to worry about! That one even hoping they come here, they come here they see this and attack us too!"

Sefu shook his head and sat down. "That one have plan."

"Hard hide all this!"

"No worry."

"Maybe you not worry because it no hard for you, fight is easy, appease ones who kill with words not so easy!"

"No worry."

"How I NOT worry!? Should have taken tribe and fled with others."

Sefu reached out and with a large, heavy hand patted his brother on the back and pointed farther to the south. "No worry, too late run now. They here."

Slowing their pace from a rapid jog the column faltered for a moment as they emerged from the forest road and staring north their eyes fell on their intended target. Coming to a stop the mass stared in great confusion at what had been described to them as a small village along a riverbank but as they looked it over the village had turned into something quite the opposite of their expectations. Even the ceaseless hawking of the pace masters sent by Isibuso had fallen silent as they to stared at the hilltop village before looking at each other and then finally to Nyah who stood at the front of the column somewhat limply.

"You say we attack village."

"Yes, you attack."

"That is not village, we miss something, that is fort."

Looking around one of them pointed at the fields where local scurried like frightened ants in scattered masses towards the hill. "Is village, many fields."

Nyah pointed at the hill. "Explain how that village."

"You attack or die."

"We attack that we all die."

"Maybe, but all Sebanwi die if not. Maybe you charge now and catch in field, follow them-"

Shaking her head Nyah pointed at a long, snaking pit. "Have pit protecting, take time to cross, they running over little bridge and..." Pointing again Nyah sighed. "They pulling up bridge after them now, even if run hard when first come too late."

"You run too slow so your fault!"

"You set pace and say we take road because road faster. Trees hide us, but no, you want road so we go faster."

"Never say we not take road!"

"Never say we allowed to."

Gargling angrily the stallion pointed violently at Wete. "Attack! Kill! Kill!"

"Yes attack but need see first... There, small hill but give view. Look, plan attack and then kill."

"Attack now!"

"Lead way then." Nyah motioned for them to pass her. "No worry, we not stab you from behind, stab you then Khada die and all Sebanwi too. Lead way and take fort make you look big good in Isibuso eyes but... Maybe not live long."

The stallion hesitated and pointing to the hill nodded. "We look first."

Waving the column on Nyah and the others took their time approaching the smaller hill, reaching the base she waved them to stand behind the hill and out of sight while she took her sub-commanders to the top along with the pests. Reaching the top they looked across the gap with growing consternation. Below them a wide, deep canal was slowly flooding with water and it surrounded almost the entire hill. No bridges had been left intact, the planks had been pulled up leaving behind only skeletons which would take time to fill back in. Above and looking down on them a great snaking mound of earth surrounded the village but on another side a very tall stone wall cut off access. At the top stood familiar brick walls and crude crenelations that would make scaling the wall nearly impossible if not outright fatal.

"Well." Nyah shook her head. "No worry they run, they no plan to ever run. Plan to dig deep and stay so you no worry now yes?" She looked at the nearest striped menace who snarled at her with his ears pinned forward and tail twitching. "They no plan to leave, no see thing near water to take them away, so they stay. As Isibuso want. But," Nyah stared at Wete, "how we attack that?"

"Cross water pit, form up and charge up!"

"It no that easy fool. Want village destroyed yes? No destroy if all dead by charging blind into that place! Then village safe and they get away."

"Then what you do?"

Nyah pointed at two places. "First see what they do when we come, send two column there and there. Test them first. See how react. Find weak places first then focus on weak and overwhelm."

"That take too long!"

"Yes, but best way to find if we break in. See little specks there? They put sharp stake in wall, make very hard to climb, take time clear. Need know more so we make fake attack now, learn and then attack to kill later. Maybe we ask Isibuso to come, maybe need more to take this place..." Nyah looked at Wete again. "Many more."

"Then go!"

Nodding Nyah turned to her commanders and after giving instructions waited. Slowly two large groups departed and approached the canal, some tried to leap it but its width proved very problematic and finally they began the slow process of climbing down into the rushing water and wading across before struggling back out again.

"They foolish." Isibuso's spy shook his head. "Make defense so far away from wall, much, much space between pit and wall so it easy to cross. To easy."

"Not think pit for keeping others out." Nyah watched them struggle across before forming up again slowly. Moving her eyes along its length she stared at strange little lumps in the terrain. "Carry water for field?"

"Good, they across, now they attack!"

Nyah returned her attention to the two columns as they separated and began picking their way up the hill towards the fortifications.

"No, now we see what they do. What they thinking."

Verik stood on the rampart with the others watching the two columns split, one made its way towards the west and the other the south road. One was headed straight for his part of the wall and the other Sefu's line. As he watched them Verik raised an eyebrow and shook his head as they carefully made their way closer before freezing and then starting again.

"Well, now I know how they felt back in the colonies watching the locals probe their defenses."

"Captain?" Altayih motioned to the line. "Orders?"

Opening his mouth to say something he stopped as he heard some of the locals angrily curse him. He had prayed to a god of war just this morning and gotten exactly what he had prayed for, the enemy had come and it was his fault for calling them down upon the village. He had prayed for war and gotten it.

"Little bastards."


"Listen you bastards! They were coming anyway so unless you have something useful to say shut the hell up!" Verik watched as they quieted down but continued to glare at him. "Raswan. You saw that massive line coming this way, that cant be all of them down there in those two little groups. Also," he pointed at the figures standing on the smaller hill, "they are watching and not joining in. Go tell Sefu and Jelani NOT to waste our firepots and other little surprises on them. Just beat them off." Nodding Raswan darted off leaving Verik with his ever growing group.

"If they are not serious about climbing in with us captain then we just... Smack them away?" Altayih looked over the short, crude stick crenelation that topped the earthen wall.

"Yes. You... Um..." Verik stared at the light, dusty blue Arabian stallion beside him.


"Yes, tell that lot not to fling all the rocks we have just yet, toss a couple but we will need the rest later. Especially the big ones. And you, Uwalia was it? Handle the other group on the far side there as planned." Turning to the last one assigned by Jelani he just stared at him a moment. "Tam-"


"You know where to be." Verik waited until the half Arabian and half zebra stallion was gone. "Thats an odd looking one, same as Uwalia."

"Both in name and features though I can not complain about Uwalia captain. She has a certain... Exotic quality about her. Shall we take our places?"

"Yes, Shahid has first rank, Altayih your in the second and I am at the back."

"Would it not be better if you stood in the line with us?"

"I really do, I really, really want to stand there but my post is here or further back as your commander and besides, I know better. My job is to stand over here and make certain to fill the gaps and correct things. Dont worry though, when they make a serious attack we will all be in that shield wall fighting, no exceptions."

"As you command captain."

Verik watched them fall into the formation and took another look over the wall before quickly glancing back at a nearby stallion who was not part of the formation at large but was a part of Battashur's little group on the flank.

"Give me that axe."


"Here, take this." Verik handed him the spear and took the axe from him. "This is meant for felling trees and not poking someone off the wall, besides, you want to keep them more than an arms reach away right?" They nodded quickly. "Right, just aim the pointy end at someone and, yes you got the idea. Good luck."

Walking back to the rampart again and looking over he watched as the well organized group of enemy zebras stood quietly hiding behind their shields before quickly jogging forward again. Their movements were measured and steady as they closed the gap in short, sharp bounds before halting again to see what they would do. No one had fired on them yet and he could tell by the way they moved there was an expectation of a very sudden and violent outburst from the ramparts, one that would not come. Another sudden burst forward he caught sight of a blur streaking into the group, an arrow, it was a little high and passed over the outer edge but as it dropped down and into their ranks it pierced a random zebra in the arm. Shouting in pain the zebra fell back and hid behind their shield before being pushed back and quickly decided to retire from the attack. No other shots were made but the point had been proven: they were now well within range of a more focused attack.

A shout went up and the column fanned out rapidly into a line and charged up the hill shields raised and with great haste. Watching them a moment Verik waved Shahid to move his line up and seeing them step up and into position he continued to watch them climb rapidly up the hill but the incline was slowing their movement.

"You no stand there yes?"

Verik looked at the stallion he had traded weapons with before looking back. He was right, part of him was deeply fascinated in watching the spectacle that was getting dangerously close, another wanted to stand with Shahid but another knew it was time to go.


Watching a moment longer he caught sight of some movement, ducking down rapidly and turning towards Altayih and Shahid's line Verik shouted. "Get down!"


Their shouts were immediate but not all ducked in unison. Javelins shot over the top of the wall and one pierced the shield of a stallion who did not duck in time, staggering back in surprise they fell away for a moment before fighting to remove the object. Verik listened to the others slap harmlessly into the earthen wall but several others had gone high and cleanly over the wall which was not a problem for his group but as he watched them fall back to earth he grimaced. Not everyone had a shield and Wete was now a congested nightmare, those not fighting stayed further in and those acting as support stood behind the main line waiting or hidden behind the secondary walls. Falling quickly the javelins scattered into the group that was to back up his line should they over-run the wall. Seeing the javelins falling there was little to no time for anyone to get out of the way and though they tried, most ran into each other but thankfully the javelins were few. Some fell to the ground howling in pain as they were pierced or nicked but he could make out one or two who had collapsed in a lifeless heap.

Turning away and sliding off the wall in a hurry Verik moved further away from the wall. "Shahid, watch out for any more of those javelins and good luck."

Moving quickly to the rear he waited and watched as the line rose up again but with shields held more firmly and in front of them, there was no eagerness to see what was going on beyond their shields now.

"I back." Raswan let out a huff of air and looked at the wounded. "Have message from Jelani and Sefu!"


"Jelani say you treat them as stupid again she-" Raswan stared at him.


"She say you treat them as stupid again she get very big stick and come beat you. Sefu there and agree, they know this not real attack."

"Right. Well you can stand here with me then."

Nodding Raswan stood to his right and waited but kept glancing at him.

"Okay what is it?"

Laughing Raswan shook his head. "Is nothing."

"Well laugh harder because they are climbing up."

Turning their attention back to the wall they both watched as a sudden and violent flurry of motion began up and down the line accompanied by the sounds of objects slamming into shields. Spears stabbed down furiously as a few swung their shields back and forth to avoid getting stabbed by those climbing up from below.

"Battashur! Now!"

Watching as the Arabian stallion nodded from a distance and called out they watched as zebras carrying stones began chucking them hurriedly from their section of the wall which gave them just enough of an angle to catch the attackers from the side.

"What about Uwalia?"

"Not now, if this is enough to chase them off I would rather them not know about her side."

One of Raswan's ears turned quickly to the west for a moment. "They attacking Sefu now."

"I dont think that will be a problem."

"No- There!"

Verik's head snapped to a spot where a zebra had just climbed over a small portion of wall which joined the stone wall and the earthen rampart. No one had been standing there as it was a very difficult corner to consider climbing but one dedicated soul had done it.

"Get im! Altayih stay there and back up Shahid if they start to get through!" Raswan and Verik charged forward and as he ran forward pointed at Battashur and then the zebra while screaming. "Breach!"

Another zebra had climbed up after the last and falling to his hooves the stallion looked around and charged the spear wielding stallion Verik had traded weapons with. Holding his spear out and stabbing at his opponent as he pushed him back rapidly, the stallion stopped when Battashur pushed up from the side with a few others. Stepping back quickly and towards his comrade who had just climbed over after him and was rolling down the earthen wall the two fell into a group and kept their shields up. Glancing to their side and seeing the two ranks defending the wall they began shouting quickly while backing away.

Raswan reached them first and stabbing with his spear had it quickly swatted away with a shield while his opponent darted forward and made a quick stab at his belly. Stepping to the side he dodged it and made another quick jab as the two were hemmed in from the other side, another stab came at him aimed at the chest and batting it away Raswan flinched as blood splattered over his face and got in his eye. Shaking his head quickly and looking at his opponent who had collapsed backwards and into the wall screaming in pain, Raswan stared as the zebra held onto a stump where part of an arm used to be. Verik wasted no time in curling the axe blade in and with a low swing brought it hard towards the stallions unprotected belly but the blow was stopped as his compatriot shielded him from the blow.

The axe made a dull thud as it slammed into the shield but the blow and the zebra's off stance sent them careening into the wall. A rapid stab from the earlier beleaguered Wete villager caught him in the hip causing him to shout in pain despite it being a shallow stab. Swinging back angrily at the offending spear the stallion climbed back up the wall and tried to drag the injured warrior with him.

It proved impossible, Raswan stared as Verik let out a angry shout and closing the gap swung again at the wounded stallion and caught him in the hip opening up his side and exposing organs and bones. Letting go the other stallion back-peddled away before slipping over the wall and collided with another who had just managed to climb up. Raswan could see just a fraction but the two fell away screaming while the now twice injured stallion continued to howl in agony.

"Captain!" Raswan rushed forward as Verik buried the axe in the stallions chest before yanking it free and raising it again. "He dead now!" Verik hesitated a moment, blood had splashed across his face but as Raswan stared there was a new look on his face, he was enjoying it. "Verik?"

"Right... Here, hold this for me."

"Why? What-" Raswan accepted the bloody axe as Verik grabbed the dead stallion and dragging his corpse to the top of the wall watched as he hefted it a moment and gave it a slight pitch before climbing down quickly.

"Battashur, keep a few on this corner just in case they try again."

"Yes captain."

"You okay? Strange look in eye." Raswan handed him his axe and followed Verik back to their earlier post as the sound of the fighting began to die off.

"Just fine."

"Scary look."

"I did enjoy that."

"Why you enjoy it?"

"Dont know, bastards want to burn this place down and kill Asha, you lot to, just feels good to kill them. How about you?"

"Not kill."


Raswan nodded slowly with some concern. "Yet."

"Dont second guess it, frankly this was easier and is feeling more natural than the first time I ever killed someone. Oh! Battashur! Grab that shield and spear that one dropped! Give it to someone who needs it! Raswan, this was nothing. If that whole mob we saw arrive down there had charged us this would have been a mighty interesting morning. Dont worry, I dont think Shahid there can kill them all on his own anyway."

Looking at Shahid as he furiously stabbed at something while shouting angrily Raswan nodded. "He enjoy this very much to?"

"No, I just think he is pissed off."


"Well, if we lose this battle he will never see his sister again. Right now, the only real obstacle standing between us and her are that lot on the other side of the wall. I dont think he has any doubts about the plan we have for "later" but this has him in a... What is the word?"

"He is worried."

"Close enough, and right now he is venting that on them, they are interfering with what he truly desires."

"Hope he keep up, we anger later yes?"

"Later, yes. When they get serious we are going to need all the fury, anger and hate Wete has to offer because these sure as hell are not bandits."

A cheer lifted into the air from further away and it soon spread rapidly across the village and soon their own section of the wall had their arms up to the sky in celebration.


"For now." Verik looked at the wall and shouted. "Shahid?"

"They gone now."

Verik walked up the wall and motioned Altayih to follow and with Raswan in tow they glanced over the wall. Below them were no bodies but enough blood slide marks on the wall and in the soil leading away to tell a different tale, further down he could see their attackers carrying the dead and wounded away but when they reached the canal they had great trouble. Looking back at their own perimeter Verik knew a few had fallen, some injured.

"How many?"

Shahid held up three fingers. "Wounded, one bad."

"So par for the course being on the defensive then and only a probe at that. This is not good."

Raswan looked at him curiously. "Not good?"

"No, we have great advantages over them and I know for a fact one of theirs is dead, Shahid, how many did your line get?"

"Not know, know I kill one, stab in throat, here, much, much blood."

"Dead. So we might lose one, at least two seriously hurt from those javelins, they lost at least two and probably more... Raswan, can you make anything out down there? Count them as they cross, you have better eyes."

Nodding Raswan counted aloud as the distant column moved their dead and wounded across the canal one at a time. "That all of them."

"So they took at least fifteen total including fighting with Sefu, we can only vouch for two dead but I suspect they lost a few on his side to." Verik shook his head. "Well it worked, they probed us, and we beat them off without exposing anything."

Altayih watched the distant hill. "This shall be getting a trife more difficult will it not captain?"

"Try a whole hell of a lot. Shahid? How did they manage on climbing up?"

"Not so good, few make it, most unable, some try to pull spikes."

"So they are going to need ladders to make a serious attack on our side and they are testing things... Well at least we cleared the forest of a good portion of the useful stuff in the immediate area."

"Yes but now Wete is big bonfire waiting to happen." Raswan pointed a thumb back towards the wood stockpile.

"At least those bastards dont have it, we will need it anyway for more fortifications."


"Yes, you saw those two jump the wall here, Sefu probably has a few spots he needs to patch up now."

"Why they not make serious attack then? Why show us where we weak?"

"Double edged, that is why that group right over there has been watching us the whole time from that hill for. They know where its too steep, where its flat and now... At least one of them can report on what is behind this wall unfortunately. That is why they probed us, to make certain before comitting themselves. Of course, we can always change a few things but not much, at least they dont know about the rest of it thankfully."

"Ahh..." Raswan watched the distant hill. "If we no had prepared though..."

"This would have been a complete slaughter."

Nyah watched the only column she could see very well attack the south side of the village and as they painstakingly made their way up nothing had happened for quite some time. Eventually it appeared that a single shot had been made and hit one of her warriors who retreated from the battle while the rest pushed up the hill slowly. There were no sudden movements, no traps or tricks, they had just let them climb the hill, even a handful of javelines had not gotten a response out of them. Once at the top however a furious fight had broken out and though it was hard to make out details two had climbed over their wall. One had climbed back over fleeing and had fallen on another who had tried to climb in causing both to landed rather harshly at the base of the wall before a body was heaved over and on top of them. Further away the other column had already begun to fall back and waving her arm she called them all off and watched the retreat.

No counter attack came, only a loud cheer that rang out from the wall which made Isibuso's watchers shake in fury at the mockery. Shaking her head and watching them fall back in perfect order along the same path they took Nyah kept eyeing the strange discolored spots on the hillside. Little sumps in the ground could be seen or a long one, they bothered her. Thankfully the path chosen avoided them as one column had followed the canal and the other the side of the road on their way up. She wondered what they were but turned her attention back to the runners who had returned with a report.

"What happen?"

"Is fort. Not good fort, very new think? Not all finish. West side very hard climb, much defender. Wall is tall and good but prickly. Need ladder to climb over, too hard climb."

Nodding Nyah looked at the other. "South?"

"Very steep in places, easy in other, but wall is very tall and many spike, hard climb. Also prickly things all over wall, they put thorn and things. Have garrison to."

"Garrison? How many."

The two looked at each other and spoke back and forth before deciding on a number. "Think there maybe sixty, maybe more behind what maybe other walls."

"Other walls?"

"Wall behind wall, one see it so maybe more soldier but he not certain, no get good look. Poor armed but good organized."

"That all? We win easy!" They all stared at the spy who nodded his head. "You weak if not able to win against so few!"

"Good defence not need many to defend." Nyah sneered at him. "Only maybe sixty? Certain?"

"No... Think they know what we do and hold back. Only shot at once with arrow, only one. They not try hard, take time."

Nyah looked at Wete again and narrowed her eyes. "They want us send many, big, big battle and then kill many as can..."

"We attack-"

Waving her hand at the spy Nyah shook her head quickly. "No, not fall for trick, they have trick and waiting so we not play along." She looked at the forest. "Need ladder, we no get over wall without ladder. Make first then attack but also need forage."

"You not drag hoof again! Attack now! All go! All!"

"Not dragging hoof, need forage and ladder, no climb wall without ladder. They no go nowhere anyway so no worry. Also, need more to attack, not enough."

"You have-"

"Not enough. Battle like this take time, you no like it? To bad. Way is. Take time, take blood and bodies. You send message Isibuso, he want Wete, we find it, it waiting but need more. He send more we attack, he no send this take forever. We attack now, with all Sebanwi here, we no win. We lose. We lose? They maybe get away, that make Isibuso very mad but we no stop them because we dead."

Everyone watched the stallion for a moment as he regarded her carefully before looking at the distant fort and nodded. "Okay, you no let them escape! Make them stay there!"

Nyah laughed. "Think they no care to go yet, think they happy to stay and fight. You hear them yes? Very happy to fight, they only see Sebanwi, think they win easy but no so easy if rest come. Rest come, they not so happy." Watching a runner depart she narrowed her eyes a moment. "Why you so eager attack this place anyway? Know we need ladder but want to attack anyway? Why hurry?"

"You no question Isibuso! Obey!"

Watching him walk away she sat down and stared at the group tending to the dead and wounded at the base of the hill. "How many?"

"Three dead, ten wounded. Soon two more die."

"See to wounded."

"One thing more." Nyah stared at the commander and waited. "One who get inside fort and see? Say they have strange demon thing with axe inside. Make crazy happy sound as it chop-chop warrior to death with axe for tree cutting. Face cover in blood marking." He drew his fingers across his face. "No like what see, take body and throw after them, hit them with body. Is bad omen he say."

"Tell that one no speak again or be beaten." The commander nodded and left leaving Nyah to ponder her situation. "No tool for making ladder, need make tool or take tool... But take from where? All gone. What have not good enough, Isibuso maybe have now... Need food. How they know we come?" She stared at the hill. "That new, not old, cover road to but that take long time to make, no make in two days, take week or more, maybe three? How they know? No matter, make time now, Isibuso take time to come and that mean we no attack. When he come it get very bad but he forced to attack to and maybe help make him lose many... Maybe not all foragers come back? Spy watching... Tell him they watch area for enemy coming to fort? Make certain no suprise Isibuso from other ways. No, not let them know, tell them they watching to make certain they no escape or messages. That they believe. Yes."

Nyah let out a sigh. "Isibuso make things harder with spy now but manage somehow. Tell bigger lie they no prove is lie. Take him days to come here if run, but he not want leave precious worthless loot behind, have to bring cargo everywhere he go... This be a long, long siege, long enough they find out we here and send big army to fight and then we leave Isibuso behind to die. He can no say we not try now." She looked at Wete again. "Demon... No, they no have demon there, is demon following us. But what he see in fort? What they have in there scare warrior so much?"