A Seapony's Tale: Ceren's Descent

by SinAries13

Chapter 4 - Masquerade

Just as I entered, it occurred to me to ask the seapony who helped get me away from the crazy mares for her name. *SLAM!* The doors however, had other plans as they slammed themselves shut before I even got the chance to ask.

The atmosphere was kinda like a dead pirate ship with ghosts telling me to leave. It was dark, soon after my entrance I noticed there were crystals embedded within the walls of the ship that lit up in a purple-colored light as I swam by; it didn’t help ease my tension at all. I swimmed in closer to see a purple seapony with glasses sitting behind a stereo-typical hotel’s front desk.

There wasn’t much to note inside besides, her and the wooden floor boards.

“Uh...hello?” I said, this in what felt like the scared luigi voice from Luigi’s Mansion.

“Hm? Oh! hello the-re.” She stopped at whatever it was she doing to keep her that busy to not hear the front door slam. “Is there so-mething I can help you, Sweetie~?” she said batting her eyes at me.

I got closer to answer her question, when I did, I saw she was an otco pony with blue eyes.

“See something you li-ke, Sweetie~?” She said, knowing I was looking her over.

“I-I...uh..no I wanted to know if the elder was here?”I said, trying not to make eye contact with her. She grinned.

“Well, of course he’s here, Sweetie~.” She said looking at my shyness.

“Um...my name isn’t “Sweetie.” It’s Ceren” I corrected her.

“I know.” She said as she adjusted her glasses, there was a minute of silence after that.

“So...can I see the elder?”I said, wondering when she’ll stop looking at me with those eyes like that.

“If thats what you want, dearie.” She said getting up from the chair, opening the door to the second floor.

“Right this way~.” She showed me the way.

“Mares first.”I said, and I’m going to be on my best behavior this time.

“My! Aren’t you a gentlecolt.” She said, stating the obvious.

She entered through first likeI said, and I followed. the next room had the same feeling as downstairs, but it had an even stronger feeling of dread to it. The next room seemed to contain rows of benches for people or ponies to row at. I noticed more crystals embedded in the ceiling as we passed them.

“So...w-what’s your name?” I asked, trying to eliminate said feeling of dread.

“I’m Dream Charmer, care to be cha-rmed?” She asked me with another steamy look.

“Um...nice to meet you and no, I don’t...”I said, plainly.

“Well, you’re no fun, are you!” She said before going through a hole in the ceiling.

I rolled my eyes at that statement and followed her. She then stopped at a door that looked like it led to the Captain’s quarters.

“He’s just behind this door, Dearie” She said.

Ok thats getting annoying...’ I thought. “Yeah...thanks, Dream”I said, before attempting to go in, but was stopped by her.

“Remember,..if there’s an-ything else you need, you know where to get me” she said lustfully to me.

“But...what if I come and you’re not there?” I asked a stupid “what IF” question.

She grabbed my face making me look her in the eyes. “Oh I’ll be there...” She said before letting go.

“Ch-ao.” she said before going back to the front counter.

I looked back to the door, shaking off the image she just gave me. I reached out to the doorknob, but it magically opened by itself.

“Enter.” The old voice said.

I hesitated, but did as I was told. The door shut slowly, accentuating the bad vibes with a long creak. The crystals in the room were red and I saw an old seapony sitting at another desk. I swimmed closer to get a look at him, with all the red crystals in the room, I couldn’t really tell what color he was. He seemed to have a long whitish-grey beard, his eyebrows were bushy enough to cover his eyes. He had many trophies laid out on the desk, implying that he was quite the pony back in his prime.

“I know why you’re here.” he said. ‘Is he some kind of psychic?’

“You do? Then...you know what I’m about ask?”I said, confused and a bit worried by his knowledge.

“Yes and you’re not normal seapony are you?” He asked.

Well, this is creepy.’ I thought to myself.

“Yes. It is.” He apparently replied to my thoughts.

“WHAT?!”I said, panicked.

“As for that magic problem, I CAN fix that...” He said.

“But what’s wrong with my magic?” I manage to say.

“Hmmmm...” He pondered.

“Well?” I said, getting a little impatient to know the answer.

“Have you come in contact with any mystic beings, lately?” He asked

“Uuuuhh....” I looked away, remembering that Italian bastard who put me in this situation. “Yeeeah?” I answered.

“Well... he seems to be the one who put a magic seal on you before you got here...I’m honestly amazed you got here without a scratch.” he said. ‘what’s that suppose ta mean?’ I thought.

“It means I expected you to be mangled and in the medic’s office, but seeing that you are here unharmed means mare luck likes you.” he said.

“Oh glob, not her toooo...”I said, getting irritated by this and remembering the trouble it’s caused me and thinking of the trouble that’s most likely going to follow me.

“I cannot guarantee what may happen to you, but at least you’ll be able to use magic...” He said as his horn began to glow white.

“WAIT!! Is it gonna hurt?” I asked before he did it.

“No.” He said, his horn glowing brighter than before. “Its going to hurt after!” He said. ‘WHAT?!?’ no point of screaming if he can read my mind. His horn burning bright rainbow colors, blinding me. The bright light began to dim down a bit before I opened my eyes.

“And that’s it.” He said before the crystals turned white, The old seapony was dark blue-green and his bottom half was similar to a fish of some kind.

“That’s it?” I asked wondering. he nodded.

FINALLY!!! I can speak to you without causing you to pass out!

What the?! Hey, can you hear him!’ I thought, the elder looked at me funny.

“Hear what?” The elder said confused. I facehoofed at this new problem of mine.

It’s pointless, dude. Only YOU can hear me, nopony else

“It’s nothin elder, thought I heard something.”I said, trying not to show my irritation on my face.

Oh that’s harsh man and I’m right here too.

“Wait, didn’t you mention that I was gonn-” An overwhelming pain shot through my head, disabling things started to get woozy, my ability to speak, blurring my vision. I saw Dream come in the room, but I couldn’t hear what the elder was telling her to do. My world was spinning into darkness.


Uugh, my bucking head...again!’ I awoke in some dark place, my eyes were open, but my world was dark.

And this is what a hangover feels like.

ugh...but I never drink alcohol, so what makes you think you have?

. . .

Yeah, thats what I thought

Damn, outdone by a noob...

Dude, don’t start. You’re just as a noob as I am...’ Wherever I was, probably my subconsciousness or something. I decided to wake up from this weird fantasy of mine, everything lit up blinding me into the white void.


“. ….h....up.” said a familiar feminine voice.

“hhhm...what hap-”I said, but stopped at the surprising view I saw; two purple-pink eyes were within my personal space. “AH! Gaze!?” I flipped out of the seaweed bed.

“Hi, Cer~en!” She said Cheerfully, floating over the bed that I was sleeping on.

Ah, Gaze, may your tomboyish cheerful attitude be GREATLY awarded one day.

“Gaze, why were you floating on top of me?” I asked trying to ignore my “other” me’s voice.

“Well, protecting you from what could possibly have been a rape scene!” She glared at somepony across the room. I floated up to see who.

“Wandie, you know I won’t do th~at.” Dream said sitting the chair octopus style, adjusting her glasses.

Dream.....dead sexy octopony

HUSH!’ I had to hush my “other” me, so I could hear the mares.

“Yes, you would! You had a grin as big as my smile, when I passed the Academy finals! You were so gonna do it to him when you brought him here! ” said the light-yellow seapony.

“Stormy, plea-se. Enough of these....accusations you two always say” Dream said very coyly.

Dude! They’re arguing over yo innocence!

So help me luna! That I don’t figure out a way to hit you with my ring ha-Dammit!’ My frustration grew at this epic fail.

You mad we got no hands.

Shaddup’ Where’s my ring hand, when I need it.

Score one for meee!

I said shaddup already!’ The girls were still at it, due to my absence in conversation. I better break this up now and get some magic practice done.

“Hey, Ceren? What do you think?” Gaze asked. Apparently I missed something, but whatever, as long as I do my magic training.

“Huh? Oh? Yeah, sure whatever.”I said, still coming out of my thoughts. Gaze and Storm gave me a look, then Gaze rushed to me with a hug and Storm blushed excessively where she floated.

“My! You are more open minded then I thought!” Dream said with a sultry grin.

Umm what did I just agree to?’ I thought majorly confused, while Gaze is hugging me.

You agreed on them sharing you.

Oh glob WHAT!?

That’s for the Kelso burn ya gave me earlier, ya Jackwaggon!

Dammit!’ Trying with all my best efforts not commit mental murder.

“Well I best be hitin th’ole dusty tr-ail.”I said, trying to pry Gaze off me.

“And WHERE d-oo you think you’re going, hm?” Dream asked curiously amused by my reaction.

“Um...to do some magic practice?” I answer sheepishly.

“Well if it’s magic practice you need help with, I’ll be Gla~d to help.” Dream said with a cat whose corned the mouse look on her face.

“N-nah I think got it c-covered” I said, knowing what could come from this.

“Oh? And how will you fend all of them off?” Dream pointed her hoof out the window like hole, I looked only to see a couple of female seaponies blending in like all assassin creed style.

She’s got a point, y’know

It pains me to say this to YOU, but I have to agree on that’ I’d reached my decision on this.

“Fine, but no funny business!” I told Dream.

“Oh? What funny business do you ever mean?” An angelic look falling over her face. Everypony in the room looking right back at her.

Oh, I like her.

Shut yo dirty trap and keep yo THOUGHTS outta my mind.’ I thought threatened my oth-God! He needs a name now.

“*Sigh* Alright, lets get this over with.” I said, wanting to get to my magic training as soon as possible. “And Gaze?” She looked up at me.

“Yes, Ceren?” She answered.

“Please let go of me...” I said, but she didn’t.

“But you’re so soft and smooth.” She rubs on my stomach.

“Dream, Storm, please help me get her off.” I asked them. Dream had a twinkle in her eye, but Storm stopped her.

“I’LL help him.” Storm said swimming over to me.

“Oh? I thought you were too shy to let me rub you, but you want to rub him that badly?” Dream’s coyness knows no bounds.

“S-shut up!” Storm blushed, while trying to get Gaze off me. Untill the most disruptively loud thing occured, my stomach, I had totally forgotten to feed myself. Its was enough to make Gaze loosen up because of it.

“Gotcha!” Storm yelled having finally removed the other seapony from my middle.

“Oh come on!” Gaze shouted and pouted.

“Um...ya’ll got anything to eat around here?” I asked everypony.

“We have a Cafe down by the fire reed, not far from here.” Storm said.

“Well, lets get a move on, because I’m starved!” I said, rubbing my hungry tummy.

“Yes. It has been quite some time now, since we’ve eaten” Dream said.

“Lets go!” Gaze said, I’m keeping my distance for the moment. “Oh I’m not gonna hug you again...yet

“What was that?” I ask, wanting to know what Gaze mumbled.

“Noth~ing.” She said smiling, before swimming out the room first.

I watched Gaze as she swam out of the room. ‘O-kay’ I thought. We all exited the Medical reef. Dream, Storm and Gaze took the lead to show me the way, but I felt a death glare go down my spine.

“Hey are there any other GUYS here besides me and the elder?” I asked, maybe there’s a jealous guy nearby.

“Well, we are a little short on males around here, which is why the others girls went crazy for you, Dearie” Dream explained Smiling looking back at me.

“Ok its not “dearie, or sweetie,” its Ceren.” I’m correcting her again! seriously Dream?

“Ok, Ho~ney.” She said coyly.

that's really getting annoying.” I mumbled. Dream’s ears perked.

“What was that, Honey?” Dream said with a smilingly creepy attitude. The other two cringed, at her tone.

“N-nothing! Just wondering where are the “other” guys are? hehheh.” I answered nervously. I still had that death glare chill down my spine, I looked only to see other seaponies I wasn’t with staring at me. ‘Ok, seriously! who's hating on me?!’ my paranoia was seriously leveling up at this thought.

“We’re here, hm? is something wrong Ceren?” Storm asked.

“hmmm...its probably everypony staring me and giving me the You-do-this-with-me or something, I get very paranoid sometimes.” I saw the cafe, it was almost like a cafe back in my old world.

The Cafe was of course made of the same coral material as most of the buildings in ‘town’, but the rest had some type of wooden structure. Probably parts from some ship or another, the doors had a wooden frame and windows. Despite not looking busy today, it still felt slightly cramped. I entered first.

I looked at the counter, they were getting some food ready for the next customer’s, there were a couple of otco ponies working behind the counter. Chopping and slicing some type of food that I couldn’t see.

I looked to my sides to see more starring seaponies sitting down on Coral tables and wooden chairs. ‘I seriously need a mirror again, because this is ridiculous’ I tried to ignore to the stares, but it was to no avail.

They’re checking ya out.

I swam up to the counter and began to examine their inventory. My eyes widened upon seeing that they were chopping up fish, not that I had a problem with fish. ‘Dayum I thought seaponies were gonna be like regular ponies, but boy was I WRONG!’ I thought before calming myself after seeing part fish eating fish. The octoponies finally got done chopping and brought their attention to me.

“Oh! a new customer! What can we help you with, Sir?” The Brown octopony said.

“Um...do ya’ll have anything with shrimp?” I asked.

“Yes we do!” The Dark blue octopony said.

“Then I’ll have yer best one!”I said, cheerfully, wanting to know what they would serve me.

“We’ll call you when its ready and for your ladies?” I turned to them.

“Ya’ll order something, while I find us a place to sit.”I said, to them, happily nodded.

I went to see if there were any tables nearby the windows, I always liked looking out the window, it may not the same here as the vastness of the skies, But I still liked it though. Luckily, I found table nearby one. ‘Yes. It must be my lucky da-’ then some grey seapony guy comes in and takes the table for himself and there was only enough for four ponies.

“Um...excuse me could you move to another table, please?” I asked nicely, but he looked quite angry.

“And why would I move for a minnow like you?” he said in a rude tone.

Minnow?’ I thought confused.

Minnow is basically a small fry, that’s what he called to you

“Uh...so my friends and I can enjoy the view?”I said, not liking his attitude.

“Tell ya what why don’t you swim off and find an eel while the ladies sit with a real stallion.” He said with a grin on his face.

Well that wasn’t very nice, I’m starting to NOT like this pony’s attitude

“How bout YOU go find an eel while I sit here, with a nice view, with my friends to keep me company.” I said, starting to feel the raising tension in the room.

“Careful you don’t lose your temper there, don’t wanna go messing the sharks.” He said.

“What sharks? All I see here is a guppie who couldn’t even keep up with its school.”

Aw snap, its gonna go down, never thought you’d start a fight

Hey I didn’t start this, he did.’ I thought quickly, after seeing the grey seapony starting to get mad.

“Like a clownfish like you wouldn’t even know a shark if he saw one!”

“Oh I’ve seen one, but you ever gotten out of your cave at all!?”I retorted in an irritated tone. This guy is seriously hating on me, why? Electricity started to spark between us.

Oh nah you didnt!

Well he’s starting to pi-’ My thoughts were interrupted by the grey seapony hitting me across the face his hoof.


“THE HELL’S YOUR PROBLEM!?” I shouted at him. This guy has now officially pissed me off!

“YOU’RE my problem!” he said, with his horn glowing a Dark orange, I then felt a force moving me towards the window, making me crash into it. I flailed a bit before recoiling myself for balance.

“Dude! What. The hell!” I said.

“What makes you so special to her? You couldn’t even reflect my magic!” He said before his horn glowed once again. This time slamming me on the coral wall of house, his horn glowed again, but I felt no force, though, I looked to see what he was planning.

“Oh shit!” I dodged an incoming magic blast, instead of me, it connected to the house. Leaving a hole where I’d been moments before. ‘That could have been me...’ I zoned out at the thought of it.

But it wasn’t, now pay attention!

I snapped out of my trance, I saw another blast coming my way, I dodge gain He really got frustrated and started firing multiple magic blasts at me.

Ceren! Don’t let him fire at the village!

Damn! he’s right, don't want any casualties on the village folk! I tried making a magical force shield, but it was to no avail.

“GOD GLOBBIT! How come its not workin!” I was getting frustrated by this not going my way.

A light purple force shield blocked the incoming fire, I looked to see it was Dream saving my hide and the villages too.

“GREY!” Dream shouted at the grey seapony. I saw a quick wisp of bubbles pass me, but i couldn’t see who it was.

“D-Dream..I-!” He was interrupted by a tailslap to the back of his head by Storm.

Storm and Dream began to beat the tar out of the not-so-friendly fish. Gaze swam up to beside me.


“Hehheh...remind me to never piss off Storm or Dream.” I nervously said to Gaze. She had small laugh.

“Storm can be a little overprotective at times and Dream...well it’s probably best if you ask about that guy to her, but I don't know if she’ll tell you yet, I think.” Gaze explained, I looked back to Grey to see that he was no longer being pummeled, he was getting scolded by Dream instead. Storm came my way, pulling out a seaweed bag out of nowhere. ‘Where did that bag come from?

“Whew! Are you okay, Ceren? I was surprised to see you get smashed through that window, what happened?” She asked me.

“I’m fine. This is why I need to practice my magic, so I’ll be able to help stop jerks like that!” I said, Storm hoofed me the seaweed bag. I looked inside and found my meal for tonight. I saw Dream swimming over to where I was almost blasted to pieces, fixing the hole that Grey caused with some kind of reconstruction magic.

“I wonder if I’ll be as good with magic as Dream one day?”

“Don’t worry, I know for sure Dream will teach you some useful magic.” Storm said with a smile. “As long as she keeps her tentacles to herself” She mumbled something I couldn't hear.

“I hope so, I need all the magic can get.” I said, wait where am I gonna sleep? “Does this village have a place I can stay at for the night?” I asked.

“No, we don’t, sorry, Ceren. ” Storm said sadly.

“Oh! You can stay with me for the night!” Gaze offered me happily.

Alr-ight, we’re gonna be warm tonight.

Do you have an OFF switch to that perverted mouth of yours.

You mean YOUR perverted mouth, I’m your subconscious remember

“So you can hug him all night? I think not Gaze.” Dream said from right behind me making me jump a little. “Oh sorry, honey, did I scare you? How about you stay at my pla-”

“NO!” Storm interrupted Dream, I looked at her funny.

AW! But I want to!

“Oookay, then I can stay over at your place, Storm?” I asked her, her face turned beet red.

“I-I-I dunno C-Ceren...” Storm seem to be thinking hard on this, better ask about the elder’s place.

“Storm it’s ok, I’ll just ask the elder if I can stay with him for the night.” I told them.

“NO!” They all shouted at once. ‘WHAT is wrong with the elder? He seemed like a cool dude to me.’ I thought.

He must have some bad rumors on his plate

“Soooo. . .then I guess I’ll be staying at your house, since everypony rejects the elder idea. I guess I’ll be sleeping on your couch then Storm.” I said, but she seemed pretty flushed to the idea of it.

“Well...I don’t want you sleeping at Dream’s or the Elder’s house and Dream objects to Gaze’s house, s-so I g-guess it’s okay.” She said not making eye contact with me being blushed.

And you say I’M perverted, who knows what goes on in that head of hers.

Dude, come on, leave her alone...’ I thought. “So...I guess it’s settled then, so...yeah.” I said. The others didn’t look disappointed at all by the decision that I made. ‘Whatever I’m gonna eat my food when I get to her house and get my training tomorrow instead.’ The crystals seemed darker than before. ‘Are the crystals connected to the sun and moon?’ I looked curiously at the crystals, but I didn’t bother trying to figure it out right now.

“Well, this is goodnight for now, you have some swe~et dreams, Honey.” Dream said with glare on her glasses, I saw her practically grinning when she swimmed home.

“I better get going to, I...uh...left my heat stone on! Yeah, gotta turn those off! Bye.” Gaze said in a rush and swimmed off fast.

“Oookay, well they seem to be in a rush. So Storm, ya ready to show me the way?” I asked Storm.

“Y-yes, Its just a couple houses down from the elder’s.” She said leading the way, why do I have the feeling that Gaze and Storm are up to something?

I followed her to her house, it was more of an enforced structure than the others ‘Is that a look-out?’ I looked at her, confused.

“I always make sure that Home is safe from harm.” Storm said proudly.

“But there’s no way you can do it ALLL by yourself you must have some help, or something.”

“Of course, we have the Cove keepers and the Chief to also look out for Home.”

“But I didn’t see them when I came in.” I looked at her confused.

“Thats because you were with Gaze if you had been alone you would have seen them, I assure you and if you’d been a threat you would never have seen anything else.” She said.

“Sooo...they like ninja fish or something?” I questioned.

“Ninja?” She laughed. “Whatever those are, no, they’re expert guards who trained in the same academy as I did.” She explained.

We approached the door and went in. As sturdy the lookout house looked on the outside, it was a pretty sweet deep sea crib from what i’ve ever seen.

“Whoa! Who knew living in a lookout would this awesome!”I said, brightly eyeing the interior her house.

The interior seemed to be made of the same coral and wood I’d seen around the rest of the town ‘how do they keep the wood from rotting? and are those books!?’ I thought looking at them.

I was gonna ask, but my stomach had other plans for me.

“Man, I’ve haven’t eaten since I’ve got here. Where’s the dining room table at?” I asked wanting a place to sit for my food and I.

“It’s down the hall your left.”

“Thanks I’ll be eating my delicious meal of shrimp then.” I said.

“And I’ll be in my lookout if you need anything.” She said before heading up the stairs.

I passed by some kind of big couch, made up of some kind of sea sponge along my way to the dining room. ‘I guess thats where I sleep tonight.’ I when I got to the dining room I saw that the chairs were made of the same kind of sponge as the couch and the table was made wood, ‘how do they keep the wood intact down here? Nevermind, must eat now.’ I thought digging into my shrimp which were surprisingly still warm.

Now too tired to call Storm down and too lazy to go get her. I swam groggily over to the large couch and lay down on it. ‘Ugh, today was the roughest day I’ve ever had in my LIFE,....but also the most interesting by far.’ I began to drift off into a deep sleep.

stay tuned for the next chapter! Also, give a hoof to Coatlus our Editor.

Author: me
Co-Author: Avorin
Editor: Coatlus