My little Pony Isekai: The Wolf.

by Fernando1717

3.- Tsunomon.


Tsunomon, as he presented himself, looked at her with a shyness that Fluttershy knew all too well, it was the same with her whenever she met a new pony or creature, reason why she kept her distance and let her little furball friend get his courage first.

" Hello, my name is Fluttershy, and this is Pinkie Pie, don't be afraid, we won't harm you ". Fluttershy used her soft but confident tone to convince the little Digimon that she spoke the true, she sat and waited until Tsunomon decided that continue from there.

" I, I know you're not gonna hurt me ". The round creature jumped closer to the yellow mare letting her see him better now, at this new distance Fluttershy could make his features better, like the little fangs protruding out of his mouth and the light blush of embarrassment. " I wanted to thank you fo-for helping me back then ".

" Uh uh uh! Fluttershy look, it can talk now! Pinkie happily pointed to the obvious. " Not a problem little friend, anytime, but what happened to you? Why aren't you jelly anymore? What's that big horn coming out of your head? Does it hurt? Does it have magic like the horns of unicorns? Can I get one too? Is your inside still jelly? Are you like a filled donut? Are there an entire race of filled pastries trying to take over our world? What's your naphmmmmmh! ".

Having enough of the barrage of questions, Fluttershy dunk her hoof in Pinkie's mouth to shut her up. " Pinkie! You're scaring it! ". Fluttershy turned to the little critter who was has retreated back to the doorway. " I'm sorry, my friend is a little too talkative but she's a good pony, we're sorry again ".

" O-ok, I, I'm ok, I'm just not use to been alone again after so long ".

" Alone? Are you lost? Did you lost somepony? ". Fluttershy asked.

" I, I, fri, friend, partner, Matt, ugh ". The fuzzy ball begun to tear up as memories of his human friend came back to torment him of what he just lost, his tears quickly marked a wet path on his orange fur as the pain in his heart made him felt cold. With his eyes closed he could only tremble at the thought of living with a hole in his life, a hole that no amount of data could fill.

His cry was interrupted when something warm and soft engulfed him, his eyes opened immediately but all he could distinguish was a delicate coat of yellow fur and a voice so sweet that reminded him of Matt's armonica.

Don't cry little baby,
Please don't cry,
I'll give you a hug
so please smile.

I know you're hurting,
but please don't cry,
I'll give you a hug
and a lullaby.

I came here to play,
so please don't cry
I'll give you a hug
be day or night.

If still feeling sad,
and need some more,
just baby don't cry
and I'll give you more hugs.

Be one or a thousand,
my hugs won't stop,
till' your tears run dry
and your heart feels full,
of warm and affection
of love and joy,
so please don't cry
instead rejoice.

The small Digimon all but forgot his sadness as he listened to the angelical voice of the pegasus mare. Fluttershy for her part was also surprised if her actions, understanding that her body moved in automatic seen a small creature suffer in front of her.

" Sorry ". Fluttershy let go of the orange furball but he wasn't crying anymore. " Are you feeling better? ".

" I, I do, thanks ". The Digimon looked at her with wonder, it was becoming for him more clearly that this new Digimon were more like himself and his friends, not like the wild ones that roamed the Digital World in search for pray and battle. Knowing this he became more open.

" Thanks again, for the food and everything, like I said before, My name is Tsunomon, I'm looking for my friend, he's a Botamon, or maybe a Koromon, or even an Agumon!".

" Your, your friend? You're missing a friend? Oh no, we should help you, right Pinkie? ".
Fluttershy turned around only to find the pink mare crying instead. " Pinkie! ".

" So so so beautiful! That song, mwhaaaaa mwhaaaa! Can I get a hug too? ". Pinkie asked as her tears practically turned into waterfalls.

Fluttershy hugged her friend tried to call her down but turned to the other one. " So you lost three friends in total? ".

Tsunomon shook his head, which was his entire body really. " Only one, he shouldn't be too far from where I restarted ".

" But, you mentioned three names, and what do you mean by ' restarted ' ? ". Asked Fluttershy after letting go of Pinkie.

The Digimon stopped to think, now more calm he started to notice pretty unusual details, for once, so far the whole area he had been around was strange, devoid of machinery or electric components. Second was th two creatures with him, in his long life he has seen many kinds of Digimon, data, vaccines and viruses, In-training, rookies, champions, Ultimates and even many Megas, yet those and the snake that tried to eat him before felt different, more like Matt and the other humans felt, that and their names.

" So, your friend have three names? ". Pinkie asked in awe. " And here I thought we exaggerated with names like Dinkle Bob Peppersmith Jr ".

" No no, he only has one, but I don't know in which level he is right now ".

" Psst psst, Fluttershy, I think that horn may have pierced his thinking box ". Pinkie whispered to her winged friend.

" Stop it Pinkie ". Fluttershy tried to ask again. " Sorry, but we don't understand what 'level' has to do with the name of your friend, instead, why don't you tell us how he looks, maybe we have seen him somewhere ".

Tsunomon wondered why didn't they understood him, was he in some backward part of the Digital World where the habitants were dumb? Well, not that he could brag of been smart or know-it-all, Tentomon was the smartest of the group and even him got things wrong pretty often.

" Ok, if my friend is still a Botamon he'll be around my size when I was Punimon but he will be black in color, if he evolved already into Koromon he'll be pink with long ears and around my size, if he further evolved he'll look like a yellow dinosaur and will walk in two legs, I don't think he would go Champion so fast so you don't need to know how he looks as Graymon ".

" Ooooh that explains everything, easy peasy ". Pinkie once more whispered. "Fluttershy, maybe he has the same thing that Granny Smith has ".

" Pinkie, he's not senile, I think that he is not from their world, remember what we saw before finding the egg? ".

" Ooooh! You mean that my alien theory is real?! ".

" Maybe, I don't know but, maybe Twilight or one of the Princesses knows something more, but for now we can't let him alone in here ". Fluttershy turned to Tsunomon again. " Sorry Tsunomon, but haven't seen or heard from somepony, or somecreature like you describe ".

Hearing this, Tsunomon became crestfallen. " But, there's a few ponies that may know about it, my friend Twilight for example, she's very intelligent and has a lot of other friends that may have heard or seen your friend somewhere in Equestria! ".

" Really? You think she would help me? ". Tsunomon asked with hope high.

" Of course she would, she's the princess of Friendship after all! ".

" Princess? Friendship? ".

" Yes, she loves to help anypony that needs her, I'm sure with her we'll find your friend faster, right Pinkie? ".

" Twilight? Pffff! Easy, just as long as she doesn't go through one of her mad neurotic episodes because she feels she's under achieving, sure ".

" Alright! Then take me where she is, please? ".

The two mares exchanged uncomfortable looks. " Hm, I wish we could do it now but you see we're-! ".

" We're in the middle of a mission to save a town from some eeeeevil cat-like guy, it's very important that we get there first and save them from it ". Pinkie interrupted.

" Oh, so, that means that until you're done with your mission you can't take me there?". The Digimon asked.

" Unfortunately, yes. I really would love to help you right away, but this job came from one of the princesses, so we can't avoid it, plus, this place is very dangerous to send you off by yourself so it would be better if you come with us, wouldn't you? ". Fluttershy suggested.

Tsunomon thought about it, they horse-like creatures didn't seem to be lying, as for the danger of the place? Just remembering the snake that almost had him for lunch send chills down his entire body. Not finding further options, he accepted.

" Ok, I'll go with you, you gave me food after all, and saved me, I'll help.tou out! I mean, if you need my help ". Tsunomon became bashful at the end.

" You will? That's wonderful, then let's have some breakfast and then let's be on our way ". The two ponies and the Digimon cheerfully continued to know more about each other as they interacted.


Despite their best efforts, the ponies failed to even land a bit on the evil black cat that was terrorizing their home. One by one, the patrol ponies that gave chase to the mischievous feline were put down, some with scratches, some with punches or bites, some simply by crashing against objets while trying to grab hold of it, but at the end, the whole patrol was injured and unable to continue defending the town.

The desperation only free after finding out how much food they lost with the fire from last night. The situation was just baffling for them.

" This one is no good either ". Said an old doctor earth pony after checking the wing of the last pegasus. " She won't be able to fly for a few days until the bone heals ".

" Bu-but what about the town's watch? There's almost nopony left! ". Asked the mayor of the town, his voice hiding nothing of his gear and frustration.

" We'll have to do with what's left, and maybe even have some of the other folks help around, I know the patrol is important but look what just happened, that cat injured more than 12 ponies in one night alone and if you send them back without recovering first, you will be talking about them with the undertaker instead of me! ".

" But without the patrol that cat will destroy everything! ". Protested the mayor.

" I don't think so, I believe so far that... cat, has been harassing us to get a reaction, at first ignoring it was keeping things modest but as soon as we became more antagonist of it it's antics became more aggressive, look now, we tried to hurt it and it was the patrol that end it all bang up! ".

" I can see that, but what would you have us do then? If we ignore it it's just gonna keep wrecking out town! ".

" We don't need to confront it, just hold back until help from Canterlot arrives, I'm sure they will be here soon enough and then it'll up to them to deal with that creature, I'm sure that Princess Celestia send her best guards to take care of this ". Said the doctor convinced.

" Hmm, for our same and the town's, I hope your right ".

" Don't sorry my friend, you'll see, I can see already those brave ponies coming to save us, we have nothing to fear ".


" I'm scared ". Fluttershy said with trembling tone.

" Come on Shy! It's just a bit high, just flap your wings like you always do and you can reach the ledge ". Pinkie encouraged her friend who looked around to see any possible danger, she found not immediate trouble but found Tsunomon looking at her.

Not wanting to discourage her new companion by showing such her worst side, she braved up and prepared to jump, she lowered her body to jump and take air, but then she noticed a few things that made her lose her focus. The ledge where Pinkie was waiting was surrounded by thick thorny bushes, the safe area where she could land was not very wide, a little mistake could have her end up in a dangerous situation. The difficulty of the task along her low self-confidence made her hesitant once more.

" Are you worried about the thorns? ". Asked Tsunomon standing next to Pinkie, the earth made having helping him up.

" I, well, I, ye-yes ". Fluttershy admitted with shame.

Tsunomon took a look at the bushes, indeed they looked quite dangerous, he found his yellow companion to be rightfully cautious about her task, another look bellow showed him that she was taking it badly, luckily, he had a way to help her.

" I'll help out, stay back! ". Tsunomon bounced near the closest bush, then he took a deep gulp of air and blew it back out. " BUBBLES! ". From his mouth, a stream of bubbles flew towards the bush he aimed for, Pinkie Pie saw the weird display and thought that the logic behind it did as much sense as she herself did most of the time.

The bubbles hit the bushes as intended, and as expected, they blew up in contact with the first thorn, but that was as far as things kept been normal, for the thorn along the everything else near or attached to it blew out of existence the same thing happened again when the rest of the bubbles popped, making the loudest popping sound Pinkie or anypony in Equestria ever heard.

The last of the bubbles passed through the now half blasted bush and stroke the one next to it doing the same kind of damage with the same cacophony of destruction. By the end, a wide area was cleared out of thorny bushes, making the ledge safer for the pegasus to fly to.

" Pi-Pinkie! What was that?! Are you and Tsuno ok? Was that your party cannon?! Answer me please! ". Not receiving an immediate answer Fluttershy threw her safety away and replaced it with fear for her friends' lives, with speed that even Rainbow Dash would proud of Fluttershy jumped and flew where her two companion were waiting.

She landed and quickly inspected the situation. " What! What happened?! Are you two ok? What was that loud bang I heard?! ". She asked in worry.

Pinkie was in petrified shock, her mind processing what she just saw while Tsunomon watched her with curiosity. " Oh, you made it up here! That's good! ". Said the Digimon.

" Tsunomon, are you ok? What happened here? And why is Pinkie like... like this?! ".

" I'm fine, she's too, I think, she froze like that after seeing my bubble attack blow the bushes, but I don't know why ".

Fluttershy saw that indeed, one of the bushes that prevented her safe landing was no more in the way, there were pieces at the side, sings that the bush didn't just disappeared but was destroyed by something.

" You, you said that you blew it with... bubbles? ".

The little furball jumped happily. " Exactly! My bubble attack! I also have my horn attack, but using it on thorns looks like a bad idea ".

" Bubbles? ". Asked the pegasus again still in disbelief, she could have expected such nonsense coming from Pinkie Pie or Discord but now she was dealing with another creature that defied the laws of common sense in Equestria.

" Yes! And it was awesome! ". Said Pinkie, apparently now free from her previous paralysis. " You should have seen it! First he was like, buruburuburu, then the bubbles flew like little cannonballs but more soppy and cute, and I was like, hmm, this seems interesting, then they blew and the bush was like bang! Bang bang! Bang ba-mp! ".
Fluttershy once more had to stop her friend from rambling her ears off by shoving her hoof on her mouth once more.

" I, I think I get it Pinkie, please, just, let me get this ". Fluttershy turned to her new friend. " Hmm, Tsunomon? ".

" Yes? ".

" Do you, do you have more dangerous attacks that we should know about? ".

" Yeah! Do you have laser eyes? Can you launch your horn at enemies? Do you have psychic powers? Can your burps freeze things? Can your sneezes create tornados? TELL US! ". Each question got Pinkie more excited and unhinged, causing th shy Digimon to hear de behind the shy pegasus.

" Pinkie! Please, you're scaring him again ". Fluttershy turned on to her other companion with worry, she wasn't too thrilled by the news that this cute little creature had such dangerous abilities. " Sorry for asking but, please, try not to use your, uh? Bubbles or any other, attack in front of other ponies please, they could get scared of you if they see ".

" Uh? Scared? Why? Don't they have attacks of their own? ". Asked Tsunomon confused.

" I, we don't have that kind of things, I mean, at least I think we don't, Pinkie? ".

" I don't know, does Dashy's Sonic Rainboom counts? Or your ability to talk to animals? Or Rarity's gem finding sense? Now that I think about it, you girls are pretty weird, am I the only normal pony among us? ". Said the pinkie mare.

" A-Anyway, just in front of other ponies, please don't use your bubbles, or any other surprise that you have, ok? Please? ".

" Hmm, ok, I don't mind, you're helping me find my friend after all ".

" Thank you, and I promise that we'll help you as soon as we're back ".

" Then let's go, let's go! I want to see what kind of food they have where we're going! ".

" Adventure! ". Pinkie once more took lead as the small group kept their march.


Feline eyes inspected the small community from the shadows of the Everfree as a sense of glee was accumulating in the owner. She could feel it, the negative energy coming from the distressed town, energy that would help her get back to her real form, to her beautiful and horrific form.

Still, it was not enough, she needed more chaos, more suffering, she started small thinking incorrectly that that would be enough to trigger her next evolution, when she realized that she needed more she increased the level of harassment on the habitants, destroying or stealing their stuff, causing fights among them, scaring them at night, and still was not enough, then she went further up, first by deprive them of their food supply and now even attacking those who came chasing her.

Now the amount of energy she was getting was greater but still lacking, which meant that she had only one path left, to attack the residents directly, no more tricks or half assed confrontations, just like she did with the bunch of equines that tried to catch her, she would drive her claws into the hide of every single habitant.

However, a growl from the belly of the feline Digimon broke her concentration in one go. " Dang! Can't believe I'm this hungry again! ". Cursed the black cat, since her arrival into this strange world she found herself in the need of constant search for food. Back in the Digital world she would feed off weaker Digimon thanks to her special ability, LIFE DRAIN, however, that attack was not available for her in her current Champion form so she needed to consume nutrients the old fashion way, which meant she had to hunt for fruits, nuts or small animals that were unlucky enough to cross her path, but that too wasn't getting her full.

" Guh! Just playing with those flying horses took much of my stamina, and those horned ones are almost as annoying as those stupid kids from back then! ". Complained the virus Digimon.

Her plan was now to go to a small stream that passed near the edge of the forest and caught some fish, that was her most successful hunting area.

" Stupid happy little town, enjoy the little peace you have left ". After one final look, she jumped back into the Everfree.


Fluttershy watched as her two companions bounced ahead of her, the two chatted away about mundane things, mostly food, Pinkie would mention all the kinds of pastries that made in Sugarcube Corner while Tsunomon talked about strange food names like Teriyaki, Tempura, Sushi, Hamburgers, and many other that Fluttershy never heard before, most likely food from where he came from.

While this happened, Fluttershy walked behind them in silence since she had little to none that she could contribute to the talk, after all she just eat boring and plain food, cooked vegetables, hey and oats and tea, she doubted the little creature would be excited to o hear it.

Her negative thoughts made her sigh and look down feeling lonely. " What do you like to eat Fluttershy? ". But not long did a sudden question put her out of it immediately.

" Huh? ". She looked up to find Tsunomon next to her, he was standing there, waiting for her answer with anticipation similar to that of a little colts eager to listen a fairytale.

" What kind of food do you like? Do you like sweets, do you like fast food? How about cake, I like cake! Strawberry is my favorite! ".

" I, I like cake too, but I, I normally don't eat too many sweets, I prefer healthier meals ".
Fluttershy said expecting disappointment in her new friend but he didn't look bothered by it.

" Oh! So you like fruits and veggies? I like them too, I didn't like them before but Matt showed me how to make them taste good and then I end up liking them a lot! ".

" Matt? Is that another friend of yours that is missing? ". Fluttershy asked smiling.

" Yes! No, I mean, Matt was, Matt was my... He's not missing but, but I, we won't meet, ever, I-ugh ". Fluttershy saw in slow motion how his cheerful expression morphed into another tear-jerking moment.

" I, I am sorry Tsunomon, I didn't meant to remind you of something awful, it wasn't in purpo-wait! ". Before she could finish apologize Tsunomon jumped away, crying and bouncing his way into the bushes of the dangerous forest. " Pinkie! We have to find him! ".

" Already on it! ".Pinkie went into action right away, jumping into the same bushes Tsunomon did, Fluttershy followed soon after but her wings got her tangled and by the time she managed to cross the green obstruction no sign of either pony or Digimon could be found.

" Pi-Pinkie? Tsunomon? Guys? Hello? ". Her voice achoed through the trees and thick bushes of the forest but her only answer was the sounds of unknown things creeping along the shadows of the dangerous area, now more alone that before and with only her erratic breathing as companion she went into full panic. " Ca-calm down-n Fluttershy, you, you aren't a filly a-anymore, you, you helped defeat Nightmare Moon, this is no-nothing! ".

Her little monologue helped and she relaxed a little bit, but the snapping sound of a branch behind her made her jump high enough to break through the canopy of trees and fly away.

" Uh? That's weird, I thought I heard Fluttershy around here? ". Said Pinkie as she stepped where her yellow friend was just a few seconds ago.

" Maybe she's angry at me for running away again ". Said Tsunomon from the back of the earth mare.

" Fluttershy? Naaaah! She's one of the more forgiving ponies I know, believe me, but she's a bit of a scary cat so we better hurry and find her before her mane turns white ".
Pinkie said as she started the search.

" All right! I can use my bubbles if we find any difficulty ".

" Little guy? I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship! ". Pinkie said to his companion.


The Digimon cat could not believe her rotten luck, just as she captured a few fishes to had her fill, out of the river jumped a huge reptile with the intention of turning her into its own lunch, of course she wouldn't allow that, but the fact that she was now starving and low on stamina didn't help much.

Her normal attacks weren't able to pierce the thick scales of the reptile, only annoying it. " Stay back you filthy creature, you think the great BlackGatomon will be done by you? Never! ". BlackGatomon jumped back and then measured the most optimal distance for her next attack, she prepared her right claw, charging it with energy despite the protest of her stomach, when the reptile like creature tried to eat her with its huge jaws she launched her attack.


The claw attack landed right on the muzzle of the reptile, a sizzling noise indicating that the maneuver worked as intended. " Ha! Take that you over grown igua-nyaaaaah! ". Her celebration was short lived as the creature trashes the Digimon with its tail.

The river creature roared and growled in pain but didn't pursue the cat Digimon as it considered a bad trade to risk further injury for the small snack she could become. With a snort of annoyance the reptile returned to the water, leaving BkackGatomon behind.

" That, that's should teach, you, ugh, I, I'm empty ". The feline slumped to the ground, her breathing reflecting her exhaustion. The fatigue should settle down now that her body was resting but it seemed that she surpassed some kind of limit she shouldn't have for the next instance her body began to glow.

" Curses! ". Her body continued to glow until a transformation occured, it was fast but when the light faded the result was in plain sight, her body was now a cream white color and her size reduced for a few inches, more apparent was her new look, in her previous form at least she looked intimidating and mischievous thanks to her cat appearance, but now she looked like some kind of puppy, one that wouldn't even inspire danger no matter how hard she tried.

" Great! Now what else could go wrong? ".

Her answer came in the form of a yellow pony with pink mane walking out of the dark part of the forest. " Hello? Pinkie? Are you here? ". The pegasus with asked with fear in her voice, fear which disappeared the moment she saw the puppy like Digimon on the ground.

" Are you ok? ". The now Rookie Digimon could only curse her luck before passing out.