Spike's Rainbow Dash

by FamousLastWords

The Party Begins (Part One)

From here on out, our tale becomes quite an interesting one. While Spike and Rainbow Dash had made an innocent bet, they had unwittingly sparked a landslide of popularity and interest in their little game that sent tremors even through the quietest of streets. Ponies, mules, griffons, unknown creatures and deities had put forth investments so vast the shock factor was near improbable. Profit was on the agenda, and beings across the lands of Equestria desired a piece of that scrumptious pie. Who wouldn’t, though? A bandwagon traveled throughout and it was accepting anypony willing to board.

A certain pink pony had been preoccupied with the duty of keeping bets handed in by the gambling participants. In all truth, there was no other perfectly suited for the role of bookkeeper than Pinkie Pie. Her inherent energy and fortitude proved thoroughly beneficial when it came to collecting wages. She made it her sole purpose to allow everypony an opportunity to contribute. The second she heard of Spike and Rainbow Dash’s challenge, Pinkie Pie immediately jumped on the chance to play odds-matcher. A nonstop, maddened bouncing accompanied by bright smiles inevitably came forth. True to her character, the party pony toured all over Equestria and beyond. And she cherished every moment of it.

Pinkie Pie was having fun. Everypony was having fun, she supposed. Fun was of the utmost importance for this challenge. And as long as Spike and Rainbow Dash continued to battle each other, the levels of entertainment presented were sure to skyrocket. Well, congratulations, Pinkie Pie, you succeeded. Because the biggest party in all of Equestria was about to begin.

We all know how parties of mammoth proportion often end, though, right?

Spike's Rainbow Dash

“Spike, Rainbow Dash is most likely looking for you now,” Twilight Sparkle informed her number one assistant. “She is definitely planning something.”

“You might be right.” Spike rubbed his chin contemplatively. “If everypony’s placing bets on her challenge, then Dash will probably not back out now.”

“Precisely. Hence, it is absolutely necessary that we set up our own plan to ensure you do not fall for her.” Twilight Sparkle’s horn glowed a bright purple. “I’ll research methods for avoiding confrontations and flirtatious behavior.”

“Do we even have a book like that?” Spike asked doubtfully, shaking his head. “And I keep telling you there’s no way I would ever fall for her.”

“I know that, Spike.” Twilight Sparkle floated a thick book to her face. “But being ready for anything is better than being unprepared.”

Spike sighed. “I know you, Twilight. There’s no way I can stop you from studying this, is there?”

“Nope.” Twilight Sparkle flipped through the pages of the book. “Spike, take notes. We’re going to nip this thing in the bud once and for all.”

“We don’t need to do this,” Spike assured the flustered mare. “If this thing’s for real, then I’ll fight back with everything I have.”

“I'm afraid we can’t rely on that, Spike,” Twilight Sparkle replied, floating a parchment and quill to Spike.

“Why not?” Spike ignored the writing utensils orbiting his body.

“I don’t want to get into this. We need to concentrate.” Twilight magically opened another book beside her.

“Twilight, you’re going to need to trust me. I can resist anything Dash brings my way.” Spike then blushed softly. “B-Because… I like Rarity, remember?”

“That’s exactly why I feel we need to study, Spike.” Twilight Sparkle began speed reading. “You’re prone to falling for mares that exude physical attractiveness. Remember what happened when Apple Bloom’s hoop ring fixed up my hair like Rarity’s?”

Embarrassed, Spike flushed harder. “T-that was completely different! A-Anyway, Rainbow Dash doesn't have any of those features. I can’t even think about seeing her in that way.”

“What if Rainbow Dash knows about your weakness, Spike?” Twilight Sparkle shuddered, glancing over her book. “What if she got a makeover?”

Spike couldn't help but grin. “Impossible. Dash would never go that far.”

“We don’t know that, though.” Twilight returned to her book. “Now grab those writing tools and let’s begin.”

“No, Twilight.” Spike pushed away the parchment and quill. “I’m going to handle this. Everypony’s getting worked up about nothing.”

Spike turned and attempted to exit the Library treehouse. He was almost out the door when he suddenly found himself halting. His legs did not move forward. Peering back, Spike knew the unicorn’s lit appendage was the cause for his frozen state. Twilight Sparkle’s eyes allowed Spike to understand his close friend’s concern and uneasy conviction. She feared for Spike, and it was discernible she was only looking out for his innocence. During the years under her watch, Spike had always been shielded and kept safe by her maternal instincts. Her constant displays of friendship held together their relationship, and the two experienced harmony in this manner.

“Twilight.” Spike produced a genuine smile. “Trust me, okay?”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Twilight responded quietly.

“I won’t get hurt. I promise.”

Twilight Sparkle brought her head down, the luminosity of her horn growing faint. “Okay, Spike. I trust you.”

Spike stretched his legs and nodded buoyantly. “I’ll be back.”

At that, Spike left his home behind and started his search for Rainbow Dash. He had to admit Pinkie Pie had really outdone herself once again; bringing everypony into the mix of their challenge was not what he had anticipated. Yet Spike guaranteed himself that whether the game persisted or not, he was sure to bring an end to it. Even if he had to achieve a win. It was time to show Ponyville what he was truly made of. His forte was not to be taken lightly.

Rainbow Dash waited impatiently atop the clouds for Spike. Where was he? He wouldn't hide from her, would he?

Scanning the grounds below, she searched for the victim of her perfect plan. As soon as Spike saw her brand new look, he would fall into a love coma right then and there, she figured. Rainbow Dash fantasized about the look of amazement that would be on Spike’s mug when he stood before her grace and beauty. She squealed in sheer eagerness, squeezing her hooves together tightly. She just couldn’t wait to blow Spike away! She planned to part the clouds slowly to produce a spotlight of sun, and then leisurely descend from the heavens like an angel. The flutter of her wings and the sparkle of her exterior would be a sight for the ages!

“Where is that dragon?” Rainbow Dash murmured to herself.

“He’s coming, Rainbow Dash. I saw him just now, and he’s looking for you,” a familiar voice answered.

“Aw, yeah! Thanks, Derp—”

Rainbow Dash stopped and realized that Derpy was standing right next to her.

Dash leaped back in shock. “Derpy! What are you doing here?”

The cross-eyed mailpony beamed. “Hi! I’m here to offer my assistance.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Uh, what? Assistance?”

“Yes! I want to make sure you win this challenge. So I've come to give you a hoof,” Derpy Hooves confirmed, nodding. “You look so pretty, by the way.”

Rainbow Dash blushed at the compliment. She wasn't quite used to the new look, and she didn't take into account that other ponies would see her like this while the challenge remained. Looking like Rarity felt very strange, to say the least.

“T-thanks, Derpy.” Rainbow Dash avoided eye contact with her friend. “But I don’t really need help right now. I can handle this by myself.”

Rainbow Dash recalled the last instance she had worked together with Derpy Hooves. Frankly, the mailpony was a clutz, and each time she involved herself in a task, the result often amounted to destruction. Allowing the clumsy pegasus into her foolproof plan of love was the last thing on Rainbow Dash’s to-do list. Nevertheless, she appreciated her companion’s intentions; Derpy was a diligent pony with a kind heart. It wasn't her fault for being the way she was. And now that Rainbow Dash pondered on it, Derpy was quite the inspiration.

“I’d be great help, though,” Derpy Hooves insisted, eyeing Rainbow Dash pleadingly.

“Well, I don’t know, Derpy. I think I’ll be fine by my—“ Rainbow Dash’s peripheral vision caught sight of the tiny dragon she had been waiting for. “Oh, Spike’s here!”

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings like a hummingbird. The time had finally come! Her marehood was going to be apparent more than ever. Spike’s defeat was imminent.

“I need to hurry up and move these clouds!” Rainbow Dash spoke aloud. “He’s coming right this way!”

“Let me do it!” Derpy Hooves insisted avidly. “I won’t let you down, Rainbow Dash!”

“Fine! Fine! Just do it now!” Rainbow Dash ordered without hesitance, not thinking too much on her decision. “Oh, this will be awesome!”

Spike sought out Rainbow Dash like a predator on the hunt. After an hour of exploring Ponyville, he brooded over whether the pegasus was flying high above the clouds. If so, then maybe she finally had discovered just how ridiculous her announcement for a battle actually was. Hiding from her mistake seemed like typical Rainbow Dash behavior.

Spike considered alternative options for finding her. Should he request aid from another pegasus? He could ask if the pegasus could scavenge the skies for Rainbow Dash.

“Looks like I won already.” Spike chuckled, speaking to the clouds above.

“Ha! Guess again, Spike!”

“Huh?” Spike blurted out, dumbfounded.

The white clouds he had been addressing just before spread apart, producing a window for the sunlight to brightly shine through. Spike was rendered immobilized as he witnessed a scene that jolted his senses. What the dragon saw he could not for the life of him comprehend. To grasp such an event was near impossible. How was this real? Right in front of him was somepony he’d never seen in the entire time he’s been alive.

A mare, he concluded. An exquisite mare. A mare so beautiful that the very notion of looking away was blasphemy. The mare’s silky, blue coat twinkled radiantly, reflecting the very firmament she was meant to represent. Her polychromatic mane glistened and rested comfortably atop her cute face, waving into a tiny curve at her strands’ end. A variegated tail appeared to be responding to the air resistance as it fluttered lightly, mesmerizing Spike for all the loveliness the mare was worth. Who was she? Who was this goddess of exotic colors?

“Wow.” Spike breathed in. “She’s amazing.”

“That’s right! I’m amazing!” The mare agreed arrogantly, laughing. “He, he! You’re so falling for me right now, aren't you? You just didn't want to listen to reason, did you? Ha! I so win!”

Spike felt like he had been run over by a freight train. What did the mare just say?

He fell over, completely dazed. “Rainbow Dash?”

“In the flesh! Just look at me now!” Rainbow Dash hung in the air, putting her hooves to her hips. “You can’t help but fall in love with this! You know it!”

“You got a makeover? Wait. H-How is this possible? Why?” Spike supported himself on his hands.

“To win, of course! So, how about it? I won—“ Rainbow Dash started.

Suddenly, a streak of lightening engulfed Rainbow Dash in a sharp flash. Spike yelped as he was flown backwards into the dirt ground. Neither the dragon nor the pegasus could register what had happened, for it occurred too quickly and abruptly. Rainbow Dash was shocked to kingdom come. As a weather pony, she was used to receiving the occasional shock from a rain cloud, so she was only stunned briefly. She seemed to be fine internally. However, one could not say the same for the external.

Rainbow Dash stared ahead, eyes widened and mouth agape. Her mane and tail no longer held the magnificence it exhibited recently but now looked charred and blackened. Smoke seeped from the mare’s roughed up coat. In a split second, Rainbow Dash’s makeover was gone.

“Oops!” Derpy peeked over the clouds apologetically. “I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash! It was an accident!”

“Derpy!” Rainbow Dash barked angrily.

Derpy Hooves hid behind the clouds, her voice growing faint as if she were distancing herself from the scene of the crime. “I just don’t know—”

"You struck me with lightning! That's what went wrong," Rainbow Dash yelled.

The sounds of snickering could be heard from the ground. Snickering became cackling, cackling transitioned into full-on laughing, and the laughing burst into a howl of pure hysteria. Spike lay on the ground, convulsing and crowing in shrieks and uncontrollable fits of laughter. The look on Rainbow Dash’s face was absolutely priceless! He should have taken a picture of it. If only everypony had been around to see it.

Rainbow Dash flew to the ground in a huff. “What’s so funny? You think this is funny?”

“Oh, you almost got me, Rainbow Dash, I’ll give you that!” Spike crowed, wiping a tear from his eye. “But you didn't really think it would work out in the end, did you?”

“So, what, you’re not in love with me?” Rainbow Dash tested, irritated that her efforts were all for naught.

“Not even close.” Spike stood up, facing Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

“Well, it’s just the beginning! I’m not going to stop until you fall for me!”

“Are you still saying that?” Spike guffawed once again. “Okay, Dash. Fine! If you’re going to be serious about this, then I will as well.”

“You’re not going to see me giving in, Spike.” Rainbow Dash grinned, spreading her forehooves. “This was just a minor setback.”

“Then it’s my turn to roll the die.” Spike cooed smoothly. “Rainbow Dash, want to go on a date?”

Rainbow Dash remained still as she mulled over the words spouted from the mouth of the dragon.


Now you're probably asking yourself ‘Why is Spike asking Rainbow Dash out on a date? Isn't he trying not to fall in love with her?’. Well, before I leave you hanging desperately off a steep cliff, I’ll throw you these words.

Spike had a plan.