//------------------------------// // New Roommate // Story: Homeless Sunset Shimmer // by Sunny Solaire //------------------------------// Waking up a few hours later, you stretch and sit up on the couch. It was a very old and uncomfortable couch that belonged to your grandma or something, you can't remember. All you know is that it's older than your parents. That's right. A run-down apartment filled with crappy, hand-me-down furniture. Not that you're complaining. At least you've got a place of your own, and it's warm. Count your blessings, Anon. Remembering the events from last night, you pop your back and get to your feet. Your brain isn’t completely awake yet as you shuffle to your room. Quietly opening the door, you look on your bed and smile. Sunset is curled up in a little ball, cuddling underneath a big blanket. And she's snoring. Loudly. The sight makes you chuckle under your breath. However, the chuckle ends abruptly when a very unpleasant aroma reaches your nostrils. It smells like a combination of garbage, cat piss, and shame. "Oh man..." You whisper to yourself and cover your nose. The cold last night probably dulled your senses, which is likely why it wasn't noticeable. Now that she's been here for a while, it's much more apparent than before, and it's probably going to linger for a bit. Oh, well. You're helping someone in need. She can shower and you can clean up. It's all good. You head into the bathroom. After performing your sacred morning ritual of shitting, showering, and shaving, you head back to your door to check on Sunset, about twenty minutes later. Opening the door, you see that she's still dead asleep, and still snoring loudly. It's probably the best sleep she's had in a while. You're glad she's enjoying it. You hold your breath and tiptoe over to your dresser to grab a black t-shirt and your jeans from the previous night before stepping back out to your living area to clothe. Well, you wouldn't call it a "living area", per se. "Habitat" seemed more appropriate. You look around at your apartment. Good hell, you're a slob. Old pizza boxes are stacked in the corner, your garbage can is overflowing, you've got a ton of dishes in your sink that aren't clean, and there's a musky smell you can't quite put your finger on. What the hell, Anon? You call this place a suitable living situation? You've got a very pretty, albeit smelly, and very destitute roommate now! Where is your pride? Where is your integrity? Clean this shit up. You step into the kitchen to grab a big black garbage bag and quickly start picking up the clutter around your living room and throwing them away. Picking up the clutter is your main objective right now. You don't have proper cleaning supplies like windex or anything, so you add that to your mental checklist of stuff to buy today. You're planning on taking Sunset shopping. You'll help her get on her feet, get her some clothes, maybe find her a job... Woah! Slow down there, Anon! It's only her first day of not being homeless. Let's just take this one step at a time. You're willing to let her stay with you as long as she needs to. No need to rush. Although, it does give you an idea. You could clean your "office", and make it her room. Get her some furniture, a bed, a TV, maybe a laptop, it would be fun. You smile at the thought and keep picking up the garbage around your apartment. After a couple of minutes of brainstorming and tidying up to the best of your ability, your door opens and a very tired, very satisfied looking Sunset comes walking out. That old AC/DC shirt looks fantastic on her. She rubs her eyes and smiles at you. "Good morning, Anon." You smile back at her. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty! How was your night?" She giggles and moves some of her hair out of her face. "I think that was the best night's sleep I've ever had in my life." You smile and tie up the now full garbage bag. "Well I'm just pleased as punch to hear that." She smiles and stands there awkwardly, looking around the apartment. "Looks like you've been cleaning." She comments. You laugh as you get another garbage bag. "Yeah, it was getting a little out of control. I’m not used to having guests, so I wasn't really ready, you know?" "Oh... I'm sorry." She says. You walk back out and look at her. "Why? It's not your fault. I invited you up, remember?" She looks to the ground and rubs her arms. "Y- Yeah, but still..." Your smile fades as she rubs her arms. It was here and now that you first notice the extent of her bruises. "Oh my gosh..." You breathe. There were only one or two cuts on her arms, but they were almost covered with numerous dark bruises. It looks like she had the hell beat out of her. You can't help but stare at them in a horrified trance. Now you're really worried about her. She obviously notices you staring and quickly turns around, shamefully hugging her chest to keep them out of your sight. "No, let me see. Are you okay?" You approach her, and gently set your hand on her shoulder. She flinches and shields herself on contact. "No!" You quickly remove your hand. Message received. No touchy. You wait a minute and calmly reply. "Sunset, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise..." She shakily stands up straight and turns around, looking at you with tears forming in her eyes. "Just, p- please don't touch me." You nod slowly and she brings her arms back into view. She doesn't show them off to you, exactly, but she does allow you to look at them. You've seen tragedy and horror before on a TV screen, but seeing the effects of it in person... This is a different kind of disturbing. You study every part of her arms making sure to burn this image into your head. You can't believe that this happened to such a pretty young girl like her. "Oh Sunset... Do you... need to go to the doctor?" You ask. She silently shakes her head and whispers, "No..." You meet her gaze. "Now you listen to me, okay? You don't ever have to worry about anything like this ever again. I'll make sure you're taken care of and that you're safe. For as long as you need... I promise you that." As you speak, her expression melts from fear into just plain sadness. She shuts her eyes and lets new tears fall down her cheeks. Without warning, she buries her face into your shoulder and hugs you tightly. She's full-on sobbing now. "Anon, I... I c-can't even begin to tell you... Tell you how th-thankful I am!" She says between sobs. "I didn't know selflessness like this existed in this world!" You embrace her and just let her cry. "I... I seriously thought I wouldn't last another night!" She says. "It's been d-days since I last ate, I-I can't remember when I slept in a bed, or... or even when I took a shower! I owe you my life!" "You don't owe me anything, Sunset." You reply. You stay there together for another few minutes as she cries in your arms. She doesn't let you go until she calms down a little. When she's breathing normally again, she breaks the hug and looks up at you with a small, quaking smile. "You're such a good person, Anon..." You smile back at her. "I try my best to be." She sniffs again and giggles. You stay silent a minute longer before shifting gears. "Well, let's brighten things up a bit now, shall we?" You head back into the kitchen and start looking through the fridge. "I'm willing to bet that you're still pretty hungry. So, why don't you go take a shower, get nice and clean, then when you're done, I'll have a nice, big breakfast ready for you. Then afterwards, I'm thinking we go shopping. I'll get you the start of your stuff." You turn and face her with a smirk. She looks surprised. "S-Stuff? What stuff?" She asks with another sniff. "Just, stuff!" You say. "People need stuff. I have stuff, and I love my stuff. It's only fair that you have some stuff too. I'll get you some clothes, toiletries, and a few other necessities." "Oh!" She sniffs again. "Well... Thank you! Thank you very much!" "Hey, you're worth it, Sunny." You give her a wink. She giggles again. You wave her away with your hand, making sure she knows you're playing. "Now go! The sooner you get ready, the sooner I can spoil you!" She smiles and walks toward the bathroom. "Alright!" You turn back into the kitchen and pull out some eggs. "And... Thank you so much again, Anon." She's poking her head out from behind the wall and smiling at you. You smile back at her. "You're welcome so much again, Sunset. Take as much time as you need in there. If you need anything, just holler." She smiles and heads into the bathroom while you take a deep breath of fresh air and start thinking again. You feel terrible for admitting it, but she just smells so horrible. She's such a sweet girl and she's so pretty, even with all the dirt and crap on her, but you couldn't take her smell much longer. Luckily, she's not homeless anymore, so this won't be an issue again. You head back into the kitchen and start getting the necessities for breakfast. You want to make this one REALLY good, so you brace yourself and get started.