//------------------------------// // Starting Over // Story: Homeless Sunset Shimmer // by Sunny Solaire //------------------------------// Well, dammit. You had forgotten that the only good food you can make is a mean bowl of cold cereal. Anything more advanced than that, and you're running the risk of burning the whole building down. Which is exactly what you're doing right now. You had planned on making pancakes with toast and scrambled eggs, but instead, you overcooked the eggs, the pancakes were boiling and overflowing over the edge of the pan, and your toaster was on fire. You didn't even know pancakes could boil. The flames have spread from the toaster onto the stove and it was getting bigger. So now you're armed with a cooking towel, and a pair of oven mitts, and you're swatting at the flames. You take one more swipe at the flames with the towel, but it catches fire in the process. Now you have that to worry about too. The blaring smoke detector isn't helping calm your nerves either. So you were caught off-guard when Sunset came running up behind you. "Anon! What's happen- OH MY GOODNESS!!" She shouts. You throw the flaming towel on the ground and start jumping on it. Turning around, you see a soaking-wet Sunset wrapped in just a towel and covering her mouth. "Oh, hey Sunset!" You say with a nervous smile. "I'm, uh, kinda in the middle of a situation here, but don't worry! I've got it under control!" Hopefully... You manage to put the flames out on the towel, but it's too burnt to serve any practical purpose now. So now what? You face the flames, trying to think of what to do. "Anon! Use the fire extinguisher!" You turn around to see Sunset handing you the small fire extinguisher. “Where did you find this?!” You ask. ”It was beside your fridge!" Oh. You thought it was under the flame-covered sink. That's where it's supposed to be, anyway. Being messy just saved your life. Grabbing the fire extinguisher, you address the flames in your best Scarface accent. "Oh, you wanna play rough?! Okay!" You take out the pin and aim at the base of the flames. "Say hello to my little friend!" You squeeze the trigger and cover the flames in a glorious cloud of white smoke, laughing like a madman the whole time. The flames swirl around and get smaller and smaller, which only makes you laugh harder. You're having way too much fun making the best of this bad situation. Finally, all the flames are gone. Bringing the nozzle up to your mouth, you blow the imaginary smoke away from your pretend gun. "Oh yeah... Hehe..." You're such a badass, putting out fires and shit. You jump up to the smoke detector and hit the button to turn it off before facing Sunset with a smile. "Whew! Thanks for grabbing that for me. I didn't know it was there." You set the fire extinguisher down and she takes a deep breath as a wave of relief visibly washes over her. "Are you okay? I just heard this really loud beeping and you screaming! So I grabbed a towel and ran out to see what was happening!" You shrug it off. "I'm fine! Don't you worry! All that suffered was my kitchen!" Oh yeah, your kitchen. Your smile quickly vanishes as you turn around and take another look at your destroyed kitchen. Your Scarface-tier euphoria was replaced by devastation once you really looked at it. Your toaster was now toast, the eggs you had began to cook were reduced to charred coals, and your pancakes has spilled over the side and made a nasty black mess. Just when you thought your apartment couldn't look any worse. Yes, its a piece of shit apartment, but its YOUR piece of shit apartment. "Oh man..." You rub your temples and sigh. Backing up, you sit at a table and rest your head in your hands, just trying to grasp the reality of the situation you are now in. "Anon? Are you okay?" A hand gently touches your shoulder. You just stay silent for a few moments before answering. "Yeah... I'm okay... I just didn't really need this to happen right now, you know?" She rubs your shoulder reassuringly. "Yeah, I understand..." You stay there and just breathe for a few moments while Sunset rubs your shoulder, trying to comfort you as best she can. Just her being there works wonders. "Sorry I didn't get you your big breakfast..." You apologize. She gives you a little giggle, which makes you smile. "It's okay, Anon. Don't you worry about it." Despite what she said, the audible rumbling heard from her stomach makes you worry even more. You sit up and look at her, putting on the best smile you can muster up. "Oh, no. I promised you a big breakfast, and you're going to get a big breakfast." A small smile grows on her face as you speak. "We're going out to eat. There's an IHOP about two blocks away from here. We'll go there, we'll have breakfast, and I'll get you anything and everything your little heart wants. Well... What your stomach wants." She laughs and stands straight up. "Sounds good... Thanks again, Anon." "You're welcome, Sunny." You reply. She blushes a little. "Sunny..." She repeats softly. She gives you another smile as she goes back into the bathroom to finish her shower, leaving you sitting there to look at your burnt kitchen. It's a disaster. You decide to get up and start cleaning up the charred remains of your would-be breakfast. Gotta try and stay positive, Anon. Sure, your apartment almost burnt to the ground and you'll probably have to order take-out for a few days, but at least you and Sunset are okay, right? Sunset. Sunset Shimmer. Just thinking of her beautiful name makes you smile. She's a sweetheart. Hopefully, she'll open up a bit on your day together today. You're really interested in her backstory and how a girl like her got to be in a situation that made her homeless. Not to mention all those bruises on her arms... You just can't figure out who would do something like that to her, or anyone else for that matter. But maybe asking about that would just make her uncomfortable right now. You'll just hold off on the sad stuff, and just talk about her, and what makes her happy. What she likes, what she's interested in, stuff that she wants to do... ...what her lips feel like on yours... ... "What the..?" Where did that come from? Do you have a crush on the once-homeless girl that is now living with you? She is beautiful, you'll admit, and it did feel nice when you hugged, and you can't stop thinking about her, but do you "like-like" her? Your cheeks get warm and you smile. ...So what if you do? --- You are Sunset Shimmer. After that fire scare in Anon's kitchen, you try to relax and enjoy the rest of what feels like the best shower you've ever had. You just lay down in the tub and close your eyes, just letting the warm water fall onto your body. Being clean feels SO good. You managed to clean your hair and get it completely untangled. Thankfully, it hadn't been too bad. You were worried you'd have to cut some of it off to get all the knots out of it. You chalk that up to one of the good things that's happened to you lately. After being almost raped and beaten by a bunch of hobos a few days ago, you're more thankful than ever to be sitting all alone in a nice warm shower. Your thoughts drift to Anon. He is such a nice guy. He didn't even know who you were, he just gave you a jacket and invited you up to his apartment. He may say that it's a piece of shit, but he doesn't know how good he's got it. He's got a soft bed, a warm place to live, and a good supply of food. He's living the dream. Well, you are too now, you guess. Sure, this place is no Canterlot Castle, but it's also no dumpster. You do wish that your plan for coming to the human world had gone better. You really regret saying all those horrible things you said to Princess Celestia in Equestria. You had it all: money, power, prestige, unrestricted access to every corner of the castle, you even had magic. Here, magic either doesn't exist, or it's just a huge scam that people use at birthday parties. What's even more depressing is that people here actually pay money to see that fake magic. With the magic you had access to, you would blow them all away. You'd be able to rule this entire world. You'd love a bit of that magic right now, but there's no way that Celestia would take you back. She probably had the mirror destroyed so that you could never return to Equestria. You don't blame her. After the way you acted, you would have made sure you couldn't go back too. You sigh and hug your legs close to your body as the warm water continues falling on you. You miss your parents. You miss Princess Celestia. You miss everypony in Equestria. You didn't have many friends there, but you did have ponies to talk to. You were part of society. Others noticed you, and were probably jealous of what you took for granted in many respects. In this world though, you're completely alone. ... Well... That's not entirely true anymore, you suppose... ...You do have Anon now. After a few minutes of just thinking to yourself, you shut off the water and grab the towel. You feel 200% better now that you're clean. You still feel down, but you're going to try and be more positive like Anon. Even his kitchen almost burning to the ground didn't put him down for long. He was smiling like he always is. You decide right then and there that you're going to change your attitude from now on. Anon selflessly invited you into his home and let you sleep, eat, and shower. It's only fair that you be as happy as you can so you aren't a burden. With a confident smile on your face, you step out and dry yourself off. You look at yourself in the mirror. You can actually see your face! You touch your cheek and give a giggle. You're clean! You can't believe it, but you're clean! "This is the greatest day ever!" You say happily. You get up close to the mirror and inspect yourself, making sure nothing is amiss anymore. You check your hair, your eyes, your nose, your teeth- "Holy hell..." Your teeth are absolutely disgusting. Which is weird, because you haven't eaten much lately. You could've just eaten a whole box of Oreos and no one would notice the difference. You need to fix that, and you need to fix it now. "Hey Anon!" You call out. "Yes?" He replies from the other side of the door. "Do you have a toothbrush I can use?" "Yeah, I keep a few spares under the sink." He says. "There should be at least one left. You can have it." You open the cupboard under the sink and dig around the various toiletries until you find a red toothbrush, still in its packaging. "Found it! Thanks!" You say. You open it, spread the toothpaste on it, and spend the next five minutes brushing your teeth. Any longer and you would probably make your gums bleed. Feeling the sensation after so long makes you laugh. It almost tickles. You finish up, lick your silky smooth teeth, and fix your hair as best you can. You finish your hair, put on the new clothes that Anon gave to you, and stand in front of the mirror, looking confident. "Alright, Sunset." You whisper to your reflection. "It's a new day, and you've got a new start at life. Make it count..." You smile, take a deep breath and step outside. Lookout, world. Here comes a new Sunset Shimmer. You feel confident, happy, and ready for anything. ...Or so you thought. --- You are Anon again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnbfuAcCqpY And you're dancing! You have a teeny crush on Sunset, and right now, you're happier than a tornado in a trailer park. So you just had to turn on the happiest song you could think of and groove out. You're interrupted when you hear laughing. Whipping around you see Sunset, doubled over with tears in her eyes, laughing as hard as she can. You're a horrible dancer. You feel yourself turn red with embarrassment. No, don't be a pussy, Anon! Own it! You laugh with her and make your way over to her, singing along. "If you believe in maaagiic, come along with me! We'll dance until morning 'till there's just you and me, and maaaybe, if the music is right, I'll meet you tomorrow, sort of late at night!" You wink at her and usher her to dance. She keeps laughing before giving a little shrug and taking your hands. You spend the remainder of the song holding each others hands and jumping around in a circle. Luckily, she isn't a good dancer either. Which is just fine. You're both having fun, so you don't care. You're both laughing as hard as you can. As the song fades out, you, being unaware of your surroundings, trip and fall backwards over your two left feet, pulling your dance partner on top of you. You both scream as you fall on your back, and Sunset lands on top of you. You were too happy to feel any pain. So you laugh even harder at how clumsy you are. You open your eyes to see Sunset laughing too. Good. You hated seeing her sad. After you both catch your breath, you meet each other's eyes and smile. "Hi." She giggles. "Hi." You give another laugh. "You okay?" She smiles at you and giggles again. "Never better."