//------------------------------// // Letters to the Princess // Story: The Beginning and the End // by bdoubleowo //------------------------------// “‘…Today in Ponyville, Trixie and her friend Starlight were getting ready to lock up the School of Friendship when somepony ran up to us, asking for a book on time travel. To our surprise, it was a younger version of you! She said she was from the day before Nightmare Moon returned. She had a younger Spike there with her as well. Trixie thought that you should know about it. Sincerely, the Counselor and Headmare of the School of Friendship, Trixie Lulamoon and Starlight Glimmer.’” Spike, the Friendship Ambassador, said, as he read off a scroll that he had just received via dragon mail. He looked up at Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, and blinked. “I do not remember that happening at all.” Twilight looked serious. “If it’s true, then it is imperative that she is returned back to her own time as soon as possible. That day was very important for me, and for all of Equestria!” She jumped off of her throne. “In fact, this matches up perfectly with what Ocellus told me earlier. Spike, take a letter. Send to Luster Dawn: ‘Luster, my faithful student. I am afraid something important came up, and our lesson scheduled for today must be postponed. I apologize, but I promise that we will be able to have it some other day. Your teacher, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.’” She looked at Spike and smiled. “Got all of that?” Spike blew flames over the letter, and it disappeared in the green blaze. “Sent it, Twilight!” He gave a thumbs-up, and Twilight nodded. “Keep track of everything, alright?” Spike nodded and mock-saluted, causing Twilight to laugh. “I knew I could count on you.” “Good luck, Twilight!” he said, and Twilight smiled before leaping out the window, spreading her wings, and flying off toward Ponyville. ******************************************************** Twilight couldn’t help but smile as she flew towards her old home. She had been living in Canterlot again for a while, but she still missed the everyday goings-on that could only happen in Ponyville, Equestria. Sure, not everything had been sunshine and rainbows- Twilight shuddered as she remembered the destruction of the Golden Oaks Library- but it was still a great place. She landed in front of Town Hall, shaking her head quickly to get in focus. “Princess!” A voice shouted nearby, and Twilight looked to see who it was. Dinky Hooves ran over, a little out of breath. “What a surprise!” Twilight laughed. “Mayor Hooves, you’ve known me since you were a foal. Seriously, you can just call me Twilight.” “Well, then, you can call me Dinky.” Dinky smiled, and then cocked her head in confusion. “Speaking of which, Prin- er, Twilight, what brings you here today?” “Oh, I got a letter from Starlight and Trixie.” Twilight showed it to Dinky, but not close enough for the unicorn mare to read the contents. “I’d really love to stay and chat, but I’m here on possibly very important business.” "I completely understand.” Dinky blew a strand of her mane out of her face. “I have a lot of paperwork and stuff to do anyway… Have a great day, Twilight!” She smiled, and walked back towards Town Hall. “Bye, Dinky!” Twilight called back. She then started on the familiar path towards the School of Friendship, recalling past memories. As she walked, she saw Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, friendship counselors, sitting outside with a young hippogriff and colt. Scootaloo was nearby, playing buckball with some of her young charges. They saw Twilight and waved, and the princess waved back. Tears came to Twilight's eyes as she watched them, remembering how she had helped the three Crusaders in the past. She trotted up the walkway to the school and knocked. "One sec!" A voice called, and the door opened. Trixie stood there, the doors aglow in her horn's blue aura. "Princess Twilight! Trixie welcomes you to the School of Friendship!" Twilight rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "Thank you, Trixie." She stepped inside, and Trixie closed the doors behind them. "Now, about the letter you sent me?" "Oh, yes. Starlight's in the school library with Past Twilight as we speak." Trixie started walking toward the aforementioned location, and Twilight followed. Then Trixie stopped short, and Twilight almost bumped into her. "You know what? Trixie thinks she will call you Princess. That way it won't be confusing." Twilight nodded. "Good idea. To be honest, though, it's still going to be confusing." "True. But Trixie would like to help remedy that." Trixie started walking again, this time trotting a little faster than before. Eventually, they reached a door. "Here we are!" Trixie opened it, and inside Twilight couldn't help but gawk. Since she had been there last, the School of Friendship's library had expanded. It now included many new books, some of which were right now floating in a pink aura near a table. Standing next to that table was Starlight Glimmer, who also had some books. She looked up and smiled. "Twilight! It's so good to see you!" Starlight ran over and nuzzled her former mentor, then pointed at the table. "She's right there." "Thank you, Starlight and Trixie." Twilight smiled, then her face turned serious. "Now I must talk to... well, myself." ******************************************************** Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia and accidental time-traveler, was having the time of her life. She had learned so much new information. After she had received the spell from Starlight, she was planning to go and cast it herself, but Starlight and Trixie had asked if she still wanted to see the school's library. Of course, how could Twilight refuse an offer like that? The answer was that she couldn't, and so she had followed the two mares into the library. Now Twilight knew that she had made the right choice- she didn't want to leave this wonderful place. "What are you reading?" A voice asked, coming from close by. Twilight grinned and showed the stranger the cover. "It's a book of scientific discoveries. So many different ponies' achievements are in here- Aristrotle, Haycartes, Starswirl the Bearded-" Twilight squealed in happiness. "It's like a dream come true! This book isn't even published back when I'm from!" She smiled. "Believe me, I know." The stranger smiled, and Twilight looked up. Looking back at her was an alicorn that looked sort of like Princess Celestia. However, this pony had purple fur, a mane of indigo, plum, and pink, and a six-pointed star as her cutie mark. Twilight stepped back in shock. Princess Twilight looked back at her, smiling sadly. "Hello, me."