//------------------------------// // Closure // Story: Homeless Sunset Shimmer // by Sunny Solaire //------------------------------// You proceed down the hallway and turn the corner into the living room. There's Applejack sitting all alone on the couch, looking sad. She hasn't noticed you yet. Poor thing. You take a deep breath and clear your throat. "Applejack?" She turns to you and immediately puts on the best fake smile she can muster up. "Howdy, Anon!" You'll give her an "A" for effort, but you can see right through that fake smile. "Can we talk for a sec?" You ask. "Sure thing! Pop a squat!" She pats the available space on the couch next to her. You smile at her and sit down. "What's up, Sugarcube?" You exhale and look at her. "Well, um... Sunset and I were talking just now, and apparently, she heard some stuff today... About you." Her fake smile fades a bit. "...Like, what kind of stuff? What did Rarity tell her?" Oh, this is so awkward. You try to think of the best way to put it, but then you remember who you're dealing with. Just be honest. Come right out and tell the truth. You take a deep breath. "I know about your feelings for me." Her eyes widen and her cheeks go bright red. "Uh..." She twiddles her thumbs and looks down. You can almost see the gears in her mind turn as she desperately tries to search for something to say. Anything to get her out of this. She gives a nervous laugh and covers her mouth. "I- I don't know wh- what you're talkin' about... Ha! That Rarity! Such a kidder, am I right?!" Bullshit. "Applejack, you're not a good liar." You reply. She forces herself to laugh harder and stands up. "Lie?! What?! Haha! Anon, come on! I- I ain't lyin'! I'm j- just-" "Applejack..." You calmly interrupt. She stammers for a few more seconds before sighing and sitting back down next to you. Her fake smile vanishes altogether. "Alright, fine... You got me... Yes... I... I like you, Sugarcube... A lot..." She takes her hat off and slouches down, resting her head in her hands. Saying that looks like it took a huge weight off her shoulders. She takes a shaky breath and accidentally drops her hat at her feet, but makes no attempt to pick it back up. Now you feel really bad for her. You stay there quietly and put a hand on her shoulder. "I have for years... Ever since I met you, pretty much... But I was too shy to say anythin'..." She chuckles a little. "Imagine that... Me, good ol' Applejack, bein' all shy 'n stuff..." You rub her shoulder. "Why didn't you try and get over me?" She doesn't say anything for a long time. "I, uh... I guess I just... Hoped that... One day... Maybe... We could..." You hear her sniff. Oh, this is killing you. You put your arm around her and she leans against you. She sniffs again. "I just... I love you, Anon... I always have... But... But now you're with Sunset and you're so happy with her, and I want to be happy for you too, I really do, but at the same time it hurts so much seeing her with you, and... and..." She trails off as she starts crying more. "Oh, Applejack..." You rock her back and forth in your arms as she cries. Neither of you say anything for a long time. There's nothing you can say to her, really. You just hold your best friend close to you and let her cry. It's all you can do. "I'm so sorry..." She says. "No, I'm sorry." You say She sniffs again and looks up at you. Her eyes are red and her cheeks are wet with her tears. "I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner... Looking back, it was all so obvious... I should've known, or at least had a hunch, but I didn't..." Her lip quivers and she looks down sadly, sniffing once again. "Believe me, if I had known sooner, I would've said something... I hate seeing you like this..." You stay silent another moment and raise her chin up, making her look at you again. "You mean too damn much to me, Applejack. You've been the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for. You're like a sister to me! I don't want this friendship we have to be ruined because I can't return your feelings." She sniffs again and nods. "Right... Y- You've got Sunset now..." She cries again and hugs you. "It hurts, Anon... It hurts so much seein' her with you... She kisses you and hugs you and everythin' and I just... Just-" She's now sobbing openly. You feel your shirt get wet from her tears, but you don't do anything. You softly rub her hair and try to comfort her as best as you can. "Sh- She has n- no idea... How lucky she is..." She says between sobs. You gently rock her back and forth and let her get it all out. Nothing can be said right now, all you do is sit and be there for her. You both stay there for a long time, just the two of you. After a few good minutes, she finally starts breathing slowly again. Her sobs have been reduced to sniffles. She slowly sits up and wipes some tears away. "S- Sorry... About your shirt..." You chuckle and shake your head. "It's okay." She smiles a little and sniffs again. "I'm sorry I can't say that I'm in love with you too." You say. She nods slowly, still looking sad. "But I still love and cherish you as my greatest friend in the whole world... Nothing and no one will ever change that." She stays silent for another moment. "O- Okay... I still have that then, I guess..." You grin. "And you always will." You reach down and pick up her hat at her feet and hand it to her. She looks at it for a moment before taking it from you, but she doesn't put it on. She smiles and hugs you again. "Thank you so much, Anon." You hug her back tight. "You're more than welcome." You stay there for a while, just hugging her tight. From the hallway, you see Sunset tentatively look around the corner at you. The look on her face is asking if everything is okay. You smile and nod at her slowly. She smiles back and gives you a thumbs up before walking back behind the corner towards your room. Applejack sniffs and sits up again. "I just... Need to be strong, I guess..." You nod at her. "You'll always be my greatest friend, I hope you know. I'll always be there for you." She smiles. "Thank you, Anon." You smile back. "You're welcome." You stand up and take a deep breath. It's now that you hear the muffled sound of people talking and country music being played. Right, the Apple Family Thanksgiving hoedown. "Are you going outside?" You ask. She shakes her head and wipes her nose, sniffling. "No... Not yet, anyway... I kinda... need to be alone for a little while." "Okay." You smile and start to walk backwards. "So, I guess I'll see you later then?" She smiles and nods. "Eeyup... See ya later, Sugarcube." You smile again and head back down the hallway. You take a deep breath and run a hand through your hair. You're tired, but you feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders as well. It feels good. --- You're pacing back and forth in your room and chewing on your thumbnail nervously. Anon's been talking to Applejack for a long time. It looked like everything was going okay though, so you aren't worried. You're just anxious. You need to know what's going on. The door clicks and you turn around to see Anon walk inside. You smile at each other and he shuts the door behind him. "Oh man..." He sighs and leans back against the door before sinking down to sit on the floor. You walk over and sit down in front of him, resting your chin on his knees. "Everything okay?" He nods. "Yeah, all is well. We're still friends, and she'll be fine." "Good." You smile and scoot over to sit right next to him. You rest your head on his shoulder and he kisses it before resting his head on yours. You grab his hand and hold it tight. The both of you stay quiet as he rubs your hand with his thumb. "Sorry this all happened..." He says. "Here and now." You smile and squeeze his hand. "It's okay." You keep yourself against him for another long moment, saying nothing. "Are you going to the dance thingy?" You ask. He sighs. "I don't really want to now. This whole thing kinda killed my mood, you know?" You nod. "Mmhmm." "Did you want to go?" He asks. "Well, I was planning on it earlier, but then this whole thing happened..." You reply. "We can still go if you want." He says. "No that's okay." You smile at him and give him a kiss. "I'd rather stay here and snuggle with you, anyway." "Aww." He smiles and kisses you back. "Thanks, Sunny." "You're welcome, Nonny." You cuddle against him again. ... "I am kinda hungry though." You admit. He nods. "Me too." "Wanna just make an appearance?" You ask. "Go grab some food then come back up here and watch a movie or something?" He smiles softly. "That sounds like a great idea." You grin at him and the both of you stand up. You walk out into the hallway with his hand in yours and head downstairs. Passing through the kitchen, you both walk outside to see the backyard flooded with people dancing with their respective partners. The girl onstage finishes a song and the rest of the people cheer and applaud. "Thanks! Thank y'all very very much!" She says. Anon gives you a little tug and points to the big table of food. "There's the good stuff." You look at the food and smile. "Ooh! Pumpkin pie!" He chuckles and you both head over there, grabbing a couple of plates and helping yourself to some food. The girl onstage continues talking. "Now y'all, I know was well as you do that this wouldn't be no good shindig if'n we didn't have a slow song or two. So, how 'bout you grab that special someone, and let's get some mood lighting in here..." The white lights fade into red, blue, and purple. You look around as dancers and people take their loved ones by the hand and spread out along the dance floor. She motions to the band behind her and the music starts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXDlU0YDQ6U "...Here's one you might remember from The Cranberries." She says. Anon stands next to you with a plate of food in his hands as the music begins to swell. You both look at each other and smile a little. He shrugs and sets his plate down on a nearby table before extending an arm out to you. "May I have this dance?" You smile wide and set your plate next to his before taking his arm. "It would be my pleasure." The two of you walk onto the dance floor, hand-in-hand, among the crowd of people. Facing him, you put your right hand on his shoulder and take his hand with your left. He places his hand on your waist and you both begin to slowly sway to the music as the girl starts to sing. This song is beautiful. --- You just stare at Sunset and smile as you both dance together. She's so beautiful. You love her so much. As you dance to the music, your eyes catch a glimpse of Applejack standing in the doorway to the house. You both lock eyes with each other for a moment. Just staring at each other. Finally, she smiles at you. A real, genuine smile. She gives you a small thumbs up before putting her hands back together. You smile back at her and nod in thanks. She stands there for another moment, just watching you and Sunset dance together, before slowly turning around and heading back into the house. You exhale and look back at Sunset. She smiles at you and you kiss her. While you do love her with all your heart, you do feel bad for Applejack. You just wish you could've known sooner so you didn't have to inadvertently drag her along all these years. She'll be okay though. She's tough. This is just one of life's little speedbumps that she has to pass over. You're positive that she'll find a great guy someday. She'd be a great catch. You and Sunset continue dancing with each other, just enjoying being with one another. You still cannot believe how incredibly lucky you are to have found her. You just wanted to help out a poor, starving, homeless girl living in the dumpster next to your place. You never thought that she'd end up being the young woman you fell in love with. It's like she appeared out of thin air, just for you. It's unexplainable. A part of you still can't believe she's real. Yet, here she is. In your arms, slow dancing with you to the song Linger. It's like something out of a fairy tail. If there's one thing in the world that you're thankful for this Thanksgiving, it's her. As the song ends, you smile at her and slow your dancing. "I love you, Sunset." You say. Sunset smiles back at you. "I love you too, Anon." You share a long, loving kiss as the song fades out.