//------------------------------// // New Beginnings // Story: Kingdom hearts: Friendship is Magic. // by kryxel //------------------------------// I,ve been having these strange thoughts recently. like is any of this real? or not? -------------- Scootaloo soared above the sky, her wings fully extended. This was the life. She loop-de-looped and landed right behind her friends. "So guys, how was that?" Applebloom and Sweetiebell did not say anything. "Guys?" Scootaloo took a step forward and they vanished. "Squirt" came a voice behind Scootaloo. Scootaloo turned around and saw Rainbow dash standing there, Rainbow dash smiled and extended a hoof towards Scootaloo "Come on pipsqueek" she said. Scootaloo ran towards Rainbow and just as she was about to connect hooves... ------------- Her roof swam into focus, "Gah.. another dream" Scootaloo said standing up. she streached and shook away the stiffness in her joints before looking out the window at Celestia's rising sun. ------------- Ponyville ------------- Scootaloo did her morning routine, doing five wing-ups, mesuring her wings to see if they have gotten any bigger (awww.. nothing), right before rushing downstairs to have a bowl full of oats before leaping out the window (much to her mothers yelling to use the door) and sailed away on her scooter to find the other crusaders. Applebloom walked alongside her sister "so why does Celestia wanna talk to ya?" she asked applejack "because, last night twilight was stargazin and she noticed that some of th' stars were down right not there. You and I may not have noticed it, but as twilight said it i am sure she was speakin th' truth. so she wrote a letter to th' Princess, and she told her to gather all of us and head to Canterlot. --------- meanwhile a few miles away at Carosel Boutique --------- "But, why cant we come too?" Sweetiebell asked Rarity "Because, Celestia only invited the six of us, and as much as i want to help you get your cutiemark, "cutiemark Crusader castle sieges" will have to wait. this is a time of crisis." Sweetiebell sighed "but I promise we wont be underhoof." "Sweetie. a lady never barges in where she is not invited. understand?" Rarity said There was a tap at the window and Sweetiebell opened it to find Scootaloo throwing pebbles "Ready to crusade today sweetie?" Scoots asked "of course, be down in just a second." Sweetiebell replyed. Rarity smiled and looked at Sweetie "go play dear. you are more likely going to get your cutiemark with your friends rather than with us.