A New Life

by mjk 705

The Party, and a New Place

I walked into Sugarcube Corner, only to notice the lights were off.
"That's odd..." suddenly, the lights turned on all at once
"SURPRISE!" said Pinkie "I threw this party just for you! were you surprised huh? Were you?"
"Yea, very." I can't believe that I had forgotten that Pinkie Pie likes to throw a welcoming party for everypony that starts a life in Ponyvile
"You should meet my friends! They'd love to see you!"
"Uhh...I,"But I told myself "Don't say it!" "...will do that right now." Pinkie Pie took me to her friends, and they were just like they are in the show. Rarity was intrested in clothing, Fluttershy was still fairly quiet, Rainbow Dash was still competetive, heck, she even chalanged me to a race! Pinkie was obvoiusly still into partys and doing the most craziest of things, Applejack still had her accent, and Twilight still had her love of books (as far as I could tell.)
"So we gonna have that race or what?" asked Dash
"Sorry Dash, but I don't think I would stand a chance against the fastest flier in all of Equestria." "Way to go, genius." I told myself
"Wait, how do know that?"
"I uh....I saw it on a poster! Yea." I looked Applejack, hoping with all my soul that she was convinced. I couldn't really tell by her facial expresion entirely, but she was giving me a weird look. Much to my surprise, nopony really looked at me like I was some weird alien or something. It was kinda nice to know the folk here wouldn't mind me here. A few hours passed, and soon, the only ones in Sugarcube Corner were Applejack and I. I had been cleaning the mess that had been made by the other ponies at the party. Applejack offered to help several times, but I told her every time that I could handle it. I knew she knew that I had lied to Dash earlier. I had checked a few times to see if she had left, but she never had. I had finished cleaning the mess and Applejack was still there.
"It's awfly late." I told her "I think you should go home. your family might be worried sick about you."
"Well, actually, ah' was waitin' for ya to finish that mess so that way ah' could let ya let ya stay at mah farm." So that's why she wasn't leaving. I took a breath of relief.
"Sure, why not?" I said I could't really say no. When we got there, it was incredible. I could smell a lot of apples. Soon I saw Big Mac, who of which I had become good friends at my party.
"Hey Big Mac, you enjoying yourself?" I asked
"Well sugarcube,this is were yer gonna be sleepin'. Make yerself conforatable." Said Applejack, as she pointed twoards a hay-like mattress. It was actually a lot softer than it looked, and before long, I was fast asleep.

World of Dreams
I saw a white dot of some sort, and it was coming closer and closer to me. Once it got close enough, I saw that it was a statue. But it wasn't any ordinary statue. It was Discord's statue. But was really interesting about it is that it was in the pose the first time he got beaten by the elements. Soon, I heard a voice say
"There is a passion within that burns a bright red, however, you should still watch your head." the voice seemed to come from the statue, but it wasn't Discord's voice. what had me more confused was that phrase meant. Soon, the statue vanished, and it seemed to be laughing as it did.