Tools of the Trade

by RDT


A yellow earth pony stallion walked along a dirt road, whistling a happy tune. Behind him was a cloud city, one which he had not visited before, and before him was the unknown. A dull brown stetson and a tasseled cloak kept him from the worst of the sun.
A small white patch on the road caught his attention. He stepped forward to investigate, though it seemed to be a blank canvas.
He flipped it over, and took a step back in shock. The other side of the canvas was a beautiful painting. The dark, gloomy skies contrasted with the bright atmosphere, and the Wonderbolts seemed to be flying straight out of the painting. Though the painting was slightly dirtied by the dusty road, the stallion could tell it was a masterpiece. He took it and stuffed it behind his copious mane. 
The moment he collected the painting, he felt a familiar shiver. It started on his head, traveled down his neck and body, before ending in his back hoof. 
The stallion leapt and hung in the air, then slowly floated down. 
“Woo! Looks like my next stop is Canterlot. There’s a party to throw for the opening of the Wonderbolts gallery! Right in time for the Festival, too.”
The stallion paused, before turning to the rubber chicken on his back and continuing. “There’s this wonderful painting I’ve got here. What do you say about showing this off at the party, Boneless Two?”
The rubber chicken didn’t move, but the stallion knew what he had to do. It was gonna be gr-eaaat!