//------------------------------// // Warm soft and deep // Story: Luna puts you to sleep // by Gundamfan //------------------------------// You and Luna have started dating recently after you both caught eachothers eye at nightmare night a month ago. You both talked to eachother, played games together and ate the treats and other foods and beverages offered at the party. Afterwards, you asked her if she could do some more fun stuff soon, to which she agreed to. A few dates later, it happened. After watching a cheesy B-movie and walking out of the theatre, she planted a firm kiss on your lips. It was a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately this action would immediately lead to the two of you getting swamped by curious ponies, asking stuff like if Luna if she was engaged or if you were from a royal family. Luna was able to push you out of the crowd, and with a quick kiss said her goodbyes. Ever since then, you've grown more attached to her. She was without a doubt stunning to look at.r A beautiful dark blue fur coat with gorgeous blue eyes, a shimmering mane and tail and the voice and calming demeanor of an angel. You were definitely looking forward to the day you'd eventually ask her to marry you a month later. One night, you and Luna were taking a long dtroll through a large grassy field underneath the bright blue glow of a full moon. The two of you enjoying eachothers company, occasionally glancing at eachother and giving off a warm, friendly smile to the other. Her beautiful form seemed to shimmer and glow underneath the bright white moonlight. Makes perfect sense. She was after all, the princess of the night. The soft blow of an evening breeze whipped its way across the swaying grass, blowing through your thick, black hair. You suddenly feel the soft, feathery and familiar texture of Lunas left wing wrap itself around you as she leaned in for a nuzzle and firm kiss on your cheek. Her moist soft lips sending a delightful tingling sensation throughout your body. It had become a regular thing to have her wrap her wings around your body, particularly if you were feeling stressed, angry or scared or if you were just sleeping, regardless of whether she was sleeping beside you or just keeping an watchful eye on you. She had a very good way of calming you down if you ever got upset, by pulling you close in a tight, warm hug, with your face buried in her warm, soft chest and chin resting ontop of your head, steadily whispering "shhhhh" while softly rubbing your back. After you two reach the center of the field, you stop walking and both sit down. There was something you have been wanting yo ask Luna about but you were nervous about what she would have to say. You secretly had a belly button fetish, and even before you told Luna about it, she could definitely tell from your behaviour. The way your face would shoot up in a blaze of red upon eyeing her smooth blue belly, and the constant nervous stuttering when you ask her if she would like you to rub her belly. You look into your wifes eyes and say "Luna, I was wondering." Luna nods. "Go on." Your face hrows hotter as you eye her stomach, her belly crunched up from her sitting down, with her belly button closed shut. "Well...you know how I have a thing for...." Luna chuckles. "Does it involve my belly button??" You freeze. "Yeah. Yeah." Luna gives a reassuring smile. "Its ok. We are married now. Your "fascination" isn't anymore weird than the fact Rainbow Dash sleeps with a Daribg do doll! What was it you wanted to ask about my belly?" You grow a little more nervous but try to remain calm. "Belly play? Like...we wrestle or something. Just...anything that woild ensure my face is pressed against your belly button." Luna chuckles. "Ok! But just be aware that even though we may look slim, me and my sister do possess pretty plump tummies with deep innies!" You instruct Luna to stay in her sitting position but to have her hind legs spead out so her belly is left exposed, and get her to use a shrinking spell on you to shrink you down just small enough to crawl inside her belly button, then have her make a magical smaller duplicate of herself. Luna then was instructed to act like her belly was alive, using her magic to squish and manipulate her stomach around, along with speaking in a deep voice and synching up her voice to the opening and closing of her belly button to make it look like it was "talking". You were then acting like a villian fighting the magic dyplicate Luna, while the real Lunas belly "yawned". "Morning already? She then yawned, stretching her body so that her belly button would open as wide as possible. The duplicate Luna then threw you into the real lunas belly button, which gently closed itself shut. "Mmm. Delish. " real Luna said, rubbing her belly. Inside her belly button, it felt warm, and furry and despite her status as a princess which would obviously demand hygiene to keep up appearances, it had a strong odor too. Not that you really minded. Occasionaly lunas stomach would growl, scaring the pants off of you due to how loud it was with you being so close to it. The small movements you were making were causing Luna to giggle. "Stop it! That tickles!" You manage to find the bottom of her navel and give it a firm kiss. After several more seconds, luna lets you out and regrows you. "That was funny. So whats next?" Luna ask, hopping up and down in an adorable manner. "Wrestling? But remember. At some point your belly button needs to touch my face." Luna nods in eagerness. You both star by grappling eachother, luna standing on her hind hooves. She would occasionally pull you into a deep, firm kiss, prompting you to eagerly rub her belly in circles. You were then gently pushed onto your back with her sitting on your chest, her hind legs saddling your neck and belly button right in front if your face. She then places her forehooves on the back of your head and pulls you in for a belly button kiss, then she pulls your head away then "headbutts" you with her belly. She then gets off your chest and you start to get up on your knees. But she was standing bipedal, so as you got up, your face would brush against her belly. Once your face makes contact with her belly button, you feel a combination of forehooves, wings and magic push firmly against the back of your head, while you feel your lovers hinds legs wrap themselves tightly around your neck. She falls on her back while you fall on your stomach. As you frantically rub and slap the sides of her belly, causing it yo jiggle, luna speaks up. "I bet I can put you to sleep without magic!" Her grip around your neck tightens, as she presses down harder on the back of your head, pushing you deeper. You firmly kiss Lunas belly button, prompting her to use her magic to make her belly button "kiss" you back. "Ifm thoumff yofmm thaid no mathic!" You say. Luna giggles. "My big belly will do most of the work. My magic is just enhancing the experience!" You try to pull away off to your side, but Luna isn't letting go, crunching up her belly and squeezing your nose in her belly button. You were enjoying every minute of this. Her fur was remarkably soft, while her plump belly was soft, warm and cushy. Her belly button was definitely nice and deep and Definetly had a strong smell to it, which just added to the experience. Even as the combination of her warm belly and the hot air from your breath was making you a tiny bit sweaty, you didn't care. You give the side of lunas belly two more hard slaps, causibg it to jiggle a little more. You were starting to feel lightheaded,. You realized your time was running out. You let out a couple faked panicked cries and run your fingers over lunas belly fur. Eventually the frantic kicking of your legs and tummy slaps by your hands gradually started to slow, Lunas eyes closed shut with a content smile on her lips. She then does on final firm, strong squeeze, craning her head up and causing you to emit small choking sounds. But you weren't in any real danger. Luna loved you. She would ensure that you wouldn't be harmed at all during your little "activity". As you slowly feel yourself pass out and your arms and legs go limp, you feel Luna lean up to nuzzle your hair. She then releases her grip on you and tosses your sleeping body on your back onto the glass. She looks down at you, snoring. A happy content smile on both of your lips. She leans down and kisses your lips. She then picked you up and carried you home, and even tucked your unconscious body into bed. "Goodnight honey. Tonight was wonderful. Now I have to get to work". She then shut and locked your front door and proceeded to fly back to Canterlot to proceed with her nightime duties of watching over ponies dreams.