Anon Filly beats up Celestia.

by FIM Fiction


Discord entered reality, ready to cause some chaos and pull many pranks. He froze, looking around the throne room. It was blasted to bits. Luna's throne laid in shambles among the chairs for daycourt. "I..." he saw Celestia with a large lump on her forehead. "Uh..." Luna carried a large bruise on her cheek, while two guards had glass in their manes. "Um..."

"Aha! See, Discord's behind this!" Discord glanced down at the purple mare pointing at him, a frantic look on her face.

"As much as I think I would love to take credit for this, I have no idea what took place." Discord stated. "And -"

Anonymous and Jessica materialized. Anonymous slammed the sun crown onto Celestia's head, before slapping her. She suddenly super charged, energy restored and wounds gone, while Anonymous's clothing turned back to normal cloth and Jessica turning into an Earth pony. Anonymous saluted, grabbed Jessica and tucked her beneath his right arm. He saluted again, used his saluting hand to tap his fedora. A propeller popped out, and he proceeded to fly back out of the hole he came from.


Discord scratched his chin, before snapping his fingers and taking any food you happened to be snacking on. He chewed on that, before returning it. "I am confused and I love it."

De And!