Insert clever mother mother song title here

by not valid narrator


Phoenix was never one to shy away from the truth. He was always blunt when he had something to say or someone to anger, but there was one memory that he had hidden away, one that occasionally wormed its way out of his subconscious to torment him.

It was a sunny day and there was another foal in front of Phoenix, a pegasus, they must’ve been around 7, Phoenix wasn’t much older, they ran ahead, their long legs carrying them as the wind whipped their mane. They were fluffy, black fluff that made them look bigger than they were with big white patches on their chest and muzzle and big hooves tipped white. If they had ever gotten the chance to grow up they would’ve been quite big. Their white mane, which was slightly wavy and cut into a neat, shoulder length, bob, had a red stripe running through it and their tail matched. They had gotten their cutiemark first, or at least that’s how Phoenix remembers it and it was a big magpie feather, black and white, just like their wings. If he squints enough he can almost recall their name, but at the very last moment it escapes him. They’re laughing and Phoenix is too, they’re both so happy that they don’t watch where they’re going. Slamming face first into a table with an expensive vase on it. It started to wobble and the two pairs of eyes followed its trajectory as it clattered to the floor, breaking. Things would’ve been fine if it wasn’t so loud, it all would’ve been okay if Blueblood hadn’t heard. He rounded on them, a string of curses falling from his lips, it would’ve been fine if Magpie hadn’t stuck their tongue out at him. Phoenix had never seen so much blood in his life, he must’ve screamed, maybe that’s what got Blueblood’s attention, there was only one blow and it left quite a nasty scar.

Phoenix’s eyes snapped open and he gasped, waking up in a cold sweat inside of his cell, the ring around his horn glowed a pale pink. He looked around, vision blurry as always. There were visitors by his door. The head scientist, a pale brown earth pony with piercing green eyes and a dark brown poof of a mane, his name was Test Tube and he was frowning. Celestia, Phoenix’s mother, who was telling Test Tube something in a hushed tone. Phoenix groaned and rolled out of bed, padding over to the cell bars and sitting down in front of them. His voice was gravelly with lack of sleep and with a world weariness that never quite left him.

“What’s so interesting here mother? Mind sharing with the entire class?” He sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm and disdain. He watched as Celestia tried and failed to keep her kind smile. She was getting ready to say something back, Phoenix steeled himself but instead Test Tube opened his mouth.

“Now Aurora, there is no need for such tone, your mother was simply asking about your progress.” His tone was cordial but it hid strings of disdain. Phoenix had to keep himself from cringing, had to keep his wings from coming up over his head in a protective manner, instead he nodded.

“Right, and may I know about my progress?” He inquired, purposefully keeping the malice from his tone, Test Tube had made it clear, if he was to know anything he would have to ask nicely. A part of him whined about how hungry he was and it wouldn’t hurt anyone if he got a little taste. Phoenix made a very clear show of stamping out that part, snuffing the tiny flame and ignoring the growing pangs of hunger now clawing at his stomach. Instead he turned his tired attention to Test Tube who was clearly saying something. He had the feeling that if he could just concentrate hard enough the could Almost hear what Test Tube was saying but no matter how hard he tried the words just clung like static to his brain, they were undecipherable. Phoenix shook his head, blinking up at Test Tube with a sheepish smile, showing his fangs. “I’m sorry? Could you repeat that please?” He asked, making sure to be as nice as possible. The anger that came flowing back was weak and brittle, tasting like burnt coffee and cleaning supplies, it left a bitter after taste in Phoenix’s mouth, it wasn’t much but it satisfied him for now. He could finally hear what Test Tube was saying and he really wished he hadn’t.

“I bet you aren’t even listening to me right now, are you Aurora? You are a selfish little brat who has cost me and your mother nothing but headaches and lost time and, quite frankly you should be ashamed of yourself, one more slip up like this and I think we might have to take away your magic privileges.” Celestia did nothing, of course. Phoenix had not expected anything more from her. She just stood idly by and nodded sagely at Test Tube’s words, Phoenix looked away. He hated this, hated this bile that rose up against his throat, this need to release noise. Finally he opened his mouth to speak, but instead a high pitched whine rose from the back of his throat, followed by a few glowing orbs, cascading from a rich blue to a pale brown, resembling slop. The two just stared at him disappointedly, he couldn’t stop, no matter how hard he tried to. Instead he just shook his head, closing his mouth and letting it build. Test Tube looked at him and said. “Come now Aurora, don’t throw a fit again, we have testing to do. This time your mother gets to sit in so you’d better behave. Understood?” Phoenix looked at the floor and let out a silent nod, Test Tube’s lips curled in a faint smile at that. “Excellent, come on now, we’ve got a long day of testing ahead of us.”