Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 85: Assault

"A point about fortifications is that even a crude wall can severely hamper an advance should it not be well trained and equipped to deal with it. But, it is also true that a defender who has firmly planted their hooves and resigned themselves to either victory or death can strangle the efforts of what would on the field be a vastly superior force. Of worthy note is that a defender who has no intention what so ever of surrendering or going quietly into the night will often times prove the most fatal to a besieging force. For to them there are no longer words for surrender, parlay, ceasefire or civility in their language, they fight purely to exterminate any and all who would dare challenge them. Pity the fool who attacks such a hardened defender ill-prepared."

Isibuso's teeth continued to clench violently before calming and relaxing more tightening up again so loudly those around him kept a safe distance, the other chieftains were as much confounded by what they were seeing as their prince was. Everyone knew, without doubt, that there was only a village here, nothing more, nothing less. A simple village, the one they were to wipe out as the last act of their advance before turning around and fleeing south towards the safety of their own borders with great heaps of shining metallic cargo in tow. Instead, a fortress has sprouted from the earth itself and with each passing night it had grown a little larger with higher walls, denser fortifications and from what they could see sharper objects ready to prick and cut at the hide of any who tried to climb its earthen walls. Not all was earthen however, stone walls blocked some sides off with further brick fortifications heaped atop that until they could no longer see but the tops of heads inside the fort.

Anger boiled violently in his veins at the Sebanwi for having allowed this to happen but he dared not open his mouth for everyone gathered including his own supporters knew it was not entirely their fault, he had been the one to dismiss the reports and their urgency. A great, deep and festering concern boiled in his stomach as he continued to watch them in the early light of morning, one made worse when one of his commanders stepped into an unseen pit on the hill which gored his legs. A great anxiousness now flooded the ranks once word had spread about the unseen death trap as now they were second guessing ever step they took. It had been so easy to ignore the situation and laugh it off just days before but now...

Now it was different.

He glanced sideways at Khada who was still blank faced but thankfully silent about how he had squandered precious time: organizing the loot caravan and slaves. A great deal of cargo had been taken away from the victimized and smoldering ruin they had left behind and as the Sebanwi were worthless and unable to handle small things anyway he had decided to spend a few short days admiring what he had taken away. Shiney baubles had been organized, stored, the finer slaves grouped up and put aside for sale or personal use upon return home and those less suited organized into a supply chain to carry food for his forces. They had found a safe place to store them all away that would require few to watch them as well and after everything had been perfectly set up from slave pens to vast storage piles of loot he deigned for them to move on and assist the Sebanwi in attacking a village protected by a cow fence. There was no hurry to get there but he had urged them on, not because he had cared now that he thought about it but because he wanted to get it over with and go home to show off his mighty collection to Sibusiso.

During this another report had arrived from one of his trusted attaches to the Sebanwi that the request was in no way a joke: each night the defenses grew and in some places doubled. If help did not arrive soon there would be no hope of a successful assault even with all their might combined and now that he could see it for himself, he agreed. Thankfully, crude siege ladders had been prepared and though rickety and hard to move let alone assemble they were at last prepared to make their first assault. The tools he had brought with him had sped the process up but it had proven to be too little too late. Letting out a harsh breath of air Isibuso closed his eyes tightly a moment to brush it all aside and nodded.

"We attack now-" Eyes drifting he stared at the green crops and looking at them confused turned to his chieftains. "Why fields green? Who-"

Nyah let out a small cough. "We water, no sense wasting food, maybe ready to harvest soon? More food to take? Better than letting die."

Shaking his head quickly Isibuso waved the thought away. "No matter, not care, all belong to Rwasa now. Is warriors ready? Good, take ladder and do as told. Go."

Isibuso watched the chieftains in command of the assault walk down off the hill and to their hidden masses that were blocked from view by the village, shouts echoed up to his ears and slowly the columns fell in and lifted the ladders up. Some were large and wide, others very narrow but as they jiggled and bent from being lifted he winced and hoped they would last long enough to see the waves over the enemy fortifications. The tools he was so late in arriving with would have helped greatly but after a quick sigh he ignored it, his plan was solid and agreed upon by all which was all that mattered. Two column would strike, the ladder bearers would run in first, throw up the ladders and the rest would follow in and climb up as one large mass along two fronts. So early in the morning meant the foe would be sleepy and judging by the few wafting pillars of smoke from cooking fires he knew few had yet stirred.

Neither would the Sebanwi get to play the coward either, he had seen to that. Formations had been mixed and matched so that they would be forced to fight and not stand back pretending. Turning back around he watched the formations begin to walk from their refuge and slowly pick up speed into a slow jog and finally a run. There was one thing that worried him as he watched them streaming forward in two long columns: how long would it take to cross the canal? So little time had been left they did not bother with building bridges as none wished to remain for long sieges the likes of which they had seen far to the south, this was to be a rapid assault meant to kill everything and then flee south.

All they had to do was climb the walls.

Verik sat with his back partially to the top of the palisade and chewed quietly on the dried fish before stopping to lean up and spit the wad of mush over and towards the enemy. Putting the hard, salty and unbelievably dry chunk of dried fish into his mouth he struggled to chew a piece off before ripping it free with his teeth and began slowly chewing again.

"Planning something today are we? There are... Twenty on the hill today not five, what are you planning for us?"

"That is a waste of food captain." Altayih sat down beside him and offered a clay pot with water in it. "This might help... Soften, the um..." He turned away. "Watching you try and chew that fish is disgusting captain."

Verik chewed a little more slowly before giving up and spitting it out. "If I had known this fish would have been so bony I would never have dried it but in all fairness it was my first and unknowing attempt. You want some? Its like... Hard shoe leather and rubber with tiny little bones that get between the teeth. Tastes worse than it smells."

"No, thank you. I shall wait for my daily mush. Ahhh and here it comes!" Altayih smiled as Shahid and Asha arrived with two small pots. "Food, real food and not that awful smelling fish you have been chewing on."

"Yes, stink very bad..." Asha leaned away from Verik as he leaned close to accept the bowl she offered. "Make breath very bad smell, you eat that no sleep in hut no more."

"Well I think I shall save this stuff for times of starvation then." Verik slid the rest of the dried fish back into the jar. "You dont complain when I eat-"

"That one no smell so bad, this one too much." Asha took the jar from him. "I bury this."

"You may do so once they have left." Verik motioned towards the hill.

"What they do today?" Shahid sat down and fiddled with his spear before giving up and looking over the palisade.

"Well not much, yet. They are up to something though, at least twenty up on the hill watching us since first light and Tam-Tam is off telling Sefu all about it. Other than that, nothing. There was a fight though, looked like one of them was screaming at another and then it died off."

"Mmm, that good."


"No them, this." Shahid pointed at his bowl.

Asha smiled and continued eating as Verik pointed with his spoon a the hill. "See that one in the middle? All the fluffy bits, feathers and colorful bits? I bet you breakfast tomorrow that is the one in charge."

"Also one who did all yelling?" Shahid eyed Verik a moment before nodding to himself. "No take fool bet. But you is fool."

"How so?"

"He means your... Axe on a stick captain." Altayih gestured towards the pole before taking another bite of mush. "I can not fathom as to why you did such to a perfectly good axe. One that served you so well in just one battle! It took that stallions arm right off with one clean swing!"

"Well just wait until they start trying to climb in again, this will give me some good reach so I can crack some skulls- Shahid quit playing with that damn spear! Whats wrong with it now?"

"Not like. Good to stab but no so good on wall, no pierce shield, just slide off!"

"Alright, fine, here." Verik unstrapped the scimitar on his side and passed it to Altayih who handed it to Shahid. "Use that instead and use the curve to stab under their shield. Just curve your blow and it will slip right under and get them on the wrist or neck."

"Not know how to use..." Shahid drew the blade and standing felt its light weight and shook his head. "No, learn little how to use this from you after learn from Sefu but..."

"I shall gladly take it." Altayih held his hand out. "If you do not want it back that is captain."

"Do you know how to use it? Shahid was the only one interested in learning from Sefu-"

Altayih took the blade and sliding off the wall performed a few slow graceful motions before stopping. "My father believed a true gentlestallion should know how to wield a blade and paid for a tutor once a week when I was a colt."

"Lucky you. Alright, you can have it for now as I want this." Verik patted the pole axe.

"Yes... Do you know how to wield it? I know Sefu has been training you-"

"He did not teach me how to use this, many years ago when I was very small I took to reading every book I could find on knights, medieval warfare, vikings and even more ancient civilizations. Political and military history fascinated me but none more so than Romans and vikings-" Verik looked at the confused stares a moment. "To make a long story short I read many texts and saw a great number of diagrams in my studies, some of them I practiced in the yard when no one was looking. Such as throwing metal stakes while pretending they were pilums, archery and I used a hoe while pretending... Never mind, I had a vivid imagination and liked to re-enact things I saw in the diagrams. I will say though this is quite different than a hoe, the weight is not quite right and makes things feel a little, off."

"To each their own then captain and don't fall down while swinging that thing. And thank you!" Altayih patted the sword. "I shall put it to good use. When was this fixed? I thought the smith had refused until you could make proper payment."

"I sold the set of shackles you came here with in exchange along for other... Items. It was more of a "tribal" trade than one with just him but I am happy with what I got in return including fixing this axe blade so it would fit on the pole better and have a proper head it."

"Proper head?"

"Yes, cutting down a tree is not quite the same as cutting down a two legged combatant. Thus the head is more flared out and has a nice hook at the base now."

"Hmm. One set of shackles for repairing a sword and destroying one axe... Well if that is fair in your mind I shall not complain."

"Good. Your back in time for breakfast Tam-Tam, have a seat, nothing else to do. Dried fish?"

Tam-Tam sat quietly with a half asleep look on his face before suddenly leaning away quickly from the pot. "No, no that hungry. Never that hungry." Thanking Asha quickly as she handed him the last serving of mush he ate quickly and while looking over the palisade as the others ate the bowl fell from his hands.

"Dont waste food!" Verik snapped the bowl up quickly before glaring up at Tam-Tam.

"Trouble, much trouble, big trouble!"

Leaning around and looking at the fields below Wete, Verik passed his bowl back to Asha quickly and waved her off. "Go, now!" Looking at the two sleeping couriers he kept close by he jumped from the wall and ran to them and kicked them both on their hooves. "Up! Up! Now!" Giving a startled whinny they both bolted upright and grabbing them both by the shoulder he pulled them towards the wall and forced them up. "See that? Good. You, run to Jelani and warn her, you go to Sefu. Now go! Haul ass!"

Mouth still open Verik turned to his little camp of warriors that had been forced to sleep in a small area closest to Asha's hut so they would be on call more easily but he closed his mouth as Shahid and Altayih were already running around shouting at them. Turning towards Battashur's little nook that he slept in the Arabian stallion had already bolted and was shoving others towards their posts.

"That just leaves, U-... Uw- The pretty one with bright, amber eyes that looks half zebra and half Arab."

"Uwalia." Tam-Tam kept watching the columns advance. "I go tell her?"

"Yes, now, if she is up already and rallying her part of the line return at once, no waiting."

Tam-Tam was off before he could say anything else and glancing back at the others as they were hurriedly thrown into a line by Altayih and Shahid, he took a moment to see if Asha had departed and not seeing her anywhere in sight returned his attention to fields below where two columns had formed and at their forefront he could see very long ladders being borne forward quickly. The lines halted at the canal however and as the ladders were eased over others had to climb down and back out again before dragging them across.

Taking a quick look at Altayih as he looked over Verik shook his head. "I have no idea why they did not bother to build some small foot bridges to run across, it would have saved them a considerable amount of time."

"Look, there." Pointing Altayih let out a small chuckle. "They are giving up and just swimming it."

Far below the two columns had slowed so much that the ones in charge had begun shouting and fanning them out in order to cross in larger numbers across a wider area. Ladders were still slowly moving across but the spectacle of zebras swimming and climbing out soaking wet and covered in mud brought a heart chuckle up and down the line as they all watched in amusement. Slowly they gained momentum and began reforming but as Verik watched he slowly pointed at a group that had become detached from the greater columns.

"Just three more feet... Got im!"

A cruel laugh rang from the spectators as a zebra stepped a little too far into what had used to be the dugouts and with a sudden jolt fell downwards. Despite the distance between the two the howl of agony echoes up to their ears as others came to the aid of their fallen compatriot who's leg was stuck firmly in the ground. As they watched them try to free the zebra another strayed and with a yelp shared the same fate as the first.

"Well, I doubt they will fall for that again but at least they are stuck having to probe the whole hillside now."

"I want to see them attack the north side, from what Jelani said the locals were a little more... Creative, in their works once you planted that seed captain."

"Maybe, but for now I hope they stay as just the two columns and not three, that way we can focus on them and not have to spread ourselves thin."

Altayih shrugged. "It slowed them down as you said it would, they are already hugging the canal as that first attack did... Should give us plenty of time to make their lives more interesting."

"Yes, about that... You! Get over to the storage area and have about five smaller jars of tar brought over! Dont spill any!"

"Showing our hand so soon?"

"No, just a precaution, this is the most serious attack we have seen and they look rather set on it. A jar or two of fire once they are all nice and packed in down below waiting to climb the ladders ought to make them scatter."

"What about setting the ladder on fire?"

"No, no... I want them to climb up a few at a time, even those big ones there, will only let two at a time up and we can handle that if we follow the plan. Besides, the slingers need targets and nothing is easier to hit than some poor bastard trying to climb a ladder with one hand, shield and weapon in the other protecting their head and, well... Battashur can fire into them at an angle so I imagine it will be an interesting morning."

"Many a cracked rib shall they suffer."

"With that many ladders its not like they can miss their target, if the slinger shoots over or under I figure they will hit someone anyway."

"True I suppose not that I have ever survived a siege."

"I dont think anyone here has so its a learning experience for all of us. Never in my life did I imagine seeing this or doing this."

"As you said captain, a learning experience for us all if we survive."

"They are probing the ground with their spears, stopped them cold... If we had just one cannon or even a simple catapult we would have them right now."

Altayih took a quick look around before nodding and patted Verik on the shoulder. "Everyone is in position captain."

Tam-Tam climbed up and looking over glanced nervously at Verik. "Many ladder, that no good."

Turning to look at Tam-Tam, Verik noticed that not only was the stallion staring at him waiting but the entirety of the line was looking directly at him waiting. A nervous twang went up his spine for a moment as they all stared intently save Shahid and Altayih but after clearing his throat he spoke loudly.

"Follow your orders and stick to the plan! Repelling teams push the ladders back or slide them off the wall! If you have a long pole and cant push the ladder then jab them off the ladder from the side, dont strike straight at em! If they make it to the top dont let them over but bar their way and stab over while others stab or cut from the sides but dont lean over the wall! If a firepot is brought up clear the way when ordered! Understood?" A chorus responded in a heavily varied tone but with agreement, turning to Altayih he gave a quick nod. "You should return to your group now, wont be long now."

"Are you certain of this captain?"

"Yes of cour-"

"No, at being right here. As you said, you are our commander and must command, not fight from the front."

"I know and you're right. But right now we cant spare anyone, even the auxiliaries will be put up here in a minute to fill in the gaps once we know where the ladders are going up but depending on what they do not one of us is going to be just a spectator of the battle. It depends on just how hard they hit us and by the looks of it..." They both watched as one column sped off in a loop towards to eastern edge while others began lighting torches. "These zebras are quite serious about killing us." Looking back Verik waved a courier up. "Tell the fire teams to be ready."

"They shall have a hard time throwing torches in considering the height of the walls now..." Altayih leaned over a moment and looked around. "A very hard time."

"I dont think they really care."


Looking down the line again Verik could see tails dragging or hugging legs while ears twitched nervously, patting Altayih on the shoulder and nodding he climbed down and began walking. "Is everyone ready? Shahid?"


Walking along quietly he flipped the pole axe around and reaching out with the pole end tapped a local on the thigh making them jump. "Just relax, the plan will work, hold your position and do as Shahid tells you."

The mumbled response was unintelligible but he moved on repeating the words before turning around after reaching Uwalia's line and returned. Standing on the wall and looking over again the column which had been heavily waylaid was now fully prepared and looking at their heavy numbers Verik planed the pole-axe and continued to take long, even breaths. To their flanks small groups continued to probe at the ground nervously for pits while the main formation advanced very slowly behind them, but after several yards of nothing they were called back and the entire formation for a moment froze up before a shudder went through them like an overeager horse at the gates.

"Here we go..."

For a moment nothing happened until a shout was heard that sent the column pounding forward as a black striped tidal wave which with every passing second shortened the gap between the walls and their ranks. Watching their hurdle forward with great urgency, shields up and a low chant filling the air Verik and everyone else watched and waited quietly. Passing a lime washed stick everyone held their breath and waited for the inevitable and only a few short moments later they were rewarded as zebras began collapsing to the ground screaming in agony. Behind them the others were unable to stop in time and the weight of their numbers forced those ahead onwards and into a massive collision of bodies that heaped upon itself. As the formation was staggered by the sudden interruption others pushed the rest around the road and forward while once more probing the ground.

"That bought us a few more seconds."

"Sadly there were only three pits on the road."

"Well we only had time to dig three that one night during water hauling so at least we have something. Still, they will find the last soon-" Another zebra fell to the ground. "Well that's it, they found them all."

"Praise the gods it was the hard way."

"Well... I think we just pissed them off."

Watching the masses below scream out with increasing hostility they could only watch as a quick probing of the road was done and now that they were certain no other surprises remained the ladders were lifted up again and the mad charge began again.

"Battashur! Wait until the ladders are up and dont waste anything, shoot the climbers!"

Verik watched as the incredibly long, crude and flimsy ladders were heaved upwards for a moment before the foe changed their mind as the unwieldiness of the prospect and began to try sliding them upwards and into position.

"Captain, I have a feeling they are just out of place in this as we are." Altayih watched them with some amusement before hopping down and ushering his formation up. "Shall I?"

"Yes, Tam-Tam. Get the repeller teams to attack those narrower ladders down there towards Uwalia."

The top of a ladder crept upwards and towards Verik and ducking back he shouted out a warning as missiles were thrown at them from below, ducking low the projectiles passed too high or too low again and meandered into the area behind them. They struck nothing as the moment he shouted the auxiliaries behind the wall ran forward and hugged the wall leaving the compound empty. Returning to their positions they quickly began snatching up the weapons and handing them out, returning his gaze to the ladder Verik pointed.

"Altayih! One group here, now!"

Watching and waiting Verik stole another peak at the climbing zebras as a small group of spearmen huddled around the top of the ladder and shields at the ready began their own waiting game.

"Battashur, shoot them off the ladders!"

With a quick nod the Arabian yelled and the slingers began their work and though he could not see what was happening the dull thwacks and screams were proof enough that it was working. Battashur however threw his arms out and the slingers ducked as a wave of missiles passed over their heads or through the gaps in the crude crenelations, a stallion who had not been quick enough yelped as his arm was hit and after being pushed away and ordered back the slingers stood and began firing, only now they were being more cautious and moving out of sight after firing.

"East is still quiet so nothing there yet." Verik took another short peak over the wall and spotting a brave soul that had decided to climb the earthen wall by hand lifted the pole axe. Taking a breath he stepped a short distance away and testing his aim with a mock swing waited.

"No mind that one, we got him!" Battashur shouted and waved at Verik.

"Alright... Tam-Tam, you go there, take... Ten and have them stay here alright?"

"Yes Verik, where you go?"

"Going to get a better look at whats going on with Battashur. Damn it all! I need Raswan to handle some of these loose groups..." Verik trailed off. "Damn Tendaji for deciding to send him to Sefu's section of wall to assist in handling the spearmen when I needed him here!"

Sliding off the earthen wall Verik walked brisquely to the right flank of his line and walked past the slingers stopped near the one point that offered a clear view down the length of earthen wall, and peering out for a moment from behind the crenelation he saw nothing but total chaos. A mass struggle was going on everywhere, one of the larger ladders was firmly in place and holding by the sheer weight of those climb up but they were slowing down quickly. No sooner did one or two reach the top than the group of spearmen at the top blocked their path while others stabbed at them from both sides and from under the shields. Others however were lucky, those not trying to repel ladders with their lengthy poles were using them to harass those climbing and though the ends were not terribly threatening the incessant poking, stabbing and the occasional bullet impacting the one above or below them was grating on their nerves.

Farther down a cry of alarm went out as a ladder slowly but steadily was pushed back by a team of pole-bearers and as it bent and swung away from the wall those on it clung to it for dear life. For a moment the ladder just stood on its own, free of interference by either side but a pole gave it a nudge and it swung back, away and into their own ranks. Zebras tried to scatter as the ladder fell towards them but as the host below became more packed there was nowhere for them to flee. Trapped helplessly above or below some let go of the ladder and fell screaming hoping something would cushion their fall while the others clung on desperately even as the ladder slammed into the masses below. As he watched the fly swatter like effect ripple along the course of the ladder groans of pain and shouts of anger rang out as they began staggering to their hooves again. More shouting followed and the ladder was hoisted upwards once again and as it was swung back towards its target the pole-bearers caught it once more and threw it back.

"Good thing we put some extra footage on the wall."

"Yes captain." Battashur nodded and pointed. "They got another ladder..."

They both watched as a hardier ladder was slowly being pushed out of place and slid off the wall and towards another. The two groups on them began kicking at each other and trying to grab a hold of anything that would aid them in bracing against the inevitable collision. Slowly the ladder scooted sideways until it finally gave and as the top spun and swung underneath another the bottom popped out of place and smacked a few zebras at its base. Coming to a halt the ladder lay cross-ways and jammed underneath two others and watching them struggle to free it Verik nodded at Battashur.

"Tell those slingers over there who have nothing to shoot at to pick some of them off, don't want them to have too easy of a time retrieving it now do we?"

"No." Battashur waved over a few more slingers who were huddled down and waiting. "See them? Look fast. Yes, them."

Verik walked back down the line again towards the center as the whipping of slings being brought up to speed filled the air behind him and climbing back onto into position with Tam-Tam he watched as a shield came into view before being poked away.


"Yes, play hide and seek, they climb then duck. Climb then stab. Some now climbing as three, one blocking us as we block them, two then stab around other at us. Making much trouble."

"Well unfortunately they are learning fast so just keep stabbing right back."

Verik halted a moment and bringing his axe up again waited as the top of a shield came into view. Raising the axe higher and preparing a downward chop he waited until they were a few more inches higher and with a grunt heaved the pole axe straight down and into the center of the shield. An agonized scream filled the air as the shield rippled from the blow but survived the strike, taking a quick glance over he saw a stallion rolling away with a shattered and disjointed arm with bone poking out.

"Tam-Tam, I am going to send you a few more to plug this little spot here, one just climbed up. Watch your flanks."

"Watch flank?" Tam-Tam looked down in confusion.

"No, no... It means, never mind, just watch whats going on to either side of you. If that one had climbed in he would have gutted you from the side. Dont let them get beside you."

"Yes, no let them get beside."


Climbing down again Verik hurried down the line after sending a few more to aid Tam-Tam and first checking on Altayih who waved him off before stabbing at someone, approaching Shahid however he could see the Arabian furiously stabbing away and cursing loudly before stepping away and trading places with someone else.


"Spear useless! No good!"

"I think it would work quite well since you only have to stab down..."

"No pierce shield! It just bounce off! Slide away or do nothing!"

"Ahhhh..." Verik looked at the auxiliaries a moment before singling one out. "You, want to trade a spear for that? Good. Shahid! Pass your spear down." Doing a quick exchange Verik passed the new weapon up to a confused stallion who stared at it and then him.

"What good this do? This no even have point."

"It does not need a sharp edge to kill, just hit their shield as HARD as you possible can where you think their hand or arm is and nature will handle the rest."

Shahid stared at the mallet a moment in disgust before turning suddenly as motion caught his eye, swinging wide as a zebra furiously climbed over the wall the blow came in low and hard. Their shield wobbled violently before falling free from their hand as they yelped in pain as the concussion cracked bones in their hand, bringing the mallet back again on a backstroke Shahid brought it across their jaw with a loud crack that made the body part loosen and go slack, hanging from their face slightly. Stunned the zebra clutched onto the top of the palisade wheezing in pain as Shahid brought the mallet up and with a hard down-stroke smashed them in the skull. Eyes dilated the zebra jolted for a moment before slumping down and slid away and back into the ranks below while Shahid stared with a small degree of both confusion and wonder at his new weapon while Verik watched, still halfway up the rampart but having changed his mind.

"Is that weapon agreeable to you?"


Verik watched Shahid for a moment before nodding and removing himself from the rampart again began walking. "Dont stretch out too much or they can stab you in close with those short spears! Keep your shield up to protect your body!"

Shahid nodded. "Yes."

As Verik walked a mare ran up and pointed hurriedly. "Is problem, big problem! You come, come!"

Running after the mare as she took off at a dead run before he could ask questions Verik called out to no avail. As he ran past Altayih Verik gave a quick wave before passing him by, once they were beyond the main line and began moving deeper into Uwalia's section of the southeast wall things looked worse and worse. The closer he got the clearer he could see the problem: zebras were very slowly climbing over and to make matters worse he saw gaps in the locals defense line. Stopping the mare with a harsh call in order to look around at the hole he found himself in Verik gawked at the gaps in the defensive line.

"Where the hell are they!?"

"They run! Panic! Flee!"

"Why didn't you tell me that first?!" Gritting his teeth Verik hurriedly surveyed the area. "Where is Uwalia?"

"Other side, she stop them down that way but need help! Trying to push back!"

"Go back to the center line and grab no less than half of those just standing around to get down here right now! If you see stragglers along the way grab them to! We need to plug these gaps! Run!" The mare bolted and as he continued forward on his own he could see further off a skirmish taking place but a gap remained between himself and Uwalia. "If I just stand here there will be more of them all the time and the auxiliaries cant handle this... If I attack now I might spook em and put a scare in them..."

Taking a deep breath and charging forward with pole-axe out to the side Verik hurdled towards the exposed backs of the zebras who were more interested in advancing on Uwalia's line farther down. With a loud shout he swung hard into the unprotected back of a mare, the blade sank through their unprotected side so easily it passed through their ribs and a puff of air and blood told him he had nicked the lung. Collapsing in a heap gurgling the mare shuddered for a moment and then screamed out a gargled, choked howl of agony. Not waiting he drew the axe out with a sharp yank and hooked it around the neck of another drawing the startled zebra back rapidly. The blade partially cut into their neck making them yelp before collapsing to the ground and with a hard, swift kick from his boot Verik drove the toe into the center of the skull silencing them.

Aware of his presence the others turned quickly and looking down they hesitated as he swung at the hand of another climbing over, with a sweep he he their fingers off before swinging back at the rest while trying to look as terrifying as possible while still giving out the best war cry he could manage. Lurching forward at the stunned zebras the foremost backed away quickly before a braver one moved to intercept his advance, shield up he danced forward quickly and holding his tattered shield to block Verik's blow they stabbed around the shield but he was not aiming for their body. With a hard, heavy thud he brought the axe almost into the center of the flat shield and twisting his body pushed while hoping the gamble would pay off. Sheer force drove the shield into the stabbing arm causing the young stallion to lose his footing and not wasting a moment he reached out with the crook of the blade snagging the stallion firmly around the cannon and with a shout pulled back hard throwing them to the ground.

Leg yanked away brutally the stallion fell but caught themselves on one knee and lifting their other hoof freed themselves at the expense of collapsing again. Swinging their shield up to protect his body as Verik made a hard downward swing the blade drove the shield down and a snapping sound filled the air as the shields supports shattered and gave way while the barrier itself buckled inwards dangerously. Another hard swing followed the first into the shield but the blade glanced off as the zebra fought to protect himself, only instead of glancing away from his body it directed the blade directly into his unprotected knee. There was no blood for a moment at the axe blade took a few inches of knee off with a dull thwap but as the blood began gushing out the young zebra began screaming and thrashing as all thought of fighting vanished in a haze of agonizing pain.

Looking up at the others knowing the one below would not challenge him again Verik eyed they and advanced with a hair brained idea in mind. Hunching over slightly he kept the axe at the ready and smiling he started laughing at them, the group backed away a moment confused before quickly fanning out to surround him with a degree of trepidation visible on their faces. To his left one quickly advanced on him but with a quick sweeping movement of his axe they backed off as did the others, but the swing proved the axe was not properly balanced nor his swing. The zebras however no longer held their shields with great certainty but more a last resort after what had happened to their young, brave compatriot. Eyes drifted to the wall again as a head began emerging and as the other three gave a shout of alarm to their brother in arms Verik lashed out and drove the end of the pole-axe into their face knocking, with a crack the blunt end hammered into the zebras face driving them back and off the wall.

Not interested in waiting on them to hem him in Verik quick lashed out against the one to his left and began trying to slowly drive them all back together, but as he began to push against one the other two reacted immediately and in sync to block his efforts. As the four spiraled around each other jabbing and slashing the one in the middle grunted and fell to a knee before falling forward with a javelin protruding from his back. Laying on the ground grunting and struggling to get back up the other two took a quick glance as a swarm of screaming locals bore down on them and looking at Verik they both broke and ran for the wall as more tried to climb over. Shouting and waving them away those climbing looked confused before climbing out of sight again while Verik and the others chased after them.

"They are too fast, way too fast..."

Verik struggled to keep up with their speed as they bolted, reaching back with his axe as the two began swinging over the wall he lifted the axe up and charging forward hard swung down as one tried to escape, catching them directly between the eyes. For a moment the stallions eyes locked with his own and they both stared hard at each other, one with shock and surprise written in their eyes as the life drained away and the spark of life vanished from his eyes. Gravity pulled the body away and freed the axe blade as the corpse slipped off and fell out of sight just as the group of auxiliaries arrived. However, as they ran to him they slowed and kept a clear distance from Verik for a moment as he just stared where the head used to be.

"You okay?" The mare looked at him worried.

"Fine, fine. Get to Uwalia, you four stay here and make certain no one else climbs over."


He did not budge for a moment, but turned and quickly picked up pace following after them. Was this any different than bandits? Not for one moment had he ever considered it wrong to butcher those bandits and even now he would gladly do it again. This however felt, different. They were enemies, he felt it in his bones and there was no regret in his actions but something just felt different. The past few moments flashed back through his mind again reliving the events and a grimace formed on his face, it was different, very different. Killing the others had brought no small amount of satisfaction and felt good, very good, almost a gleeful joy. Beating the bandits head in had felt so good he wanted to do it again and again but now... There had been no young, brave stallion willing to challenge him, he had been pushed forward by the other three grayer ones.

"Gray... Gray..."

"You here! Good!" Uwalia let out a happy sigh of relief. "They gone now from wall?"

"Yes... Gone. Uwalia, how many zebras were gray?"

"Not know. Gray? Why?"

"Something is off... It just doesn't, feel quite right..."

"What?! They try to kill us!"

"Not that, how they are acting is off. Never mind, you have your section of wall back and keep the reinforcements but dont let them over that wall again! Clear?!"

"Very, they no come in again!"

"When this is over find the bastards than ran and bring them to me!"

"Yes! Bring them!"

Verik stared at Uwalia as she stood nearly rigid while her eyes looked him up and down. "What?!"

"No-thing! You kill all though? Some get into village, saw running while you coming, they go deeper-"

"Hell! You! Go tell the fire teams to wait until we have cleared them out and for everyone watch their backs, some got loose in the village! Tell the second wall to be on the lookout!"

Turning and running Verik grabbed two of the reinforcements from the wall and shouting for them to follow began running deeper into the village following the smoke trails. He had not noticed it before as his vision had so narrowed during the fighting but fires had started, some huts on the fringe were now burning and filling the air with an acrid smell as smoke began to cloud and distort everyone's field of vision while deeper in some were just starting to smolder.

"Those big attacks were so a few could get inside and burn us out!"

As he ran shouting was already filling the air further in but as the screaming began he recognized one and ran harder.

Looking around as everyone sat in hushed silence Asha waited with the others whos job it was to gather the wounded and haul them away, it was not her job to collect however but make certain anyone bleeding had a rag stuffed over the wound until Nuru or Subira could get to them. Foals were kept in the huts and out of harms way, especially after the first attack that rained down from above and as she watched them huddled near the entrances peaking out hoping for a glimpse of what was happening she heard the first howls fill the air announcing that the battle had begun. Turning away from the foals she looked south towards the sounds as the echoed through the village and over the walls, waiting. For an eternity nothing happened, there was no call for anyone to go collect the wounded, dead or dying. Only the screams filled the air and she flinched heavily when more screaming washed over her ears coming from the west.

Everyone was looking at each other either in dread or an eagerness to get it over with while a few sat with their eyes closed muttering quiet prayers to any who would listen. One nearby began a choking sob as they tried to remain calm but were ignored by the rest, everyone had their own problems and as the dark atmosphere crushed them with its depressing weight. Slowly a few heads popped over the wall calling for assistance and two by two those around her trickled away only to return with wounded who either laid quietly on the ground shaking or limp while a few other groaned in pain.

Stuffing the balls of cloth she had into their wounds and pressing down she moved from one to the next quickly, blood washed over her hands dying them a dark crimson and looking into her basket the number of crude bandages were becoming too few again.

"More bandages go!"

Asha gently pushed a zebra away who had been squatting over one of the wounded and looking down at their lifeless eyes she looked away quickly as unwanted memories came surging back. A hand pushed her away and a faint voice ordered her to move on and without looking she stood, turned away and moved to the next. One stab wound after another was all that greeted her, some were minor pricks, others deep gouges. Looking them over she realized most were not the trained locals but those conscripted and put on the line either against their will or as volunteers. Many had no shields and working her way around it was clear that it was proving to be a problem and that unlike the first attack, this time the casualties were mounting.

Slowly the flow of wounded ebbed off and became a very slow trickle while the screams and shouts became more even and less hurried, the clashing of arms still filled the air but now it was more a rhythm that a wild, hurried, chaotic howl that ripped through the air. Looking around she stood to check, everyone had been bandaged and in a corner the washers were working furiously to clean the blood from bandages before throwing them over a crude line. Giving out a small sigh she felt relieved for a moment but the feeling was swept away as two stallions lifted a screaming, howling mass over the wall.

Looking at them she turned away and nearly vomited but forced it down before looking back at the scene, the stallion had not just been stabbed but gored. A great slash ran across his stomach and his organs had bled out and hung from his body in the air as his hands tried to hold them in place, while his head leaned back in a near permanent scream of agony.

"Where this one go?"

Asha looked at them deaf and dumb for a moment before remembering Nuru's instructions and pointed to a crude, low table. "There."

Easing the stallion down they raced off again leaving him in her care but as she looked at him her hands began shaking so violently she could not get a grip on the last bandage in her basket. Standing transfixed to the spot Asha felt tears running down her face as she stared at the writhing stallion, her legs would not move the spot and no matter how much she wanted to help she could not more for another part of her screamed to run and not look back. The others were too busy to help and were tending the other wounded but they continued to glance at him until finally one looked at her and seeing her state called out but she could not force herself to move from the spot.

A head popped out of the hut for a moment and looking around Nuru called to her but after getting no response disappeared again. Moving slowly from the hut Asha watched Nuru make her way to the wounded stallion and giving him a quick look over she shouted for water but before they could bring it the wounded stallion began shaking so violently he almost bounced off the litter. Gurgling, wheezing, eyes wild and agony still written on his face he thrashed as Nuru struggled to keep him on the litter and calling for help a few others grabbed him by the legs and shoulders while Nuru tried to keep any more of his organs from spilling out. Nuru seized the gourd of water when it arrived and poured it over the organs washing away the dirt and debris before trying to stuff them back inside with one hand while rummaging around in her bag with the other. Asha stared horrified as the shamanesses hand disappeared into the mass of organs and for a moment sank several inches before emerging again and once more trying to hold everything in place.

Nuru popped the top off a small clay container and froze for a moment looking down before removing her hand from his stomach, shaking her head at the others they all backed away as the stallion continued to convulse but the thrashing became less and less until only a twitch remained. Staring at them Asha watched Nuru stand and walk away to check on another while she stared back at the stallion. His head lay sideways, staring past her and into oblivion as the last flicker of life left his eyes. There was no great huff of air, no light departing the body, only a slow, even, calm, peaceful and relaxed exhale as his mouth hung open.

Turning away as blood continued to flow from the wound and pool on the ground Asha ran to the wall and climbing up leaned over and vomited violently, as she continued to retch a hand held out a cup of water but seeing the blood soaked arm made her retch harder.

"Calm and drink." Nuru patted her with the less bloody hand a moment. "When ready, drink, rest and when call for you bandage others yes?"

Watching her as no response was forthcoming Nuru patted her again and left. Asha continued to lean over the wall trying to breathe as one more wounded stallion was carried over the wall, looking away hurriedly she grabbed the cup and began drinking, trying to wash away the taste while trying to bury what she had just seen. Refusing to turn around in case he was still there staring lifelessly into the distance she walked down the length of the wall towards the hut with the foals but furrowed her brow, one was missing. Looking around quickly she ran to the hut and looking inside counted heads quickly before a panicked expression set in.

"One missing! Where they go!? Where us one who watch?!" She looked at the foals who shrugged until one pointed out.

"Want to see so go. Nanny go help move twitchy one."

Letting out a strangled cry Asha dropped her cup and bolted from the hut but froze. "Which way?" Looking around frantically she ran up onto the wall and standing as high as she could began surveying the narrow confines. "Ah! There!"

Sliding over the wall and chasing after the small figure Asha pumped her legs hard as the foal made their way towards the eastern wall. The foal stopped moving and stood riveted to the ground suddenly and catching up to them she reached down and snatched them up before her heart stopped beating and blood ran cold. Staring at each other the two grayish zebras looked her up and down just as shocked at the sudden confrontation as she was while on held a lit torch to the roof a hut, frozen at her sudden appearance. However, as their eyes narrowed and took on a determined look Asha bolted for her life between some huts with a colt over her shoulder. A startled scream left her lips while a wailing cry echoed out from the colt as she darted back and forth through the huts. From around her others looked out and their own cries of alarm filled the air as they began scattering while angry shouting pursued her.

Smoke was blowing in all directions in the confined spaces and as she continued to run and make one turn after another she slowed for a moment, lost in the haze. Everything looked the same now, just a gray, choking haze that made both herself and the colt cough and wheeze for air as shadows danced in and out of view. Turning and moving in what she hoped was the way to the center of the village she looked down and tried to see if she was going uphill or down but as the smoke stung her eyes it was becoming impossible to tell.

"Which way?! Which way!?"

Looking around frantically she coughed again and ran around a hut before crashing into someone, terror filled her lungs with a scream as the zebra let out a grunt and turned around quickly in confusion but looking down he smiled and lifted his short spear. Rolling away as the blade missed her neck by a fraction of an inch but before he could stab again her hooves flew and caught him in the legs throwing the zebra to the ground. Cursing loudly at her they both fought to their hooves and bolting with the colt under her arm Asha plunged back into the smoke, looking over her shoulder she yelped as the zebra closed the distance rapidly while the other she had seen joined him in the deadly chase.

Running in great haste while glancing back constantly Asha felt her body run into something and collapsing she stared at the entryway to a hut. Scrambling inside with the colt she tried to keep him quiet hoping they would pass them by but as the voices outside grew closer her own frantic breathing became hard to hide let alone the cries of the colt. Staring at the entryway as smoke billowed in from outside the blood drained from her face as a striped head looked in and glaring at her furiously the figure stepped inside, torch still held firmly in his hand. A long string of worlds left his mouth but she could not understand half of them as he angrily waved the torch around causing little flecks of embers to float about like small wisps before settling into the rafters. As he walked forward she kicked her hooves and backed away while above them small fires began to burn and back to the wall staring forward shaking Asha looked up crying as he closed the gap step by step.

White wafts of smoke coming down from the ceiling obscured the hut and her attacker more and more as she looked around frantically, the colt was huddled between herself and the wall, the two pressed firmly hoping that it would somehow prevent them from being slain. Outside shouting echoed in and as she closed her eyes there was a heavy thud as something hit the hut of the wall outside. Praying furiously with eyes clenched shut that it would be just as quick a death as her sisters had been, Asha waited and waited on the blow that never came. Pained groaning filled the air as dull, meaty thwacks filled her ears and when it was over something fell and touched her leg. Kicking out and sobbing while looking away she felt something grab her leg and begin pulling, lashing out with a kick she felt the grip slacken for a moment before tightening as one solid, hard yank sent her sliding along the ground.

Plowing through the smoke following the various screams that seemed to continuously circle them Verik froze in place to just listen before snapping his fingers at the two behind him and pointing them off in a different direction.

"Two groups, one that way and one... There."

Running ahead after hearing Asha scream again Verik pushed through the choking haze and after the sound, another shout caught his attention and putting his back to a hut he waited and listened to a quick, garbled conversation. Moving around the hut slowly pole-axe at the ready he looked through the haze and watched two figures moving, one held a bright light in one hand while the other seemed to be walking backwards and peaking into huts. Stalking them through the smoke and watching, one froze and calling to the other ducked into a hut while the last moved up and blocked the entrance from the outside. Racing forward and around the side of the hut switched hands on the axe and making a wide sweeping blow came around the hut and brought the axe-head directly into the stomach of the waiting zebra. Their body collided with the mud brick door frame and slumped to the ground but lifting the axe again he brought it down on their head before stepping inside.


Everything was on fire, the roof was staring to flare up, smoke had clouded the interior of the hut but looking forward he could see and hear the first zebra moving forward slowly towards someone else. Shortening his grip a little in the confined space he drew back and drove the blade into the zebras hip and yanked hard taking flesh and fur with it, for a moment they grunted and staggered before trying to turn around. Moving forward again he hooked their other leg and with a sharp yank the zebra collapsed to the huts floor with a thump. Lifting his axe up as far as he could without hitting the low roof he brought it down again on their stomach with a dull, meaty thud and again on their chest but the leverage on the axe prevented him from delivering the solid, forceful blows he wanted. Lifting up his boot Verik brought it down driving the axe deeper into the zebra's chest, stomping on it one more time he wrenched the axe free.

"Two. Now where is Asha?" Looking forward into the haze as the mortally wounded zebra coughed and gagged on the floor he saw a hoof sticking out, grabbing it and giving a tug Verik recoiled as the matching hoof struck out from the haze and missed his head. "Quit kicking! The huts on fire, we have to go!"

Gripping harder he turned and pulled hard sending the figure sliding across the silty floor and almost to the door before stooping down to look at them. Asha shrieked while covering her face a moment before hands pried them away and looking up she saw a familiar, soot and blood covered face.

"We need to go, now." Crying out in joy after recognizing the voice Asha grabbed Verik around the neck and began sobbing. "Later, first we need to get out of here, the huts on fire. Grab the colt and lets go before we burn along with him!" Verik jabbed his pole axe at the still living zebra. "Studying those medieval diagrams really paid off..."

"Yes, we go." Asha called out for the colt and picking him up followed Verik outside. "What happen? We lose? We run away now?!"

"No, we are winning and doing quite well at least on my side of the village. A few got inside when some locals abandoned their post and fled, that is the only reason they got in. Come on, this way."

Leading Asha away from the flames and coughing occasionally on the smoke they both stopped a moment to look back as the now fiercely burning hut began to cave in on itself, what echoed out of the flames was a gurgling shriek as the roof came crashing down on the wounded zebra engulfing him in the fire.

"Remember what I told you?"

"No, what you tell me?" Asha's voice was shaky and uncertain as she cringed and looked away from the inferno.

"That anyone who dared to touch you would be burned alive."

"Not wish that on anyone."

"I do. Come on, this way." Walking around a few more huts Verik stopped. "Were lost... Hang on." Taking a deep, coughing breath he let out a scream. "Uwalia! Which way are you?" Listening to the muffled response he pointed. "That way."

"Where we go?"

"Someplace I don't want you to be, but right now its safer than being here. Come on."

Leading the way Verik stopped and almost swung his axe as a hazy figure ran through the smoke but they froze and threw their hands out.

"No! No, no, no! We not them! We come back! Look for you!"

Looking the two over and nodding Verik waved them forward. "Did you find any others? I got two."

"Yes, yes. Find one with torch but two others already dead. Some on east come this way when hear shouting and find them, stab them down. They no get up again."

"Good, when we get back you stick with Uwalia and do as she says."

"Yes, yes."

More figures moved around them in the haze with poles and buckets of earth and sand from the river, one by one the fires were being put out before they could spread and emerging from the smoke and onto the wall as the wind blew the billowing clouds north east Verik waved Uwalia over.

"These two are yours, there is a very serious fire deeper in-"

"We know, one Tendaji say fight fire decide to go before all village burn and take some with to protect in case. All okay now?"

"They are all dead unless one is hiding somewhere, for good measure do not countermand Tendaji's order just yet."

Looking at Asha confused Uwalia pointed. "Why she here? She be in center of village with wounded."

"I chase foal who climb wall." Asha bounced the colt on her shoulder a little.

"Ahhh... All okay then, no more try to climb here, they go away and stay away so I send some back to other place."

Verik nodded. "Alright, just keep your eyes open. Lets go Asha."

Walking along the wall as Verik led the way Asha looked peaked over and saw bodies below, some crawling away, others still and silent. The closer they got to the main road however the clamor grew louder and louder until it the din became a buzzing hum as loud curses were exchanged back and forth by both sides as they continued to try and push their way in or be forced out.

"No like this place." The colt pinned his ears back and grabbing them tried to close them further. "No want to no see you but not want stay."

"You will not be staying, I am going to send someone to make certain you both get back and that this one..." Verik tapped the foals head and looked into their eyes, the colt froze a moment and began sobbing as he stared back at him. "Does not run off again. You wanted to see the fighting, right? Is this what you wanted to see?" Verik motioned towards the organized chaos along the wall

"No want see more."

"Alright." Pointed to a stallion Verik shouted and brought them over. "Make certain Asha and this troublesome little colt get back to Nuru unharmed and quickly. Once you have delivered them get back here got it?" Looking at Asha's sweat, soot and tear streaked face Verik put a hand on the side of her face and smiled but the somewhat wild look in her eyes made him worried. "Whats wrong?"

Tapping him on the shoulder the zebra he had called over grimaced. "Maybe look at self later yes? You scare anyone look like that."

Looking down at himself and his blood soaked clothing Verik reached up and felt his beard, it was sticky and clumped together with blood. "Alright, fair enough. Asha, time for you to go, take her away." Turning back to the line he watched Altayih carrying a pot up onto the wall while a zebra followed him with an unlit torch. "What is he doing?"

Altayih watched Verik depart with a wave in a great hurry along with a handful of reinforcements going east along the wall, and with a depressed sigh nodded at him.

"Guess they got in somehow, alright... Chain of command dictates I am now in charge, so!" Trading places with another he moved out of the fighting and took stock of his surroundings and smiled. "Going very, very well..." Glancing back at where the wounded were kept until retrieved he grimaced. "Not having a shield is certainly telling but cant help that."

A wave from Tam-Tam caught his attention. "Where Verik?"

"Busy, whats wrong?"

"Some climbing over there near Battashur now!"

"Ahhhh so thats where they took the ladders we pushed away!" Altayih grinned. "Do not worry about it!" Turning his attention elsewhere he slid off the rampart and began looking for pole bearers and picking a few out he waved them down. "Alright, you will go down to Battashur and help him beat the ladders off, understood? Good, off with you!"

Watching them depart he turned east and watched smoke slowly beginning the rise into the air, shaking his head he walked down to Shahid for a moment but turned away just as quickly. Anyone who got too close by pushing their way up was becoming the recipient of a hard, bone breaking or if nothing else a jarring blow from his newfound weapon. Turning back towards Tam-Tam he made a quick check and as he got close a yelp filled the air as a local fell away from the wall with a spear in their shoulder. Catching them as they half fell and half slid off the wall Altayih dragged them a short distance before looking back and shouting for assistance. Grabbing a replacement and pointing he pushed them forward and onto the wall, picking up the fallen weapon he looked around and offered the spear to anyone who wanted it and after handing it to a mare he walked on.

"Battashur, are the-" Altayih watched as a ladder slowly slid off the wall. "Never mind. All is well then yes?"

"Yes, but some became quite scared. Thankfully none ran this time."

"If they run beat them back into place. Actually..." Altayih looked up and down Battashur's line. "You have some spares, here is an idea: take one or two who are not likely to run and have them keep the others on the line. Should one try to run have them use a stick or something to beat them back onto the line."

"You are very cruel Altayih." Battashur frowned.

"Necessary considering the circumstances, besides! I have a feeling that just happened to the far eastern wall."

"What do you mean?"

"The captain just took reinforcements there at a dead run but they are not attacking there nearly as intently, it just seems a natural conclusion that someone ran rather than stand and fight."

"Hm... We shall learn the truth when he returns then."

"Very certain of him are you?"

"And you are not?"

Altayih stopped a moment before shrugging. "I have seen many things in my travels but nothing like him. When he should have died he did not and he certainly has a... How should I put it? A flair about him for blood letting."

"Some see that as courage and bravery."

"Hm." He shrugged again. "No matter, if they made it in he will almost certainly throw them back."

"You who have such little faith in others..." Battashur peaked over the wall again before looking back at Altayih. "Things are going quite well here."

"May it stay as such then my comrade in arms."

Battashur shook his head and waved him off. "Practice your gilded tongue elsewhere."

They both froze a moment as a ping sounded and turning to look they saw a slinger sitting on the ground coughing blood. Beside him a bloody javelin lay on the ground, its head bent and twisted from hitting a brick, running to him they both checked the stallion as he kept a hand over the wound caused by the missile.

"Looks like it bounced and sliced him open before falling out." Altayih put his own hand over the gushing wound.

"I don't know whether you are lucky or not." Battashur yelled at the top of his lungs for a bandage and someone to carry the stallion away.

When two others arrived to carry him away one stuffed a raggedy cloth under the stallions hand as he continued to cough up blood and wheeze. Watching him go they both looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Unfortunate, do you think he will live long enough for Nuru to treat him? If she can..." Altayih wiped the blood off his hands and onto the wall.

"She can do many things that seem impossible, if he survives long enough she might be able to save him. Tch." Battashur clicked his tongue. "Cursed that one is, but lucky I suppose... At least it did not pierce him properly."

"Hmm." Altayih shook his head and began walking away. "If anything happens that is worthy of note inform me."

"I shall."

Walking back to the center of the defense Altayih climbed up and took a quick look over the side and frowned. The larger ladder was a swarm of zebras as they lined it slowly with rows of shields to protect their sides from the incessant, buzzing, stinging and bone breaking swarm of bullets being launched at them. One hoof at a time they were making a far more organized push up the ladder and as he watched them in that brief moment he wondered if the warping beams that supported them would hold or shatter sending them all crashing down.

"Clever monkeys." Turning away he smiled as two younger stallions and a matching pair of juvenile colts plodded up with black streaked jars. "Perfect!" Sliding off the rampart again Altayih rushed to them waved for them to put them down and going over his options he picked two out. "These two will do, alright, you can go. You! Get over here! There are torches in the hut there, get one ready for lighting and quickly!" Turning around he examined his options and figuring where he wanted to launch it from lifted one, it was larger than what Verik had requested but the error was the perfect mistake.

"Ready with torch, when light?" The stallion stood with flint in one hand and a torch in the other.

"Not here, never here, you might set the others alight! Follow me." One hoof-step at a time Altayih climbed up the wall and once on the top with the jar cradled in his arms he peaked over again. "Not here, just a little further down... You! Tell those three, yes them, to jump aside when I yell!" Spinning around he uncovered the top of the jar and looking inside at the gooey mess he dabbed the worn cloth inside carefully. "Alright, light the torch."

Sticking the torch into the compacted earth the stallion began striking the flint quickly sending sparks showering outward until a few caught and set the torch alight.

Pulling the torch out and holding it the stallion nodded. "Ready!"

"Okay, in three... Two... One... MOVE! NOW! Light it!"

The stallions jumped aside as the torch touched the liquid and a burst of heat and flame lept up into the air, not wasting a second Altayih hefted it up and pitched it over the side of the wall and directly towards the lower middle of the ladder. Everything froze for a moment as the flaming projectile careened downwards and from below horrified faces stared up helpless. Some tried to let go and jump away while others clung on hoping it would pass over their heads, and a few even raised their shields hoping to stop it from hitting them.

With a loud crack the jar hit and broke open spilling its sticky contents, the cold tar oozed and splattered outwards while the flames chased after it. Everything it touched was soon blazing and as the tar heated up it oozed ever faster, working its way down. The first great splash that had shot out and down splattered across shields and bodies below bringing with it small flaming lights that clung to fur and burned hotly sending the recipient dancing and screaming. Fur burned and no matter how hard they flailed at the tar it only made it spread while those with some experience ripped their loincloths off and tried to smother the flames while sucking in air hard as the boiling tar seared them.

Peering down from behind a shield Altayih watched as the ladder began burning, those who were above looked both ways helplessly. They could climb up and suffer one fate or drop free and pray. One by one they let go of the ladder and while some missed any sharp objects protruding from the wall others landed on the brambles or sharpened sticks, the first slid free or fell hard, the second screamed and cursed aloud while the last screamed in agony or fell silent as they were impaled.

"What happened?"

Altayih motioned to Verik and pointed down. "They were learning and becoming a little too smart for their own good so I encouraged them to change their minds."

Looking over Verik watched a flaming zebras danced and rolled on the ground while a single, solitary figure who had their head bathed in flaming tar staggered around confused as their flesh melted.

"I would ask someone to shoot him but..."

"We can not spare the arrows or bullets."

Verik nodded and watched as the stallion continued to wander back and forth, arms stretched out as others fled from his presence not wanting to get touched by the flecks of tar dripping from his head. The bits and pieces rolled down his chest, arms and back setting more of his body on fire one molten bead at time. From below the smell of burning fur and flesh filled the air along with pained screams as those hit by the tar struggle to put themselves out with dirt or anything they could get their hands on. For some their burns were severe enough that flesh sloughed off and hung freely in the air as they staggered around. A few however had made the mistake of swiping at the tar with their hands and now sprinted towards the river or canal with hands blazing furiously while others did the same hoping to alleviate their fiery torment and thus diving into the water seeking its cooling, calming embrace.

Everyone was silent as they watched the chaos below and just as the masses had fled back from the flames they began to trickle away from the wall before breaking entirely and fleeing backwards as shouts filled the air. Some were so heedless in their efforts to escape they ran across the prepared pit fields and fell in including those trying to save themselves from their burning bodies only to inflict more grievous injuries upon themselves. As many tried to help as those fleeing but none chased after the ones running across the open fields and though some made it, others did not. Bodies littered the ground beneath the wall, but while some burned many more shifted and twisted in pain from having been injured from bullets, spears or from other objects. Writhing in pain those able to still move dragged themselves away from the walls while the walking wounded staggered off after the fleeing masses. Now and then one would begin to slump sideways as they walked before teetering off and collapsing, some were collected by their fellows and carried away or given assistance.

"That is a sight to behold..." Verik shook his head as everyone on the wall watched quietly.

"Indeed it is captain."

"And you are the one who drove them off, well done."

Turning to Verik with a smile on his face Altayih lost his composure and jumped back. "Gods be damned! What happened to you captain!?" Everyone on the wall turned quickly towards Verik and cringed.

"Anyone got anything shiny I can look at myself in?" A spear was lowered to his level and looking at his warped reflection in the highly polished metal he ran a hand across his face. "Well thats why Asha was so spooked when she saw me."

"What madness gripped you that drove one such as yourself to bathe in their blood? I know you have a degree of bloodlust captain but-"

"Probably happened when I splattered the one from behind and then... Well there is a lot of "thens" so..."

"How many?"

"Uhhhh... One here, three I think down near Uwalia plus two over in there somewhere." Verik waved at the burning huts. "Lopped the fingers off another."

Altayih winced. "How pray tell did you manage that?"

"All I saw was the fingers as they were climbing over the wall."

"Ah... I suppose they survived the poor unfortunate soul."

"Well never mind that." Verik stood fully and leaned over the wall for a moment before looking at Altayih and pulling him off the rampart stood him before the masses. "I give you the man who made them run like hell with just one jar of tar!"

A moment of silence held before a wild scream of victory rose into the air along the wall as they cheered, others called out his name with raised weapons and a few banged their spears upon shields filling the air with a mixed cacophony. Altayih stood looking confused for a moment before giving a small, nodding bow.

"Well done Altayih, well done."

"Thank you captain."

Shahid raised his mallet a moment and waved for everyone to look over the wall again. "Look! Running! They no attacking west wall now!"

Returning to their posts everyone crowded in including everyone who had not been fighting to watch as a wave of zebras flocked across the canal in disorder, more cheering rang out up and down the line as they fled back across the fields and towards the safety of the distant hill and bush.

"Well captain, it would appear seeing their compatriots fleeing had a... Ah... Cascading effect? On them."

"Yes it did but I wonder how Sefu fared. Tam-Tam! Try and get me a number on how many casualties we suffered in the auxiliary. Altayih, Shahid, fall them in and do a headcount. Battashur!" Verik waved at the distant stallion who waved back and yelled at the top of his lungs. "How many lost!?" A shrug was the response. "Figure it out!" Looking over the ramparts again Verik held his hands out. "Wait, wait! They left the ladders! Haul them up!"

Hands reached over and struggled to pull on the ladders to no avail and looking around Shahid pointed. "Get rope from storage hut and lash, then we pull rope, make easier."

"Do it."

Verik waved everyone off and as they waited for the rope to arrive relief and joy flowed up and down the line as everyone shared in the glow of their victory. When villagers returned with lengths of rope a few were lowered over the side and began lashing the ropes onto the ladders. After climbing back up teams began heaving and inch by inch the ladders rose up until more hands could grab hold to assist with pulling them over.

"They coming again!" Shahid pointed out at the canal where a column began running back towards them.

"Pull faster!" Verik grabbed ahold of a rung and tried to heave but the siege ladders were too long heavy, standing back a moment he looked at it and nodded. "You six, climb on and put your weight on the part up in air so it bends inside! Hurry!"

Looking over the wall as the column approached again Verik looked up at the locals slowly climbed up and sitting on the rungs within their side of the wall they put their weight on it as it teetered one way and then the other.

"Come on! Keep pulling on it! Get more up there!"

"Captain, it may break!" Altayih looked over the side and watched the ladder bend dangerously. "Its bending quite dangerously!"

"If the damn thing breaks in half then we can at least keep this much of it from them! Come on, pull harder!"

A ninth climbed on wincing as she went and for a moment it looked as if the whole ladder might slide off the wall and back into enemy territory but with a shout more grabbed onto the rope or anyone they could grab and with a hard pull the bottom of the ladder swung up into the air and began sliding in. Below the column began seizing the base of other ladders and pulled them free while a tug of war began with one of the roped ladders.

"Alright, just keep pulling it in, dont get off until the ass end is where you can see it!" Turning to the tug of war as two forces heaved back and forth Verik ran down the length of the wall. "Keep pulling on it! Dont let them have it back! Shahid, get Battashur to bring some slingers up here, quickly!"

Watching the scene below as zebras heaved one while others inside pulled heavily on the over strained rope Verik watched as a zebra began climbing quickly.

"Bastard is going to cut the rope!"

Looking around he saw a javelin sticking out of the palisade and leaning over the wall yanked it free, waiting he watched the zebra approach where the ladder was lashed and standing higher on the wall he leaned his arm back and hurtled the javelin back at the same side which had delivered it. His was not the only one launched and no sooner had he thrown his own than others following his example had scavenged their own, and what would have been a single projectile turned into a wall of them. Shield up the climber tried to hide from the barrage, some missed, other dug into the shield piercing it and one embedded itself in their calf muscle. Yelping in pain the zebra tried for a moment to tug the javelin free before giving up and dropping their javelin weighted shield began shimmying down the ladder. As they watched him blood poured from a gash on his arm where a javelin had pierced the shield and stabbed into the zebras arm, nearing the bottom he was pulled off by others and with a sharp scream of pain the missile was yanked free.

As the zebra hobbled away the ladder slowly inched its way up, repeating the process counter weight was applied and losing control of their end the zebras below gave up as the ladder swung up and out of their grasp. Not giving up they charged after other ladders and pulling them away began hauling they off and back down the road quickly as other, more distant columns did the same.

"Well, we burned one and will need to bring it in later, whatever is left of it." Verik looked at the still flaming tar covered ladder. "But that is two ladders they are not getting back."

"Yes, but what do with them?" Shahid examined the first ladder. "Very crude."

"Well we cut those rungs free, add them to the palisade or make big war clubs. As for the long parts... Well, no idea yet."

"What about using them to help fire the other ladders if they come again?" Altayih ran his hand along the length of lumber. "They reacted very poorly to the fire-pot so maybe attach some rags to the end here, cut some grooves so it holds more tar... Then if they come back again with ladders we light the end, poke it over and rub their ladder with flaming tar. It would save the precious stuff and we can save the jars for later. Ah, what if we used one ladder to hold the other up, make it more narrow, but a large pot of hot tar on the end and then used it to pour it over. A reversal of what we just did!"

"You are a devious bastard Altayih." Verik shook his head. "But those are good ideas, worth trying at least, especially the last one as we have no means of safely pouring tar on them. It would be a last resort to use so much in such a manner but if they dont leave after this I think we are in for a lot worse."

Shahid cocked his head. "Worse? How worse?"

"They can make more ladders and I think they were in a hurry. If they really set themselves to it and prepare a proper assault with even more ladders they can attack all across the entire length of the wall. Their numbers are enough they could give it a shot, we did some real damage here but not enough."

Staring at the bodies below as more crawled away Altayih nodded. "We kept them out but the captain is correct, what lays below is but a fraction of their whole. Assuming Sefu and Jelani did not inflict significant casualties."

"So far our defensive plan has been to just keep them out and not so much wipe them out. Though I would prefer to do the later no matter how impractical it may be."

"Why do you say that?"

"Its not like we can just route them out and the ride them all down like in a simulation. We are struck in here and they are free to roam wherever they want as much as they want, to go out there would be suicide. Well... From the looks of things they got a few ladders back, mostly from Sefu's side." They watched as another column carted off ladders quickly in the distance. "Altayih?"

"Yes captain?"

"About them "coming again," well you have your answer now."

"Ahh yes... If they are trying to keep their ladders then they intend to try again."

"Well I both hope they do and do not."

"Why is that?"

"If they come again we can kill a lot more of them but hopefully they wont want out and assault in all over the place. Then again if they stay away we get to just sit here and wait but for how long I dont know, soon water will run out and deaths from being so confined will increase as disease and-"

"Spare us the details captain, we understand. But as you say, I both hope and hope against another such encounter with them. Shall we begin a headcount?"

"Yes, do that."

Sitting on the wall and wiping the drying blood from the axe and its shaft Verik watched his collection of defenders line up to be counted, he could tell their numbers had been reduced but it was a lopsided loss. Those trained to work in the shield wall were by and large still present but the auxiliaries who had little to no training and were just trying to help where they could had taken a beating. As he watched them a mare came running and spying him she ran directly towards where he sat and giving a quick nod she pointed towards the west.

"Sefu want to know what happen. They here, push hard, then slowly start to run then big run, stampede."

"Ahh... You can thank that fellow right over there, Altayih. He nailed a number of them on the ladder with a fire pot and it had quite the... Effect, on them. Want to see? Come, just look over, the ladder is still there burning away."

The mare looked over and raised an eyebrow. "He do all that?"

"Well all of them did that." Verik waved at the formation. "But he certainly had a large hand in it. Oh, tell Sefu that a few climbed in when some locals down on Uwalia's end ran like cowards and let them inside. Plugged the gap quickly and killed the ones running around so not a total loss."

"They come in anywhere else?"

"Tried down there by Battashur but he repelled them quite well with some reinforcements. How bad was it on Sefu's side?"

"Well... If you no needed here you go look for self."


"Much regret they attack her spot. Archer cause much missery."

"Alright, oh is Raswan-"

"Ask him."

"Alright, I will head over and have a look. Altayih! Whats the count? Okay, you keep a watch here in case they try again, I am going to go see Sefu." Looking at the mare he waved. "Lead the way."

"Maybe you clean first?"

"What? And wash all this glory off of me?"

"Ech... You follow."

Looking over his shoulder at the distant hill Verik watched as the gathered mass reformed and began fighting with each other as arms flailed out and as one fell down a moment before standing he guessed someone had been smacked. Shaking his head he pointed over his shoulder.

"If anyone wants a show they are on the hill beating each other up."

A rush began as the formation broke and crowded onto the wall to watch the distant fight but a wearyness had set in, he wanted to watch but also just sit down and rest after running back and forth along the wall. Turning his head up slightly and blocking the sun out with his hand he looked away, the day was almost over.

"How long were we fighting..."

"Not know, long time."

"No, never mind..."

Stealing another quick glance he shook his head, the battle had started in the early morning and despite that not as many had died as he thought would have over such a lengthy period of time.

"Then again we mostly pushed them back as they pushed in, poorly trained slingers, only advantage was the wall... Damn, I really hope they dont come again or we are in trouble."

Climbing over various walls and making their way into Sefu's section things looked perfectly normal as groups sat about waiting while a few stood watch on the wall while Sefu talked quietly with his brother. Spotting Verik the giant waved him over quickly before finishing his conversation.

"How bad things?"

"Not bad at all but could be better, what happened? Did they damage the gate?"

"Very strange, very strange." Sefu shook his head and led him up to the wall. "It like they being driven, but not all. Some come wanting to kill so much but others not have same..."



"I am going to guess... And say that the grayish ones were the most hostile while the rest just seemed to be doing it while trying to survive."

Sefu nodded. "Yes. But mixed together, they no function so good, like they no trust each other and watch each other more than us. Spend more time trying to shield self than attack sometimes, but they fix mistake when almost over. Cause much trouble. Separate out, gray one drive other in front while other gray make own attack. Very bloody, lose many down there where attack. They not so interested in gate though, some try to climb at first but give up and use ladder."

"No battering ram then... Not very well prepared to attack, oh well, our gain and their loss. I might have a solution for the earlier problem though, did you see any arguments?"

"Arguments? Yes, some way back begin fighting before they change way, look like much shouting at each other." Sefu looked at Verik and waved a stallion carrying a jar over. "Water, look like you need."

Accepting the cup Verik began to drink before choking, his mouth and throat was so dry the water stung as it made its way down. Taking a few breaths he began drinking in small sips and swishing the water around slowly before swallowing, draining the cup he passed it back. Sefu accepted the refilled cup and after drinking waved them off.

"Thank you. So how many do you think died down there?"

"Hmm... Not know, need time count but they take away many wounded before leave."

"They left their wounded on our side, tried to get some but most just fled after Altayih set them on fire."

"He set them on fire? That why they run?"

"I guess it was fortunate he did so because after our lot ran away yours went not long after." Taking a breath he pointed at the scattered bodies below. "I've got a plan if you want to heart it."


"From what we have seen there are two groups here, one doesnt want to be here and the other does. One is happy to just pick at us until we give in or they give up but those grayish ones are very, very intent on breaching the walls no matter the cost and are more than happy to get as many of the others killed as possible to do it-"

"So kill gray ones more then."

"Yes, before I came over here a fight had broken out on the hill they are using to watch us again. They dont seem to get along and maybe if we can inflict enough casualties on one group in favor of the other..."

"They kill each other not us..." Sefu hummed for a moment. "Not think they foolish enough do that here where we see but if they no like each other that much then maybe it scare gray one into no pushing luck."

"We would have to kill a whole lot of the gray ones though, far more than we killed today. No holding anything back, we just have to riddle them with holes until they collapse from loss of numbers which is going to be near impossible."

"So, you want Nuru do thing against them?"

"It would certainly help if she gave them a nice dusting of that voodoo she wields, call down some of that lightning she commands and scortch a whole bunch of them would certainly convince them to back off for a good while."

"She maybe not able to help, that is asking very much."

"Well the way I see it she can either ask them to get off their asses and smite our attackers or get used to having a lot of new spirits around because if they get serious we are doomed."

Sefu watched him a moment before nodding solemnly. "You notice too then, they no good at this but have numbers and desire to kill in enough to make blood flow. Maybe they win, maybe they not but no matter we kill so many they no wish to fight again. But cost? It be high. Very high."

"We snagged two of their ladders including one of the big ones."

"How?" Sefu looked curious and confused. "Was going to set fire to later but they come again and take away."

"Tied ropes to them and hauled them up."

"Hm... Why you want them?"

"Free wood. Also Altayih has some fun ideas for using them. Where is Raswan?"

"Ah, he injured."


Sefu laughed. "No, he fall down and get cut on leg from dropped spear. Not cause problem though, sent him Nuru before you come, he be okay soon."

"With all this dirt getting in wounds-"

"That why Nuru take so much water for self but yes cause problem if some hide wound or tend self without wash with water first."

"Well..." Verik looked over the bodies again. "Salvage everything we can including their own shields and weapons, turn it against them and live to fight another day."

"Yes, we live for another day." Sefu let out a sigh and sat down. "Buy one more day, that good."

"One more day... They wont make this mistake again."

"No, but we know more now and be ready. Fight one battle at time."

"One battle at a time..."

Isibuso slapped Nyah across the face so hard she toppled to the ground and standing over her he raised his iklwa ready to stab before calming down and turning away.

"You winning! No excuse to run! Almost over wall!"

Nyah stood and almost charged Isibuso but Khada blocked her path and gave her a harsh shove backwards. "Was decision by many to go back, to no attack no more. Side from here was running away, all running, too many running. Very bad to attack when that happen. Smart enemy bring more to our wall and double strength, pointless to keep attacking. Even own chief no-"

A thud sounded as one of Isibuso's chieftains struck Khada in the side making him wheeze. "You no ever question Isibuso! You no ever-"

Isibuso waved a hand. "No matter now. Still have reserve. This not big wall place, very different..." His eyes traced along Wete's defences. "Many places to attack, many... No enough ladder this time cause much problem but is not be problem now, still have much to make ladder with but now have tools to make so go faster. We make more ladder and attack again, next time we attack with all, no need reserve. Make enough ladder for all and attack all of wall." His hand swept out. "All side. They no defend against that many."

"Is garrison and pushed ladder-" Khada tried to talk while regaining his compusion but Isibuso turned on him and glared.

"Fix that. When fight with big prince Halim I see ladder that taller than any we make. Big, big ladder, strong ladder, good ladder. Ladder have piece on top that grab wall and hold in place, make hard to push away. We know how tall wall is now so know how tall make ladder. Put claw on top and they no push away so long as warrior on ladder. Also bring big log, what call "ram" and beat gate down. Attack many places they no push away, have hard time pushing away few ladders they no push away many, many. Side with river too steep so ignore for now, north side rough but can attack. Make bridge to throw over little river they make there for crops, no more swim, just run across, they no able respond so fast no more. Also, village burning see? They not so strong as you think-"

"Sticky fire-"

"One fire! Is one! Desperate! But many ladder they no do that again! During night we fill pits they make in like that one!" Isibuso pointed at the filled in pit which had snagged one of the other chieftains on the hill. "No more worry about that no more then. Make big ladders, many ladders, they no defend againts all or use fire against all if ever again. When make hole in wall can run many and make bigger hole, take village and destroy, no more village. Pick at them to yes? Attack at night, throw torch in, maybe climb in and we take before even finish new ladders. We attack! Attack, attack, attack! Kill, kill, kill! No let them sleep! You afraid to attack again yes?"

"No, not-"

Isibuso looked Khada and Nyah over before smiling and nodding while waving Khada's words off. "Then you no worry, you two in front next time. You kill, kill, kill or die. Easy yes?"

Khada looked at Wete a moment and the smoldering ladder on the south side before turning back to Isibuso. "I lead way then, prove not coward. Ask that Nyah not at front beside me."

"You no challenge what I say then?"

Kaha nodded "Not challenge."

"Good, is deal, she no go with you."

Khada nodded but deep inside he knew that he had been had, Isibuso was going to honor his word but only to a small degree, but he also had a hunch that wherever he was sent would be the worst of it. So long as Nyah was somewhere else, anywhere else, she had a chance and that was all that mattered.

Khada nodded. "Is deal."