by Moterius

Chapter 2: Time passes

The less said about the two weeks that followed, the better. Nightmare showed me some… let’s say interesting things about my new body (example: wings indeed are sensitive) and explained a lot about magic over the last few days.

Not only distracted it me quite well from the burning in my body, but I could also recall the information perfectly afterwards.

To summarize: every unicorn could cast every spell they had the mana capacity and mental strength for. However, for spells not connected to their talent, they had to build the spell first in some way. Kind of how Nightmare’s talent was not with soul magic, and how she used the wood carving to exchange our bodies. Despite this, she has yet to teach me any spells I couldn’t do without forming it in my mind.

Physical manifestations were more stable and harder to disrupt as well, something to keep in mind.

Interestingly, ‘her’ cutie mark stayed on ‘her’ old body, but I wasn’t terribly opposed to that. It was a quite powerful mark, after all.

Over that time, I could also feel myself growing stronger. Nightmare explained that our magic regenerated only slowly, due to this world having next to none itself. In this world it would take about one and a half weeks to refill my mana pool, but then again, there were not really many things that could empty it.

I believe we may have a problem,” I commented, realizing that even although the magic allowed me to return to my previous look, it did nothing about my height.

“It is only a problem in your spellcasting,” he shot back, raising an eyebrow from the couch he was lying on.

“Your voice hasn’t changed. That means you haven’t cast the spell correctly.”

I blinked. I knew I cast it correctly and subsequently told Nightmare as such.

Excuse me? You said it was as simple as channeling magic into the runes,” I stated, now quite annoyed.

It seemed like Nightmare also realized this.

“Wait, then why isn’t it working?”

I shrugged. I had no clue; Nightmare had barely started teaching me the ins and outs of magic.

Your task to find out, not mine. Mind casting the illusion on me, though? I definitively shouldn’t stay apart from work any longer than necessary.

“Weren’t you worried about being discovered?” Nightmare asked, to which I nodded.

I was, and I still am. However, I believe in magic. You are an expert on magic, and there are about three beings in this and your original world that are more powerful than you are. So, just cast a regular illusion on me until you found out why it isn’t working.

“Slave driver.”

It is your fault for assuring it worked when it didn’t; take responsibility.

He blinked, then chuckled.

“Fair enough.”

Work passed without any issue, thanks to Nightmare casting a size reduction spell alongside the illusion spell. After he assured me it would hold for as long as I wanted and showing me how to make changes to it, he then continued to teach me about magic in every free minute.

I expected to get a burn-out after the first week of such a grueling routine, but for some reason, I was lively and full of energy. I guessed it was something thanks to magic.

Nightmare responded in turn that alicorns were built to be under heavy strain. This apparently extended to their psyche.

Another week passed in (relative) silence, and I was surprised by how fast I was learning.

When I asked Nightmare about it…

“Ah, that’s because of my night lessons.”

I blinked.

I don’t remember signing up or taking any ‘night lessons’, so what in the world are you referring to?

“Well, I got a pretty good understanding of your learning speed after you got that boost thanks to your alicorn psyche. As such, I can simply whisper into your ears at night, driving small but important pieces of knowledge into your brain. Example: How many layers can a tier three spell have?”

Three,” I responded, literally without thinking about it, then blinking.

We never talked about that! Sure, you taught me how to add another layer to a spell, but never the limitations of that technique!

“See? It works.”

I blinked.

For someone of your age, you sure do have a big lack of common sense,” I found myself snarking at Nightmare, who just chuckled in response.

“Fair enough. Then again, I am only here because you interest me.”


“Well, normally I would just have helped you understand your new body before leaving after producing some enchanted objects to hide said body. But you showed real interest, and more importantly, intuition, when it came to spells. You asked just the right questions. When you were lucid enough to, anyways.”

Just… forget I asked.

“Probably the better option, too.”