//------------------------------// // Twilight Story: Threats // Story: My Little Paw Patrol: Time is Magic // by Tidal Wave2 //------------------------------// Later, back in Adventure Bay, things were going well. Prince Leon returned to the castle he was staying in and was fully guarded by a large amount of knights and cops. Cozy Glow flew through the town while drinking a banana smoothie made by Mr. Porter. "What a relief. I sure am glad Twilight saved the prince." Cozy said to herself. "Though it's usually supposed to be the prince saving the princess." Cozy continued to enjoy her drink, when she looked down to see Rocky and Tracker talking. "Hey guys!" The Mixed Breed and Chihuahua turned as Cozy landed by them. "Hola, Cozy." Tracker greeted. "Did you guys hear? Twilight just saved Prince Leon from Mayor Humdinger." "Something is confusing about this." Rocky said. "Qué? How so?" Tracker asked. "Remember that demon who disguised itself as Celestia and tried to kill Cozy?" Tracker and Cozy nod. "Wasn't his name Leon?" Tracker and Cozy Glow thought for a moment. It was true. The demon they faced was named 'Leon' too. "You're right, but I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence." Cozy says. Suddenly, Tracker's ears began to twitch. Tracker starts to look in different directions. "What's wrong Tracker?" "There's something nearby." Tracker began. "Something ugly. Something annoying." Tracker grabbed a brick with his jaw and tossed it towards a garbage can, knocking it down. When the can fell, it revealed a man stumbling when his hiding spot was taken from him. The man was wearing a black jacket with a white button-up shirt, green pants, brown shoes and holding a camera in his hands. Tracker pointed his paw at the man and spoke. "Frank West, damas y caballeros!" "Alright, alright. You got me." Frank said, putting his hands up. "Frank West? Who's he?" Cozy asked. "He's a photo-journalist." Rocky answered. "He gets answers he needs for a story in history. In a way, he's like a detective." Rocky then turned to Frank. "A pretty lousy one." "Woah! I'm not 'lousy', I happen to be one of the best photographer's out there. I've covered wars, you know. As well as fought the living dead." "Yeah yeah." Rocky began. "You've been tailing us all afternoon and we know because Tracker kept catching you." "Si." Tracker confirmed. "I'm all ears." "He fought zombies? Sounds impressive to me." Cozy said. The filly looked at Frank and noticed he was pointing his camera upwards. "Mr. West, what're you taking photos of?" "That strange aircraft hovering over the town." "Aircraft!?" Rocky, Tracker and Cozy Glow turned and looked up to see a mysterious ship in the air. The rest of the Townsfolk noticed this and began to panic before a voice came from the ship. "Prince Leon, ruler of Abyssinia..." Everyone instantly knew who was speaking: Mayor Humdinger. "Because you chose not to cooperate with me, I have decided to take drastic actions." In the middle of a crowd, Fluttershy and Zuma looked up in fear. Zuma got Fluttershy's attention and pointed in another direction. The two ran off, leaving a couple citizens confused. "You are to meet me at a specific location alone at 3 o'clock today. If you don't, I will destroy this town and kill anyone who gets in my way." From the castle, Leon listened in shock. "Your Majesty...!" A royal guard walked up to Leon to ask what to do. Leon knew that it was his duty to protect others, so he had no other choice. "I can't let anyone be harmed." Leon said. The guard tried to stop him, but Leon continued to head toward the gates. "It is my duty to go, if it means the safety of everyone." Leon took a deep breathe and began to follow Humdinger's orders. Spike flew through Adventure Bay. The young dragon felt for sure that Leon was safe this time, however, he heard the townsfolk talking in a panic. Spike eventually found Rocky, Tracker, Cozy Glow and Frank, then flew down to them. "Spike! Thank God you're here!" Rocky said. "It's horrible!" Spike turned to Frank and gave him a quizzical look. "Oh hi. I'm Frank West; expert photo-journalist." "Uh-huh... Yeah I've never heard of you." Spike replied. "I'm the photographer who fights zombies. They made a damn game series about it called 'Dead Rising'." "Oh-ho-ho!" Spike said before turning back to Frank. "Yeah, I still don't know what you're talking about." Frank just looked away in embarrassment. "So what's going on? Why's everyone so distressed?" "Mayor Humdinger demanded Prince Leon to meet him somewhere and said if he didn't, he'd destroy the town and kill everyone!" Rocky shouted. "WHAT!?" Spike yelled before facepalming himself. "I better go tell Twilight." "We'll go tell Ryder to get everyone to safety just in case." Cozy said. Spike nodded and took off. "Vamos amigos!" Tracker said as he, Rocky, Cozy Glow and Frank sped towards the Paw Patrol Lookout. Meanwhile, on his battleship; Mayor Humdinger was pacing while speaking to Leon. "You wasted so much of my time. You do realize that if you would've cooperated earlier, I wouldn't have to threaten countless lives. Of all the felines I've met, you are by far the most stubborn." "What do you want, Humdinger!?" Leon asked in irritation. "Why do you want to unleash the Flames of Death!? Just spill the beans!" "Didn't your mother ever disclose to you anything about Solaris?" Humdinger asked. "His flames hold the secret to his power. His power is able manipulate the very fabric of time. I am to obtain this power and become the most powerful mayor in the multiverse! From the past all the way to the future." "So basically..." Leon began. "...you want to become the lord of time?" "In a cosmic sort of way, yes." Humdinger replied. "The very secret of the power lies within you, your majesty." Mayor Humdinger walked to the control panel and began typing commands into the main computer. "The prince and seven Harmony Crystals... Once I have all of it, everything is min to control. And one of the crystals happen to be up ahead." Humdinger began to snicker, then erupted into laughter. "Shit!" Twilight said after receiving Spike's news. "That tubby bastard just won't quit! Where'd they go?" "Actually," Spike began. "on the way here, I ran into Rarity. She said that she heard a guard talking about Leon going to some 'ancient palace'." "Then that's where we're going!" Twilight said. "Come on, we have to move quickly!" The two flew off and asked for directions to the ancient palace. Eventually, Mayor Goodway told them about a hidden gate in a cave. Twilight and Spike thanked her and were off. Soon, they arrived at the gate, only to notice a man was guarding it. "Who goes there?" He asked. "Hello sir, I'm Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria." "Yes, right, and I'm a Super model." Twilight and Spike just gave each other confused looks at the man's comment. "You're not going anywhere until you prove who you are." "Sir, this is an emergency!" Spike said. "We need to get in so we can save Prince Leon!" "I'm obliged to let only one person in at a time, and if either of you want to enter, you must pass a test." "Very well." Twilight sighed. "What's Spike's favorite food?" "Um duh, gemstones?" Spike said. "Hmm... lucky." The man said. "Ok, what's Rubble's favorite event?" "Don't you mean 'What's Rubble's favorite sport?'" Twilight asked. "Isn't that what I said?" "No dude." Spike answered. "And his favorite sport is Skateboarding." "Alright," The man continued. "What's Pinkie Pie's element?" "Laughter!" Twilight and Spike said in unison. "What's 967,241 divided by 8.9?" Spike's jaw dropped at this question and was about to complain about such a ridiculous question, but Twilight spoke up. "108678.764045." Spike stood there, mouth agape at Twilight's answer. "Are you sure?" The man asked. "Yes." Twilight said proudly. "Oh..." The man said. "Ok, finally, Which of the following creatures has Twilight NEVER encountered: Manticore, Wolfwalker, Chimera or Cerberus?" "The answer is wolfwalker." Twilight answered before she and Spike heard a creaking noise and looked ahead to see the gate opening. "Spike, I'll go, you stay and help the town." "Be careful Twilight." Spike said before hugging her. "Be sure to kick Humdinger's ass!" Twilight grinned and flew through the gate. Nothing was going to stop her now.