//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: A strong body // Story: JANMMS // by Moterius //------------------------------// It was a normal afternoon. Until some sort of magic started trying to drag me through the floor. Since the pull wasn’t too strong, I stepped away from the area, before firing a bolt of magic at it, disrupting it. “Getting summoned?” “Your soul has grown quite powerful. I’m not entirely sure, but could this be the first time you were born?” I gave him a long look. “Nightmare. How would I know, and what do you even mean?” “Ah… it’s just that the aura, or presence, of a person, is directly dependent on the soul of the person unless someone absorbs magic or enlarges it otherwise.” I thought a moment about it. “Hm. Remember when you said that you threw my soul, that of a being without magic, in a body filled with magic? Maybe the equivalent of a magic soul was created and merged with my soul, making me unusually powerful.” “It’s possible, but that is not the problem. Your soul is more powerful than I anticipated, and as such, can apparently become a target for summoning magic not intended to bring the former ‘me’ back to Equestria. That’s what I meant.” I raised an eyebrow. “So, you expected me to get ripped from this world because a cult in your name wanted ‘me’ back?” He shook his head. “No. Since I am connected to that world, I can block you from getting summoned there, which I did, and can eventually travel back to that world, should I choose so. You can do the same with both this planet and Eques. But you aren’t protected from getting summoned to other worlds.” His horn lit up, and I could see a string of magic fall down to the ground from my body. I could feel him tying my essence to this world. “There. If you push enough magic in this connection when you are in another world, you can teleport back here. Oh, and just in case: I still need a written note from you that I also ‘own’ this place, otherwise someone else might get it if you get summoned away from here.” I raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t I be able to jump back here right away?” Nightmare shook his head. “No. There are many things that can block you from going back. Getting stuck in a ‘lower’ world, being summoned until you do something, getting summoned like a demon and forced to listen to what the summoner wants. I believe I should stop giving you an all-around magic education, and instead focus on healing, barrier, attack, and blink spells.” “What do you mean by ‘blink’?” I found myself asking, curious. “Spells that can either teleport yourself or magic a short distance away. It’s hard to pull off, but it could become useful.” I thought a moment about it. “Wait. If you had access to such spells, then why did you not use them against the element bearers?” He sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it, but it’s a valid question. Most of my magic was unusable due to me having to seal Celestia. Teleportation magic of any kind would have disrupted that spell, and I also did not want to kill them, so I was a bit limited. Now, I believe I should start with the instinctual spells.” Turning, I looked down at my flank. I did wear clothes, but Nightmare always spelled my clothes to show my cutie mark there. “That would be… turning into smoke, shadow clones, illusion, and light negation?” “The last one is actually an illusion spell, and those you will have to learn separately. You, however can hide in shadows or persons.” Then, he blinked, before grinning. “That reminds me, while your magic is based on your mind, your fighting ability relies heavily on your body… I want to try something.” I raised an eyebrow but stayed silent. Blocking the blow Nightmare threw at me, I kicked out, showing him back. I then crouched, jumping after him, but he managed to dodge me. “Magnificent! Your body is the same as mine! Ley memory may be something only the mind gains, but muscle memory is something that stays! Your instincts are the same as mine!” He vanished, the teleport not making any sound, but I realized – sensed – without using magic that he had teleported behind me, leaned aside, grabbed his arm, and flipped him over, but he once again teleported before he hit the ground. “Okay, that’s enough. You can hold your own in a fight, but you make no use of your wings, just your strength. It seems that the muscle memory does affect you, but not enough to grant you control over the wings.” I blinked, then concentrated on my wings. They were free, but I had kept them to my body, instinctually. Trying to flap them, I landed on my nose. Nightmare blinked. “Ah… maybe you need to have the ability to move before you can use muscle memory?” “I can move my wings. I can’t fly,” was my deadpan response, which seemed to surprise Nightmare. “Really? Hm… please allow me to possess you for a moment,” he said, and I nodded, not disrupting the fragile magic when it got cast on me. I could still move my body, but Nightmare could do so now as well. “Try flying now,” he said, and I looked up. “Are you sure we won’t be spotted?” His horn blazed once. “There. I made you invisible to anything that isn’t magic. Heat, radio, normal sight, nothing. The only way you could be found now is if something rams into you.” “Very well,” I sighed, moving my wings again. I knew that Nightmare influenced my flight, and held me steady, but it still felt like it was me who flew under my own power. I blinked, then grinned, before moving my wings faster to gain height. ‘Your stamina isn’t unlimited.’ Ah… right. I looked around and realized I had propelled myself a few hundred meters up in the air already and stopped flapping my wings, which caused Nightmare to twist them into a gliding position. I eventually realized the weird feelings I got from the wings on my back were not only attributable to the air flowing over them but also correlated with something… else. “What…” I moved my wings around a bit and turned to the left. After gliding for a moment, I ended up in an updraft. Was that what I felt? Riding the wind, I eventually came close to some clouds, but when I came close to them, they disappeared. ‘I’ll teach you how to create stable clouds later,’ Nightmare commented in my head, and I sighed, but nodded. If I had to guess, ‘natural’ clouds were of such low density that even magic did not help much. I spent the rest of the day flying, and when Nightmare eventually revealed that he had not to help me hover or steer anymore, it was an addicting feeling to be up in the air, and I spent a few more hours in the air before landing, realizing only then that I was slightly exhausted. Considering my stamina as alicorn… This time, when Nightmare attacked me, my wings flared from time to time, helping me to move around his attacks, and using his own momentum against him. While before, only my reflexes were faster than his, this time I was not only more flexible in my movement, but much faster thanks to me using my wings. “Perfect! You have to train a little, but with or without wings, you can beat any mortal in hand-to-hand combat now.” “What about immortals?” “You can at least stand your ground for a moment. Long enough to teleport away, I’d say. Oh, on that topic. When being summoned, if the summoner is stronger than you after deducing the magic cost of summoning you, you are forced through. You can still sense the pull of other summoning attempts, but don’t have to answer them. Also, that ‘summoning cost’ can be artificially inflated, especially if you are an immortal.” “Whoa!” I exclaimed, barely dodging the teleporting Nightmare. After thinking a moment about it and deflecting another of his attacks, I then tilted my head. “What is that cost, anyways?” “Ah, it’s the energy to teleport you to where they are, and a cost you can tack onto your summoning. The more powerful you are, the higher you can make that cost.” “And how do you do it?” “There’s a spell for that.” Of course. The one moment I spent groaning got mercilessly used, and I was sent flying into the wall. “Eyes on your opponent, Blair!”